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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 617 KB, 2016x1512, MVIMG_20180123_104611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10031784 No.10031784 [Reply] [Original]

So there's a lot of faggots who believe you need a wok in order to make restaurant quality fried rice. Let me show you why you're wrong.

Today I'll be making a Takana & Pork Belly Fried rice
>Sesame Oil
>Chili Oil
>Soy sauce
>Light soy sauce (I'll either use one or the other)
>Oyster Sauce
>2 different kinds of shichimi (I'll either use one or the other)
>Takana (google it)
>Green Onion(edited)
>Day Old Rice
>Pork Belly (I wont use all of it)
>3 eggs

>> No.10031791
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Cut the pork belly. Be sure you cut it somewhat thinly as you want to leave time for the fat to render more.
Too thicc and your pork belly will be very chewy and fatty.

>> No.10031795
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i cut the onions around this size

>> No.10031802
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Crumble up the day old rice you have. This is important so the rice can evenly absorb sauces, and it helps prevent large clumps of rice in the dish.
>use a spoon
>use your hands
either works

>> No.10031807
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Now as any smart chef does, when he uses a new ingredient he tastes it.
I have never used this before.
These are pickled Mustard leaves.

So i've decided not to use Chicken base, and to opt for the lightest soy sauce i have.

>> No.10031810
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Heat up a pan on high heat.

>> No.10031827
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>On very high heat scramble your eggoons.
this will take less than a minute. they dont need to be browned much as they will be going back into the pan later

>> No.10031833
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when you're done reserve the eggoons in a bowl for later.

>> No.10031841
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>Clean the pan
>and add pork belly
Pork belly has enough fat so it shouldn't stick to the pan

>> No.10031851

Thank you for this OC cooking thread, OP. How important is it to use day old rice though? I usually don't have any leftover rice and have wanted to try this for awhile

>> No.10031854
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Once the pork belly has browned a bit then add the onions.
i also added about a tsp of sesame oil in too

>> No.10031861

you can get away with fresh rice if it's japanese short grain. but with most rice it wont work well.
i still prefer day old rice

>> No.10031863

>everyone makes fun of his risotto
>gives up and makes risotto's complete 180

Not bad, Risotto Fag. Not bad.

>> No.10031865
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Our first ingredient which makes this fried rice distinctly Japanese. dont be afraid to be generous, it's not that spicy

>> No.10031871

what makes you think i'd ever give up on risottos, i've been making fried rice longer than i have been making risotto.
i'd consider it my second strongest dish, as i'm able to produce a rich and deep tasting fried rice.

>> No.10031873

I'm just getting prepped to make fried rice. Doubt I can make anything that looks as good as this.

So you use sesame oil? How does that work out? I just bought some and was thinking of using it, but I've also heard people recommend against using it in fried rice.

>> No.10031874
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Now we add oyster sauce.

>> No.10031877

it turns out fucking great if you want a rich and fragrant fried rice with strong flavors.
the only people who recommend against it are probably wok memesters who can't use sesame oil without it smoking like a mother fucker.

>> No.10031885
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This is what really separates my fried rice from other kinds, and what makes it godlike.
>the pork belly fat
>the shichimi
>The oyster sauce
they've helped to leave a delicious fond at the bottom of my pan.
Now this it's time for greatness.

.....If you dont want to buy sake this also works great with Sapporo, I'd say I even prefer it over Sake, but Sake is what I had in the fridge.

>> No.10031888
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Now I let the sake reduce a little bit, until around here..
I dont let the sake deglaze completely, I add the rice in to absorb some of the flavor of the sake.
This is what makes my fried rice as good as the ones you find in the best restaurants

>> No.10031891
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Now add in that rice and let it soak up the flavor of the pork, shichimi, oyster sauce, and sake

>> No.10031892


>tfw I'm cooking with a wok.

So, uh, do I still use it or not or...?

>> No.10031895

use it at the end of your cooking. start off with peanut oil or something

>> No.10031899
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Now I add in some garlic chili oil, you may have noticed that i have garlic in the OP pic, but I didn't add it.
This is the reason why.

A spoonful of this oils up the rice nicely and gives it a nice spicy background flavor.

>> No.10031901

>This is what makes my fried rice as good as the ones you find in the best restaurants

>> No.10031902

Sesame oil is a crucial ingredient for flied lice imo. I always add a little bit near the end.

>> No.10031912
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Now you might be wondering, where is the soy sauce,
Well it's here. I added very little because the oyster sauce, and the karashi takana was already pretty salty. I also added the lightest soy sauce I had.

Dont want to add too much anyway, dont wanna turn into a soy boy do i?

>> No.10031916
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Pic related. Some specialty Usukuchi soy sauce

>> No.10031922

buddy i've been eating fried rice all my life. it was my favorite food as a kid, I'd have it every monday.
I've tried
>thai fried rice
>Vietnamese fried rice
>korean fried rice
>chinese fried rice
>.....sadly i haven't tried indonesian fried rice
I'm not stupid I used to make mediocre fried rice, now the stuff i make will beat most restaurants you eat at.

>> No.10031930
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Now we add back in the eggoons, and let them cook on med-high heat for a bit

>> No.10031939
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we add our very special ingredient. and this what makes this fried rice distinctly japanese other than the soy sauce or the shichimi.

This is pickled mustard leaves for anyone curious.
.....Also chop up some green onions and add them in, i forgot to take a picture.

>> No.10031946
File: 496 KB, 2016x1512, Takana Fried Rice with Pork Belly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's done.
The flavors work brilliantly.
>You've got the fattiness of the pork belly
>combined with the vinegariness and mustard flavor of the takana
Just goes together so brilliantly.

/ck/ should know how well pork and mustard go together. Picture those flavors brought to a Japanese fried rice.

>> No.10031950
File: 451 KB, 2016x1512, Takana Fried Rice with Pork Belly WEEEB STYLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to be an extra weeb like i did you can add some pickled ginger on the side

>> No.10031957

Looks pretty good schlip schlip

>> No.10032119

Shokugeki me you colossal faglord.
Your food is nothing special

>> No.10032147

How do I keep the rice from sticking to the pan?

Whenever I do this I end up with some nasty mix of gooey and burnt that never really separates properly.

>> No.10032160
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i just use a nonstick pan.
show me what you can do.

>> No.10032255

what is your favorite anime?

>> No.10032273

I'm not going to tell u a favorite but i will tell you something i recently watched which i loved.
Hunter x Hunter

if i was in that show i'd clearly be a GOURMET HUNTER

>> No.10032429
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>All that liquid
Jesus fuck how is that not soggy as shit also
Consider suicide.

>> No.10032462

its not soggy because i didn't use all of the liquid dipshit.
and incorporating sake into fried rice is brilliant.>>10031885>>10031888
you cannot pretend that this isn't next level shit.

>> No.10032468

>Marukai San Diego
How does it compare to Nijiya? I drive by Marukai every day but keep forgetting it exists.

>> No.10032478
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i think marukai is cheaper. but i go to both.
i usually go to marukai though because its next to mitsuya marketplace and there i can pick up these godlike sodas.

if you live in san diego go to mitsuya and pick these things up. they taste like actual fucking fruit except with crisp carbonation

>> No.10032500

>$2 for tiny soda made with HFCS

>> No.10032507

>Pork belly
Just say bacon

>> No.10032519

Cool, I'll try those sodas the next time I'm at Mitsuwa. Nijiya on Convoy generally seems cheaper to me, plus they make great anpan for $1.39 and either don't charge sales tax or include it in prices. Looks like Marukai's got a good sake sale going on so I'll have to check it out.

>> No.10032525

Damn that looks really good and pretty easy. Overall cost for making this? Seems pretty cheap but idk how much some of those asian things would be.

>> No.10032540

well you don't really need half the ingredients i used.
All of this should be under 20 bucks other than the very specific soy sauces, and special ingredients i used.

The pork belly did cost 10 though, but i bought a lot of it.

>> No.10032551

Just say bacon you pretentious wannabe

>> No.10032572

just let him have his japanese pretend time

>> No.10032576

Is this the new dinotendies thread?

>> No.10032585

you do realize what bacon is right? Bacon is cured pork belly.
This is uncured. So to call it bacon would be untrue. infact if you look at the finished product it doesn't resemble normal bacon or even rashers.

there's nothing weebish about using the term pork belly

>> No.10032600


>> No.10032613

speak english, just because i like to cook Japanese things doesn't mean i'm weeb enough to consider learning Japanese

>> No.10032625

What you're cooking is as asian as you are

>> No.10032637

i'm half black and half white.

>> No.10032639

That explains why you're retarded and overcook everything at least

>> No.10032645

I haven't overcooked a single thing.
please go away and/or kill yourself. Notice how you're the only one in the thread who thinks that.
it's because you're an absolute idiot.

>> No.10032654

>muh rice muffugga
>its supposed to be overcooked
>but muh rice

>> No.10032671

i dont know how fried rice isn't supposed to be slightly overcooked when it's fully cooked rice which is being fried in a pan and absorbing sauces.
again as long as it isn't mushy i dont see the problem with it.

>> No.10032676

>again as long as it isn't mushy i dont see the problem with it.
Because you're a trash level cook

>> No.10032690


This guy seems a little mad

>> No.10032694

>trash level cook
says the faggot who has shown zero display of skill.
Again those who criticize what i do usually are beneath me. That's what i've found 9 times out of 10.
And that's exactly what i expect from you.

>> No.10032695

>rice autist pretending to be someone else

>> No.10032698

>says the faggot who has shown zero display of skill.
We have a lot in common

>> No.10032717

you haven't posted a single example of anything you've cooked. and it's because you cant cook.
you hate people who are better than you and you have to lash out anonymously at them.

At least i deliver and post and share my methods.
Why dont you outperform me then, why dont you actually prove yourself to be better than i am, rather than simple call me a trash cook.

It's because you don't have the willpower to do that. You're a loser and a defeatist who can't go against the negativity like i can.

>> No.10032722

I dont want anything of mine being associated with you. You have a habit of following people around and attacking them like the retard you are.

>> No.10032724

you should tagg us both in the same post, because that isn't me.

>> No.10032735
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wow you're actually this afraid of me. wow. i've never seen a bigger pussy on the internet.
What you think i'm going to track you down irl and insult your food retard?

hahahahahahahahahhahaha. The funny thing is people have the habit of following me around and attacking me. that's exactly what you're doing dipshit, you're from the /r9k/ thread aren't you, now you're here following me and attacking me.
What a sad fuck you are. KYS
>mfw right now

>> No.10032738

Is there something wrong with you? Are you okay?

>> No.10032743


Probably time to stop feeding the troll dude

>> No.10032747

He might not be able to cook, but at least he was gracious enough to use a tripcode so we can filter him.

>> No.10032750

I'd rather haters not see my food than see it. I dont enjoy the unnecessary and senseless negativity towards my hobby.

>> No.10032756

You bring the negativity by attacking people for giving you critique and sucking your own dick over mediocre food.

>> No.10032761

>d-d-don't be mean to m-me!
You should go back to whatever subreddit you crawled out of. That way you can downvote criticism instead of actually learning from it.

>> No.10032778

>What you're cooking is as asian as you are

One could also say that your civilization is as white as you are, which means that the imitation of Western civilization among east Asians is a colossal lie

>> No.10032782

I make fried rice a lot, and I can vouch. Day old is a little drier, which is nice because then you don't risk the chance of mushy rice.
You can bypass that a little by putting your rice in the freezer for a bit.

>> No.10032790

well if people gave reasonable critique i'd take them more seriously.
Saying food in a brown sauce looks like doo doo isn't a real critique. and thats the level of 99% of the criticism i've heard on here.

again his overcooked fried rice criticism is also bullshit.
How the fuck am i supposed to keep the same texture of perfectly cooked fried rice when it's a day old and i'm stir frying it?

Again these criticisms are retarded.

>> No.10032794

>How the fuck am i supposed to keep the same texture of perfectly cooked fried rice when it's a day old and i'm stir frying it?
Cook it perfectly for making fried rice.

>> No.10032800

Put your trip back on. You've being very inconsiderate to the people who filtered you, and reneging on your statement that you don't want "haters" reading your posts.
It's ridiculously obvious that you're trying to get attention, and it's honestly really sad.

>> No.10032806

SO UNDERCOOK RICE, in order to cook it for fried rice?
You do understand most people use leftover rice they eat with other meals, they dont purposely undercook rice in order to cook fried rice.

I used leftover rice that i served with beans to make this fried rice. and i typically only make fried rice when i have leftover rice from an earlier meal. This is how most people are and most asian restaurants are.

>> No.10032808

>Throw together slop out of leftovers
>Act like its gods gift to man

>> No.10032810

>put your trip back on
buddy im posting in serveral threads about different things. I'm taking my trip off for attention, but a risotto fag trip doesn't belong in a thread that isn't related to food

>> No.10032819

>a risotto fag trip doesn't belong in a thread that isn't related to food
It doesnt belong in one either

>> No.10032826

fried rice is one of the greatest recipes for leftover food there is.
It's gods gift to the poor man.

>> No.10032829

Try portioning your food correctly instead.

>> No.10032868

>he keeps changing his criticisms because he has no real argument
we got some high-quality fags in here

Good thread, OP. Thanks for posting
inb4 samefag

>> No.10032883

Well i wouldnt be surprised if he called his discord group to come to his defense.

>> No.10032884

it was a reasonable portion when i plated it.
thank you very much.

>> No.10032896


>> No.10032908
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>I'm not stupid I used to make mediocre fried rice, now the stuff i make will beat most restaurants you eat at.
>I'm not stupid
>the stuff i make will beat most restaurants you eat at.
>I'm not stupid
Yes, you are.

>> No.10032917

see i'd be willing to bet my left nut the fried rice i'd made you would be in your top 3 favorite fried rices you've tried.
this isn't overconfidence. i just have tried really good fried rices before and i still prefer stuff i make at home.

i'm able to achieve this richness of flavor this depth that you'd usually only find in stews. i dont know why my fried rice is so fucking rich and savory but it is.

>> No.10032922

>This cockiness over babbies first rice

>> No.10032929

>this isn't overconfidence
So what would you call it? You added fried egg to stale rice, quite literally baby's first rice recipe, and think you're a culinary genius.
You're a child and you're setting yourself up for failure.

>> No.10032938

I remember when I was in school and I thought I was hot shit because I was making food better than anything I'd had before.
My mom just wasnt the best cook, it turns out. He's probably cocky because he's outcooking his mom.

>> No.10032949

>babies first fried rice
i dont know many fried rice recipes savy enough to deglaze a fond to flavor their fried rice.
i'm cocky because the food is tasting better than 4.5 star restaurants you find on yelp.
if it didn't taste like the real deal i wouldn't be happy about it.

>> No.10032953

So much unwarranted pride
You're such a mediocre cook but you act like you're worth a damn.
Genuinely try to improve. Humbleness is a virtue in cooking.

>> No.10032954

I was going to read this thread but then I realised it was posted by risottofag.

>> No.10032964

>i'm cocky because the food is tasting better than 4.5 star restaurants you find on yelp.
Proof of this claim?

>> No.10032965

hey when i am at a top chefs skill level i hop you enjoy my cockiness a bit more then buddy.
i made this thread because somebody on my discord group requested i show them how to make fried rice.
it doesn't matter if you don't see it.

>> No.10032972

>hey when i am at a top chefs skill level i hop you enjoy my cockiness a bit more then buddy.
I've worked with dishwashers who could outcook you.

>> No.10032973

you'd have to taste the stuff in order for me to prove it. but i say that based on me going to the best asian restaurants in town and trying out their fried rice and realizing i enjoyed some of the rices i've made at home more.

>> No.10032978

ok sure. they may know how to cook more recipes they might have a faster hand, but with certain things like fried rice and risotto, i doubt it.
Those are my specialties.

>> No.10032979

So you're saying you're better at the most basic of basic dishes?

>> No.10032991

yes. i'm better at what i've spent months cooking and preparing at.
I don't think i'm a top notch chef. i think im just better than most of the people giving me bogus criticism.

that's all im saying.

>> No.10032998

Don't you live with your mom and stack shelves for a living?

>> No.10033003

i live on my own in a studio. and i no longer stock shelves overnight that was a seasonal position, and i have to get back to taking classes.

>> No.10033004

You're not even fit to wash dishes.
Preparing the most basic fucking rice dishes, in such a mediocre and unoriginal way, doesnt make you a cook. It makes you a hack.

>> No.10033006

Ha, the walmart fired you.

>> No.10033017

>le originality meme
I'm here to make good food, not to pretend to be a genius.
the most i'd want is a good family restaurant in my town. I'm not looking to be heston blumenthal.

You don't need to be original to make great food. Even though i do experiment and try creating new recipes.
i hope it makes you feel better about me being a better cook than you.
there's always a silver lining

>> No.10033020

Nobody is going to eat at a place that just serves the subpar rice you make.

>> No.10033021

I knew it was true :D

>> No.10033027

im not going to tell you my restaurant idea, but it will feature my fried rice.

>> No.10033033

>im not going to tell you my restaurant idea
Because even you know, deep down, that it's shit
Maybe there's a market niche if you sell the rice you always post for a dollar.

>> No.10033037

>he thinks fried rice would be my only dish
I have a fullfledged well rounded concept.

>> No.10033043

Thats why you need to keep it secret

>> No.10033054

>using sesame oil as anything but a finishing oil after you've turned the heat off
Fail. Shit has a low smoke point. Enjoy your bitter carcinogens.

>> No.10033058

>he actually thinks this
stop cooking on a 1000F wok and you'll understand that isnt true.

the sesame oil isn't exposed to enough heat to make it smoke like crazy, and there's rice in the pan absorbing it. so it really wont smoke

>> No.10033065

He's right, you're wrong.

>> No.10033066

Smoke point of sesame oil is 350 F. That's too low to use as anything but a finishing oil. You fucked up son. You turn the fucking heat off and mix that shit in at the very end.

>> No.10033070

i ddont get my pan to fucking 350F jackass.
it doesn't need to be that hot to make good fried rice.

>> No.10033071

>i ddont get my pan to fucking 350F jackass.
I'm pretty sure you do unless you cook that shit forever on super low.

>> No.10033072

>it doesn't need to be that hot to make good fried rice.
It needs to be hotter.
No wonder your shit is so soggy

>> No.10033090

>Tripfag does a decent job but shits up his own thread with USI bullshit
>Can't handle banter
>Attacks anyone that isn't willing to suck his dick

Yet again, OP is a faggot and proves that almost all Tripfags cannot be anything but.

>> No.10033093

>risottofag lives in San Diego
welp, time to move

>> No.10033102

okay wok fags. This looks like most Japanese fried rices you'll find.
you might be the only one who can vouch for the quality of my food. want to come over and try sometime.
iv'e never had a problem with my oil smoking. because i'm probably around 315F rather than 350.
The pan has food and sauce in it and i keep the heat at around High or medium high.

>> No.10033103
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>> No.10033105
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>he actually pre-heats a teflon pan

>> No.10033107

Why would you add the sesame oil earlier dumbo?
It will smoke to fuck if you add it in to early with no meat or rice to calm the temperature
im a humble man who uses the equipment that i have.
despite having much less than you do i sitll outperform you and make better food than you.

its amazing i can do that.

>> No.10033112

>risottofag trolling himself again

>> No.10033116

Indonesian fried rice is very good.

>want to come over and try sometime.
I never want to meet you
>cooking fried rice at that low of heat

>Why would you add the sesame oil earlier dumbo?
Do you know what "finishing" means?

>> No.10033119

You are not supposed to use sesame oil in fried rice until at the very end when the heat is turned off. Period. Doing so will lead to burnt oil, bitter flavor and carcinogens. Period.
You are not supposed to pre-heat teflon pans. Period. Doing so will release toxic fumes into the air and into your oil/food. Period.
You should do a lot more research before you cook again, Tre'Devious.

>> No.10033122

lol you pre-heated a Teflon pan mate that's not making do with what you have it's pretending you know shit when you know fuck all you daft cunt

>> No.10033127

i use what i have. and there's no shame in that.
>bitter flavor and carcinogens. Period
i'm not experiencing that whatsoever. so i'm not cooking at the same temperature as you are.

you're right about the teflon pans. what should be my alternative to make fried rice in.
i see no point in finishing with the sesame oil if i'm not burning it.
you say this bitter taste should be very obvious well it's not. it doesn't taste bitter at all.
it tastes rich.

>> No.10033128

You're a fucking retard

>> No.10033135

I'm sorry you're not a supertaster, but you absolutely are creating bitter flavor by overheating sesame oil.
You can absolutely make decent fried rice with teflon pans, but pre-heating them and using sesame oil as anything but a finishing oil is NOT the way to do so. If you want to make decent fried rice with teflon pans you add all your liquids to the rice and the rice only and THEN you put that shit in the fridge overnight and cook the remainder the next day over a medium heat at highest using an oil with a high smoke point like rice bran oil or extra light olive oil.

>> No.10033142

i trust my tongue over you.
this meme your talking about with the oil only applies if you're cooking it to the point where it smokes.
it doesn't taste wrong though man. if it tasted foul or wrong or like it was a mistake i'd understand.
Now what pan should i opt to use, and can i sitll use teflon for risotto?

>> No.10033146

>i trust my tongue over you.
Maybe thats why you're such a bad cook.

>> No.10033148

better than you.
based on what you've displayed and shown me.

>> No.10033154

>Now what pan should i opt to use
A teflon pan is fine as long as you don't use anything higher than medium heat and as long as you add all your liquids (soy sauce, etc.) to the rice the day before and then let that shit cool and dry out in the fridge overnight. A well-seasoned, smooth-surfaced cast iron or carbon steel would be ideal, though, in lieu of a wok and a super high powered burner. Most brand new cast iron these days doesn't have a smooth enough surface to be effectively nonstick so you need to sand and reseason that shit for it to be good. You can, however, easily find new carbon steel with a smooth surface that will season to a nice, nonstick finish.

>> No.10033167

Fuck off mate it's clear you've deluded yourself. When a dozen or so people start calling you a daft cunt maybe you should listen and start thinking that maybe they might be right.

I'm sure it's not awful but you're not as good as you think. Take the criticism instead of crying like a little girl unless you are one in which case get your loli ass back in the kitchen and rethink your life choices.

>> No.10033169

i know nothing about seasoning pans or pans for that matter.
i just dont feel like the teflon method you're using will work for me.

im not the type of guy who wants to buy cast iron sand it and season it, in order to cook food.
so what should i look for in a pan? i dont mind carbon steel but again i know nothing about seasoning which is why i use teflon for almost everything i do.

>> No.10033178

you've shown me literally nothing as far as im concerned youre dog shit.
you want to insult my food, grow a pair and post yours, otherwise why should i take you seriously at all?

the only thing anybody has said that convinced me is that i shouldn't be using teflon. That's it. Because thats an area i dont know much about, i just use the equipment i have.

>> No.10033181

>Because thats an area i dont know much about,
That and cooking

>> No.10033185

again you say this, but you've displayed no knowledge of cooking. you're too afraid to even post your food bro.

>> No.10033186

>Because thats an area i dont know much about

So you admit you be been a whinging little shit then? If you can admit to having one fault then you can admit to havin another. It's like trying to talk to a damned child here.

>> No.10033193

When I used to make fried rice with teflon pans here's what I'd do: I'd cook the rice from dry in the teflon pan, then when it was done I'd add my soy sauce and fish sauce (this is when you add any liquids you want to use), mix that shit in over a medium flame, wait until all the liquid is absorbed/cooked off and then put it in the fridge overnight. The next day I'd add everything else to it (no liquids) and it'd have a restaurant-like texture to it despite only being fried over a medium flame. This is absolutely the best way to make fried rice with a teflon pan.
As for carbon steel and seasoning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWNl-uJD0Uo
Two minutes in. Shit's easy. The result will be a non-stick pan that can take high heat without offgassing toxic fumes like a teflon pan will.

>> No.10033202

i'll try seasoning a carbon steel pan later next month. i'll need to pick up a new pan tho,

>> No.10033206

oh i have many faults but i dont think i'm making fried rice improperly or that my risotto is bad, or that my food isn't good.

>> No.10033208

Also, it helps if you microwave the rice the next day until it's warm, not hot, before adding it to the pan. This helps it to not be clumpy/sticky and have that nice restaurant texture where it has like, nice individual grains of rice not stuck to each other.
Trust me on all of this shit. I've made a metric fuckton of fried rice; it is my favorite food. I've micromanaged this shit down to a science over the years.

>> No.10033223

thats a really bizarre and unorthodox method to getting fried rice.
i dont entirely trust it

>> No.10033228

Using a teflon pan is, in and of itself, a bizarre and unorthodox method of making fried rice. Mixing in all your liquids the day before and then letting it dry out in the fridge overnight is absolutely the best way to get that non-soggy, non-sticky restaurant texture using a teflon pan. You need to compromise with your methods if you're going to be using the absolutely unideal teflon pan to make fried rice, since teflon pans cannot be used with more than medium heat safely.

>> No.10033233

You already fucked up

>> No.10033240

only flaw imo.
and it was unavoidable as i dont have a carbon steel or cast iron pan.

>> No.10033242
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- Sesame oil is not even for light frying
- The egg looks like shit. Fry it in more oil (not sesame oil) until it's golden brown.

But the main thing is.. who the fuck makes fried rice using a broth? Fried rice is meant to be fried in oil. It's meant to be slightly crispy cos it's been fried. If you use a broth you're going to get soggy as fuck rice unless you're using glutinous rice which just isn't for fried rice.

>> No.10033246

It wasn't fucking unavoidable. You don't need to pre-heat the pan. It's not a stainless steel pan that'll stick like hell unless you pre-heat it first. It's fucking teflon. You don't need to pre-heat it. Ever. That's kind of the point of teflon.

>> No.10033250

>A broth?
There's no broth. there is a sake deglaze. and it isn't a problem because im using a very dry day old rice, and very little soy sauce.
i'm using japanese short grain.
the pan needs to get hot before i put the food in nigger. i don tlike adding food in a cold pan.

>> No.10033252

>the pan needs to get hot before i put the food in nigger.
It literally does not if it's teflon, and pre-heating a teflon pan is literally dangerous and literally releases toxic fumes into the air and your oil/food. Research this.

>> No.10033254

i want the sizzle when the meat and veggies hit the pan tho?

>> No.10033260

Protip: I know they tell you never to use more than a medium flame with teflon, but here's what you do: you throw your food in cold, you turn the flame up to max, then you turn it down to medium the moment you hear the sizzling start. You won't release toxic fumes like this.
The other exception to the medium flame rule with teflon is boiling water. The temperature of the surface of the pan cannot exceed 212 F you're boiling water in the pan. It's safe to boil water in a teflon pan with a high flame.

>> No.10033263

You'll still get the sizzle if you heat the oil up from a cold pan. You're not the same poster, are you?

>> No.10033267

You shouldn't even pre-heat a teflon pan with oil in it. The food should go in when the pan is cold for safety/toxin/carcinogen reasons.

>> No.10033275

Day old in what sense? Do I cook/drain and let it sit in the refrigerator for a day?

>> No.10033276

>i'm using japanese short grain.
Long grain is best for fried rice. You should also experiment with using chicken stock instead of water to cook rice for chicken fried rice, beef stock instead of water to cook rice for beef fried rice, etc.

>> No.10033277

Bleh. I think I'll just risk the cancer, kid.

>> No.10033303

>yes. i'm better at what i've spent months cooking and preparing at.
So you're saying that you've perfected in months what takes some people years, an entire lifetimes, to perfect?
Dude. No. Get out.

>> No.10033330
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>> No.10033609

maybe we should start calling him "toddlerspenisfag" instead of "risottofag"

>> No.10033620

>tripfag says he's top cook
>shocked that people disagree

>> No.10033640

next level cuisine right here friendos

>> No.10033955

nigger this looks delicious

>> No.10033973

I hate it when some asshole thinks he has to draw a red circle around something really obvious in a picture. Are these people retarded or do they just assume everybody else is?

>> No.10033979

How the fuck do you end up making rice dishes so watery?

>> No.10033984

>OC thread devolves into bitching and moaning.

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.10034020

Yeah, I can't say this is the best risotto I've ever seen, or even that it's a risotto at all, but I appreciate seeing an actual cooking thread for once, and people can learn from shitty cooking too as long as they read the critique others are posting about it. I don't expect everybody here to be a great chef anyway. I know I'm not.

So thanks for sharing, OP.

>> No.10034068

no, it's worse

>> No.10034093

I dunno why people hate you but you seem ok from what i've seen.

>> No.10034103

It's because it's the very narcissistic Risotto Fag. The guy's the epitome of Dunning-Kruger mixed with high-concentrate insecurity.

>Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is.

>someone says it probably tastes like shit to get some kicks out of him
>n-no! i cook better than a five-star restaurant! my tongue knows best! i've eaten [x] and [y] and i still prefer mine!

That's called pride, and cognitive bias will always lead a prideful person to thinking whatever they make is better than others no matter what they're told.

>> No.10034112


Beta faggots mad that someone has an ounce of self worth

Risotto Homie keep doing your thing and triggering these buttmad homos. Especially this self-righteous little shit >>10034103

>> No.10034180

i've tried both.
And i think for homemade fried rice Japanese short grain is a great choice. i could understand wanting a wok for something like long grain.
and yes i've used chicken stock before when making a fried rice.

>> No.10034200

its not even watery, people are just upset that it's soft.
when you're using Japanese short grain you're not going to get rice thats crispy and fluffy like stir fried basamati or jasmine.

>> No.10034275

I was talking about using sesame oil like that, but ok.

>> No.10034321


This is my fav pic. Id drink that shit.

>> No.10034351

again the sesame oil was not hot enough to smoke.
if carcinogens and bitterness was released i would have known before i even plated it based on tasting it as it cooks.

>> No.10034383

can you please say the amounts you put of each ingredient?

>> No.10034394

i wouldn't have an exact number. but i know i put in a spoonful of chilioil. and sesame oil.

>> No.10034405
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Questions to flied lice gulus:
>CAN you cook fried rice in a cast iron pan? (I have a secondhand Teflon wok and I don't wanna use it despite it being unscratched)
>Does soy sauce work the same way as salt does in drawing out water from vegetables?
>Should I undercook rice if I don't have day old rice? Or is putting fully cooked rice in the freezer for a bit a better idea?
>What kind of sauces do you suggest?
>What kind of greens (other than baby bok choy, which is my staple green for fried rice) goes well with the dish?
>What oil should be typically used?

Thanks for tolerating my retardation. I wanna make stir fry tonight and still haven't figured out the proper technique.

>> No.10034406

looks fucking great OP, except for me personally he pork belly. is there a non pork meat one can use as a substitute for someone like me who dont eat pork?

>> No.10034411

Looks lame, remove your trip and kill yourself. Faggot.

>> No.10034413

I feel like you should be worried about the state of your teflon pan if it retains a glaze.

>> No.10034424

any other meat can work.
>CAN you cook fried rice in a cast iron pan?
yes but it needs to be seasoned
>Does soy sauce work the same way as salt does in drawing out water from vegetables?
>Should I undercook rice if I don't have day old rice? Or is putting fully cooked rice in the freezer for a bit a better idea?
putting fully cooked rice in the freezer is a better idea
>What kind of sauces do you suggest?
1. Soy Sauce
2. Oyster SAUCE
3. Tonkatsu Sauce
4. Kecap Manis
5. Garlic Chili sauce
6. Fish Sauce
a lot of sauces can work.
>What kind of greens (other than baby bok choy, which is my staple green for fried rice) goes well with the dish?
Basil works incredibly well, so does green onion ofcourse, cilantro can work well, and today i've shown that pickled mustard leaves can work well
>What oil should be typically used?
Sesame is a key to getting a rich flavor, but do not use it if your pan is retardedly hot otherwise it will smoke.
If you're worried about it smoking you can always use canola, vegetable, or peanut oil at the beginning of the stir fry and finish it with sesame oil.
it's actually a very interesting concept for fried rice. Brining the flavors of mustard and pork to the dish is not something you'd usually find.

>> No.10034426

>any other
great. with some fat on it preferably yeah?

>> No.10034433

nah. lean meat can work to.
you can't really go wrong here.

>> No.10034436

Green onion is a vegetable not a [leafy] green

>> No.10034438

thanks sir. i just thought it might be in the same category as they are used a similar way.

>> No.10034446

Not sure what amount of liquid ingredient you used but it's too much.
That's far too watery, friend.

>> No.10034449

i disagree.

>> No.10034462

Not you soggy froggy

>> No.10034656

Literally proves you don't know how to cook since you don't even know what you're eating.

>> No.10035040

thanks anon, gonna try it this weekend

>> No.10035086

Get a fucking wok, then use that much faggot

>> No.10035624

i'm sorry you dont understand how rice grains work but, japanese short grain is never going to end up being fluffy and crunchy like jasmine or basamati.

it is a sticky grain, and it is much softer so it will look "soggy" if you want to call it that. learn more about rice grains and you'll understand.
I disagree. That's a very stupid nitpick.
also it would be inaccurate for me not to bring up green onions because the role they play in fried rice is very similar to how basil, and cilantro work.

>> No.10035788

Looks good man

>> No.10036062
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Seriously, kill yourself.