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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10044234 No.10044234 [Reply] [Original]

who here

>live alone
>cook for one

do you have a go-to weekly grocery list?
do you cook each meal individually?
do you prepare larger portions for 2+ meals?
do you cook regularly?
do you cook at all?

>> No.10044264

In what fucking world is that $10? The bread rice and beans is 6 dollars alone

>> No.10044272

Bullshit that's $10, also could you somehow make the pic smaller I can still make out some things.

>> No.10044303

>literally all carbs
you should add a sack of potatoes to complete it

>> No.10044443

>>literally all the most important macro

oh no

>> No.10044454

>not having a balanced diet with all macros and micros
I don't even know what point you're trying to make.

>> No.10044461

carbs are the bread of life

>> No.10044532

Dont forget your seven fucking limes

>> No.10044540

I would rather keep living with my parents and spending most of my check on buying good quality organic food, than to move out, spend all my money on rent and eat shit tier ramen and gmo crap.

>> No.10044552

Lmao what? Name me one essential carbohydrate. Go ahead.

Please learn some nutrition before spewing shit like this.

>> No.10044566

>carbs and oil to spread on carbs for breakfast
>carbs and sugar for lunch
>carbs for dinner

>> No.10044567

I dont really have a go to list. I just wander around picking out stuff I want to cook with. I have some basics that I keep stocked like onions, carrots, tomatoes, and garlic. Outside of that it’s entirely based on what I feel like eating. I cook regularly. About 5 times a week. I eat a lot at work too because I work for a catering company, otherwise Id cook a lot more. Rarely have leftovers though, I have a good idea what one meal portion looks like.

>> No.10044570


that's honey

>> No.10044593

Bread and peanut butter makes a complete protein fagnuts

>> No.10044607

I live alone,
I only cook for myself.

I'm a lazy fuck
i mostly just eat toast for breakfast, or just a black coffee.
...nothing at work,
and when i get home at like 1am I just make something quick and easy.

I work mostly 6 days / week, for like 13 or 14 hours per day, so when I get home at night, I'm usually too lazy to cook something fancy...

but when I have a day off, I cook some awesome fancy stuff...

>do you prepare larger portions for 2+ meals?

yeah, mostly stuff, I can still eat the next day,
or like when I make different soups, I cook like 5 litres, and freeze them in 1 serving portions...

its easy stuff to eat at 2am...

>> No.10044708

I literally go to the supermarket fir every meal I cook. Sometimes up to three times a day

>> No.10044711

im talking about the peanut butter dumbass

>> No.10044791

wtf, why?
I go to the supermarket to buy all the stuff I need for the next 3 or 4 days.
when I randomly crave something other, I buy it, but I usually just go to the supermarket every 4 days...

>> No.10044815

I live alone and cook for one.

>do you have a go-to weekly grocery list?
No, I have all the staples in my kitchen, but I’ll often go out and buy whatever I feel like that day. I have several supermarkets within five minutes’ walk.
>do you cook each meal individually?
>do you prepare larger portions for 2+ meals?
>do you cook regularly?
Yes, I cook every day unless I’m eating out with friends. I’ll have take-away by myself maybe once every second month.
do you cook at all?

>> No.10044829

I cook some stuff in bulk (soups, stews, and roasts mostly), eat once or twice, and portion out the rest for the freezer. Most stuff I make enough for one meal + leftovers.

For groceries, I keep some staples all the time (rice, potatoes, pasta, garlic, butter, milk, cream, jarred pasta & curry sauces, canned vegetables, hamburger, chicken, pork chops, sausages). Other veggies & stuff (carrots, celery, onions, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, bread, certain spices) I buy fresh when I want to make something in particular. I used to make my own spice blends when I shared a house, now that I live alone I just buy pre-made blends. It's a waste of money buying a bunch of spices that will lose potency before I use them up. Very few pre-made meals for me. I'll keep a couple chicken pot pies, frozen burritos, or frozen pizzas for when I'm lazy, but eat those maybe once or twice a month at most. Very little junk food: I'll buy some tortilla chips if I want to make nachos or chili. Potato chips and dip or a bag of doritos is maybe 1/ year.

>> No.10044896


I'm almost exactly like this and very cheap. I can't remember the last time I spent more than 120 a month for groceries

>> No.10044924

Glucose is required for your brain, dumpass. I bet you're some ketolard who has degenerated though.

>> No.10044937


Nigger 99 percent of veggies are more carbs than any other macro nutrient. Your keto cult constantly worries about eating too many grams of bell pepper or broccoli, or complaining about how they can't have fruit lol.

>> No.10044939
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>all those carbs

>> No.10045393

Yes but you can stay in keto and still have a couple servings of veggies per day. Foods like kale, brocolli, spinach, etc, have very few calories and carbs.
Yet our body is perfectly capable of producing all it needs.

>> No.10045505

I cook one meal a day: chicken soup with noodles. It's relatively cheap. When starvation sets in, I complement with potatoes, rice or an omelette.

>> No.10045872

>do you have a go-to weekly grocery list?
No. Every wednesday, I get a booklet in the mail listing all the deals and coupons for the week at my local grocery store, so I build my list from that. This week, hoagie buns were on sale, 2 6-packs for the price of one, from the bakery section, so I chose to make fish po'boys. Bought the buns, 2 boxes of frozen crunchy fish fillets, 2 tomatoes, a head of lettuce, tartar sauce, and meme cock sauce. All of that was about $20 and will make up most of my meals for the week.

>do you cook each meal individually?
Generally, yes.

>do you prepare larger portions for 2+ meals?
Maybe a couple times a month.

>do you cook regularly?

>do you cook at all?
See above.

>> No.10046150
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For breakfast:
coconut oil, stevia, fiber powder, chocholate whey protein drink

For lunch:
piece of bread, slice of cheese, and hard boiled egg + multivitamin

For dinner:
same as lunch on the few days I'm being good, more likely spaghetti or pesto pasta

I'd say that's been my meals 75% of the last couple months, but I've been eating a fair amount of shit too and put on about 10 pounds. Fucking goddamn Doritos and lemon cake.

>> No.10046184

I live alone and usually make a giant pot/dish of something that will last the week. Usually something that involves carrots, celery, onions, garlic and some protein (mostly chicken, some beef). I'll make something like Japanese curry, beef stew, chicken and green bean casserole, and so on.

Occasionally, I'll make a dish that'll be for one meal (steak, lamb shoulder chops cooked in white wine and tomato over rice, etc) but that's a bit more rare.

>> No.10046195

I cook everyday because I love that. However I mostly just season and grill some meat with some buttered vegetables.
I really enjoy when my family is around though, because I can cook for them everyday and it's more fun. I can go crazier, like cooking some scallops with a beautiful saffron-based sauce or make a huge tiramisu.

>> No.10046217

are you starving yourself?

>> No.10046221

do you get bored of eating the same meal every day? i have come across that problem when making a big pot of soup

>> No.10046242


>do you have a go-to weekly grocery list?
No, I go shopping once or twice a week and just write a list of what I need for what I'm planning to cook for the next few days and if I need anything in the meantime I pick it up on the way home from work.

>do you cook each meal individually?
Not usually, I tend to cook with the plan to eat the same thing or a variation of the same for the next 2-3 dinners.
Some times I will just make a specific sauce or do all the prep on one night then throw it all together each night but it depends on what i feel like that week and how late i get home from work.

>do you prepare larger portions for 2+ meals?
yep, saves time.

>do you cook regularly?
I cook dinner most nights, go out with friends or get ubereats maybe once every week or two.
Lunch I always buy from cafes or takeaway near my work.

The hardest part with cooking for one in my situation is waste. When I only need a small amount of something for a dish, I never get time to use them in something else before they are bad.

>> No.10046243

No. I weigh 165 pounds, and could definitely stand to lose at least 15 pounds of pure fat. I have a pretty shitty body and have a hard time putting on muscle both because my body resists it and because I easily get injuries from working out, so just turning my fat into muscle isn't a realistic option.

>> No.10046254

I cook a fuck ton of chicken tits and put em in the fridge to warm up.
Salads. Ramen. Hard boil eggs.
I hate cooking after a long day of work so whatever is the easiest

>> No.10046372

>Yet our body is perfectly capable of producing all it needs.
Guess that's it boys, we can finally stop eating.

>> No.10046382

>I weigh 165 pounds
So either you're starving yourself or you're a woman. In which case you SHOULD be starving yourself.
Either way, you're fucking up big time.

>> No.10046406
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>starving yourself by being doctor recommended weight

>> No.10046488

I fucking hate the taste of stevia...

>> No.10046690

Lmao is that lack of cholesterol really making you this dumb? Obviously it was in relation to the production of glucose idiot. Just look up gluconeogenesis you ignorant soyboy.