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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 218 KB, 1280x855, 0402_hand-that-feeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10048961 No.10048961 [Reply] [Original]

I really need to know, are they actually worth all the fuss? I'm not talking the citizens, but the ones who are getting paid 3 dollars an hour / probably under the table. What has your experience been with them?

>> No.10048976

I don't care if you're an illegal mexican, fob viet or from Uganda, if you can speak english it's cool with me.
It's the ones that can't speak english that I can't deal with

>> No.10048978

they're cheap and they work all day without whining

>> No.10048987
File: 224 KB, 1125x1402, IMG_20180124_191620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the food is good why do you care, I just wish they were getting decent wages for the work they're doin

>> No.10048991

you really don't know if slave labour is worth the hassle...?
yeah, of course it is

>> No.10048999

Do you ever think that if those beaners weren't there, there'd be more jobs for American citizens? Especially the ones who don't speak English.

>> No.10049005

Right, whole they also have there wives collect food stamps Medicare and section 8 all so the husband can buy a 20 rack get hammered and come home to abuse them all before falling asleep and waking up to do it all over again.

>> No.10049088

They need to go back

>> No.10049107

you should have some marksmen at the border because neither of us wants them

>> No.10049113

Never really had a bad experience with my brothers, nor with workers in other spots since they're there to just do their job and make it through the day.

>> No.10049118

GOP doesn't want them to go back. They just want illegal immigrants' rights eroded so they can regularly stiff their wages like they used to before the 90s (illegal immigrants can file labor complaints without fear or deportation currently).

Expect even more Mexicans (since they will now be even cheaper) if the proposed anti-illegal immigration bills pass.

>> No.10049141
File: 157 KB, 639x639, 1448856547890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually really nice dudes.
>Work hard as fuck
>Will do any dirty job without any complaints
>Reliable as fuck

>Language issues (They write some pretty incomprehensible shit on containers, and sometimes have issues following instructions)
>Generally aren't all that interested in cooking/food. This is a job to most of them, not something they're really into.
>Really fast workers, but often slow to change. Like, if you want to tell them start doing something differently wheneve you aren't around to save time. They 'll get the idea eventually, but you need to be persistent.

Generally awesome, fun, hard working guys though. Better than 8/10 culinary grads.

Second generation immigrants are completely different though. They're pretty much the same as any white cook, but maybe less likely to be alcoholics/cokeheads.

>> No.10049174

Illegal immigrants don't have rights because they're not citizens anyways you cuck. If they want to be legalized, they should go to the end of the line.

>> No.10049189


Doubtful. Companies hire illegal immigrants so they don't have to pay them proper wages or benefits. They're required to pay citizens that, though, so they'd definitely cut jobs and hours to save money.

>> No.10049191

t. minimum wage worker who will be replaced by two Joses (who will be paid less than half of minimum wage each) in 2019

>> No.10049193

They're worth more than your unemployed ass. Get off your high horse. What do you do all day besides jerking off and dreaming about beating your imaginary wives?

>> No.10049197
File: 30 KB, 480x477, 1472110676822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still have human rights.
You can't lock them in a dirty cell for 6 months while you "process their paperwork". I can understad deporting them unless they have a valid asylum claim, but the way the USA manages illegal immigration is criminal.

>> No.10049210

Americans hire illegals because they don't bitch around without doing a proper job, say thanks to your American bosses for preferring Juan. And you are a lowlife pleb anyway if you have to compete with people who cant even speak English, it's all their fault.

>> No.10049217

They broke the law by entering the US illegally. Other illegals and legal spics all hate each other since it means more competition for jobs anyways.

>> No.10049230
File: 241 KB, 441x421, 1447098169471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Criminals are entitled to due process and fair treatment.
The way america treats criminals is terrible enough already, but ICE jailing people without trial/access to a lawyer for months is particularly fucked up.

>> No.10049330

>le immigration lawyer protecting his paychecks

you're right they're great people, and hey we've all sped right, why aren't we in refugee camps

>> No.10049367

You have to be a citizen to get food stamps

>> No.10049381

>Write incomprehensible shit
So Spanish?

>> No.10049396
File: 499 KB, 400x302, 1450765524974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The government needs the right to neglect due process when dealing with X group
>Government appeals to remove due process to deal with X crisis
>Gradually defenition of X group begins to shift, and government begins to use new powers on non X groups

I know this is a slippery slope argument, but this is exactly what they did with the patriot act.
Remember when it was just to monitor terrorists phone calls?
Remember that PATRIOT originally stood for Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act

>> No.10049418

Nah, it's mostly weird mispellings of english and french terms.
If they just wrote in spanish, it would be pretty easy to learn.
Instead it's phonetic shit like ohjoos for au jus, or misspellings lie collyflure and spinish.

>> No.10049462

Not true

>> No.10049468

they always seem so happy. its like landing a job completes their life... theres nothing left to accomplish for them.

>> No.10049488

mexican are generally lazy as fuck in my experience but they take all the shitty jobs like dish pit so i dont have to and thats cool in my book. the fact that they are literally being paid so little that its practically slave labor is kinda fucked up though, if they were smart they would just get a work visa and make at least minimum

>> No.10049544

I don't know why hispanics absolutely refuse to even attempt speaking the language of a country they go to. They are literally the only ones that do this

they walk up and just start speaking spanish and get annoyed that you aren't speaking it back to them
was just watching the amazing race and they have this bilingual bitch, they were in fucking morocco and she's running around speaking spanish to people
all the other english speaking contestants were at least trying to use phrases the locals would know
maybe they really are just too stupid to house more than one language in their heads

>> No.10049556

Why should they speak any language other than their own?

>> No.10049576

Many people in Morocco understand some spanish because of its proximity to Spain...

>> No.10049583

1. it isnt the language of the land
2. you should speak to people in their language when you are in their home and not expect them to speak yours
3. it ugly and sounds disgusting like cockroaches clattering on the floor

that wall can't go up fast enough

>> No.10049589

maybe you shouldn't be making your judgements based on reality television

is it safe to assume you have had a dick in your ass at some point?

>> No.10049592

not true. And even legal hispanic immigrants get up to 30,000 dollars a year for free. That's more than the wage of half americans, lmao.

>> No.10049594

I worked a retail cuck job with some dude who had been there 15 years, and still couldn't speak or understand more than the most basic English. Was a pain in my ass because I had to do extra work to make up for him, like answering the phone and helping customers no matter what I'd already be doing.

>> No.10049629
File: 470 KB, 707x694, [maracas nervously].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you ever think that if those beaners weren't there, there'd be more jobs for American citizens? Especially the ones who don't speak English.
>Especially the ones who don't speak English.

>> No.10049642

They usually work like you expect a $3 an hour to work. They steal pretty much whatever they can, slack off literally anytime you look away and make shoes cutting corners whenever possible.

Sometimes though you get lucky with a super hard worker who listens has the skill and is all around a great worker.

>> No.10049695
File: 2.75 MB, 640x800, average day in mexico.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10049698

No one's forcing them to cross the border illegally and take a shit paying job. If Paco was smart, he would've done what you said about getting a visa.

>> No.10049727

looks pretty alright

>> No.10049729

>aging Mexican man singing the classics
>all while your familia relaxes and enjoys delicious tacos
Dunno about you but that sounds like top tier comfy

>> No.10049761

Get with the times, gramps. Right to due process and prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment are outdated ideals from a more blue-pilled age. After all, you would never see ISIS listening to that gay stuff, why should we?

>> No.10049864

>advocating using ISIS methodology
>the US is morally superior because of our constitution which we're choosing to ignore
The absolute state of the alt-right

>> No.10049878

yes let them all run wild, then we'll have to spend ten years rounding them up to give them the process they'll dodge anyway

>> No.10049981

Mexicans go to the US illegally because there is a demand for illegals in the US, from anyone between the average joe, to big companies.

It seems like americans don't want to acknowledge their side of the issue and ignore whatever underlying causes are causing this situation to emerge, we know people leave mexico because they see a better economical opportunity in the US, but why are americans breaking the law just to pay less to workers?

The american right, trump, etc and otherpeople who self identify as "honest people" just spin the issue into a scandal about crime, drugs, and generalizations about mexicans, but never address the fact that many millions of americans are incentivizing and supporting this issue, why is that?

>> No.10049997

Because nobody in power actually wants to get rid of them. They're a resource.

>> No.10050022

Then why is illegal immigration into the US decreasing, and deportations are increasing? It would make more sense if they viewed illegals as a disposable workforce that can be relocated to Mexico and other LatAm countries later down the road.

>> No.10050035

Implying any of you prima donnas will even want to step up to fill their roles with their wages. Expect "hire american only" restaurants to be $5 more expensive across the board.

>> No.10050039

Most mexican immigrants are hard workers, I have no doubts about that. I'd rather have Mexicans in my crew than niggers or most white guys. But just because they work hard does not mean they are good people, you have to keep your guard up around them they will screw you over if they see any opportunity to do so (more so than most others barring negroes). Of course we are talking generalizations here.

>> No.10050042

>no restaurants run without illegal labor...!

huh, well that's a perspective I suppose

>> No.10050058

>just because they work hard does not mean they are good people
Protestant here, that is a Catholic lie.

>> No.10050139

The main culprit is the retarded min wage. No one wants to pay Jim $15/hour to flip burgers when they can hire Pablo for $3 with no benefits.

>> No.10050194

I live in California they speak Spanish at you no matter what you look like. I also know some illegals as well they expect you to speak Spanish when they won't even bother speaking English after living here 20 years

>> No.10050203


You know, I used to think comments like these on 4chan weren't serious and were just bait. Nowadays, I can never tell.

>> No.10050265

Where the fuck is the cup noodle and dozen sauces?

>> No.10050332

Try listening to AM talk radio or read breitfart. I assure you there are alt-right cucks here who have fallen head over heals for it.

>> No.10050343

It's a resetera mass disinformation campaign to muddy the waters and make the alt-right look idiotic and incoherent.

>> No.10050410

there's too many of them coming in for due process to be allowed, the infrastructure either needs to be pumped up dramatically or we just have to be alright with people living in camps while they wait for their status to be evaluated.

>> No.10050413

Legal immigrants who don't risk deportation so easily if found are way more likely to fuck your day.

Illegal immigrants want to stay as low profile as possible and not attract too much attention so they're less likely to try screwing you up.

>> No.10050485

They work their ass off. When I built my house I sub'd the work myself and the concrete, framers, roofers, sheetrockers and bricklayers were all legal mexican owners who hired illegals and they were on schedule and did great work. The licensed plumbers, electricians and heating and air had mex on the crews and I suspect some might have been illegals but I'm not sure. The only problems I had were the white cosmetic finishing painters, tile, etc. They were lazyass fucks who did shitty work. I never even considered hiring nogs as subs. And I sure as hell learned my lesson about hiring white crews too.

>> No.10052435
File: 2.80 MB, 400x225, los tacos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing but a shit thread .... unfortunately

Not even tacos will do much to change things im guessing

>> No.10052483

>virtue signalling ferociously
nice input, please stay out of my threads in the future

>> No.10052490

Wew great argument have a (you). at least my income is taxed and I don't suckle of the teet of the government you fucking brain dead wage cuck.

>> No.10052501

>being this stupid
How the fuck do you even manage to bring the fork to your mouth? There are states out there that give you "benefits" without requiring documentation.

>> No.10052504

The united States has an insanely low unemployment rate and if you grew up in the US and thats best job you can get you serve to value to anyone.
So no.

>> No.10052798

they are based. every white guy i've worked with has been a lazy workshy faggot.

>> No.10053149

>please stay out of my threads in the future
It seems you have no real place hear since this thread was and mostly remains absolutely dogshit
Grats faggot

>> No.10053263

I worked in a lot of restaurants over my younger years, many of which hired illegals. Most of them were stand up guys/girls who worked hard and never missed a day. But the ones that were bad were really bad. I had a nightmare situation as a manager once when the entire group of kitchen guys, who were all illegals except two, got caught having made a peephole into the women's bathroom and I had to call the cops after a family's teenage daughter caught them watching her on the toilet. In a full restaurant on a Saturday night. Truly the worst experience ever.

>> No.10055076

This is the most accurate thing posted

>> No.10055479

they all refuse to learn english
and get offended when you don't know spanish

>> No.10057256

they need to go back