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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 1200x800, soylent.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10037086 No.10037086 [Reply] [Original]

All right faggots, tell me why shouldn't I buy this shit
I am a lazy piece of shit who doesn't want to cook, and doesn't care much for flavor in food

>> No.10037095

I don't give a shit if you buy it or not.

>> No.10037109

veiled soyboy thread?

just go to /pol/ m8

>> No.10037110
File: 103 KB, 783x969, cute!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's expensive if you want a replacement for food
the only justifiable reason to drink this daily is if you want to force yourself to eat a calorie-restricted diet without any effort.
Make sure to post your cute budding nipples in a few months.

>> No.10037128

What's a cheap alternative that still provides some good amount of nutrition?
Is it possible to live on rice and beans alone?

>> No.10037132

>Is it possible to live on rice and beans alone?
Technically, yes, but not for a long time.

>> No.10037146

Well, what could be added to supplement the diet?
Yes, I am lazy I do not want to do research.
Wish I could be qt trap though, I'm a dirty spic who can't afford hormones and other beauty products, oh well

>> No.10037149

Just fucking drink it you stupid piece of shit. Fuck off.

>> No.10037156

>Well, what could be added to supplement the diet?

>> No.10037350

It's pretty expensive. Being a faggot is a luxury not everyone can afford.

>> No.10037361

If you were a real man, you'd be living on raw liver, egg yolks, and carrot juice. But you're not a real man, you're a dick licking penis faced piece of poop. Go drink your fag drink, faggot.

>> No.10037375

Is it all soy based? Soy will boost your estrogen levels anon

>> No.10037925

What's with this sudden obsession about soy and estrogen? As a tranny this is really fucking annoying to read. If you obsessed morons want to become more feminine, just take girl pills, simple as that. The estrogen boost from soy shit isn't gonna change anything. Might as well use pueraria micrifica.

>> No.10037931

multivitamins and potatoes

>> No.10037939

Because it's stupidly expensive if it's all you eat.
At 400 calories a bottle, for proper nutrition you need to drink 5 of those a day.
150 bottles a month is going to be $400.

>> No.10038443
File: 445 KB, 768x432, 1506737916963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you people want to drink one thing or eat nutritional slop the rest of their lives? I guarantee after a few months you'll be so deprived from taste and variety of foods you'll kys

>> No.10038453

Because people like you make this world slightly worse by the day.

>> No.10038466

expensive, isnt healthy, doesnt give you the right amount of daily nutrients

>> No.10038497

Does it taste good?

>> No.10038509

>pound each deli turkey and cheese
>loaf of bread
>fix a sandwich in 30 seconds

But since you constantly want to guzzle cum, you go for the soylent.

>> No.10038528

muscle milk has better macros than that shit as a meal replacement
just mix it into some oats and take a vitamin, never worry about eating food again

it also wasn't developed by any kind of nutrition experts, just some guy that flunked out of technical school

>> No.10038738

I went on a ~1 month diet of 3 bottles of soylent a day and I can say a few things

First off fuck the whole estrogen thing. No, it's not packed with estrogen. It's something about mostly using protein from soy, not the soy itself. Also even if it did have estrogen you'd get more from beer (fun fact, beer boosts estrogen levels!)

It is very handy for counting calories and just not worrying about food

As for the bad sides though, it is extremely costly and really not worth it at all unless you're super lazy with a few hundred bucks to blow. Also they've had recurring issues with soylent causing vomiting for no discernable reason, which I can personally attest to. ALSO all the flavors besides the original are complete ads.

So overall no don't get it. Maybe get one case as an experiment and just to have on hand for when you can't be arsed to even order chinese, but it's by no means a good long term diet.

>> No.10038759

Oh and a final thought, if flavor isn't an issue then just eat raw veggies and nuts with the occasional store-bought chicken sandwich. Not all the nutrients you need but about what you'd be getting from soylent for like 1/6 the price

>> No.10038816

>soyboys are so pathetic they can't even drink soy without throwing up


>> No.10038817

OP look up this weirdo talking about getting impacted feces from drinking nothing but soylent

>> No.10038829

*vid appears to have been removed but there is a transcript of it on this page, https://kiwifarms.net/threads/narcissa-cosmo-wright.24309/page-39

>> No.10038849

>Yes, I am lazy I do not want to do research.
Neither do we retard

>> No.10038850
File: 403 KB, 1686x1028, 1516508061468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just the fucking aesthetics of this shit is so repugnant. How do people even remotely think this is good?

>> No.10038873

It just tastes like plain rice crispies you mutt

No like they've had whole batches fucked up somehow. Apparently it doesn't happen with the powder.

>> No.10038879

That word doesn’t mean what you think it does, anon.

>> No.10038880

whjat the fuck is that pic
>soyfag calling others mutt

>> No.10038884

maruchan ramen is way cheaper

>> No.10038891

Dis. You'd can make a nutritionally complete protein shake for a fraction of the price of one of those.

>> No.10038900


>> No.10038920

Two scoops of Whey (or Soy) protein powder + tablespoon of peanut butter + 1 cup whole milk + 1 tablespoon flaxseed + 1 cup kale + 1 whole carrot (shredded obv)

A standard serving of soylent is $2.49, gives you 20% of your daily nutrients, and is 400 calories. This gives you ALL of your daily nutrients in one shake, 545 calories and tho I can't estimate it the net cost of one of these will definitely run you way less than $2.49

>> No.10038922

Oh wait I fucked up lol, add like a cup and a half of water otherwise that'll be one thicc shake

>> No.10038936

Soylent isn't soy, it's people.
Let's take
>Awful things to name your product

>> No.10039073

That's the fucking point
It's funny

>> No.10039093

its not food dipshit

>> No.10039259
File: 1.16 MB, 2728x2128, soylent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10039297

I miss the old Cosmo

>> No.10039446


is it ded?

>> No.10040292

Jesus Christ, what the fuck, is that the power of soy?

>> No.10040329

nah that's just a mentally ill person

>> No.10040337

Schmilk is cheaper and probably healthier

>> No.10040363
File: 103 KB, 643x638, 1516747489324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm on estrogen blockers so i can eat as much soy as i want

>> No.10040456

I lived almost exclusively on Soylent for over a month. I continued to buy it and still have it everyday until it got banned in Canada a couple months ago.


>> No.10040620

How did you not go insane from lack of texture and crunch.

>> No.10040724

Meh it wasn't so bad, although it was quite weird at first drinking my meals. My body felt confused without having actually eaten anything I was supposed to be full. But I got used to it pretty quick and actually started craving another glass

>> No.10042448
File: 96 KB, 363x475, 1493135471837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On August 13, 2015, nonprofit environmental and corporate social responsibility watchdog As You Sow filed a notice of intent to pursue a lawsuit against the makers of Soylent, claiming that Soylent did not adequately label its product given the levels of lead and cadmium present in the drink. The basis for the lawsuit lies in California's Proposition 65, a law that requires additional labeling for food products containing trace amounts of certain substances.
>lthough Soylent contains levels of lead and cadmium far below the national safety levels set by the FDA, it does contain 12 to 25 times the level of lead and 4 times the level of cadmium allowable in a product without additional labeling as specified by Proposition 65.[68][69] A lawyer who has worked on settlements of Proposition 65 suits described the case as "alarmist", as the levels are well below FDA limits of what is allowed in food products.[70] However, as Soylent is marketed as a complete meal replacement, many customers consume the drinks three times a day, equating to 36 to 75 times the lead and 12 times the level of cadmium without the Prop 65 label.[71] As You Sow believes these levels may be harmful.[68] Lead is a neurotoxin that accumulates in soft tissues and bones, and even at low levels is linked to nerve damage, lower IQ, and reproductive problems including decreased sperm count. Cadmium is also a toxic heavy metal and has been linked to kidney, liver, and bone damage.[71]

>> No.10042762

Look up what happened to Cosmo Wright when he started consuming only Soylent.

>> No.10042800

Narcissa's slow descent into madness had started long before that.

>> No.10042838

He started consuming soylent before the breakup and cuckening, hadn't he?

>> No.10042886

I don’t know if this thing is suppose to make me gay or keep me straight. Someone please help!

>> No.10043549

Its great for loosing all of your physical masculine traits and gaining all the negative femcuck traits
Youll be very popular with all your shallow leftist bugmen cuck friends until you commit suicide

>> No.10044050

Here's a good meal ideas for you lazy fucks
1. Get a pot
2. Boil in some random shit, veg, meats, eggs, spices, anything that's on sale untill you get a nice broth, taste along the way if you're not sure.
3. Toss in some pasta (any noodle), wait for it to cook, taste of you're not sure.
4. Done, all your friends will be jealous.

>> No.10044062

Are we playing buzzword bingo?

>> No.10044073

I once tried the chai flavored one, and it was pretty good. Not planning on ever buying soylent, since I enjoy cooking and liquid calories are a waste to me most of the time.

>> No.10044075


It's all pol meme they are running into the ground

>> No.10044079


Thats not much higher than my food budget and im on minimum wage.

>> No.10044103

Flaxseed has the highest levels of estrogen out of any food, way more than soy, you've been transitioning this whole time and didn't know it kek

>> No.10045132

Yeah and I fucking win