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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 391 KB, 2000x1180, Sardines-2000x1180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10027991 No.10027991 [Reply] [Original]

im thinking of getting heavy into this shit: mad tasty, mad healthy, mad easy, and generally, the price is right. anyone have a favorite brand or anything like that—i'm thinking of ordering a big case online or something

>> No.10028424

Angelo Parodi is best sardine.

>> No.10029163

where do you get them? are anchovies seen as less classy than sardines

>> No.10029166

>January 2018
>suddenly there are at least 25 canned seafood threads per week
Is all of this shit getting posted by one person? What in the fuck?

>> No.10029208

it's the hot new thing

>> No.10029222

Do /deenz/ bros prefer deenz packed in flavoured sauces (tomato, spicy, mustard etc) or just straight up with oil?

>> No.10029227

>he doesn't know the pure joy of cracking open that first canna deenz of the day

>> No.10029232

It's the healthy response to those faggots who think drinking energy drinks for athletes is all there is in life

>> No.10029238

I don't think eating food out of cans 7+ meals a week is necessarily "healthy" but I suppose this is all relative, isn't it. The fact that I bike to work makes me some kind of olympian ironman super athlete to some. The fact that I only drink a few alcoholic beverages every week makes me some kind of teetotaler. So keep on being /ck/, /ck/.

>> No.10029297

Why did gay ass mods delete the official /deenz/ thread

>> No.10029304

Probably because incomprehensible garbage slang is a violation of one of the global rules, I can't remember which one. I know it's hard, but try speaking standard English

>> No.10029308
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>memes are a violation of the rules on 4chan

>> No.10029320

Anchovies are good
I prefer olive oil or hot sauce, but chances are I'm using hotsauce anyway

>> No.10029326

The word you're using is "sardines". Practice it a few times to get it right. Or just bitch and moan about the conspiracy to oppress your retarded fake "meme". Whatever floats your boat.

>> No.10029328

I like them in olive oil. My mum used to buy them in mustard when I was a kid but I got sick of them.

>> No.10029343
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>t. janitor

>> No.10029356
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retarded janitor
>they do it for free

>> No.10029358
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These are arriving tonight.

>> No.10029366

If I was a janny we wouldn't even be having this conversation, every single mangled "meme" would be deleted on sight

Sue your english teacher

>> No.10029367

Why do you even care? You sound like a faggot.

>> No.10029370
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just ordered these

>> No.10029384

Because I like sardines and I don't appreciate them being associated with disgusting people who drink energy drinks and intentionally mangle words to create an artificial "subculture" around a common foodstuff

>> No.10029393

get a load of this guy

>> No.10029395

I like sardines too. The deenz thing is just a spinoff joke of sip threads. I dunno why you think sardines are being associated with energy drinks just because someone made up the goofy deenz thing.

>> No.10029396

I'll bet you're the life of the party.

>> No.10029400
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i put deenz in the thread title so i can ctrl+f deenz and get exactly where i need to be to talk about the greatness of sardines every morning. but that just pisses you and your ilk off doesnt it?

>> No.10029408


>> No.10029455

Any deen boys wanna kiss and talk about deenz?

>> No.10029458


>> No.10029463

wait, are you a deen girl?

>> No.10029488
File: 306 KB, 600x337, CR8fFY4WUAE0QDt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite way to eat /deenz/ an /choviez/? I like them on crackers or french bread with lime juice and a good hot sauce with a kick. Scotch bonnet hot sauce is a good medium for me. Otherwise straight from the can is good. I tend to add hotsauce anyway. Don't forget about fisherman's eggs. Soyboys can't compete.

>> No.10029519

Just go to wholesale clubs. You can get large amounts of whatever you want for good prices.

Would not recommend buying large amounts though because of expiry dates.

>> No.10029550

I'm going to try sardines for the first time. What brand is best, worst, oil or water (fuck mustard)?

>> No.10029554

If it says Brisling in oil then you're good.

>> No.10029557

>I like sardines too.
my fellow deener

>> No.10029563
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>> No.10029608

girls are icky

>> No.10029623

In hot sauce or sriracha. Very tasty. Mustard is ok too.

>> No.10029624

I love sardines and "kipper snacks" but I can never remember which brands aren't shit.

I buy a can and its full of bones.

>> No.10029638

very good choice my dude

>> No.10029652

Sip boys all decided to go healthy and embrace the Deenz boy mantle

>> No.10029673

These are delicious.

>> No.10029686
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my fave, tho I don't really eat them that often

>> No.10029724

You know what is strange I have not been on ck in a while and i recently starting getting these intense cravings for seafood of all types. This lead to me buying canned seafood. I come back on here and its like heaven.

>> No.10029733

welcome brother deener, its been too long

>> No.10029734

comes in tartan sauce :^)

>> No.10029758
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What do you guys think of tomato bois? I personally like the added acidity and zest.

>> No.10029763

all are welcome

>> No.10029780
File: 52 KB, 550x367, moreton-bay-bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been seeing these threads a lot lately so Ill post some key things, dunno if its talked about.

Arsenic comes from sardines, small doses are irrelevant but if you eat two cans a day for a month thats not good at all.

Mercury is from tuna, canned. I was having lower right abdominal pain from eating seafood on a budget primarily for all my protein. Stopping eating fixed it, my example is anecdotal but googling mercury in fish is a well known fear monger tactic. There is validity to it though.

Things like oysters and many fish come from fucking china where its raised in sewage (Reese especially, half of their products are Chinese) DO NOT BUY THESE.

Canned crab is a nightmare unless its chunk (Insane prices) and these are sold in them I do believe. Not gross by themselves but its unlikely you knew that you ate these (And other species blended together in canned crab meat)

I love sardines and herring, but canned seafood is a disliked area by many for a reason. Shit like canned salmon is also very unnerving to people who havent cracked one open and had an entire spine fall out of the can. (Its meant for shredded meat and stocks, you need to manually remove bone chips in most affordable brands)

>> No.10029784
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Are /oystybois/ allowed here?

>> No.10029787
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>> No.10029790

>because you are not rich you cannot buy food
Yeah all canned food is poison. All mass-farmed food is poison and damaging the environment. Pay super-high prices for "local", give up foods that aren't entirely, and sing kumbaya together.

>> No.10029793


y'all enjoy mercury?

>> No.10029803

Read the post dipshit, I gave specific examples of what isnt good. I didnt say anything that you posted at all and there are no local canned fish where I live nor did I advocate buying local fucking canned fish. Canned food isnt bad but like all products some of them are.

Not in all canned fish and there are graphs detailing which contain it. People will cite canned tuna on this board as being poison then go eat sushi with 40x the merc content and be super epic. Ive never seen someone post negatively about swordfish/marlin and they are by far the worst for merc.

Google fukashima nuclear fish mutations too if you wanna be butthurt, I eat them anyways.

>> No.10029830
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Who here /catchownfood/?

>> No.10029836
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i was raised by a single mother so not me

>> No.10029840

I was too anon.
Shit sucks doesn't it?

>> No.10029848

Shits delicious with some hot sauce on a triscuit - especially the smoked oysters

>> No.10029876

I did, but mainly fresh water. Shit sucked, too bony. If only I had the wonder boner

>> No.10029895

How are bones a problem? Just eat the meat off the bones. Also i really only eat crappie and bluegill. Crappie is best

>> No.10029909

it wasn't the presence of the bones, it was the volume.

>> No.10029916

also I'll add this was a large mouth bass

>> No.10029955

Eating bass is for uncultured swine

>> No.10029966

It's a fate worse than death. I don't even know how to ride a bike at 25

>> No.10029969

Okay then faggots, stop posting brands how do I *eat* them. crackers or something?

>> No.10029983

Should have joined the army like me. Best way to get out of a shitty life

>> No.10029992


one brand I like does mackerel in teriyaki sauce but its fucking out of stock 90% of the time, think I'll pretend to be a business and order crates wholesale

>> No.10030059

wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.10030098

>toast some soft rolls/bread in butter
>smear deenz in hot sauce on toast
>add a couple basil leaves

fucking delicious anons, totally recommend.

>> No.10030220

How can double dubs lie?

>> No.10030396
File: 89 KB, 600x586, riga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count? cause i just ate them and they are fucking amazing.

>> No.10030426

You done did good.

>> No.10030439
File: 424 KB, 2338x1792, old cannery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here every worked for a salmon cannery like me and never want to eat that shit ever again after what you witnessed?

>> No.10030455

story time anon

>> No.10030482

story story story story story

>> No.10030490

go on, but leave the deenz out of it

>> No.10030521

Tell it all brother

>> No.10030523

Tell the world Tbh

>> No.10030545

writing the story hang on

>> No.10030606
File: 2.51 MB, 2988x2988, rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay well i was a QA for a pretty major salmon cannery company in alaska. in most of the cans we processed my first year as QA most of our product was sub-par because our QA staff had <1 year experience in the industry including my manager

Fish and Game reps go out and determine how often the tender boats can fish and in what areas. so in a slow season, to prevent overfishing they'll periodically 'close the gates' preventing boats from fishing in certain areas which means we dont get fish for several days some times. this is not good considering the company paid for us to eat (seven times a day) and live in this village in the middle of nowhere. during one particular closure we had a haul out (boat from a long ways away outside the closure zones) with over a million pounds of fish. usually we'd get maybe 300-500k on a good day, <100k was a really bad day. since they came from so far away we ended up waiting like 9 or 10 days for the fish to arrive and when it finally did, the fish was basically expired and smelled fucking awful. like the worst pussy you've EVER SMELLED x10. but since the company had already bought the fish and we werent able to get any more for some time, we had to process it, and fast as fuck. it took us I think 2-3 days given our small crew at the time and a lot of mistakes were made. everything that could have went wrong did. unremoved inedible fins, full bones, wrong species you name it. it got to the point that none of the salty old timers wanted to hear from a first year QA that the fish was basically inedible or bad product that they pushed it all through without question almost to spite us QAs. Which is understandable because most QAs have no production background and as QA there's not much physical work that is done, and it's mostly paperwork.

tldr we canned over a million pounds of fish that was past expired but the company doesn't care because they only have a 6 year window to get sued for these cans

>> No.10030629


I wonder if all canned seafood is this fucked up

>> No.10030661

It definitely is. I left out the part about whenever i go to grocery stores i check the can codes from the sockeye/pinks and on more than one occasion I've found the cans from our plant that could have been from that haul out. I actually have a lot of good memories from working there but this happens every year because they're not going to turn away that much fish when they're desperate. the company will close down canneries and send people home or to other plants if it gets just a little bit too slow and they're losing money. I have other stories but mostly unrelated to actual canning

>> No.10030675

tuna in sunflower oil>>tuna in brine

>> No.10030712

>mad healthy
I dont know, doesnt canned food have lead in it
I guess once in a while its no big deal but constantly eating this it would build up

>> No.10030752

My experience with a small cannery in Washington was quite different. I went salmon fishing on a charter out of Neah Bay on the Straights of Juan de Fuca and caught my limit but was only going to cook and eat 1 fish at the condo we were staying in so I dropped off the others at the local cannery in exchange for a certain number of their canned smoked salmon and they were the best. Unfortunately, I heard several years later they closed. That canned salmon was so good it prompted me to learn how to smoke and can salmon for myself.

It was probably so good because they were small and didn't have some busybody ass of a no nothing QA fag running around fucking shit up.

>> No.10030868

>It was probably so good because they were small and didn't have some busybody ass of a no nothing QA fag running around fucking shit up
yeah probably that or the fact they didn't purchase two week old salmon to make up for lost profit and would rather close down hahaha faggot

>> No.10030908

Nothing you described in your little story is that bad. You're just a pussy.

>> No.10030927
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>happily paying to eat rotten, inefficiently cleaned salmon

>> No.10030929

>wahhhhhh it's rotten cause it smelled like fish!

>> No.10030940

it was rotten because it was sitting on a boat without ice for two weeks. you have no idea what it smelled or looked like but maybe some day you will when you pop open one of those cans

>> No.10030946

Sure it was, buddy.

>> No.10030954
File: 1.95 MB, 1370x1388, 1515429627942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot you were there

>> No.10030966

>deenz internet defense force reporting for duty

>> No.10031220

you're an icky

>> No.10031243

>really not into energy drinks
>jelly of the boys in /sip/ threads
>/deenz/ threads become a thing
>love sardines and chovies

thank you /ck/

>> No.10031366

>smelled fucking awful. like the worst pussy you've EVER SMELLED x10.
>verything that could have went wrong did. unremoved inedible fins, full bones, wrong species you name it

if i opened a can and it smelled that bad, i'd chuck it. if it had inedible parts/fin/bone then i wouldn't be able to eat that anyway, so i'd be pissed but no harm done. i'm no connoisseur so wrong species doesn't phase me.

not trying to be defensive, but i'm not really concerned with getting a can, finding out its shitty, and then not eating it. it's like two bucks for a can, i'm not too bothered by that. what i'm worried about is getting seriously ill.

>> No.10031495

So I'm a little interested in trying this. What does it taste like? I'd imagine just white fish plus whatever it came in, like hot sauce or oil or whatever.

Also, are they boneless? I'd imagine it's a pain in the ass to eat if you have to deal with all those tiny bones.

>> No.10031519

Anchovies are a whole lot harder to eat by themselves than sardines.

>> No.10031568

Brunswick is the goat, rep canada

>> No.10031576

Oh, holy shit, deenz is just short for sardines? I think it was a brand name, so I was equating /deenz/ threads with /sip/ threads as a sort of counter-shitposting.

>> No.10031615

If i pay for something i don't buy it half expecting it to be inedible rotten garbage

>> No.10031650

Ew. Only old white guys like canned seafood. I can't think of anything more unattractive.

>> No.10031660

It’s good but it stinks

>> No.10031678

the bones turn into mush when you chew on them. Tastes like fish idfk it's cheap and ez and healthy

>> No.10031681

>thinking we care about some whore who eats chicken tenders and 800 calorie starbucks mochas

>> No.10031702
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I suppose I'll just have to try them. Recommended brands/ brands to avoid?

>> No.10031705

Damn roastie, clean that split tail down there once in a while and the smell of fish might not bother you so much ;)

>> No.10031980

I pick up women while eating canned sardines, it's my signature move

>> No.10032019
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Latest haul.

>> No.10032030

let me know how those bar harbor ones are been wanting to try those

>> No.10032036

I've tried them before, very good. The maple isn't overpowering at all.

>> No.10032040
File: 521 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20180123_164802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a 5.6 oz (160 g) can of brisling sardines in olive oil, what's a good way to eat them? First time having them. Already a big fan of King Oscar kippers, gonna try smoked oysters next

>> No.10032060

Toasted crusty bread.

>> No.10032142
File: 458 KB, 1500x1000, DSC05324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this fellow deenzer >>10032019 but this is the same can of Wild Planet.
I also have a can of the WP EVOO with Lemon, and the marinara variety that I have yet to try.

>> No.10032196

Found some sardines in lemon sauce yesterday, never seen them before.

They were pretty good.

>> No.10032362

I thought the boats have freezers on board? was theirs broken or something?

>> No.10032376

Anchovies are not intended to eat straight like sards..... they are used in sauces, as toppings...

>> No.10032398

Why waste money and valuable space on that when you have cold ocean water literally all around you?

>> No.10032517

im laughing so hard

>> No.10032773

How are sardines in a sandwich?
Just sardines, nothing more, are the bones too troublesome? should I take them out first?

>> No.10032885

> deenz brand sardines
fucking lol

>> No.10032931

I'm wondering the same, most cod boats fill their storage with literal blocks of ice so as not to spoil the catch because they often travel weeks out to some of the catch grounds.

>> No.10033113
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>Got canned eels as a stocking stuffer for Christmas
>Couldn't take it with me because of TSA

>> No.10033157
File: 2.10 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20180124_020107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't stop me now!
I'm havin such a good time

God damn kippers are good!

>> No.10033192

you wont even notice the bones, put them on buttered toast or something.

>> No.10033336

They'd probably go well wrapped in some leafy greens, particularly with some that have been steamed.

>> No.10033353

In no particular order, in my opinion the high-tier brands are:
> King Oscar (including Tiny Tots)
> Brunswick
> John West

Have heard good things about Bar Harbour and Wild Planet but haven't had them so can't comment

>> No.10033380

I think it's fun to talk about. Plus there's so many brands and varieties, and you can get more exotic stuff like squid or we could talk about pickled seafood. There's endless options, it's a much better community than the sip faggots. What is there to chat about an energy drink? People have been eating fish since the dawn of time.

>> No.10033383

would only eat canned food if was chained in a rape dungeon after a nuclear holocaust

>> No.10033389

I scale bluegills, gut them, cut the heads off and fry them whole. You get more meat that way and it's great for kids because it's fun picking the meat off the bones. You can even eat the smaller fins and they taste like potato chips. Fuck my mouth is watering thinking about it.

>> No.10033390
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>> No.10033399

>fake memes
>counterfeit memes
>meme inflation
>insider memeing
>russian proxy memes
I don't know which anons I can trust these days.

>> No.10033437

Trust nobody, the deenz is out there

>> No.10033635

who's having a king deenz breakfast

>> No.10033680

just cracked a lemon and cracked pepper brunswick herring fillets. If I'm being honest with you all there was not a whole lot of lemon taste to pick up on

>> No.10033688

enjoying crackers with some bela deenz

>> No.10034416
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King Oscars over Caesar salad. Bretty good

>> No.10034953
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deenz is love, deenz is life

>> No.10035005

wtf dude! drain that fucking can!

>> No.10035199

So what is a good way to eat them apart from toasted bread?

I used to just put some Sardines with some tomato sauce and pasta. It was okay, nothing special but there has to be some better way to use those salty flavours.

>> No.10035374

have you tried them out of the can or on top of crackers?
deelish deenz

>> No.10035389

I can't think of a better use than in pasta sauce, desu. But really, they go on just about everything. I pan fry them with my morning eggs.

>> No.10035408
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Love these

>> No.10035439
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What's with slavs and sprats?

>> No.10036059

I drained about half. I've been eating kippers for a long time I find them tastier if you leave a bit of juice.

>> No.10036134

Straight up deenz are awful imo
Especially the skinless and boneless
Only buying the tomato, siracha, and hotsauce deenz from now on

>> No.10036139

if you want to do pasta, they pair better with a vegetable pasta or fish pasta with bread crumbs rather than with a tomato based sauce

>> No.10036845

Bought some pumpernickel today, wonder how it will pair with 'dines.

>> No.10036892
File: 86 KB, 258x227, gordon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the quality of posting rule

I leave /ck/ for a month and apparently it's /deenz/ now

>> No.10036911

Tuna bros where you hiding?

>> No.10036950

I prefer to buy King Oscar regulars and add my own hot sauce.

>> No.10036954

I love deenz but I'm not a fan of tuna. Maybe a tuna filet cooked the right way would be good, or sushi, but I don't like canned tuna.

>> No.10037058
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Is there anything better than this with some wholewheat crackers and black coffee?

I don't think so

>> No.10037141

Grilled tuna steaks can be exceptionally good. Try it out sometime.

>> No.10037197

Very few feels are better than returning from the dollar store with a giant bag of canned seafood.

>> No.10037910
File: 27 KB, 514x337, 1516613614757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fellow deenerz, we are entering a time of great turmoil within in the deenz community.

>> No.10038120

I wonder if Dubya likes deenz.

>> No.10038164

I usually open a tuna can, mix with mayo and corn
Some salsa like tabasco or habanero and some crackets or bread

>> No.10038187
File: 42 KB, 673x789, 1516568169897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jealousy breeds hate brother. All we do is try to spread the gospel and buttmad redditors start reporting us over it. We just want to help people not start a fight so BACK OFF.

>> No.10038427

Preach sire

>> No.10038665
File: 37 KB, 450x450, 2c9e11df-e24a-42b0-83f3-36f395d68ffe_1.ca7340bb47e6b4041d988e1f338e3396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried these last night. Goddamn, what a treat. These are gonna be a permanent addition to my shopping list from now on.

The taste is very unique so I'm not sure what to compare them to, but the ones I got tasted like this magical blend of marinara sauce and beef drippings. The squid had a firm texture but wasn't rubbery or chewy, it was a lot like goat meat when its been curried.


>> No.10038768

Fuck, I wanna try these. I may have to order some. I've heard people say that the ink sauce tastes like beef jerky in liquid form.

>> No.10038775

Had some deenz for the first time yesterday thanks to these threads. I got the King Oscar kind in oil with Mediterranean seasoning. It was tasty but it stunk up my whole kitchen

>> No.10038782
File: 158 KB, 804x536, vka-cans-585701-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I order these from their website regularly

>> No.10038783

just tell guests you had a woman over, they'll never know the difference :)

>> No.10038789

Use water jet to clean out the cans before throwing away

>> No.10038794

i only eat canned sardines and tuna

>> No.10038856

You can get them at walmart, brothers.

>> No.10038874

King Oscar sardines and Brunswick or Polar kipper snacks. Those are my go to brands.

>> No.10038881

>I do everything in moderation
get a load of this fag

>> No.10038888

It's fishier than white fish. It's not mild like cod or halibut.

>> No.10038906

A lot of them come eviscerated but the ones that don't, the bones are just a little firmer than the rest of the meat. I would compare it to gristle but it's even softer and more tender than that. Not a big deal at all.

>> No.10038965

where the fuck can i buy canned deenz / herring here in switzerland

>> No.10039041

these but in tomato sauce

>> No.10039248

my nigga

>> No.10039252

sardines are serious business

>> No.10039362

Canned fish has a dry-mouth texture that is consistent whether it is packed in oil or water, a by-product of the incineration done to it at the factory. I remedy this by plopping tons of fat onto it or mayo. Or toss in some raw onions and dates, which strangely contrasts nicely with the canned fish's dry texture rather than hiding it.

>> No.10039376

>pisses off you and your ilk doesn't it
incomplete prepositional phrase, FTFY

>> No.10039382
File: 86 KB, 768x512, sardines-in-evoo-with-jalapeno-peppers-768x512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>push back on faggot culture gets your ridiculed
This, talk about canned fish all you want, just stop talking like an insufferable cunt

Back on topic, pic related is my shit.

>> No.10039531
File: 2.24 MB, 2448x3264, 53859915340__23218B67-94FA-44E3-A931-A47CAD86D0DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU already know fellow deeners

>> No.10039535

Very fine deenz

>> No.10039541
File: 297 KB, 647x760, 1516302655354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit did you get a box full of deenz

>> No.10039546
File: 2.15 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_4510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who wants some deenz

>> No.10039557
File: 57 KB, 900x900, 1516055245841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crack that shit open, brother!

>> No.10039579

this kills the soyboy

>> No.10039745

ho lawd help me naww
we gots some spicey deenz, ah yes saw we do

>> No.10039753

Fucking hell nice load there anon.

>> No.10039757

I actually ate the ones in tomato sauce but was too lazy to find another image.

>> No.10039800

Have you ever had these?

>> No.10040092

>I'm a sardine hipster, and this is my story
no one cares

>> No.10040644
File: 680 KB, 1920x1080, daily deenz haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some deenz today at the dollar store, good shit.

>> No.10040773

Pepper kippers.
Aww shit, lightly heated in a hot water bath on a really coarse rye.
Man that's my shit.
So good i'm almost tearing up just thinking about it.

>> No.10040884

This post helped me get through my last can of pure olive oil deenz

>> No.10040951

how much were they?

>> No.10040970

$1.50 each.

>> No.10040979

Not bad, fellow deener, not bad.

>> No.10040984

This. I love kipper snacks but this fad is getting as annoying as the SIPP BOYZ shit.

>> No.10040990

saw these on Amazon, are they good?

>> No.10041010

yeah thats where i ordered them from—they are good if you like them in brine, but id say overpriced at $4/pop

>> No.10041024

don't hate on us deenz boys just because the sip boys got you trippin

>> No.10041044

It's a parody of that, and this way the adults get to have fun too.

>> No.10041248

where my deenz chads at. discovered this thread yesterday and got 3 packs of king oscar today, tomato, mustard, and EVOO. excited to be here deenz bros.

>> No.10041274

I get them packed with flavor, cuz I eat them plain with crackers for lunch.

I keep olive oil for cooking at home, though.

>> No.10041430
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tucked into these. Pretty good. Yesterday I got them, a different brand of sardines, some mackerel (which I ate yesterday and enjoyed), and some smoked oysters. In the past I've mainly only eaten smoked oysters in terms of canned seafood, but now I'm really digging sardines and that mackerel. I think these threads inspired me to eat more of this stuff.

>> No.10041459

good thing it is sustainable, maybe our kids will have a chance to be deenz boys themselves when they're our age

>> No.10041471

That's all a parent could ever want for their child.

>> No.10041492

Do they even make genetically modified sardines now?

>> No.10041519
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The concern would be the oil. It's mainly a marketing thing for dumb hippies. For example, these oysters also have that same thing. They're also incredibly delicious. Apologies in advance for a rotated picture.

>> No.10041677
File: 2.08 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20180123_211007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we like these? I haven't actually had them, I've been stuck on kipper snacks. Also, how's smoked oysters?

>> No.10041685

How do you eat oysters? On crackers or what?

>> No.10041704

Why is Surströmming safe to eat when it's basically rotten carcasses? Can you get food poisoning from it?

>> No.10041713

Im glad they happened because i now now to pick ones especially sprats in olive oil or rapeseed

>> No.10041720
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're absolutely perfect fresh out of the can with nothing on them. They have this wonderful smooth texture in the fat part that leads into a subtle chew toward some the lips and a delicate, smoky, briny, and sweet flavor that is really addictive. I also eat them lightly smashed on toast or on crackers. Hot sauce is optional, but go light on it. They're also weirdly good baked on pizza.

Had some mackerel last night. It was pretty light and had an oddly tangy flavor that was still pleasant. Some hot sauce made it really damn tasty.

>> No.10041818
File: 52 KB, 1067x324, 2018-01-25_19-30-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted on Amazon.

>> No.10041847

Do you know how difficult it is to find deenz without soy in it or stamped with a hecture on it?
Do you guys have any suggestions?

>> No.10041895


>> No.10041896

pretty sure you can't digest fish bones so all that healthy good boy yummm yummmy calcium is for naught

>> No.10041907

>not noticing the fantastic middle-aged mom logic bits.
>"The leftover oil makes a wonderful conditioner for your hair -- just massage it in and leave it overnight. Your hair will be super-shiny and smell good, too!"
>"I feel good about buying these because Norwegians, in my experience, are quite clean."

>> No.10041915

you can but it takes about 35 sardines to equal 1 cup of milk

>> No.10041979

I went fishing last week and smoked muh two trout, feels good

>> No.10042019

Deen squad for life

>> No.10042179

Top tier flavor and great price point. I wish it had more in the tin, but it's a good size for a small snack

>> No.10042320


>> No.10042370

i got $60 worth of king oscar deenz in tomato sauce and its kind of icky. any suggestions for how to eat them? have already thought of toast

>> No.10042381


>> No.10042408

forgot to mention i got them for free

>> No.10043224
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>> No.10043240

free? sorry, cant help you then.

>> No.10043269

>girls are icky

Kiddo,you'll think differently when you're older.

>> No.10043391
File: 2.26 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20180126_132746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow deenerz, got some sprots, herrings and mackerel all in canola oil and will devour them with dinner :3

>> No.10043396

Those are all good shit but
>canola oil

>> No.10043429

never tried sardines, don't think i would like them. :( I might try some of these other fish now. had salmon, didn't like it.

>> No.10043432
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20180126_134654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know mate, but that was the only deenz I could get in this shop
I'll get better ones next time!

>> No.10043445

not even tuna? or that mcdonalds fish thing?

>> No.10043456

Take them out of the can and put them in your mouth.

>> No.10043459
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20180126_135233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10043464

a few fish, but never even looked at them in the store.

>> No.10043758

shrimp crackers?

>> No.10043761

I love sardines but hate salmon personally. I'd give deenz a fair shot

>> No.10044091

some waffle crackers. wish I'd have shrimp crackers
herring was small and underwhelming, a bit tad salty
mackerel was nice but crushed when packaged, texture was a bit kff
but the sprots, mmmmm, just right and with a really thin spine

>> No.10044094

Parody is only parody until it begins to take itself seriously. Just look at the current state of /pol/

>> No.10044239

ME. I worked at Red Salmon in Alaska. Place was fucking FISH HELL.
>work 16 hours a day MINIMUM
>no time/too tired to shower
>shared rooms with unshowered fish people
>cokehead mexicans waving filet knives in your face all day
>shitty cafeteria food
>the smell of fish is terrible after three days, all you smell is fishy gangbang pussy
Was a good experience desu. Plus i left with about 6 grand after two months

>> No.10044269

where are you from? how did you even hear about something like that

>> No.10044293

Im from pierce county, WA. My step-brothers aunt’s husband was some big mucky-muck at the plant and he got me on there fresh out of high school. I did two seasons, one was shitty but i still got my job done amd got paid.
The second time i got drunk and crashed one of the work vans. Had my bunkmate front me a ticket back to washington. Had to hide around the plant while state troopers and plant managers searched for me and luckily i managed to make it back home

>> No.10044368

nice, you got away with it?

>> No.10044595
File: 213 KB, 888x1200, grilled-sardines-with-coarsely-chopped-green-herbs_s0x1200_q60_noupscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys realise that fresh sardines are £3 per kilo right? I'm not slagging off canned sardines, in fact I stock those and anchovies, mackerel as well - but you just can't compare those to grilled, broiled or baked fresh sardines.

>> No.10044732

>Just look at the current state of /pol/
those guys should chill out and eat some deenz

>> No.10044747

anyone here can their own /deenz/?

>> No.10044776
File: 180 KB, 1000x1000, F656010D-D337-45C3-89C8-CE9FDEBFB6E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up on these thanks to my father. Sadly, they have a tendency to fuck my stomach up. Any recommendations for a flavorful substitute, or something to add to deenz or herring in just oil or water?

>> No.10044792

How do you like to eat mackerel, anons? I just bought my first tin. i was thinking about frying them up and eating on toast. Can you just fry them in the oil they come with? Does the skin get crispy and delicious? (I've never fried deenz before, I usually just eat them over rice)

>> No.10044795

The texture and flavor is completely different though, sometimes I just want that in particular. And then there's the convenience.

>> No.10044807

I tried a recipe for making them in a pressure cooker once, not bad. They keep well in jars.

>> No.10044809

>King Oscar
my man, I was worried no one else had mentioned them in the thread thus far

kippers and smoked oysters are top tier canned fish but deenz, chovies, and sprats are good too

King Oscar is my favorite brand that I can buy here in the midwest, but I'm sure there are better options elsewhere.
>kippers on toast with cream cheese
>optional: fresh dill or hot sauce

>> No.10044825

I find if I eat them with something like toast or rice that they don't upset my stomach. If I eat them on their own I don't always feel good after.

>> No.10045513


>> No.10045569

canned herring is also good

>> No.10045584
File: 21 KB, 480x360, moortuguese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder [tuga]who[/tuga] is behind all these canned food threads.

>> No.10045585

fucking deenz faggots dont understand kipper will always be better

>> No.10045626

A quick read through of this thread has me pleased that so many Brothers have converted to The Way of the Smoked Kipper.

I'm sorry that sardines must be left behind, but with Smoked Kippers we will forge a brighter future.

>> No.10045640

dont listen to them deeners, they are trying to divide us

>> No.10045648

>Smoked Kipper
Isn't that redundant? Aren't kippers just smoked herring?

>> No.10045946


>> No.10045950

that first kip of the day

>> No.10045991

Got a can of Bar Harbor skinless boneless smoked deenz fillets. Had em on rye bread with some hot sauce and vodak. Shit was nasty, me and the waifu thought they tasted and smelled like cat food. This is the worst fucking /ck/ meme.

>> No.10046095

Real deenz, as opposed to brisling, isn't as sustainable.

>> No.10046128
File: 40 KB, 650x411, Cod-liver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone into canned cod liver? I could eat kilos of this shit, too bad it's super fatty.

>> No.10046193

How do you prepare it?

>> No.10046268

Mostly just plain, with bread and veggies. It has the taste and texture of rather rich fish pate

>> No.10046292
File: 1.72 MB, 4032x3024, 21F64465-6AA7-4CDD-B045-5F707CE7CF26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10046553

I love this spread on dark bread with course-ground sea salt

still, this is a once in a while thing for me, it's so rich I'd get sick of it after a while

>> No.10046841
File: 1.91 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20180126_215557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evening sardine bros, you all having a good night? I know I am :^)

>> No.10046864
File: 151 KB, 884x640, scandanavian_delicacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one correct way to eat canned fish.

>> No.10046865

send them to me

>> No.10046887

Enjoy your ATF visit

>> No.10046896
File: 97 KB, 278x179, bonta-sardines-in-olive-oil-120g-091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These contain about twice as much salt as other sardines, so they're best shared. Broiled them until a little crisp and served on hearty rye Wasa with a side salad of farro, fennel, and chard.

>> No.10047083

What's Updog?

>> No.10047099

Every time I buy a can of sardines, I just dump the whole thing by itself in-between a roll of toasted bread.
Every single time, I have gotten a stomach ache. Probably because of all of the olive oil.
No problems with tomato sauce.

Anyways, it's bland regardless of which flavor you pick, from olive oil, to hot sauce, to ketchup.
What the hell am I missing?

>> No.10047103

>it's easy to save what the cannery pays
>cause there ain't no way to spend it

>> No.10047112
File: 60 KB, 334x750, 1449950725212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say goodbye to your pupper

>> No.10047114

My favourite album.

>> No.10047117

I prefer them with just olive oil, although sometimes I get the jalapeno packed ones from KO.
I love the bastards with chinese mustard, so fucking good

>> No.10047119

Because we don't need a general thread for every fucking subject, making "daily /deenz/" threads is just as fucking stupid as those sip threads.
This isn't reddit.

>> No.10047128
File: 127 KB, 600x379, Hot Pockets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily /deenz/ threads
>lasts close to a week

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10047129


Lately I've been really into The Moon and Antarctica personally. I listened to Modest Mouse a ton when I was in high school, they'll always be one of my favorites.

>> No.10047136

It means we don't need a general thread for every subject you cock gargling faggot

>> No.10047159

I like the ones in hot sauce. If I get a can of regular packed in oil I eat them with some hot peppers on the side.

>> No.10047664
File: 103 KB, 768x512, sardines-in-tapatio-hot-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try these?

>> No.10048094

had tomato deenz with lettuce sammiches for lunch, was good

>> No.10048249

not much, you?

>> No.10048305
File: 857 KB, 2184x2289, 20180127_132519-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sat down for some tinned mackeral in a tikka sauce on toast for lunch. Shit is god tier.

>> No.10048665

>King oscar: $4 per can
>Bumblebee: $1.50 per can
Is King Oscar REALLY worth it?

>> No.10048703

Fuck you.

That's a story alright.

>> No.10048705

Where are you finding KO for that much?

>> No.10048712

Arizona. How much is it where you live?

>> No.10048714

I'm in Ohio and I get the double-layer cans of KO at Walmart for like $2 each.

>> No.10048721

I'll have to try there. I was looking in normal grocery stores

>> No.10048727
File: 69 KB, 600x600, s383942097913435531_p31_i5_w600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10048929

are these really 4 times as good as dollar brands?

>> No.10048954

thanks for heads up that they are not too rubbery or chewy, will try

>> No.10048972

Canned squid and octopus is all god tier.

>> No.10048983

Hey boys, if you get the chance you should try canned mackerel in tomato sauce. Classic norwegian spread

>> No.10049082

nope, they werent

>> No.10049255

they'll go with basically any carb. I like them with fried rice using a sweeter sauce. Doesn't take long to brown them. Rinse them off before cooking with them

>> No.10049389
File: 1.95 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20180127_130033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm eating canned fish every day for 30 days. Alternating between kippers and deens. I believe in the healing properties of the fish.

>> No.10049430

We live and we learn, brother. Deenz can teach us many life lessons.

>> No.10049710

Just had kippers and gonna have some tiny tots tmw.

>> No.10049999
File: 792 KB, 2048x2045, Octopus_in_Olive_Oil_-_Spanish_canned_seafood_-_Donostia_Foods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10050226
File: 348 KB, 760x1024, 32563178975_66f1e04248_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10050472

Finally found the Mediterranean King Oscars. Gonna try em tomorrow. Thinking about eating them with toast, hot sauce, maybe a little mustard.

>> No.10050552


Why aren't you eating five cans of sardines every day?

>> No.10050624
File: 31 KB, 450x450, 1450323370429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here is amazing.

>> No.10051208
File: 11 KB, 220x220, shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDvWxutoshLjvVfy8pop_RyG6T_RUktXPcXwRGhZdoKBOBV5Q&amp;usqp=CAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10052534

I really want to try these. Where do you get them?