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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 266 KB, 1500x1125, 20141222-pasta-making-robyn-lee-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10055694 No.10055694 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10055706

Homemade is great, but I don't like working with dough, nor do I enjoy cleaning the countertop before and after

>> No.10055718

>fucking homemade pasta
what kind of absolute autist actually does this?

>> No.10055744

there really should just be a /fastfood/ board

>> No.10055745
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why on earth would anyone bother to make pasta from scratch

>> No.10055761

it's fun

>> No.10055772

>why would anyone bother to bake their own bread
>why would anyone bother to make their own tomato sauce
>why would anyone bother to make their own hamburgers
>why would anyone bother to grow their own herbs
>why would anyone bother to [insert anything but fast food]

>> No.10055776
File: 398 KB, 1224x1336, flyover_pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flyovers who can only get fresh pasta in nasty plastic bags from the only "upscale" supermarket in the tri-state region
I've done it a few times, it makes an unholy mess and is not really any better than what they sell at any decent pasta shop

>> No.10055782

real autism board

>> No.10055798

yeah, half of the board would leave but it would be for the better

>> No.10055817

homemade is a lot of trouble. it always tastes great though. i prefer just getting fresh pasta from a market.

>> No.10055822

The vast majority of Italians use store bought dried pasta. They find it to be a waste of time when a box of De Cecco tastes exactly the same as or better than homemade dried pasta, and you can't get al dente pasta when it's fresh.

>> No.10055824

You're the autist here. I know making pasta isn't exactly worth it, but there's value in the process of having learned how to do something properly yourself. And if you've done it a few times it's faster than going to the store when you forget to buy it.

You can keep eating your fast food if you want.

Please, it would slow down this board a lot but we'd finally get rid of those immature little shits.

>> No.10055828

because you exactly know what ingredients you put in.

>> No.10055829
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>>I do it because it's fun
>haha how autistic

>> No.10055879

As opposed to the pasta shop where they simply won't tell you, or maybe they'll lie?

If you're running around in fear of being lied to, how do you know what's in your flour? I assume you bought it, right? You didn't mill it yourself from grain you personally grew? Do you send each batch to a lab to be profiled before you use it for making pasta?

>> No.10055890

>ameridonkeys think that everyone on this site is an amerimongrel
also, im a fucking italian and even i dont make fucking homemade pasta, stop living in a third world coutnry like america where all the sotre brands are cancerous

>> No.10055908
File: 60 KB, 600x395, eye-talians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Olio venduto come «extravergine» che in realtà non lo era. Si trattava di semplice olio d’oliva, meno pregiato e soprattutto meno costoso. Lo ha scoperto la procura di Torino dopo aver fatto analizzare dei campioni di bottiglie prelevate nei supermercati dai carabinieri del Nas dal laboratorio dell’Agenzie delle dogane e dei monopoli. L’indagine è partita dopo la segnalazione di una testata giornalistica specializzata.

>Il pm Raffaele Guariniello ha iscritto sul registro degli indagati per frode in commercio i responsabili legali di sette aziende produttrici di olio: Carapelli, Bertolli, Sasso, Coricelli, Santa Sabina, Prima Donna e Antica Badia. E’ stato informato dell’indagine anche il ministero delle Politiche agricole.

>Le analisi disposte dalla procura di Torino sono state eseguite dopo la segnalazione pervenuta lo scorso giugno dal mensile dei consumatori «Il Test» (dotato anche di un portale online) che aveva fatto analizzare 20 bottiglie di olio extravergine tra le più diffuse nei supermercati italiani: 9 oli su 20 erano stati bocciati all’esame organolettico eseguito dal Laboratorio chimico dell’Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli. A Guariniello era quindi pervenuto un esposto per ogni etichetta.

eye-talian '''''culture'''''

>> No.10055988
File: 1.49 MB, 3220x1761, 20170318_173855-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it tastes better but it's a pain in the ass so i just get it from a guy who makes it at the market

>> No.10056016

>buying pasta that they make at the store
do americans really do this?

Americans, is it really that hard to take the box of unmade pasta home and make it yourself? Are you really so fucking impatient that you can't boil water and wait 10 minutes?

>> No.10056031

how do you make egg pasta hard enough to be al dente?

>> No.10056036
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but you have no way of knowing what he's putting in there, WAKE UP SHEEPLE

>> No.10056075

not an argument or even remotely relevant, mongrel

>> No.10056084
File: 71 KB, 800x554, 74938_story__image 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eye-talian calls americans "mongrels"

>> No.10056099

looks whiter than the average american desu, DeShawn

>> No.10056106

you mean "chang"

>> No.10056108

you can watch him make it
but i trust him, he's a good guy

>> No.10056114

I've never eaten homemade pasta before, is it worth the time investment?

>> No.10056118


>> No.10056124

>spend minimum five dollars for the ingredients for a batch of pasta noodles
>spend over an hour making it
>you aren't even finished when they're done because then you actually have to cook the shit
>if you're autistic enough to spend this much time making pasta from scratch I guarantee you're autistic enough to make the marinara from scratch too

Meanwhile I've spent four bucks on some box pasta and a jar of marinara and I already ate an hour and fifteen minutes ago. If you're a NEET with no job and nothing to do all day but make pasta then fine, knock yourself out. The majority of people don't have time for this kind of shit.

>> No.10056139

As a uni student I agree, its cheap as fuck to buy a package of pasta and a jar of sauce, I add some lentils and peppers/onion and call it a meal, it takes less than 30 minutes

>> No.10056150

Unless you want to make something you can't find in the store, not really. Fresh pasta that you can buy in the store will taste about the same and it's quite a bit of work to make pasta and clean up after, so it's only really worth doing if you want to make a flavored pasta or ravioli with out of the ordinary fillings or something.

>> No.10056156
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at this point the creative accounting kicks in
>but anon I get eggs for only $.007 a dozen and tipo 00 flour for $.0025 a kilogram
>it only takes 30 seconds to "whip up"
>I made an autenticco «blogonese al rágú» with DOCG guanciale in only 13 minutes according to the rezzeta accademica alla cucina di napoli because I watched chef steps
>if you can't handle me at my worst you can't handle me at my best

>> No.10056158

>ameriorcs trying to insult someone on a skin tone basis
wew lad

>> No.10056170

>a factual statement is an insult
you're the one who got hung up on skin tone, luigi

>> No.10056171

I can understand not making the pasta but there will be a big difference between a jar of sauce and sauce you make yourself, even if you use canned tomatoes. The aromatics in a homemade sauce will be more flavorful. It's not that hard to make a big batch of sauce and freeze portions of it for later use anyway.

>> No.10056178
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>making homemade food is autistic and worthy of derision

>> No.10056180

>it's possible to make quantities of a thing and preserve it for later
you don't say! I wonder if such a thing could be done commercially and if say, jars could be used instead of a freezer

nah I bet someone would have thought of that already

>but I can't read the ingredients

sue your teachers

>> No.10056204

Do you know how canning works to preserve food in jars? They have to bring the food up to boiling temperature which destroys some of the flavor, and then it sits in the jar for a while which also lets some of the flavors from the aromatics dissipate. That's why I said even if you use canned tomatoes but fresh aromatics, it will be more flavor than jarred sauce. Freezing it will preserve more of the flavor than canning.

>> No.10056232

>They have to bring the food up to boiling temperature which destroys some of the flavor,
How do you actually think cooking works, anon?

>> No.10056246

I explained exactly why it's autistic. The only people who have time to do this shit are NEETS who have nothing else to do.

>> No.10056254
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>> No.10056268

Clemens was wrong. They will beat you with numbers.

>> No.10056361
File: 195 KB, 818x600, thumbsAmmo03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right!

>> No.10056388

our future:
they will won.

>> No.10056401

People on four gay actually just buy fast food and wonder why they are not only poor but ugly with nasty skin.
Imagine being so lazy you buy your food already made and call yourself a cook.
Home grown and home made boys.

>> No.10056433

Is it autistic to learn how to play music when you could just listen to it whenever you want?

>> No.10056457

>The majority of people don't have time for this kind of shit.
He said typing on the pedo Nazi website.
You got time to watch tv and shit post you have time to make large amounts of food and have left overs.
Holy shit how fucking young are you people?

>> No.10056469

You're not really supposed to boil tomato sauce though, you simmer it, which is at a lower temperature.

>> No.10056478

roasting it is the patrician way

>> No.10056480
File: 50 KB, 400x500, small-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to cooking board
>doesnt like cooking and derides others on cooking board for enjoying cooking

>> No.10056497

He meant in the canning process to preserve it you fucking collage cunt.

>> No.10056750

>collage cunt
What does that even mean? Are you capable of speaking in non-memes?

>> No.10057219

>watch TV and shitpost
Except I don't watch TV and I shitpost while I'm on the toilet. Stop projecting you old cunt.

>> No.10057229


Why are you here namefag

>> No.10057236

Stop being such a try hard. He just said he doesnt like working with dough.

>> No.10057238

>collage cunt
whats that, like a bunch of pictures of cunts randomly overlapping with each other?

>> No.10057252

the supermarket across the street sells fresh pasta, mozzerella, etc. never tried it though.

>> No.10057257

>wops insulting other nationalities
Eat a fucking mackerel

>> No.10058102

>if you don’t do everything the stupid way you hate cooking