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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 600x501, pizzdominou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10017929 No.10017929 [Reply] [Original]

Pizza is the official party food of mankind. That being said, let's just say you could only order two toppings on a pizza not counting cheese, which 2 do you choose? I think I tend to go with sausage and olives or pepperonis and banana peppers

I like the contrast of one meat + something else

>> No.10017953
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Quattro Fromage is the GOAT pizza tb h

>> No.10017956
File: 173 KB, 1024x683, Quattro-formaggi-pizza-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quattro formaggi*, sorry, Luigis

>> No.10017963

>4 cheese
>4 chan

>> No.10017967

makes you think, huh?

>> No.10017983
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>> No.10017985

pepperoni + pineapple ;D

>> No.10018106

By the way

Which is better to you, Dominos or Pizza Hut? I will try these, I tried Papa Johns and it was shit

>> No.10018179

This but unironically
The reason americans sperg about pineapple is that it really doesn't fit the tomato sauce when it's sweet as fuck. In countries where tomato sauce is not sugared to diabetes level pineapple is great as a complement.

>> No.10018250

i'm no expert, but yes

>> No.10018278

I'm drunk and just got 2 pizzas from dominos. did the $7.99 carryout deal. 2 pizzas.

1. Italian sausage, pepperoni, bacon
2. Mushrooms, green peppers, ham

I'm doin' some daydrinking today and watching some basketball. Even though I hate niggerball, it's something to watch. That and It's Always Sunny. Yup/ that's it. Love you all.

>> No.10018298

you massive faggot

>> No.10018318

>Ham and pineapple
>Duck and cherries
>Anchovies and olives

>> No.10018371


You sound like you're having a rough day. C'mon over and hang out with me and we can hang out and suck each other off and watch sports and listen to Rod Stewart. Please. I need you.

>> No.10018387

America invented pineapple pizza

>> No.10018400

i would be ok with this stuff
except for the sports, listening to shit and you sucking me off

>> No.10018433

That would be the Canadians, not some dumb burger.

>> No.10018443

I suck so well, you'd love it. Sports can go away. We can just watch It's Always Sunny. I'll pretend you're Dennis while I slobber all over your cock.

>> No.10018449

Burger is a German word and a food created by German immigrants. Why is this American again???

>> No.10018457

i am not much for watching shows
also i have no interest in having my dick sucked
but i am up to suck yours

>> No.10018545

That works too. We don't have to watch shows. We can listen to Andrea Bocelli during. I wouldn't mind a good blowjob.

>assuming you're good

>> No.10018557

i don't want to listen to anything or watch anything
can we just hang out and be friendly and give each other affection?
just stay away from my dick
i am down to suck yours, but i just wanna hang out and cuddle and get to know each other

>> No.10018559

Some dumb burger is responsible for like 60% of all inventions and scientific discovery

>> No.10018567

fuck, americans are too stupid sometimes

>> No.10018596

Pepperoni and onions

>> No.10018611

Bro, I'm down. Let's see what happens. We can just cuddle and let things happen naturally. I'm excited. I legitimately have a very pretty dick, so you'll enjoy sucking it. I'm sure I'll enjoy it as well.

>> No.10018626

pick me up at 10am tomorrow

>> No.10018634

Will do. Look for a perfectly manicured 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Black. I'm super excited bby

>> No.10018647

anchovies and pineapple

>> No.10018650

looking for a black jeep with nice nails

>> No.10018651

probably pepperoni and jalapeno

>> No.10018670

mushrooms and sausage

>> No.10018676

extra cheese and pepperoni

>> No.10018734

Love it. I'm actually jerking off right now thinking about you. Don't worry though, I'll be able to pump at least 3 or 4 times in your mouth or on your face.

>> No.10018745
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>> No.10018751

if you haven't tried pepperoni and banana slices you haven't lived

>> No.10018760

were you molested as a child or something?

>> No.10018811

I can't wait to have you flick my tongue all over my gorgeous, smooth, pink cock.

>> No.10018832
File: 173 KB, 295x271, 1511884435958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10018882

Salami and red onion

>> No.10018994

Pizza Hut doesn't even put sauce on their pizza

>> No.10019038

My pizza disagrees.

>> No.10020640

onion and prosciutto

>> No.10020658


A friend of mine ordered a chicken caesar pizza from there and it was awful

There was supposed to be some kind of alfredo sauce but they thinly spread a single teaspoon over the whole pizza or something because it just tasted like dry garlic bread with some chicken strips and bacon crumble on it. Horrible

>> No.10020662

Same reason tomato sauce and pizza are considered Italian and spicy curries are considered Indian even though tomatoes and spicy peppers of all kinds are from North America originally

>> No.10020668

half pepperoni and mushroom, half sausage and olives. Fold pizza in half and wa la you just beat the system

>> No.10020722

living in your head, rent free

>> No.10020727

Mushrooms and olives, no contest

>> No.10020748
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>> No.10020758

Pepperoni + jalapeno on thin crust

>> No.10020770
File: 111 KB, 1000x750, kebabpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kebab salad + fries

>> No.10020775

Thanks Muhammad. Can you order fucking young boys as a side?

>> No.10020805


this nigga knows the score.

have a (you)

>> No.10020812

haha it's funny because kebab rape young boys better remove kebab XDDD hello r*d**t

>> No.10020834

Its not supposed to be funny. There is a huge cultural pattern of rape between Islamic men and young boys. So if thats reddit have fun?

>> No.10020870

Thanks man. For whatever reason it has to be thin crust. Maybe it highlights the toppings?

>> No.10020949

Hey faggot. Fuck you if youre drinking and driving. You pieces of shit kill kids and tear families apart. Maybe you havent done it yet but you will

>> No.10020990

I walked there you temperamental, juvenile piece of shit.

>> No.10020993

dominoes is like cardboard smeared with hot-pockets filling. why would you ever waste your money on that shit?

>> No.10021060

I'll add some slices of prosciutto crudo and it's heaven.

Alternatively, I'll love the cheap slices of pizza they serve in the train station near me. Full of cheap cold cuts, cheese, peppers and olives and soft like your mothers' puffy nipples

>> No.10021223

Pineapple and pepperoni