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10051909 No.10051909 [Reply] [Original]

Which chink noodle soup do you prefer?

>> No.10051923

both are good though

>> No.10051928

i have only ever had pho, sadly

there is no ramen shop or hot pot place within 4 hours of my tiny town, but the pho place is legit

>> No.10051929

Pho x100

Everybody and their grandma can make ramen, but pho actually takes skill.

>> No.10051931


Pho tastes like dishwater with supermarket ham cooked in it

>> No.10051932

depends. Pho is lighter and more refreshing an dless salty than ramen. Sometimes I want pho and sometimes i want raymond

>> No.10051933

french consomme.

>> No.10051934

They both look eerily similar to a big slop of shit.

>> No.10051942
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>> No.10051947
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>tfw allergic to msg
>tfw people think this is a meme but I honestly break out in hives when i eat even a tiny portion of it
>tfw can't eat delicious dodgy asian food as a result

>> No.10051970

Oops I actually meant the other way around

>> No.10051975

That's a shitty feel. Is it all MSG, or just artificial chink flavor enhancer?

>> No.10051982

After hearing how great pho is on the internet I decided to visit an authentic Vietnamese place. I was sorely disappointed. Broth was very bland, comparable to boiled water. Go ahead and defend it, but tendon does not belong in soup.

>> No.10051996

of these two there's no contest I'd rather eat the ramen

>> No.10052018

Dunno, but it affects me horribly
>summer of 2010
>go eat some pho
>start feeling off
>proceed to have the worst case of hives in my life during a heatwave
>doesn't go away for an entire month
>essentially bedridden while whacked out on benadryl
I've experimented by trying forkfulls of my friend's sketchy asian food and the same feeling comes on, MSG never again

>> No.10052035

Ramen. Miso is god tier.

That said, is it worth making miso soup without making dashi for the base? It's pretty much just miso paste in hot water in that case, but it would make it into a one pot meal with very little effort and work.

>> No.10052076
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Now I want to watch a parody show of that called Everyone Loves Ramen, where all the characters are Asian. Staring Ramen, a middle-aged Japanese salaryman struggling with work, raising children, and keeping his marriage together. He hangs out with his Korean half-brother, Pho. Both hate having to deal with their aging Chinese grandparents, Lo and Mein. It'll be delightfully racist!

>> No.10052108


>> No.10052124

I just had a total body eyeroll.

>> No.10052137
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chongqing noodles pls

>> No.10052204

Mul naengmyeon because I'm in Texas and it's fucking hot most of the year so ice cold soup is the way to go.

>> No.10052214

Pho isn't Korean, it's Vietnamese.

>> No.10052225

tfw Basil & Coriander master race

Your inferior genes make basil & coriander taste like soap to you, to normal people it has a fragrant, herby taste.

>> No.10052280

Pho is my go to
I like ramen but nothing beats pho when you're hungover

>> No.10052387
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Between those two tho probably Pho. I only take a good tonkotsu ramen but it has too much calories compared to Pho.

>> No.10052402

gotta go ramen here

>> No.10052428


>> No.10052466

Big fan of both desu. I don't really like one over the other, mostly depends on what kind of noodles I'm in the mood for.

I fucking love noodle soups. Tried Tibetan Thenthuk for the first time recently, shit was cash.

>> No.10052485


Ramen has more variations. I can only eat pho maybe once or twice a month at most, and usually feel like shit afterwards, even if I only order a small. I've never understood the "pho as a hungover food" thing; all that offal and practically raw meat is best consumed in those quantities when drunk, not when you feel like you might throw up.

That said, it's much easier around where I am to find decent pho compared to ramen.

>> No.10052563


I wish I could get Ramen with Pho meat. I love Ramen noodles, but the meat is usually too heavy for me. Pho meat is my favorite, but the noodles are kinda lackluster.

>> No.10052699

He said ramen you fucking mental midget.

>> No.10052746

never had real ramen, but there is a local viet population where i live so pleanty of that

>> No.10052748

is that just soupy dan dan noodles or something totally different

>> No.10052869

Pho, but I'm a healthfag so it might be because it has less salt.

>> No.10052876


>> No.10052929

>Chairs vs Pencils

Which do you prefer? Because its the internet and you have to choose

>> No.10052985
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>> No.10052989

So you can't eat tomatoes, cheese, mushroom, beef etc either?
Mixed together on a pizza you have more MSG than a pack of instant ramen.

>> No.10053001

What's the red stuff? I had a light tan version of it on sushi once..

>> No.10053016

>allergic to MSG
no you aren't. Glutamine is the most common amino acid you need to function.
It was probably something else.

>> No.10053180
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> look at my reading comprehension guys

>> No.10053222

I live in OC, so it depends really

>Normal weekday night: hit the 22 until I'm in Garden Grove or Westminster and have some delicious pho for pennies on the dollar (also some decent KBBQ AYCE joints here)
>In LA after a long night of whatever: Hit up whatever little ramen joint I can on the way back

>> No.10053244

Mmmm basil and cilantro. And a little mint. So good in soups, salads, and noodle dishes. Pho wins for sure. Mostly I think I haven't tried great ramen though.

>> No.10053247

Ramen < Pho < Taiwan Braised Beef Noodles

>> No.10053248

Great picture. Saved. Japanese meals like this are great comfort food

>> No.10053296

Ramen, totally.
But I'd prefer Laksa over both.

>> No.10053448

Mentaiko. Spicy fish roe.
Th-thank you. You’re right, it’s really delicious.

>> No.10053455

I prefer ordering pho because I can say "I love this stuff. I am the pho king!" I always get a smile, and I feel like I could get a kiss if I asked but I think I'm just imagining that bit so I never dare to ask.

>> No.10053461

Pho, hands down. A good pho at a good Vietnamese place beats ramen easily.
I’ve had ramen everywhere in the world, including Japan (even had some with kobe beef). It’s honestly overrated.

>> No.10053480
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Pho is more nuanced and good pho with a lot of attention to the small details like the subtle flavours in the broth, the size and makeup of the noodles, the cut and texture of the meat, all make it a better dish when done well.
even back alley gutter pho is very good and hearty.

personally my favourite Vietnamese noodle dish is Bún bò Huế

>> No.10053506
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>> No.10053567

Where I live it's easier to get a good bowl of pho than ramen. Plus my god father it's viet so I might be a little biased.

>> No.10053569

>tfw we have shit ton of Vietnamese bistros in Prague where you can get great Pho Ga for like $4

Ramen with pork broth and ginger is also pretty good.

At home, I do mostly chicken udon soup. It’s super easy and it’s great comfort food.

>> No.10053578

i liked this post

>> No.10053613

pho is awful, at least from the vietnamese places i've been to

bland, watery nothing with soggy, bland beef

>> No.10053623

i make miso without dashi all the time, i just add some dried wakame. add bonito flakes aswell if you like, but they are hard for me to find.
tastes about 90% the same to me

>> No.10053647


How about you do an allergy test you fucking retard? Glutamate occurs naturally in tomatoes, cheese, and many other food products. If you're not allergic to Spaghetti and Pizza you are not allergic to msg.

Also allergies don't make you vomit. God Americans are fucked in the head, I'd why I'm helping you.

>> No.10053655



>> No.10053657

its was a trendy meme that didn't stick around because it's not actually good

ramen withstood the test of time
reminder: good ethnic food stops being ethnic food and just becomes a regular meal options

ramen has done this

>> No.10053665

>muh msg hurt muh belly
when will this meme die?
there is no evidence that MSG does this to people.

>> No.10053668



>> No.10053702

You can buy instant dashi mix desu. It tastes pretty decent. I used to eat miso soup almost every day for a while. Especially if you add some konbu or shiitake (both available dried), you can make a very fine broth without katsuobushi.

>> No.10053779
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they're both good. pho when i feel like having something sublime. ramen when i don't have time and want the equivalent of mack donals.

>> No.10053817

>pho when i feel like having something sublime

meanwhile the vietnamese guy laughs his way to the bank while you pay him to serve you cheap noodles, watery beef and basil leaves

>yes good sir, it was absolutely SUBLIME

>> No.10053827

Some people are bothered by it and can experience a sort of brain-fog after eating an MSG-heavy meal. Depends how accustomed you are to the modern trash diet.

>> No.10053914

vietfag here. An authentic ramen bowl in Japan is literally unbeatable. Fucking shitty (((((watered-down broth beef flavor))))) pho stands no chance at all

>> No.10053922


Udon noodles

* extra thicc

>> No.10053932

There's an episode of Beckett where he misses out on some nice youthful pussy because he has an allergic reaction to MSG and mistakes it for an anxiety attack. Beckett was a doctor so he'd know whether that were possible.

>> No.10054048
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taiwanese beef noodles a best

>> No.10054078

Bún bò Huế is better than phố and the broth is richer

>> No.10054083

>an authentic Vietnamese place
>Broth was very bland

Unfortunately, watery pho is a common problem. Pho can be watery even at a Vietnamese restaurant. One way to tell the pho is probably watery is if the clientele are all white people. If you find a Viet restaurant with the sign is written in all Vietnamese and all the customers are mostly Viet (and speak in vietnamese), then you are very likely going to find real pho.

I'm no Pho expert, just picked up some experience from my wife who is Vietnamese over the years. I've been to Vietnam 5 times and can vouch that good Pho is fucking awesome. fuck the tendon though.

>> No.10054132

>tfw mass media retards meme'd the wrong kind of soup noodle
no doubt that more people should be aware of this fact. pho is poor man's bun bo hue

>> No.10054133

Good Pho is when you or your friend have vietnamese parents and they know how to make it.

>> No.10054138

its the Emperor's pho

>> No.10054141

So this.

>> No.10054169
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>> No.10054428

calm your tits koreaboo its just chicken noodle soup

>> No.10054445
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pho. i like the variety of meats that can be served.

>> No.10054487

pho is french

>> No.10054490

Is there an intro cook book for chink food?

>> No.10054503

>not chinken noodle soup

ya failed

>> No.10054506

Best pho has meatballs, tripe, and beef tendon. I can even skip the sliced steak, it's not that great in soup.

>> No.10054507

There's literally no such thing as an allergic reaction to MSG. You might have a sensitivity to it, but allergic? No. And sensitivity to MSG doesn't produce hives and cannot be controlled with antihistamines. It's more likely you're allergic to something in the soup like the star anise or even the lemon grass. Could even be pollen allergy if they're using bok choy or fresh lemon grass.

Get a damn allergy test done, you idiot. If you were allergic to MSG you literally couldn't eat anything savory.

>> No.10054511

It's good but takes zero skill

>> No.10054520
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>> No.10054552

Ramen, because I don't like Vietnamese flavours. I wish I did though, because there are more pho places around, it's cheaper, and has more variety and quantity of meat.

>> No.10054815

>more nuanced
That's a funny way of saying less flavorful

>> No.10054863

i have never had really good ramen, but pho is amazing

bean sprouts, chili oil, lime juice, holy basil, sambal oelek = patrician pho toppings

>> No.10054870

Bun bo Hue

>> No.10054959

Ramen is amazing, but pho > ramen

>> No.10055939

It's asian

>> No.10055949

Brb guys gonna order some go' 'pho 'za

>> No.10055952

chinese hand pulled noodles are best noodles. ramen is better than pho though

>> No.10055991

If you can get quality hand made ramen from a serious ramen place then you’ve got a winner, but if there’s one of those where you live then the pho place nearby will likely have some dangerous bang mi too.

>> No.10055999

pho >chinese noodles>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ramen
shit is overrated as fuck

>> No.10056191

I've had pho 4 or 5 times, from two highly regarded restaurants in my area and it is some of the most underwhelming, bland shit that I've ever eaten. I've experimented with different styles and meats and have been consistently unimpressed.

It's not horrible, only because it is too weak to even be offensive. Like eating slightly spicy salted bathwater rice-noodles.

What am I doing wrong? Everybody I talk to seems to love it.

>> No.10056398

Probably in the wrong area for Pho.

>> No.10056437

Pho got memed recently so there's a lot of really bad pho places in the states. The legit stuff is incredible, much better than ramen.

>> No.10056798

Right, but you would still likely find variations of it in other SEA countries like Laos or Cambodia or Thailand where rice and the resulting rice noodles are more ubiquitous than wheat derived noodles.

>> No.10057073

you probably went to shitty places. what toppings did you use?

>> No.10057139



This. It's basically just a thin beef broth with some bland noodles and meat before you add the condiments and toppings.

>> No.10057165

They're entirely different so I'm going to suppose this is a troll thread.

Pho is:
>days-long stewed oxtail broth
>heavy on the star anise
>rice noodles
>emphasis on clarity and lightness

Ramen is:
>fat fucking oil grease flavor oomawmee
>wheat noodles
>fucking add oil you can't have enough oil

They're both amazing, though.

>> No.10057169

I just ordered them as it came on the menu, following the "chef knows best" mentality. All of them were topped with jalapenos, green onion, cilantro, bean sprouts and mint leaves. Some of them may have had other stuff, I don't really remember desu

Could be, but there are a lot of azns in my area and they seem to love the two places I went to

>> No.10057174


>> No.10057193

you've piqued my interest

>> No.10057200

>goes to pho place
>order vermicelli everytime
anyone else do this

>> No.10057206

i do this 4/5 times

>> No.10057208

Ramen if its good and of high quality but most Pho you come by is of better quality than most ramen you come by.

>> No.10058424

anyone got a good pho recipe?

>> No.10058522
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Ramen style Dan-dan noodles.