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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10030200 No.10030200 [Reply] [Original]

What is the key to a great grilled cheese? What kind of cheese do you use? Bread? The regular American and white has never done it for me.

>> No.10030346

Bread: white potato bread
Cheese: kraft singles

Pan-fry in butter

>> No.10030351

>using kraft singles for anything

I agree that you should use American cheese, but those things are horrendous. They don't even taste like what they should.

>> No.10030371

Mayo instead of butter, pan nice and hot.

>> No.10030379

Mayo or any vinegary sauce/spread (bbq, tangy apple butter etc) spread thinly on brioche slices (works with croissant/donut/sourdough - with a few alterations). Set aside. Saganaki a piece of feta/halloumi/any salty cheese that holds firm against heat - herbs in the dusting. Cut in half lengthwise, fill with a slice or two of any mild melting cheese (smoked Emmental is my go-to), reassemble, set aside and let the melting slowly begin. Meanwhile, sear the brioche to optimum crispiness - spread sides down. When ready, butter generously (plain, unsalted) the virgin sides, flip one, top with cheese block, and then the other slice -- the crispy sides are on the inside. Press lightly, let it crisp up, it should only take a few moments. When ready flip the whole thing, press a bit harder, get the crisp right, lift and set on rack for a minute or two. The firm cheese prevents sogginess against the bread so you get amazing crunch without sacrificing gooeyness.


Thank me later.

>> No.10030386

I like pumpernickel and gouda or muenster. Buttah make it bettah.

>> No.10031168

holy effort batman

>> No.10031213
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, mindblown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fry your cheese before you grill your sandwich

>> No.10031291

Jewish rye bread with gruyere and swiss and sliced tomatoes fried in butter is the GOAT

>> No.10031304
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>> No.10031322

grillzed cheese and tomato soup is for children. grow the fuck up.

>> No.10031355
File: 891 KB, 5760x3840, grilledcheesedip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White bread, preferrably made yourself, slightly thicker than presliced cut.

3-5 slices of cheese depending on bread thickness, a nice combination of cheeses is encouraged. Can't go wrong with cheddar.

Last the dip makes it, some tomato soup, chicken broth/ramen, white/brown gravy, whatever you prefer.

>> No.10031368

Oh and use butter, i usually butter the bread before putting it in the pan.

Mayo is weird.

>> No.10031373

well that's the most reddit image I've seen today

>> No.10031375

I a midwest white male and I totally get where he's coming from.

>> No.10031720

Make sure you put the bread in the toaster before you microwave it otherwise it will be soggy.

>> No.10031741

On the one hand I want to say this is the one time a kraft single might be acceptable.

But you are also correct that American cheese is far superior in every way including this.

>> No.10031964

Two types of cheese (no fake plastic cheese, actual cheese).
Butter, not margarine, and mayo on the outside.
Some pepper
After flipping butter the outside again so the toast isn't too dry.

>> No.10032018
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>> No.10033642

>spread butter on the outside of the bread
>spread a little mayo inside
>use 2 different kinds of cheese
>add bacon
>cook it on low enough heat so it gets a bit crisp but overall stays soft
>serve with chicken noodle or mushroom soup

>> No.10033666

i am giggled idk why