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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 750x368, camembert and brie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10036619 No.10036619 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I eat those?
I mean, im quite enjoying it just sliced like this and eating it without anything else, but those are pretty mild/neutral tasting cheeses, unlike yellow or blue cheese.Any good combinatons or recipes that i could use brie or camembert with?

>> No.10036628

those aren't that neutral, are you eating the pasteurized stuff?

either way it likes fruit. jams, pears, grapes

>> No.10036684

yeah, i guess "neutral" was a bad description, its jsut that im eating them with a thick slice of pecorino romano right now and after its sharpness they feel bland

anyway, i presumed those will taste good with some fruits, what about some good recipes i could include them in?

>> No.10036697

Delicious toasted.

>> No.10036711

Cut off the rind when it's cold, spread it over bread with some mild cheddar and make grilled cheese

>> No.10036727

I like to spread it over toast like its butter.

>> No.10036848

eh, everything tastes neutral after stuff like pecorino or parmeggiano.
i like brie just lightly heated, just eaiting it straight with a slice of full-grin bread.
pout yourself a glass or two of good, white wine and you have yourself a feast

>> No.10036861

>pout yourself a glass or two of good, white wine and you have yourself a feast
Can you link me to your mom blog?

>> No.10036879

>he doesnt drink wine with his cheese
the absolute state of filthy peasants

>> No.10036882

pick it up with your hands and sink your teeth into it like a pizza slice

>> No.10036908

>Cut off the rind
You don't deserve good things

>> No.10036916

yeah, i'm not a 42 year suburban housewife.

>> No.10036926


>> No.10036930


>> No.10036943

What're some good ways to eat soft cheeses on keto? I generally just eat it as is

>> No.10036951

Fry high fiber wraps till crispy.
wala cheese and crackers.

>> No.10036961
File: 60 KB, 614x346, 1504270866695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baked covered in puff pastry my nig

>> No.10036967

Oh cool, what keto puff pastry do you use?

>> No.10036969
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 1495220526500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll deprive myself of something good because its associated with a certain demographic

>> No.10036974

>having the palette of a middle-aged housewife.

>> No.10036980

Infowars Ketoforce™ Puff Pastry

>implying there is something wrong with the palette of a middle-aged housewife

>> No.10037001

>amerimongrel """banter"""

>> No.10037025
File: 31 KB, 420x294, 1328880941285_6786417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>europoor "men"

>> No.10037029


>> No.10037030

how is this even an insult? most middle aged housewives have nothing better to do than watch food network, subscribe to food blogs, and pin new recipes while they hone their craft in the kitchen.


>> No.10037038

Can you explain why cutting off the rind is considered a shitty thing to do? I don't mind the rind but the cheese itself has a lot more use without said rind.

>> No.10037047
File: 21 KB, 302x227, Peg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another bon bon; you'll be ok

>> No.10037064

>making brie grilled cheese
>without the rind
What are you doing, my man? A brie grillie is top tier precisely because of that rind.

>> No.10037071

halved croissant with asparagus and brie

shmang that bitch at 425 for about 10 minutes

>> No.10037083

Toss that shit in the over and eat with garlic crackers

>> No.10037094
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3/10 bait. you blew your cover with "pallette", next time dont try so hard

>> No.10037096

>drinking alcohol

>> No.10037099
File: 75 KB, 564x704, 470dffcd767c45cdccb4ebf10aebb697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with daintly, girly, floral pattern knives that will be the envy of the neighbors.

>> No.10037100

Oh shit
>you are what you eat
>ate anon's mom
I guess you're right.

>> No.10037105


>> No.10037108

come one Hassan, let us have some fun...

>> No.10037114

brie is best if it is the DOUBLE CREME version, and only if it is Made in France.

i bought some Made in USA brie last month and it was bland, disgusting.

goat milk brie, made in USA, however, is good.

if you still have lots of bland brie, i would toast it on top of some sliced pears, or toast it on bread. as in, put it on top of those items and put them both into the oven. cheers

>> No.10037116

would slay infidels with this knife/10

>> No.10037121

>reddit spaces

>> No.10037514

Only faggots eat cheese

>> No.10037535
File: 153 KB, 634x799, 1516151467746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess real men only eat meat for every meal and nothing but you insecure faggot?

>> No.10037607

t. frenchie

>> No.10039356

Really good post. For holidays I do this with fig jam and candied walnuts inside the pastry as well.

>> No.10039373

HI soy boyo

>> No.10039389

Hubby hates it, but the aunts thinks it's divine!

>> No.10039408

Butter some bread, toast the cheese and bread, add apple and pear, and assemble sandwich

>> No.10039450

salty crackers
just look up cheese plate pairings with it in general

>> No.10039596

If you think it is tasteless, you are just a palatelet who can't appreciate subtle flavors. Sorry.

>> No.10039604

i like triscuits

>> No.10039607

In america it tastes like butter.

>> No.10039615

Walnuts and red grapes
Ritz crackers

>> No.10039624


mercan butter or real butter?

>> No.10039630

it tastes like american butter spritzed with ammonia.

"A bouquet of ammonia" that way i can pretend to be sophisticated like all the soccer mom's in this thread.

>> No.10039678
File: 288 KB, 800x600, camembert_flambe_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for camembert
>leave it in the box
>take a spoon and take one scoop out in the middle
>pour a small amount of calvados (apple moonshine from normandy) or other strong alcohol
>light that shit on fire
>let it melt
>when the alcohol is done burning, enjoy like a fondue, with bits of bread and spoons
wa la

>> No.10041129

cover in olive oil, chopped garlic, pecans, rosemary and thyme, bake at 450 for 10 min or until pecans are toasted.

>> No.10041150

That sounds delicious as fuck. God bless frogland, for their cooking at least.

>> No.10041181

I prefer eat the camembert raw and drink the calvados in a glass