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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10037386 No.10037386 [Reply] [Original]

How do you rate /ck/?

>> No.10037390


kill me

>> No.10037400 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 800x1198, kombucha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck kombucha. if i wanted to drink fermented water i'd go swim in the ganges

>> No.10037404


What I won't eat: brains, bush meat, insects*, arachnids.

*might eat them if prepared right. Like ants in chocolate.

>> No.10037407

2 brussels sprouts
Not fond of ep but ill eat it. Everything else mostly depends on preparation, picky but ill eat it.

>> No.10037411

What the fuck is kombucha?
Is it the new soyboy fad?

>> No.10037414

3, everything across the bottom row

>> No.10037415

Fermented "tea"
Like drinking vinegar.

>> No.10037416

Does this mean like raw onion or raw tomato etc? I got 22 if so, but Im fine with some of them if in sauces or mixed well enough to hide texture

>> No.10037418

I will eat them cooked, but I can't do raw.
I have tried, but can't get the bite down.

>> No.10037421

0, idk why you would limit yourself like that

>> No.10037425

1 point because shrimp is legitimately disgusting.

>> No.10037427


Bleh cheese

>> No.10037431


Tofu is for homos

>> No.10037435

I do assume that when you say WON'T eat, you mean at all, regardless of how it's cooked, what its accompanied by, etc.

>> No.10037436

Zero. Never had kombucha but I'd try it.

>> No.10037441

25, haven't even tried 19 of these

>> No.10037444

I'd rather not drink kombucha, never found it to be to to my liking, even after trying it on several occasions. But if for some reason I needed to, say in a social situation where declining it would be rude, I wouldn't have an issue drinking it.

Jesus Christ, get your shit sorted out.

>> No.10037446

0, how the fuck do you people enjoy cooking when you're so picky?

>> No.10037447

>haven't even tried 19 of these
how is that even possible? do you live in a bubble?

>> No.10037452
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2, both kinds of olive
olives are shit
people who like olives are shit

>> No.10037453

I got a phobia of trying foods, my diet is basically that of a 5 year old and I get crazy anxiety and a gag reflex when I even attempt to try a new food.

>> No.10037454


>> No.10037457

sucks, but why are you on this board? genuinely curious

>> No.10037460

0, but I've had some nasty kombucha as often as I've had some enjoyable kombucha. I've had some shitty tofu, too, but seeing as it's so bland, it's hard to truly hate it, even at its worst (kind of like Canada).

>> No.10037462

I wish I could like this shit because some of the things they can be used in seem popular but I just dont. I have tried everything but kombucha (dont like tea and think it is similar?) and can safely say they are disgusting to me. Only things I like on this list are pickles, green olives, broccoli, dark chocolate, blue cheese, mustard, beans, and raisins

>> No.10037466

I like the fast food and alcohol threads.

>> No.10037467
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2, Mayo and kombucha

>> No.10037474

Oysters and grapefruit. Paranoid about food sickness and grapefruit is disgusting

>> No.10037487

so you're cancer

>> No.10037491


Grapefruit tastes like ass. It smells gr8 tho

>> No.10037493

0 or 3, depending on the criteria. There are ways I'll eat cabbage, celery, and raisins, but I'll generally avoid foods with them if the dish is based on them.

>> No.10037499

>not eating normal foods

Only one I don't know about is kombucha. Never tried it but it's just tea, so I guess 0 points.

>> No.10037511


Taste like greasy dirt

>> No.10037519

4 guess im not that picky

>> No.10037523

4. Not too bad I guess.

>> No.10037528


>> No.10037529

Zucchini was one of the only things I was picky about as a child (aside from spicy stuff because low tolerance), but it's all about the preparation, and now I love it. Most of that list are things that I regularly buy and choose to eat - most of it seems like everyday foods most people eat; weird.

I get a 1 because I'm on some medication that doesn't allow me to consume grapefruit, even though white grapefruit juice used to be one of my favorites.

>> No.10037533

Never heard that one before. If greasy dirt tastes like olives then sign me up for greasy dirt.

>> No.10037536


I dont hate mayo but ive never found it to help anything so i never get it on anything. Kombucha tastes like mushrooms. Its not the taste that bothers me.

>> No.10037540

Well, at least you tried them. But damn what a small little world (taste-wise I mean) you must live in. I honestly feel sorry for you.

>> No.10037547

Aylmao r u me? Im >>10037536

>> No.10037551

0 if including these things as an ingredient and 1 if eaten alone. Fuck avocados.

>> No.10037552

mayo (im fine with it if its diluted with some other shit though)
kombucha (shits fucking nasty)

>> No.10037560

also fuck lettuce when its not in a salad. shit ruins every sandwich

>> No.10037566

1 kombucha tastes like stomach acid

>> No.10037577


Osyters, not a huge fan of seafood in general.
Tofu, I honestly don't even know what it is.
Beans, but that's a psychological thing and doesn't include green beans.

>> No.10037579

How'd I do?

>> No.10037584

>I get a 1 because I'm on some medication that doesn't allow me to consume grapefruit
I'd think you'd get a pass if you are on medication with a side effect from certain foods. That is not at all the same as being a picky eater, or a tasetlet.

>most of it seems like everyday foods most people eat
My thoughts exactly, which is why I'm floored if all these 10 plus (especially the 22s) aren't people trying to be funny. I get that people have allergies to some of these (I have a friend allergic to Avocados, and another to onions), and some are cultural (like raw fish), and oysters could be a financial thing. But aside from oysters (I only really like them raw, and that is a bit out of my budget) and Kombucha (I just don't like it) there isn't anything on that list I don't eat at least monthly and most of it is at least weekly.

>> No.10037593

oysters and beets are the devil. also you can't generalize olives like that. for example those black olives they put on pizzas are extreme shit tier even though there are some good black olives out there.

>> No.10037596

Don't know what Kombucha but it doesn't sound too bad.

>> No.10037600

tofu is beans.

>> No.10037605

Well, fuck that then.

>> No.10037613
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No I'm not you, I am me.

>> No.10037614


Most EXTREMELY picky eaters I've met (i.e. anyone scoring above a 2 or 3 on this chart) usually dislike whatever food for texture reasons.

>> No.10037616 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10037623

i've had tofu that i liked, and some I hated; the kind I liked was harder and textured more like chicken; so that makes sense.

>> No.10037627

Same, no uma delicia shit and no fucking spiders
Pretty much anything else I'll at least try just to see what it tastes like. I don't actually hate anything

>> No.10037633

Tofu is weird like that, it can range from custard like all the way to very firm in texture. Which is why having just "tofu" on this chart is a little off.

Nothing on that list is garbage though. At least not in the same way fast food is garbage.

>> No.10037647

3, raw fish, kombucha, and oysters.

>> No.10037665

>Nothing on that list is garbage though. At least not in the same way fast food is garbage.
I know but the same principle still applies. It's shaming people for being selective about what they put into their body. At least that's how I see the term "picky" being applied.
Deleted nonetheless because I was probably too pre-emtive.

>> No.10037666

How do I get over being a picky eater?

>> No.10037669
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I'd be squeamish with chicken feet.

I'm sure they're heavenly delicious. But I'd have to be really drunk or hungry.

>> No.10037677

I'd eat all of it assuming it's prepared correctly in a palatable meal.
I didn't know what kombucha is until I looked it up but I'd drink it if I have to, though I'd prefer coffee.

I guess I score zero.

>> No.10037691

>"picky eater"
>having likes or dislikes is being picky
I don't get why someone would eat something they don't like just to say they aren't "picky"
and why is there even shit like ketchup and mayo on that list?
why would not eating a cheap food addition be picky?
same with dark chocolate, why would you ever eat something like chocolate for anything but personal enjoyment?

>> No.10037694

>It's shaming people for being selective about what they put into their body.
Not really, I mean just look at most replies in this thread. Other than people being amazed at people with high scores, there isn't any one really going "OMG you don't eat X, WTF is wrong with you".

>> No.10037705

If you don't have a genetic disorder (thinking cilantro taste like soap) and you refuse to eat something because its too disgusting you're a child. You can have favorites but if you absolutely refuse to eat something humans eat and like, its weird.

>> No.10037707

Well Satan, that depends on your reasons for being picky in the first place. Do you have allergies? Texture issues? Flavor issues? Or were you just not exposed to a wide variety of foods as a child? Maybe a totally different reason in addition to or replacing those previously listed?

>> No.10037712

Yeah, I know that's why I deleted and said I was probab;y too pre-emtive.
But I've seen the way the term "picky eater" has been applied countless times and I guess that what I was reacting to.
Hence, the macro has been withdrawn.

>> No.10037715

if you eat something that tastes disgusting to you just for some vaunted sense of pride over being able to palate shit Id say you're the child

>> No.10037716

I enjoy everything on that list.

>> No.10037721

There is no such thing for the vast majority of humans, simply new taste. Otherwise the concept of acquired taste wouldn't exist. Children that have never tasted cheese that move to the US, tend to hate pizza for about a year, and then love it. 17 year olds from non-alcoholic families tend t hate beer until they drink enough of it.

>> No.10037728

so you're saying that because other people like something you have to like it?
or because they like it you have to partake in it?
why do you care so much about what other people eat or not?

>> No.10037740

>a thing you WON'T eat
I'll eat anything. I just have varying levels of enjoyment. Not the biggest fan of beets but I won't kick it out of a salad if there's other good stuff in there.

>> No.10037747

Like, 2? Tomaoes are conditional on whether they're cooked or not, raw tomatoes are the devil's fruit, and mayo is devil spunk

>> No.10037749

>But I've seen the way the term "picky eater" has been applied countless times and I guess that what I was reacting to.
It is an interesting term, and applied in very subjective ways. No doubt.
I personally don't think of the term being used to refer to people that don't eat certain foods for health reasons, but I could see how someone else might and how that could piss them off.

>> No.10037750

But I haven't tried a lot of those things in a very long time. My tastes might have changed.

It also depends on how they're prepared.
>tfw don't like pickles or asparagus but like pickled asparagus

>> No.10037757

2. Technically 3 but I'm allergic to shrimp so I thought it shouldn't count. I don't like olives but that's it.

>> No.10037803


>wont eat tomatoes or mayo
>only two items on the op list
>makes it seem like anon isn't picky as fuck

Shit list. Shit thread.

>> No.10037812
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not too bad

>> No.10037844


>> No.10037845

>what is beer
>what is vinegar

>> No.10037852

biproducts of yeast and acetic acid bacteria
not a biologically nasty mess like kombucha
enjoy your fetid bacteria water

>> No.10037855

green olives
blue cheese
brussel sprouts

>> No.10037867
File: 2.99 MB, 1920x1268, Mother_of_vinegar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kombucha is yeast and bacteria just like beer and vinegar.
If you're grossed out by the SCOBY, bad news: vinegar is made the same way.

>> No.10037869

I should have known so many faggots with plebeian palettes would be on this board

>> No.10037874

I haven't tried 17 of them. I eat the rest of them except pickles and mustard. I do use them as ingredients though, if that counts.

>> No.10037877


>haven't tried 17 of them

Do you live in Sub-Saharan Africa, or are literally a baby? Serious question.

>> No.10037883

I live in a landlocked state so seafood is memetier. Eggplant, radishes, beets, etc I just haven't used in cooking yet. Same with olives. And some stuff I just don't have interest in (like tofu)

>> No.10037899

Fuck seafood and tomatoes

>> No.10037905

Kombucha and tofu literally taste rotten.
>because they are
>fish sauce
>anything that tastes genuinely rotten in nature
>anything with lye
>pickled skin

But I don't think I've encountered a meat, vegetable, grain, fruit, or spice I won't eat.
And most dairy.

>> No.10037915

Tofu doesn't taste like anything at all nigga what are you on about

>> No.10037927

>landlocked state
I'm from Iowa.
I've eaten everything on that list and outside of kombucha/tofu, it's all normal every day stuff.
I suppose you likely won't find anyone serving raw fish in a small town.
But every city over 25,000 almost certainly has a place that does.
Hyvee grocery stores sell sushi.

>> No.10037932

>doesn't taste like anything
Your sense of taste sounds pretty weak.
Do you also have hearing aids and coke bottle classes?
Are you the type of person that doesn't notice the smell of grass, hay weed or their own BO?

>> No.10037938

Beets only because I've never had them before
Black olives because they smell like niggers

>> No.10037946

0. not a fan of everything here but I'll eat them if prepared well or if they're high quality

>> No.10037957

1.5 points

Kombucha is fucking awful and I love grapefruit juice but don't really like eating grapefruit.

>> No.10037967

not a fan of grapefruit

>> No.10037986


Imagine I'd add raw fish and tofu as well but I've never had either so will hold off

>> No.10038010

i don't really like ketchup, the rest is ok

>> No.10038049

>blue cheese
>raisins, disgusting by themselves, okayish as an ingredient

>> No.10038050

>he rates ck

>> No.10038094

no kombucha for me

>> No.10038107

Fuck pickles and ketchup.

>> No.10038109

this is weird

>> No.10038114

And what ever the hell kombuchan is
So 4

>> No.10038127

I dontwill know what kombucha is so imma call that one point

And blue cheese is the second point

>> No.10038130

If you score higher than zero on this you should kill yourself. Kombucha is the worst thing on that list, and it's not even that terrible.

>> No.10038137

but you don't drink kombucha, so you have 1

>> No.10038143


Who the fuck doesn't eat mustard or mayo? Do sandwiches not exist wherever you're from?

>> No.10038150

14, including raw fish which I would eat but my doctor won't let me.

>> No.10038152

Tofu does have a taste, but it's not rotten.

>> No.10038156

this, if you don't eat mayo for fat reasons then mustard is beyond god tier for any sandwich.

>> No.10038163

It says 'everything you WON'T eat'

My sister makes kombucha, I've had it at least 5 times. It's just not very good.

>> No.10038176

Im good with nearly everything on that list depending on how its cooked/prepared, except kombucha. Most commercial kombucha is nasty and I wouldnt put the effort into fermenting it myself when I could be doing wine instead. Shit's nasty.

>> No.10038177

you don't like it, and never buy it, or make it for yourself

>> No.10038180

Nigga how the fuk you scared of literal food? Holy shit.

>> No.10038193

1 for kombucha because it tastes like a gym sock's asshole

>> No.10038201

I'm guessing that anon's parents were really shitty cooks, and it's a form of PTSD. I'll try most anything unless it's like bugs or fermented fish.

>> No.10038216

All he has to do is take the food and put in his mouth, eat it, and go "huh this (not a chicken tendie) wasn't so bad". People like this are childish little shits that should grow up, experiment with it until they find things they like that arent a child's menu meal, or get scorned until they do.

>> No.10038295

Raw fish and tofu just because I don't want soy

>> No.10038302

1 only oysers

>> No.10038312


These foods by themselves?
1 - brussel sprouts
I've had brussel sprouts prepared a ton of different ways and I still can't stand them.

>> No.10038320

black olives
blue cheese
brussels sprouts
raw fish

help me i'm a big baby

>> No.10038327

1 or 2

I hate Raisins and I dislike Celery but I can manage either in small portions and if I can single them out in the dish.

I do like grapes tho and other dried fruit so it's weird.

>> No.10038444

Im not a mayo or mustard guy. Fuck you mayolards and mustardfags. BBQ chads is where its at

>> No.10038447

green olives, blue cheese, cabbage, oysters, zucchini, celery. i don't think i'm too bad.

>> No.10038449


There's probably nothing (edible) on earth I wouldn't eat at least once, except for human. The strangest thing I have had so far is duck head, eyes, brain, and tongue included.

>> No.10038454

blue cheese and both the olives
no idea what kombucha is

>> No.10038455

does no one proofread their shit anymore?

>> No.10038469

I don't like kombucha, but I can tolerate certain brands I've tried. It's fucking gross, just drink regular tea ffs.

>> No.10038481

I don't like mustard or cabbage, every thing else is fine.

>> No.10038549

i'd give myself 0, although i doubt i will eat raw celery for anything except to prove a point/win a bet and i don't know what kombucha is apart from what >>10037415 said

>> No.10038555

fermented tea that hippies drink

>> No.10038557

1 point. Beets taste like sweet dirt. No thank you.

>> No.10038562

I got a 1, I do not like oysters

>> No.10038571

1, fuck kombucha

>> No.10038821

Asparagus I just hate
Beets I generally avoid unless they are golden beets which are fucking delicious

>> No.10038827

and you exclude yourself from the GOAT bbq sauce Carolina Gold

>> No.10038872

>What I won't eat: brains, bush meat, insects*, arachnids.

Second this. *insects are harder to inspect for diseases, bigger Animals have a "Fleischbeschau" (meat inspection).

Also to anyone: Prione diseases or other shit in non-domesticated (or MAYBE free-roaming (depending on the farm)) animals will fuck you up.


>> No.10038895

Uncultured retard

>> No.10038899

lmao at all of the 0s ITT

>> No.10038902

Green and black olives, cabbage, eggplant, asparagus, and brussel sprouts can all get fucked

>> No.10038903
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kombucha is nasty

>> No.10038910

>green olives
>black olives
I had an olive once in a martini and it was awful.

Mayo is just bitter slime and nobody ever puts a little mayo on something, it's always a huge amount that overpowers the other ingredients.

And what the fuck is kombucha? Some Mexican shit?

>> No.10038911

3 for olives and grapefruit. Honestly don't understand how you could like grapefruit, it's like eating slightly sweeter lemon.

>> No.10038912

That guy is an absolute madman, though he has like two hours before that shit hits.

>> No.10038928

Pickles, blue cheese and black olives disgust me
Never tried kombucha
Not a fan of green olives and oysters but I can handle them
The rest I like

>> No.10038939
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1. Pickles ruin every food they are on fuck all of you

>> No.10038957

There are a few things on here that I don't enjoy, but nothing I won't eat. So 0. Picky eaters piss me off.

>> No.10038970

this. They literally overpower everything you put them on

>> No.10038976

0.5, depends on where im getting the raw fish (fucking parasites)

>> No.10038987

I'll eat beets if they're prepared right. Everything else on the list is fine. I've never had kombucha though. Only thing I really don't like is water chestnuts.

>> No.10038992

Arguably 2? I'm not a fan of kombucha by itself but I'll eat dishes made with it. And as for onions, I've always hated them raw, especially on a sandwich or a burger. I can stand raw red onions on a good Greek salad, but that's about it.

I have a friend who refuses to even taste blue cheese. Ever. Besides that he probably scores a 20 or so on this list. It hurts me.

>> No.10038995

The only things on there that I won't eat are due to food allergies. Do food allergies count as a point?

>> No.10039000

>I'll eat beets if they're prepared right. Everything else on the list is fine. I've never had kombucha though. Only thing I really don't like is water chestnuts.
I know a lot of people who don't like water chestnuts. I love them! I need them in my spinach dip, and I need them in my devils on horseback. They're whatever in a stir fry like moo goo gai pan. Right out of the can, they have a tinned juice flavor that needs to be replaced with some other flavor, and they do better if you buy them whole and slice them yourself, less liquid flavor.

>> No.10039003

>green olives
>dark chocolate
>blue cheese

>> No.10039010

I've only had them in shitty American Chinese joints and once when someone brought some wrapped in bacon to a potluck. They weren't terrible wrapped in bacon, but I also don't like the texture. Your spinach dip sounds good though.

>> No.10039019

>bleu cheese
>not sure what kombucha is so I guess that one too

>> No.10039024

Honestly I'd eat all of those, but a lot in small quantities.

Mayo - anything more than a fine layer is too much for me
Beets - only one on the list that I really will opt out of
Soft tofu (firm is fine)
Grapefruit (juice is fine)
Raisins - only because my white parents made a particularly bad version of picadillo once a week or so that I absolutely detested.

>> No.10039028

I'll eat anything, but I really don't like shitty canned black olives. I'll still eat them if you paid for the ruined fucking pizza you ordered them on

>> No.10039074

kombucha sounds bad, dont like broccoli or mushrooms

>> No.10039080

I've only tried the homemade kombucha, but it tasted like vinegar to me. Not offensively bad, just unnecessary and I can't see drinking it for pleasure.

>> No.10039153

Kombucha shouldn't taste like straight vinegar.
Problem is only hippies make it at home, and hippies are acclimated to vinegar funk by drinking straight apple cider vinegar for "health benefits"

>> No.10039155

kombucha and radishes

>> No.10039162

I've never had kombucha so does that count?

I eat everything else on the list tho

>> No.10039195
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I'm 12. I've been getting better but theres just some shit that makes me gag. Everyone else in this thread is more normal than me.

>> No.10039210

Ketchup, lombucha, oyster, shrimp and celery.

I like celery but I'm also allergic to it.
I'd do tofu if I have no company because it is homo food.

>> No.10039211

Two, blue cheese and grapefruit

>> No.10039212

>I'm 12.

reported for underaged

>> No.10039230

Reported for reporting your report

>> No.10039237

This guy fucks.

>> No.10039241

And agreed on the things I won't eat. Especially bush meat, for obvious reasons. Insects don't bother me much though. If I can eat live shrimp while it tries to crawl out of my mouth, I can handle insects.

>> No.10039246

Why not game meat? I've only had it a couple times but it's delicious.

>> No.10039251

Game isn't the same as bush meat.

>> No.10039256

What's the difference?

>> No.10039263


*never had kombucha

>> No.10039270

29, I’m on carnivore diet and allergic to shellfish

>> No.10039273

Game is generally accepted as species we've hunted and eaten for millenia, like deer, elk, bison, buffalo, most birds, alligator, wild boar, etc.
Bush meat is the sketch stuff, that carries diseases humans are suseptable to, monkeys, bats, certain reptiles, etc.

>> No.10039281

what if there are things I've never tried or things that I eat if there are prepared only in certain ways? anyways: 7

>> No.10039285

>all the "no kombucha" fags

Do you eat vinegar, faggots?

>> No.10039290

I doubt that having likes and dislikes for food means being picky.

>> No.10039291

>Kombucha is a variety of fermented, lightly effervescent sweetened black or green tea drinks commonly intended as functional beverages for their supposed health benefits.
Are you just trying to be retarded, or did you not know that it's commonly used as a drink?

>> No.10039315

>black olives
>green olives
I just don't like olives

>> No.10039326

allergic to shellfish so 2
also don't care for kombucha or blue cheese but won't refuse if put in front of me

>> No.10039338


i used to be picky but i'm working on it
brussel sprouts are delicious

>> No.10039364

2. Pickles and raisins.

>> No.10039365


>> No.10039379

27. I love me some baked beans

>> No.10039388

Vaffanculo, frocio.

>> No.10039393

green olives
black olives
blue cheese

>> No.10039407


I don't like blue cheese but I'll eat it if served.

>> No.10039432

First and second are too sweet for my taste.

>> No.10039438

1, fuck kombucha. tastes like nasty cunt
everything else is fine

>> No.10039449

Tofu is gay

>> No.10039456

no pickles
no green olives
no black olives
no ketchup
no blue cheese
no radishes
no beets
no brussel sprouts
no raw fish
no oysters
no tofu
no zucchini
no celery
no eggplant
no grapefruit

>> No.10039468

dark chocolate
brussel sprouts

stop being a fag

>> No.10039469

I don't particularly care for olives, but I won't pick them out of food that contains them.

>> No.10039482

Yet you'll eat ketchup.

>> No.10039498

Raw fsh
Blue cheese

just 5 then

>> No.10039504

I hate mayo.

>> No.10039508


>> No.10039514

>disliking certain foods makes you a picky eater
/ck/ confirmed for retards.

>> No.10039515

zucchini, asparagus- dark chocolate, both olives, and oysters.

>> No.10039758

Both beer and vinegar are made with known, axenic cultures (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Acetobacter acetii, respectively).

The SCOBY required for Kombucha is made of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yes, but also Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Dekkera bruxellensis (considered contaminants in beer) and Zygosaccharomyces bailii, one of the most common causes of food spoilage.
I don't know the bacterian components of the Kombucha SCOBY, but I don't think they're any good either.

>> No.10039779
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I rate a 1. No blue cheese for me. Come at me.

>> No.10039796


Kale is the only thing I despise eating, to my knowledge, and it’s not on there.

>> No.10040034

I guess I'm 0 since I've eaten all of that shit several times. That being said, oysters aren't really for me, its like eating snot. Raw fish, I assume they mean suchi is overrated so i'd only eat it if it was free. The rest of that stuff is really normal and i find it hard to believe people don't eat it many times per year, shit i even eat sushi 2-3 times a year.

>> No.10040041

But I consider several items shitty and some meals may be ruined by them, but I'm a fat fuck and will eat anyway.

>> No.10040042

Two, I guess. Them being ketchup and oysters but then again not sure if I've ever even had oysters. They look pretty gross though and I've had them described as having a snot like texture. Probably still give them a go some time if the option was there, just to say I'd had them.

>> No.10040051
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>He doesn't like charbroiled oysters
I'm sorry I don't mean to offend but holy shit you're such a faggot anon

>> No.10040056

Now what?

>> No.10040061

Kill yourself, please

>> No.10040079

Green olives (never really had them, but I'd try them)
Mustard (Does Honey Mustard count? If yes, then 1)

Mayo and avocado I'll avoid if I can. but I have no problem eating them

>> No.10040102

>things that I eat if there are prepared only in certain ways?
That is like the cornerstone of being picky. It's fine and normal to say "I don't like beets when they are sliced and pickled", we all have things we don't like. The pickiness comes in to play when you flat out refuse beets unless they are sliced and pickled. Pretty much if you sound like a 5yo when it comes to foods, you are a picky eater.

>> No.10040108

Things I don't eat are licorice/Sambacu and human shit

>> No.10040111

I've never tried kombucha though

>> No.10040113

>raw fish
All those things I'm allergic to, and would eat otherwise. So 0/4.

>> No.10040119

oysters, mushrooms and (((tofu)))

3, but really 2 tofu isn't because of the taste

>> No.10040130


>> No.10040164 [DELETED] 

Humans>Niggers>Germophobes>Picky Eaters

>> No.10040169

0. I'm not too huge on celery and tomatoes, but I'll eat them. I do enjoy a fresh tomater with salt and pepper though. Other than that, never thought to try kombucha but i l have actually considered it lately because it seems interesting. I love all seafood without exception, strong cheese is great and everything else on this list seems to be ok and I enjoy it. I can't eat too much dark chocolate at a time but i do enjoy it.

>> No.10040176

1 point for celery

I’m not giving myself a point for things that make me sick. I love shellfish but it makes me instantly throw up when I eat it. I wish I could eat it tho, it’s delicious.

>> No.10040180


>> No.10040186

kombucha can be refreshing, but I've also tried ones that tasted like carbonated vinegar

>> No.10040199

>green olives
>black olives
>blue cheese (never had it, just sounds and looks gross)
>raw fish

>> No.10040204

Green olives
So 2

>> No.10040206

everyone >1.5 and without an excuse for it should leave the board

>> No.10040235

you're literally me.

>> No.10040254

kombucha and oysters

>> No.10040463

1 eggplant. i never tasted it before.

>> No.10040474

WTF is kombucha.
Otherwise I'd eat all of it.

>> No.10040476

I think it’s some kind of fermented mushroom tea. It’s drinkable if it’s done well, but it can be awful and even dangerous if done poorly. If it’s what I’m thinking of.

>> No.10040489


my fellow 22 bro

>> No.10040502

I scored 5:
>green olives
>black olives

>> No.10040506


Green Olives, Mayo, Avocados, cabbage, raw fish, oysters, shrimp, mushrooms, tofu

>> No.10040528

1 - mushrooms

if you scored 0 then you're a pleb. The sign of a good palette is not to like everything indiscriminately.

>> No.10040532

Its fermented tea, basically.

I tasted it but after finding out how it's made (look up scoby), I rather not have the potential of a slimy disc of bacteria choking me.

>> No.10040537


The only ones with asterisks for me, however, are kombucha, blue cheese, oysters and tofu since I've never actually tried them.

>> No.10040543

1. Fuck kombucha and all the soy based life forms that will defend it

>> No.10040548

scoring anything other than 0 means you're a picky faggot who shouldn't be on this board

if you cancerous manchildren left then this place would be much better

>> No.10040551
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what do I win besides a vitamin deficiency?

>> No.10040563


kill yourself, faggot

>inb4 this is completely accurate

just die

>> No.10040573

please go back to your fast food containment thread

>> No.10040597

1. Not a big fan of the Kombucha.

>> No.10040611


>> No.10040658
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>brussels sprouts
What the fuck nigga it's a little cabbage just pop em in the oven. I eat a pound at a time

>> No.10040669

I forgot, 0, I eat everything but Cheese flavored chips like doritos

>> No.10040672

American I suppose

>> No.10040694


Only thing I don't eat are oysters. Not a big fan of seafood in general but I do enjoy shrimp and raw salmon.

>> No.10040704

I'll eat them all, hell I'll happily snack on a solid third.

Fuck arugula though, i'll skip the entire meal if there a chance the chopping block's been contaminated.

>> No.10040725

That's why you use them with food that need a strogn counter.

They do wonders with a rich pate or a fatty pork dish, giving you do a switch hit of richness and tart cleaning.

>> No.10040781

I'll be generous and give myself 2

Ketchup and Mayo if liberally applied I'd rather not eat, it's not a deal breaker usually

>> No.10040864



I don't eat shrimps,
ex-gf once forced me to eat some, and they tasted ok...ish, but they look fucking disgusting,

...and raw tomatoes
but I eat tomatoe-sauce, and ketchup and even Sun-dried tomatoes,
and every other tomato-product...
I'm 28, I didn't eat a single raw tomato in my life...

>> No.10040916

Potentially 1 for raw fish, dunno, never tried.
Only ingredient I knowthat ill refuse to eat is okra

>> No.10040936


I got a 10, but I'm allergic to two of the things on that list. Does that count?

>> No.10041028


Lol, what? Raw tomatoes are sooo delicious and juicy. I used to go in my grandparents’ garden during the summer and pick tomatoes straight off the vine and eat them. It was incredible.

>> No.10041173

Stop eating onions they taste like Satan had an anal prolapse

>> No.10041177

that's why you fry them first...

>> No.10041180

1 for tofu because that shit is more processed than American cheese. Absolutely disgusting plasticky excuse for food.

>> No.10041187

That's them cooked, you don't want to know how I describe raw onions.

>> No.10041190

Alot of those things I won't eat alone but if they're a minor part of a dish it's fine. Is that picky?

>> No.10041198

3. Kombucha, blue cheese, and oysters. Fuck all that noise.

>> No.10041201

Just tofu. Everything else on there is fine just fine. Unless 'beans' includes soybeans. Fuck soybeans. I avoid them on principle.

>> No.10041207

Everything in this list besides catsoup and mayo

>> No.10041208

holy shit

>> No.10041211

In the right circumstances I will eat all of those things, but when it comes to preferences I will mainly avoid olives and mushrooms.

Brussel sprouts smell shitty but taste okay. Not a big deal.

Tofu is just fucking useless, but isn't really offensive.

Raisins are mostly fine but simply do not belong in certain things, like cinnamon buns.

Oysters are fine but I don't really enjoy them, so they are wasted on me as anything more than pure nourishment.

Zucchini is useless like tofu - no calories, no nutrients, just a waste of space. Maybe I would eat this if I wanted filler foods with no fucking nutritional value whatsoever.

>> No.10041237

I won't eat 5 of those things because they aren't vegan and cause the pain and suffering, or loss of life for an animal. If you aren't at least a 5 on this particular picky eating scale - then I am objectively a more ethical and moral person than you.

>> No.10041275

0. I'll happily eat any of those. Not a huge fan of the sauces but they serve a purpose here and there.

>> No.10041294

Asparagus isn't a sauce you fucking fag. Go back to /fit/

>> No.10041298
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>tfw hate onions
>tfw people put them in literally everything

>> No.10041311

1 point, because kombucha is disgusting.

>> No.10041318

mayo is for faggots

>> No.10041323

>eating garnishes

Ill just have the shrimp

>> No.10041329

I don't enjoy mayo because it makes no sense to use in literally anything.
Kombucha makes me shit my pants but it tastes ok.
Tofu is for homosexuals.
I don't love oysters
And one thing that is not on there is dairy in savory foods which i fucking hate more than anything.

>> No.10041359

get off the computer, David

>> No.10041371

11, mostly the shitty things like mayo, ketchup and mustard.

>> No.10041380

how do you eat french fries/pommes?

>> No.10041398

Mayo, Tomatoes (pls don't hate me, I know I'm a manchild ;_;), oysters and blue cheese.

>> No.10041532

Same here anon, it's hell.

>> No.10041743

blue cheese
green olives

>> No.10041777

>its like eating snot
everyone says this, but its only because they are a gay
when was the last time you ate snot? can you compare it to oysters? when I blow my nose, its wildly different from oysters.
if your snot looks like oysters, go see a doc

>> No.10041789

1, black olives are objectively bad on all accounts

>> No.10041813

13 for me senpai, however it could be less, stuff like "beans" are depending. Red beans and rice, I'll eat all day, but just a deal of beans in a can, I wont.

>> No.10041817

Came here to laugh at this

>> No.10041821

Hmmm. I'm not fond of tomatoes but will eat them cooked, not a huge fan of olives but will still eat them if they're there. I've never had kombucha, so not counting that, I'm a 0.

>> No.10041827

Olives of both kinds
Blue cheese
Raw Fish

>> No.10041843

Green Olives
Black Olives
Bleu Cheese
Brussel Sprouts


>> No.10041850

1 I guess. I've never tried kombucha and I don't opt for ketchup. Not to say I hate ketchup or wouldn't like to try kombucha.

>> No.10041854

But I'm not picky, I'm just violently allergic to them. I'll throw up if I swallow any, knowingly or not.

>> No.10041857

Kombucha and oysters.

>> No.10042104

I don't get it. how can people eat raw fish and sulfur tasting vegetables, but not like tomato and onion?

>> No.10042133

Kombucha is fermented black sweet tea. It's a little fizzy and has some vinegar

>> No.10042142

12 so long as the onions are cooked, otherwise 13.

>> No.10042156

You have to go back to you containment board

>> No.10042193

People on the spectrum often dislike a wide mulititude of sensations be it texture, sound and smells. So unless you are a baby boomer, you are most likely to be on the spectrum if you score more than 5 on this chart

>> No.10042254

Pickles and mushrooms. I'll eat them but I won't like them.

Never tried kombucha, radishes or tofu.

>> No.10042266

I had the same result.

>> No.10042350

I like everything on that list, except possibly kombucha, which I've never tried.

>> No.10042404
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>> No.10042411


>> No.10042416

They are good by themselves.

>> No.10042436


>> No.10042441

there are a few on the list i haven’t had before but i won’t rule them out because i’ll try anything once.

>> No.10042486
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Make me sick
Literally fungus
>Raw fish

>> No.10042494

Don't like blue cheese or tofu

>> No.10042517

Went through half the thread and was surprised, 2, mustard and Ketchup

>> No.10042530


to this day they are the only food that makes me gag, don't know why.

>Blue Cheese
I don't even like Sharp cheddar, so most strong cheeses are out of the question for me.

Don't like Raw tomatoes No particular taste and too wet and mushy

>> No.10042622

>Literally fungus
Then you should dislike blue cheese and kombucha as well

>> No.10042625

>Raw tomatoes No particular taste and too wet and mushy
You should try ripe tomatoes at least once in life

>> No.10042632

I'd eat everything on the list, but the things I don't really like are: ketchup, eggplant and black raisins so 2.5 I guess

>> No.10042640

rate me blz

1 (mayo)
haven't tried kombucha

>> No.10042654

Zero. There are a few things I'd never add, but have no problem consuming if someone served them to me.

It's a very limited list, though. Misses a lot of things that skeeves picky eaters out. I'd still get zero if they expanded it. I've basically got no palate at all. Don't care what goes in my mouth.

>> No.10043069

0. If you cannot eat a certain food due to an allergic reaction or something, that's reasonable. But if you just refuse a food just for the sake of being picky, you're just being a spoiled manchild.
That said, as a kid, I remember disliking beets, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, and grapefruit. But then I eventually grew out of it.

>> No.10043241

Can't stand fried or otherwise cooked onions. Raw ones can be delicious.
Maybe I haven't grown up yet.

>> No.10043292
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>Don't care what goes in my mouth.

>> No.10043310

3. Although I've never heard of osyters

>> No.10043669

1, fuck celery with a rake.
Bonus: fuck dates as well

>> No.10044123

21 points

>> No.10044130

Zero, you fucking heathens.
What are you even doing on this board?

>> No.10044463

Crohn's Disease
So, what's your excuse for being a self-important elitist twatweasel?