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File: 161 KB, 2048x1020, anova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10023326 No.10023326 [Reply] [Original]

Got this for christmas; is it a meme or can I actually do something with pic related?

>> No.10023335


Download "Under Pressure" as a start. Did you get the wifi version?

>> No.10023339

Spies on you and demands your facebook credentials

>> No.10023340

do you also own a torch?

i probably wouldn't fuck with a sous vide unless i had either a torch or a good gas range.

>> No.10023354
File: 761 KB, 2000x800, shokugeki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has the bluetooth shit but I can set the temperature without the app by scrolling the little wheel.

I made pork chops a week ago but I am not used to this vacuum bag shit. Am I basically just cooking meat in the marinade and then doing the maillard reactions last?

>> No.10023374


>Am I basically just cooking meat in the marinade and then doing the maillard reactions last?


>> No.10023410

It's very useful if you like to prep stuff ahead. With a proper vacuum sealer you can cook a bunch of steaks, chops, etc. and hold them in the fridge cooked for quite a while. When you want to eat, just break the seal, sear the meat and serve.

It's a bit of a meme if you're just using ziploc bags though. The real power of sous vide is in tandem with vac seal.

>> No.10023422
File: 69 KB, 960x531, assistant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is intriguing to me; I can change the absorption of different parts of the marinade depending on temperature

>> No.10023453


>the real power of sous vide is in tandem with vac seal

Hate to be that guy, but "sous vide" actually refers to the vacuum seal and not the immersion circulator.

>> No.10023469


I've never heard of that before. Are you asking a question or making a statement from something you read?

The advantage of infusing flavors using sous vide comes from the vacuum bag; the immersion circulator ensures that you cook your food to an exact temperature throughout.

>> No.10023512

why do you have such a shit attitude? Somebody bought you a very expensive gift because they care about you and you just seemed to denigrate it.

Wealth is wasted on the wrong people.

>> No.10023696

I dunno what I can do with it so I asked. The person who gave it to me likes me because I'm flat and honest about things instead of being a fucking phony. And I made them that money in the first place.

Different flavors move at different speeds through meat and it also varies with temperature and pH, which means if I sous vide a steak in a high pH marinade and then sear it in a mixture of lemon juice and butter, the internal part of the steak will retain more of the original basic marinade than the exterior. Marinating in acid conversely would let you serve a rarer steak because part of the cooking has been done by the acid as well.

>> No.10024162


While that all seems sound in principle, I'm just not sure how much of a practical difference it actually makes. Have you read anything about the chemistry of cooking sous vide? Serious question, because it's something I've never really thought about.

>> No.10024171

it's a fucking toy anon.

>> No.10024183


How could you possibly spin an immersion circulator as a toy? The actual process of using it isn't as fun as using a nice chef's knife, or cooking in a well seasoned carbon steel pan.

>> No.10024200

Are you the same anon that hates on people for owning rice cookers?

>> No.10024212

>How could you possibly spin an immersion circulator as a toy?
Because only manchildren use them.

>> No.10024227


Probably. Also hates on anyone who spends more than $20 on a chef's knife.

>> No.10024293

No there's me, you and another guy who really hates rice cookers who types at the speed of light. You had a 33.3333 chance of your guess being right and blew it.

>> No.10024327

This, not only is sous vide a meme you got the toy version of a meme.

Polyscience is what you wanted.

>> No.10024612
File: 80 KB, 847x1200, mywaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a steelhead fillet I will post results ITT

>> No.10026531

you are talking gobbledegook.

don't try to sear something in lemon juice.

>> No.10026534

For tender cuts of meat/proteins make sure to cook as quickly as possible to your desired doneness.
Immersion cooking tends to make things soft rather than tender with prolonged cooking.

>> No.10026541


That's just retarded.

>> No.10026550

no it's not, he's right. cook a tenderloin or chicken breast sous vide for too long and you risk a mushy/mealy texture. sous vide doesn't have the same benefits with meats that are low in connective tissue.

>> No.10026577


Cook anything by any method "too long" and you're going to ruin it. How is that an argument?

>> No.10026690

an argument for what?

>> No.10026700


If you hover over the link it will show you what the anon was replying to.

>> No.10026730

i think you've made a bad inference, no one is arguing against sous vide.

>> No.10026736

It's been a month. Why haven't you tried yet?

>> No.10026768

Looks like you can make meat with a tree branch

>> No.10026780


put shelled shrimp in a ziplock bag with a cut of salted butter or unsalted butter and add salt plus some chopped garlic press out air and close 130f for 20 minutes. so fucking good