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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10059783 No.10059783 [Reply] [Original]

>surely this is a long video just for telling people to drink water

>mfw apparently drinking water is NOT the suggested quickest way to rehydrate, but acquiring a coconut (young one), chopping it and slurping the insides

dont want to give views so wont provide link

>> No.10059788

i unironically have to ask: why are people this stupid? shouldn't it be a natural habit to drink a glass of water every couple hours?

>> No.10059789

Need to get that youtube adsense mang.

>> No.10059793

This is bait, right? Tell me it's bait.

>> No.10059971

Isn't that Stephanie from Sons of Guns, the girl that got dun befoe?

>> No.10059986
File: 1.49 MB, 1551x1164, 51678a60088e6bdba963392cd5fd6286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the one whose dad molestered her?

what is it with gun culture and child rape?

>> No.10059991

>Implying you wouldn't nonaka Tori

>> No.10059994

What do I do if I'm dehydrated, the stores are closed, and I do not have a coconut?

>> No.10060006


people in today's society will always go for the stuff that seems easier than the natural or logical methods. the fitness industry is literally the best example for this. people will find all kinds of special diets and chemical products to "improve" their workouts but at the end of the day, you just need to get off your ass and put in some proper effort. nobody wants to do that anymore which is why the market will always be flourishing

>> No.10060011

Drink your piss.

>> No.10060014

Water dries out my mouth

>> No.10060015

It's not stupidity. It's the millenial busyness herd mentality believe it or not people will tell you they are too busy to remember or drink water. Such is the way of the new age entrepreneur.

>> No.10060025

What makes it wet?

>> No.10060029

Spit, oranges, watermelons

>> No.10060032

people are too busy for fucking everything nowadays. I have had friends telling me that they don't have the time for working out, cooking and all kinds of shit, yet they have the time to binge watch fucking tv shows etc.

good thing is I don't have to worry about any of that shit as I am improving myself all the time and being better than these people

>> No.10060035

My cock

>> No.10060039
File: 113 KB, 900x619, katana_duo_xii_by_wykystock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le wrong generation
ask me how I know you're both fifteen

>> No.10060050

Please enlighten me you creative collective, digital nomad "I value experiences over everything" one.

>> No.10060056

most doctors say to just drink when you feel thirsty. literally no one forgets to do that

>> No.10060057

Huh; Alright.

>> No.10060074

I can't, everyone goes through this at your age

the thing I don't envy about young people is that when I was your age I was free to say all kinds of cringy stupid shit and it wouldn't be recorded forever on the internet. I just hope you have the good sense to keep this shit on 4chan instead of facebook and twitter

>> No.10060084

What the fuck are you saying. That's how these people think. They are too busy to even drink water. That's how millenials live their sad lifes.

>> No.10060093

>I'm smarter than everyone because I drink water
on the other hand, you probably don't write stuff down on notebooks that you can find 20 years later and laugh at with your siblings. so there's that

>> No.10060095
File: 764 KB, 1410x1145, 89D93794BF8746E9ABD18E196557B19D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how people can just not drink water. They'll drink a 2 liter coke and a glass of water for the day.

What to fuck? If I drink a liter of coke I feel like ass the rest of the day. And here there is the motherfuckers using it as a water replacement.

>> No.10060100

I don't even know what you are talking about. I didn't mention any generation whatsoever. I was referring to the fact that people nowadays are lazy. doesn't mean I don't like living in today's age you dimwit but I don't even know why I expect from someone here to showcase proper reading comprehension anyway

>> No.10060110
File: 8 KB, 220x200, imagedot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people nowadays
>I didn't mention a generation

>> No.10060113

Copy that!

>> No.10060119

people are just too fucking stupid. when I lived in the US as a child, I drank 2 liters of cola a day (at the age of 10). my taste buds were so fucked up that I was drinking softdrinks etc for years to come, only to properly switch to water when I was like 18 or so.
I was literally always tired in school and could never pay attention to what was going on even though I had more than 8 hours of sleep. at university, I didn't have any of those problems because I was drinking water. I'll never let my children drink anything other than water on a regular basis, fuck that shit

>> No.10060122

you mean your trailer trash parents

>> No.10060125

again, you are not able to pick up information properly. I was not referring to the whole "wrong generation" thing you retard

>> No.10060133

>muh dad generation is Hitler
grow the fuck up, girl.

>> No.10060146

>implying I didn't leave America because it was fucking dogshit
I don't even understand how Americans can be so retarded as to stay in that shithole. the food is shit over there. I'm sorry for ya, buddy

>> No.10060150

what is wrong with her skin?
I think she needs to hydrate

>> No.10060161


>implying America isn't the perfect example of everyone being too stupid for eating properly
I was all across the USA a couple of times and the one thing most people had in common was eating like children. Stop neglecting the fact that you people don't have a proper eating and drinking culture. You just copy everything from other countries

>> No.10060344

I wouldn't be surprised if high HFCS consumption (consumed mainly through soda) is the cause of the large concentration of autism in the millennial population.

We've hit peak autism, literally extinction level autism, when kids start searching "how to drink water"

>> No.10060353

Explains why old people are perpetually dehydrated they don't have time to drink water as they slowly wither away doing nothing at all.

>> No.10060367

>non-water drinker detected

Stay mad dehydrated fag

>> No.10060377

>become dehydrated through physical exercise
>drink a lot of water
>still feel bad because NO ELECTROLYTES
>coconut has electrolytes in it, tell normies to drink coconut because they still don't understand the underlying process
>OTHER normies (who think they aren't normies) go online and complain about the other dumb normies while being too dumb and normie to understand things

You're both awful normies.

>> No.10060419

>If you dare criticize the enlightened modern age you're some sort of reddit caricature

>> No.10060423

>acquiring a coconut (young one), chopping it and slurping the insides


Yeah, don't forget to plant the palm tree if you're feeling a little thirsty.

>> No.10060428
File: 103 KB, 500x522, ! eat-your-water-cucumber-lettuce-tomato-96-water-94-water-21014605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10060480

Most of this is "have sugar with your water, you fat fuck." Why not just drink water?

>> No.10060504

>Drink coconut milk instead of water to rehydrate myself
>Do it because qt3.14 on youtube told me to
>Shit myself because coconut milk is a natural diuretic
>Become even more dehydrated due to diarrhea shits

>> No.10060524

I can drink water but my body won't retain all of it

>> No.10060542

Personally I think water tastes like shit. Throughout the day I'll usually drink stuff like juice/nectar as well as soda. The only water that I can actually stand to drink is that dirty public school water fountain shit that's probably fluoridated.

>> No.10060548

It's coconut water

>> No.10060635

You get your electrolytes from the food you eat. Drinking Gatorade without doing strenous training or working (or diarrhea) is bad for you. Just like eating a ton of fruit will make you fat.

>> No.10060654


>> No.10061029

>why are vulnerable and victimized people attracted to lethal self defense?

>> No.10061258

This. I drink like a gallon and a half a day at least, and it befuddles me utterly to see people that drink like a single cup. I'm not diabetic, so it's not that.

>> No.10061278

i'll go with the fermented grapes

>> No.10061310

This. OP is a shitter, end of thread.

>> No.10061313

you deluded boomer.
This generation is ripe for hell

>> No.10061325

Because I've un-ironically lost control of my life.

>> No.10061513

Your body realises you're drinking plain water for once, and it wants you to drink a shitload of it.
Its like how if you switch to water as your main beverage you'll find yourself getting thirsty more often than you used to since before that your body had to deal with a sugar spike every time it started sending thirst signals.

>> No.10062857

The guy in that pic is cooler than you. Note that I didn't say he was cool, just that he is cooler than you.

>> No.10062871

"People nowadays" is a term encompassing people spanning multiple generations. Please be trolling, faggot.

>> No.10063362

Generation X, actually
I didn't send all your jobs to Mexico, but if it had been up to me, I would have anyway

>> No.10063417

I just don't get thirsty anon. Not just for water but for anything. More often than not if I completey finish a glass, can, or bottle of anything it's probably because I drink it with a meal. If I force myself to drink otherwise I get nauseous.

>> No.10063439

who's the hot trap?

>> No.10063654

>90% water

>> No.10063657


>> No.10063664

what to fuck indeed

>> No.10063683

Unless that video is about nigger rigging a dextrose/water drip you should just drink fucking water if you're dehydrated.

>> No.10063750

>trust me i have been everywhere and seen everything
>you people