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10047947 No.10047947 [Reply] [Original]

Why people started hating on craft beer recently?

>> No.10047949

Because it got too popular and it lost its charm now when there's an overabundance of microbreweries.

>> No.10047952

>hating on
No Ebonics here please.

>> No.10047956

Craft beer has always been for fucking morons in their garages in Wisconsin. They can all die from poison.

Is it wrong I've always wished them dead?

>> No.10047970

Contrarian and hipsters hate anything that isn't niche, and craft isn't niche anymore.

Also beers snobs are Fucking annoying.

>> No.10047973

What do you drink?

>> No.10048016

Fuck, i wish there were even more microbrewries so that the prices could lower a little bit.

>> No.10048022

Morally yes, but you're entitled to your irrational opinion

>> No.10048023

Wine with food.
Belgian beer.

>> No.10048026

You sound decently faggy enough. I understand why you'd be afraid of more estrogen in your diet

>> No.10048036

Go back to your McDonald’s thread.

>> No.10048047

Nah. I just hate people who have a superiority complex over where their alcohol comes from.

>> No.10048053

Well,it’s true that I look down upon the likes of you.

>> No.10048075

That's fine. You're still a faggot

>> No.10048161
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>Why people started hating on craft beer recently?

Because lots of manchild hipsters who have no clue about brewmastery started opening breweries. They pump out over-flavored beer with ingredients that don't work well together.

It's like beer equivalent of giving a 5 year old child access to a spice rack of 50 spices and telling him to season a chicken.

>> No.10048237

you have to go back

>> No.10048255

Some of those concoctions are pretty good, but after years of trying new craft beers it all started to get tiresome. I'm now more apt to go with a tried-and-true Czech or German lager when I'm out. When you've reached perfection, there's no need to dick around with it.

>> No.10048340


>> No.10048345

It burns you out after a while, all the megahop bombs and peanutbutter and jelly milk stouts and beers made of crab legs. It just becomes fucking exhausting and all you want is a yuengling and for hipsters to leave you alone

>> No.10048399

Because it's popular

>> No.10048974

Le soyboy XDDD

>> No.10049014

no longer niche enough to be a special snowflake, even lower quality with everyone and grandpa doing their own thing.
it's mainstream like metallica and snoop dog,.
you see the same effect in small market models where demand is high then production meets and exceeds so demand drops and people move on to the next fad. I'm investing in cured meats as it wasn't exploited to exhaustion on it's last run and ramen bars as they are increasingly romanticized as classy. however geoduck and stinky tofu may be coming soon

>> No.10049022

>hate craft beer
I hate the people in that industry but I like the product.

>> No.10049048

belgian beer is a bigger meme than craft beer

>> No.10049051

i appreciate good beer, but fuck am i sick of IPA
it seems like that's all the pubs in my town serve now, for at least the last three years

>> No.10049057

people here will hate on anything "normies" like, and by "normies" I mean "most people"

>> No.10049075

>leave you alone
who is actually forcing anything on you and actually cluttering up your scene? do you like, genuinely feel crowded out by people, or are you just annoyed that these things exist?

>> No.10049076

IPAs are the trend lately. There are definitely some good ones out there but when it's such an easy style to make with handfuls upon handfuls of whatever hops you have lying around, they get lazy. The craze will die down eventually and move on to sours or saisons or something

I'm definitely sick of all the 69% ABV stouts with peanut butter and mint and the neighbor's cat mixed in. Gimme a no-nonsense sub-8% dark beer and I'm happy as hell

>> No.10049089

not really, people who can't appreciate god-tier Belgian stuff are plebs

>> No.10049094

There isn't a lot of good Belgian beer in the U.S. unfortunately

Gotta pay out the ass for some Gulden Draak around here

>> No.10049103
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>romanticized as classy
Food that could be mistaken for a penis.

>> No.10049104

IPAs can be refreshing as hell, but it's ironic how they were original made in 19th century England for long voyages to the colonies, yet modern IPAs are made to be drank fresh.
Most IPAs after 3 months lose the resiny taste and develop a weird sweetness that tastes odd. And I hate how 2/3 beers in hipster stores are IPAs now.

malty beers by and large are vastly superior than hopped beers

>> No.10049124

I live in Canada so we get heavily stiffed by our booze laws one way or another, but I find it quite nice that our Belgian imports (or any European import to some degree) are conspicuously cheaper than in the states.

An example comes to mind is something like Rochefort 10. Here it costs $4.40 CAD, in the US according to some friends who travel often and from various sites, it costs anywhere from $6.50 to $9 USD. Or something like St. Bernardus. The import or tariffs on European imported beer are pretty bad in the States, but it's obviously a better place to be if you're really into domestic craft beer.

>> No.10049139

I've tried 3 German beers, all were better than any US craft lager I've had. There was some subtle perfection between the flavors.

>> No.10049164


I've always had a fondness of IPAs. They're some of my favorite beers, though I like pilsners and wheat and stout as well. I unno. it feels weird.

>> No.10049183

Then don’t buy beers you don’t like. What’s the problem here? If they’re so bad, their businesses will fold.

>> No.10049211

rodenbach is one of my favourite beers of all time.
can't beat a genuine kriek either
sadly, i am yet to find either on tap in england, so bottles will have to do

>> No.10049218

The prices are overinflated because they know you'll buy it at that price.
They get zero benefit from cutting prices when they already have guaranteed sales.

>> No.10049226

I never understood the huge love for IPAs. Hoppy as hell, the taste of so extreme but it's so popular. I know they're often the easiest source for large amounts of alcohol for people not in the mood to look but still. The genuine love for it is crazy to me.

>> No.10049313

Because like all beer, it contains a large amount of xenoestrogens, which makes you soyboy.

>> No.10049331

There's the meme

>> No.10049376


The funny thing about Belgian beer is that InBev started in Belgium. They hold over 50% of the market.

>> No.10049379

what do I drink if I want to be a huge faggot like you

>> No.10049387

>soyboy calling other people faggots

>> No.10049395

IPA only seems to be wildly successful in the USA, and I think it could be because pisswater macrobrews were all people thought they had available to them for the longest time. Suddenly there's this big powerfully flavored thing and everyone latches onto it because it's something different.

>> No.10049401

try not being a huge faggot if it upsets you

>> No.10049409

Because most microbreweries tend to hop the fuck out of their brews and they suck because of it

>> No.10049427

The only thing more amusing than a soyboy, is a soyboy like you, who doesn't know he is a soyboy.

>> No.10049429

you must find yourself hysterical then

>> No.10049437

>literally "no u" posting

>> No.10049441

it's hardly like you deserve much more tbqh

>> No.10049452

sure, but god-tier Belgian beers != InBev

>> No.10049460
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>the absolute state of /ck/
I'm convinced that the majority of posters complaining about US craft beers are jealous yurofags.

>> No.10049476

You think craft beer is an exclusively US phenomenon? I mean, I see the appeal in convincing yourself that everyone is jealous of you, but it's not a healthy state of mind.

>> No.10049486
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The laffing grils fell pity you.

>> No.10049503

US craft beer is currently altering the market. More experimental American style beers and breweries are appearing in Europe constantly. Visited Belgium not too long ago and saw ipas at quite a few places

>> No.10049508

You know IPA was invented by the imperialist brits, right?

>> No.10049512

You know the American version is very different from the British, right?

>> No.10049514


>> No.10049519

It tastes of freedom, instead of Muslim semen.

>> No.10049526

Can we try that again but with an actual answer?

>> No.10049536

Different hop strains used and hop oriented. The original British ipa didn't focus on the hop flavor and just used more of them as a preservative while shipping it across the ocean.

>> No.10049540

Hops is actually pretty high in estrogen content.


Why is it that mercian brewers use so much of it?

>> No.10049548
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>Why is it that mercian brewers use so much of it?

>> No.10049551

Because most american brewers dont know what they're doing and most american drinkers don't know what they're drinking

>> No.10049558

The different hops use doesn't make it radically different, it just makes it a regional variation. "Hop oriented" doesn't even really mean anything. You don't think the USA were the first ones to adapt the preservative recipe for IPA for the sake of taste, do you? It was popular in Britain from the moment it was conceived, not just overseas.

>> No.10049564

I wonder how many people think xeno- and phytoestrogens are actually the same as human estrogen and how many are just consciously meme-posting.

>> No.10049578

It was never popular in Britain initially
It was shit tier beer designed to travel, domestic consumption was low.
The troops stationed in India referred to it as wog ale.

>> No.10049582

Centennial hops are radically different from noble hops. Fuggle hops are radically different from citra hops. You have no idea what you're talking about, do you? The ipa wasn't even that popular in Britain. Pale ales were, ipas weren't. And there is a decent enough difference between the two.

>> No.10049593

>megahop bombs
stop buying IPAs, or find a brewery that actually makes a decent one
>PB&J milk stouts
stop buying meme beers
really? why can't you just find out what kind of beer you like and enjoy it? flights exist so you can try lots of beers. shit, most taprooms will serve you samples of whatever's on tap indefinitely free of charge.
>all you want is a yuengling
then drink a yuengling. i'll regularly throw down a fiver for a PBR and a shot of jim beam, but i'm not afraid to drink good beer when i'm in the mood for it.

maybe you just don't like beer, now that i think about it.

>> No.10049599

If you two looked this shit up, you'd see you were wrong on virtually every count.

>> No.10049607

Send us a link m8

>> No.10049609

>long voyages to the colonies
>aging and dry hopping over a few weeks' journey

i mean, sounds about right. a "fresh" IPA is still relatively old. it doesn't sit on the shelf as well as a porter or something, but it's not like you drink it as soon as it's pulled from the fermenting tank

>> No.10049632

Or just read the fucking wikipedia article, it cites enough references on every count.

The essential truth is that IPA, India Pale Ale, is not a characteristically american beer. It's a regional adaptation of a centuries-old style.

>> No.10049654

Because of the popularity of the ketogenic and lchf diets

>> No.10049666

>die down eventually
not happening
IPAs have been on the rise and have held the lion share of craft beer market for over a decade

>> No.10049667

nothing lasts forever, satan

>> No.10049684

i dunno, i could see IPAs becoming the new standard. like, shitty pilsners reigned for decades in america. i think IPAs could easily slide in and take their place.

>> No.10049701

that kind of saturation would be its undoing though
the shitty pilsners were the reason a strongly flavored drink like ipa gained such a foothold in the first place, if ipa replaced them then it'd be a matter of time before people latched on to something different just for the sake of a change

>> No.10049713

helles is a style hard to get right and is damn delicious too. Of american breweries I personally only think Victory and Von Trapp have hit that nail on the head.

true enough, however i think the fall of craft beer will come first

>> No.10049723

What does this have to do with anything he said?

>> No.10049731

You realize this supports my argument? It even states that bass made an ipa as a brief historical ipa revival and that the American brewery that actually remade the ipa first used significantly different hops.
I also never said it was an American beer, I simply stated that the British ipa and American ipa have different characteristics. There is however, an American pale ale style now.

>> No.10049733

that's the thing, though, i don't think regular, working people care. i've been in and out of taprooms for the past five years, and IPAs haven't slowed down a single bit. the regulars will buy IPAs week after week. maybe in twenty years saisons or other farmhouse ales will push through, but what's going to happen is inbev is going to keep buying breweries and keep pushing cheap IPAs on the masses.

no matter how boring IPAs actually are, it's important to remember that people drank swill for decades and didn't even give a shit.

>> No.10049743

>i think the fall of craft beer will come first
I'm interested in what you mean by this, when you say "craft beer", exactly which connotations do you mean
my understanding is that craft beer arose because people wanted to experience the variety beer had to offer, I don't quite understand how that can "fall"

just a stab in the dark but I think he's implying americans are taking credit for a style that predates the contemporary fad

regular working people never care, they just want a glass of the old familiar

>i've been in and out of taprooms for the past five years, and IPAs haven't slowed down a single bit. the regulars will buy IPAs week after week
never try and judge the future from past behavior, it'll always find a way to surprise you

>> No.10049764

Alright, man. You win.

>> No.10049779

>never try and judge the future from past behavior, it'll always find a way to surprise you
i don't know why you used a made-up idiom to convey this vagary. i wonder how much time you spend around regular people. i don't mean beer nerds, i mean nine-to-fivers who consume whatever has the biggest, most prolific branding. unless Big Saison buys out congress and upsets the IPA market, IPA will remain on top.

keep in mind, the average drinker couldn't discern between a pale ale, IPA and DIPA if they were laid out right in front of them. the only reason that there are so many different types of IPAs is that the beer dorks behind them want a signature IPA for their brewery, while all the customer can generally say about it is "i can taste the hops."

>> No.10049782

whoa dude why the hostility, I thought we were being civil
I was just paraphrasing a very real idiom
>past performance is not indicative of future results

I have no horse in this race, you don't have to confront me on anything

>> No.10049790

There was nothing to win. You were just talking straight out of your ass and got called out on it.

>> No.10049793

Good job then, I guess?

>> No.10049803

i'm not trying to be very confrontational, it's just weird that you'd use some diet-confucius saying to support your side. i get that what i've provided is anecdotal, but at least it's something.

>> No.10049808

>to support your side
I'm just talking complete shit m8, I don't have a side
any illusion of one is just me playing devil's avocado

>> No.10049816

Who the fuck is hating on craft beer except a few rednecks who hate hops trolling beer threads?

>> No.10049819



>> No.10049823

>keep in mind, the average drinker couldn't discern between a pale ale, IPA and DIPA if they were laid out right in front of them. the only reason that there are so many different types of IPAs is that the beer dorks behind them want a signature IPA for their brewery, while all the customer can generally say about it is "i can taste the hops."
Dude, what? If you put a APA, IPA and DIPA side by side, anyone who knows the basic concepts of the styles would tell them apart. The concept that beer drinkers cannot tell the difference between different hoppy styles is absurd

>> No.10049824

People just want to get pissed cheaply.

>> No.10049837

>beer drinkers

what does this even mean? everyone drinks craft beer now, for better or worse. but i don't consider the 40+ crowd who are still bellying up to the tap to suck down IPAs week after week to be very knowledgeable. if they were, surely the selection would reflect that instead of having myriad IPAs consisting of varying hop brands that they can't even tell apart.

>> No.10049838

Inbev, Miller/Coors, Spirits/Wine International conglomerates and private investment firms are slowly and shrewdly buying craft breweries. What I'm expecting to happen is as time goes on the numerous styles these breweries use to produce will get wittled down to most marketable and profitable. At the same time recipes get tweaked for more profitability. It's not definite, but all the movement I've seen in the past few years, and noting the change in taste from Terripan and Laugunitas flagships, I think it is possible.

>> No.10049877
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I hope this happens DESU, I want a cheap, generic version of each style so that I can drink them while still being somewhat frugal. It's all the same shit spread among a million different breweries that have to charge 10 dollars a 6 pack because they're small and have bills to pay.

The day I can walk into a store and get a standard IPA or Milk stout for 5-6$ a 6 pack is what I'm waiting for.

>> No.10049894

But a 6 pack of blue moon or guiness is already $9+

>> No.10049896

I really have no idea what you are talking about now. Because old people are less discerning when it comes to IPA than young people thats why IPA is bad.
Also where the fuck are you going that makes a bunch of IPAs you can't tell apart.

Between messing with the strain of hops (you get wildly different profiles from old school piney, resinous hops, earthy hops, and tropical fruity hops), the amount of hops and malt (APA/IPA/DIPA), and at what point in the brewing process those hops are used (early for west coast, balanced for midwest, late for east coast) you can make an incredible variety of IPAs. Not to mention the inclusion of other grains like rye and wheat (and occasionally even adjuncts make good IPAs), plus what yeast strain you choose to use (Belgian yeast make some super underrated IPAs)
This thing you are mad about isn't even a real problem, this world you are living in seems imaginary

>> No.10049902

I've never bought a 6 pack of blue moon, but I am almost certainly itll be less than $7

>> No.10049916


Though I guess it depends on where you live, where I am it's $8.5 to $9.5. The last time I bought Guinness it was $9.5.

>> No.10049918

This seems very unlikely considering how the market is lurching even further to small local breweries. The mid to large craft brewers, the ones being targeted by international corporations are the ones facing the toughest competition, and struggling the most to sustain growth

>> No.10049919

i kind of wonder what world you come from where you think the average person dumping expendable income into a taproom on a friday night knows anything about beer other than that it a) is hoppy or b) is not hoppy.

>> No.10049928

truth is based on the relative cost that goes into a bottle of beer we could have that now easily from the currently existing craft brewers and marco brewers alike.
However market demand continues to grow and with it prices increase across that board.

>> No.10049931

Imported beer is all outrageously overpriced relative to quality (well besides Mexican/Canadian where it is roughly on par) but fake craft beer like Blue Moon and Leinies and even worse Shock Top is almost always a dollar or so less than the base craft beer 6 packs which usually start about $7.50-$8

>> No.10049932
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Guiness is import, so the shipping costs bring up the price a bit I'm sure, a generic stout made in US could undercut it if demand is there.

Blue Moon is MillerCo putting premium pricing on "craft" brews to get over the stigma of macro brews right now. You don't want to be considered a low class White American Male that drinks macro do you? EW DISGUSTING UGH. but even then my gas station next tome has blue moon for about 6.50 a 6 pack.

>> No.10049936

If you are choosing to go to a brewery taproom you certainly know more than that. You might not be able to pick a Citra IPA from a mosaic IPA, but you will sure as fuck be able to taste the difference between a west coast IPA and an East Coast one

>> No.10049960

The only way you wouldn't be able to distinguish an APA, an IPA and a DIPA is if your sense of taste didn't work. You might not be able to say "Yes, this is an IPA and this is a DIPA", but you sure as hell would be able to tell the two apart.

>> No.10050014

because every time i drink a craft beer i get terrible headaches the next day. i'm convinved most people who brew this stuff dont know how to clean anything

>> No.10050131

Seems like three main reasons, which others in this thread have referenced:

1) Poorfags see it as elitist, and the idea something they see as egalitarian as beer can inspire connoisseurship starts them complaining about "snobs". It's what poorfags always do when they see people enjoying things they can't afford. The rise of the gastropub only fanned these flames.

2) Hop fatigue: The beers that popularized microbrews back in the early 90's were mostly over-hopped ales and lagers. Many consumers came to associate a strong hop flavor with quality, and brewers responded by making their beers more and more hoppy. Some beer drinkers (self-included) are burned out on that.

3) Politics. Plenty of foods become shorthand for identifying people's politics, especially people you don't agree with. So if you don't like liberals you probably don't drink lattes. Or Chardonnay. Or eat quiche, avocado toast, quinoa, sushi or anything labeled "organic", "Non-GMO" or "vegetarian". For many craft beer has become another thing on that list.

>> No.10050184

A lot of craft beer is being sold with a label that it is real X brewed beer, like Amsterdam beer. Then on the pack you see it is not even produced near it and is in fact not craft beer at all. In a lot of tourist towns this happens as part of a tourist trap.

>> No.10050355

Go to hell faggot.

>> No.10051470

what does cleaning things have to do with you getting headaches?

>> No.10051474

Ebonics is linguistic cancer and you know it.

>> No.10051484

language is linguistic cancer, we should be communicating solely through pheromone trails

>> No.10051485

>belgian beer is fine
>exact same beer made by the exact same people in america is for fucking morons who you wish dead
man you're a fucking retard

>> No.10051487

who possibly associates chardonnay with liberals (and quiche?), wine in general is associated with rich elderly women, prime republican voters

>> No.10051493

>I'll defend degradation and bad standards because I'm afraid to actually live up to something.


>> No.10051494

pheromonelet detected

>> No.10051501

what the fuck is wrong with you? flavored meme beer is for normies, all of the well-respected craft breweries i know of for the most part just make basics like (not super hoppy) pale ales, red and brown ales, balanced (not totally opaque) stouts, pilsners, and maybe a sour or two. honestly, you sound like one of those miserable /pol/ assholes who spends your time seeking out shit to piss you off, because you like getting high on the cortisol. fucking rage junkies man

>> No.10051548

Being short is almost as bad as being black, fucking hell.

>> No.10052556

Chardonnay and quiche are both retro examples of this from the 80's.
>wine in general is associated with rich elderly women
Maybe where you live it is. Where I live it's usually associated with dinner.

>> No.10052560

Belgian beer is for women.
Same could be said for most wines,but there are exception.

Besides most craft wheat beers shit all over Belgian.

>> No.10052569

Except is doesn't.

>> No.10052576

>denies that most well-respected breweries have a heavily hopped IPA in their line-up
wew lad

>> No.10052585

>falling for the occasional alcohol meme
