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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 13 KB, 450x312, alcoholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10010061 No.10010061 [Reply] [Original]

I swear I'll stay sober tomorrow edition

>> No.10010065

Last thread was deleted halfway through. Fuck that noise. See >>10010028

>> No.10010070

So monster energy gets to have a literal shill general up 24/7 and the jannies single us out? Fucking scumbags.

>> No.10010076

Who cares. Move to 8.

>> No.10010080


Mods are deleting these now? Fucking why?

>> No.10010094

No idea. Don’t care. 4chan is normie shit anyway. Keep the community alive elsewhere

>> No.10010147

Absolutely ridiculous if so. These threads have been part of the board culture for fucking years.

>> No.10010153

Americans either don't care about or don't understand culture except their own "culture".

>> No.10010174

But any mod that becomes a mod becomes one for a board which they've been a part of, right?
What kind of faggot has been posting on /ck/ and has an issue with these threads?
Delete them and there's just going to be a new one made every half an hour along with the al/ck/ posts spilling into other threads.
It's pointless and stupid.

>> No.10010187

They were bitching about mods deleting their threads recently as well.

>> No.10010199

they've been deleted before, every time the janny wakes up from his hotpocket coma and happens to see one

>> No.10010236

mods are not bound to boards that's actually not how it works

>> No.10010243

Then the process is counter productive.

>> No.10010257

Agreed. Each board should have it's own mods. This board should have it's own morbidly obese, Hot Pocket connoisseurs. Turbo autists at /b/, etc.

>> No.10010258

Drinking beer lads, tomorrow is my bday

>> No.10010260

Its probably the sip faggots mass reporting the threads.

Faggots will be faggots

>> No.10010263

You don't post about food of cooking you're just a bunch of pathetic whiny faggots blogging. Please kill yourselves

>> No.10010269

Happy birthday alcky. I'd join you but I puked 6 times yesterday for some odd reason. I don't think I could handle it. On the other hand, it might be the best thing to happen to me in a while.

>> No.10010283

Down to 6-8 8% beers a day.
Enough to catch a buzz
Not enough to catch any sickness, and I can still eat and cook.

Made Beef Roast with Mushrooms, Carrots, Onions, Potatoes, and bell pepper.
First time I have had the strength to really make something.
Now I have roast to eat on for days.

>> No.10010300

I left /co/ because of biased af mods but it seems like this shit is happening all over 4chan. NO BOARD IS SAFE.

>> No.10010543

You act like having a bunch of basement dwelling mega autists dictating the pace and scope of conversation is a bad thing.

>> No.10010577

>I left /co/ because of biased af mods
How the fuck long ago did you leave? Mods these days are more reasonable.

Now I know you're new here. This site was a fucking nightmare in it's early years.

>> No.10010641

Left /co/ yesterday. No discussion allowed unless it's waifu/fetish/capefag/tv threads. Neil Gaiman thread last night got nuked on-site with only one reply. Looney Tunes gets people banned for furry. Questions that generate heated discussion but on-topic discussion nonetheless get banned. Satire gets you banned. Etc.

>> No.10010668

Sober since Jan 1st. Let's keep it rolling everybody. I won't drink with you today.

>> No.10010708

Alcoholism is rampant in the food industry. Filter the damn thread.

>> No.10010720

God damn whisky shits. I drank a fifth of jim beam, 5beers, and ate am unhealthy amount of hot wings last night.

Rip anus

>> No.10010735

I enjoy whiskey shits after some spicy food. Feels like some good prostate teasing.

>> No.10010940

Ive been taking 20 mg diazepam à day for years. I try to taper but even à 5% cut is unbearable.

Ive stopped booze and codeine cold turkey, but I cant taper benzos.

What do?

>> No.10010956

Dude that doesn't make sense. There have been alck threads here for years. I would know.

>> No.10010960

Go to a doctor or go to jail to dry out.
Benzo withdrawal is hardcore.
Or you can try shaving off part of the pill day by day.
I had a friend who was on 4mg of Xanax a day and kicked it down to 0.5mg a day because he would take a razor blade and shave more and more off his pills every day.
Then he would only need 1 and 2/3's of a bar and then a few weeks later he could function with just 1 and a half bars.

Tapering works different for everyone and there is no set science that works for all.
Try googling different methods to see if anything works for you.

>> No.10010965
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All I have left is homebrew raspberry beer.

>> No.10011006

My doc proposed a 10% cut. This didnt work. Im terrified.

>> No.10011047

Ask to be swapped to a different benzo.
Maybe a dose of ativan twice a day.
Sometimes being on a different one can help you quit. You maybe have a benzo tolerance but more specifically you have a physical dependancy on valium.
Maybe while your body detoxs from valium you can supplement with Ativan.
Just stay away from Klonopin and Xanax because they are even tougher to kick.

>> No.10011100

But ativan is more potent and harder to split?

>> No.10011123
File: 50 KB, 960x720, Benzodiazepine Equivalency Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said a large dose of ativan, I just said ask your doctor about possibly using his judgment on a dose twice a day.

Curious though, what are your symptoms during the 10% cut?
Just restlessness and anxiety? or something more?

Here's an equivalency chart.
All benzos have an equivalent dose, even if they feel slightly different.

>> No.10011131

AS you see Diazepam has the Highest Half-life of any normal benzo.

Meaning it stays in your system longer than ANY other one.
30-200 hours for a half-life is crazy.

Since you have been on it for years then it is closer to 200hours before it is half-way metabolised out of your system.
So swapping to a different easier to metabolise benzo while you detox the valium might help.

So in short it can take up to 400 hours for valium to leave your system completely if you are on it for years.

>> No.10011133

If they had the courage to kill themselves they wouldn't be alcoholics.

>> No.10011139

t. gnomebro
Street-level benzo dealer for a while, had to make sure my addicts didnt od or go mad on me.
Have to learn all this shit to help them or they make unreliable customers.

>> No.10011143

havent drank since my son was born monday night, bought a vape pen and some shatter to take the edge off tho

>> No.10011151

I finally found the secret to buying poverty wine that doesn't destroy my palate and.l body: buy imports from the parts of Portugal, Spain, and Italy that count as third world tier

Wtf I love wine now

>> No.10011152

Only had a few drinks this week. Going to drink this weekend though. I’ve been cutting back on alcohol to lose weight

>> No.10011156
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>he said, while whining and not talking about food or cooking

Good job. You must be over the worst of it by now I take it?

Happy birthday, man. Let's hope the next year is better, yeah?

>> No.10011157
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You've obviously never worked in the industry, and even beyond that don't understand that it's integral to food culture in its entirety

>> No.10011162

Wanna know why they are called Line Cooks?

Because they are probably felons too busy doing lines in the coolers instead of working.

>> No.10011165

>move to italy
>get 5 litres of good red for 8.5 euros

livin the dream man

>> No.10011166
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>Looney Tunes gets people banned for furry

>> No.10011167

But out of a kitchen of lets say 6 people
2 of them are alcoholics
both of those are drug addicts + 1-2 more.

There is not a sober person working in a kitchen.

>> No.10011179
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Anon you need to go to a doctor and find an alternative, one does not simply "stop" benzos

Good lucky buddy, it's gonna be rough

>> No.10011181

took some clonazepam to hopefully help with withdrawals. managed to eat a bit though so thats good.

>> No.10011186


>tfw just ran out of my clonazepam

>> No.10011189

chefs are notorious wreckheads

normally on the booze at 10 and smashing lines of coke by 1

>> No.10011190

Please keep the faith anon, it's bigger than you now

>> No.10011194

crazy doctor gave me 50 pills like a year ago, down to about 10. worry that i'll run out so try to conserve them.

>> No.10011196
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Gimme dat

>> No.10011197

Thats what I was trying to tell em.

>> No.10011203

it's the dream man

i can get a 3 course dinner with unlimited wine for 11-12 euros

>> No.10011208

>tfw my first boss at a shit restaurant was a cokehead bordering on stimulant psychosis half the time

People do not fully realize the dangers involved in working around knives and hot objects

>> No.10011218

Yeah but that also entails moving to what I assume is Southern Italy

>> No.10011223

yeah, I live about 2hrs south of Naples. It's gorgeous and safe tho.

Avoid Naples like the fucking plague and Salerno is like babys first Naples so avoid that too

>> No.10011237
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An acquaintance of mine got so addicted that he would take fucking brain deletion doses of whatever unregulated RC benzo his methhead dealer would eyeball for him every day in a gummy, I would never wish anything of that likes on anyone

>> No.10011241

And he has nothing but vague memories of that entire year I bet.

>> No.10011270

He actually kept it up for years, he has permanent and untreatable neuropathy now the absolute madman. I swear this man has Ozzy Osbourne -level great genes, how is he alive even

>> No.10011338

Are you using a French autocorrect or something? Where do these à instead of a come from?
Also taper is the only solution, so you'll have to do it under medical supervision. Inpatient detox will help.

>> No.10011366

Oh yeah benzo withdrawal is hell, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. The waking nightmares, the rebound anxiety. I used to be prescribed it before I even started drinking but I'll never take another Xanax as long as I live, wish I never had in the first place.

>> No.10011437


join our alcy community

>> No.10011446


>> No.10011452

it's fun dude, helpful and also resourceful

>> No.10011457

Restlesness, anxiety, RLS and depressuion

>> No.10011478
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Who here poor as dirt
Weekends I try and gather change around local parking lots, nab two of these

>> No.10011481

Yes French autocorrect. Inpatient is only for quick tapers, which is not recommended in my case.

>> No.10011484

I only visit this website and chess. cum
And sometimes I research random topics.

Idgaf about your random alck irc chat.
Count me out.

>> No.10011490

Withdraws were hell, but im finally off the devils water. Felt like I was having a stroke everyday for a month while tapering, but i finally did it.

I can do it. You can do it too guys.

>> No.10011553

They can also do longer tapers, maybe not everywhere though. Montevideo near Paris does.
Also try adding a second language in the options of the spell check/autocorrect/keyboard and a button to switch near the keyboard (I can on android).

>> No.10011605

sorry dude, i''ll get off your website

>> No.10011623

Well done anon, don't ever let your brain trick you into thinking the wds weren't that bad. The next step is finding something to fill the void.

>> No.10011672

Montevideo is super pricey.

>> No.10011680

>tfw basically permanently on benzos

Start taking them for chronic anxiety, then you're on a shitload, then a year and a half later you start to realize that permanent retrograde amnesia is a thing and that you actually can't "just stop" or the withdrawals could literally kill you.

It's not great desu

>> No.10011711

No, its not great. Im terrified desu.

>> No.10011722

It used to be private and super expensive, now they're mostly public and can help you get an insurance that pays for it. (Unless it changed again.)
As AP-HP, Cochin, has a limit of 2 weeks before sending to another hospital, but I may be wrong. Fernand-Widal is large and had addicts of move various drugs, so they may treat diazepam addiction.

>> No.10011737

Ok thanks I only knew Marmottan which does 2 weeks which is not enough. You have personal experience with Cochin or Fernand Vidal?

>> No.10011755

I drank like a fish with 0 consequences since my early 20s but now that I'm 34 I can barely drink a 6 pack of high abv beer without feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack the next day, can't even drink liquor anymore, I feel like I'll literally die

>> No.10011894
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Welp, i'm starting to feel better after a week long withdrawal. I finished a 1.75L bottle of whiskey and 4 cases of natty daddy in about 3-4 days. Can't really remember.

I'm 6'2 and 130 pounds and have never felt that shitty before from hangover/WDs. Managed to convince my family that I had the flu since its going around

Has anyone had a booze dry out take 5 days, and have I done any permanent damage? My kidneys and liver feel like I went ten rounds with Tyson.

>> No.10011911


When your back starts aching all the time, your feet go numb and you piss on your feet regularly, you've realized you've reached your 40s.

>> No.10011955

Ok I know about the equivalence chart, but whats the point of switching to Ativan?

>> No.10012111
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>This thread has been pruned or deleted

>> No.10012186

I've had my hands and feet go numb a number of times, don't even get me started on how much work I've missed because I couldn't stop shaking

>> No.10012215

drunkchan when?

>> No.10012237

There's an alcohol board on 420chan.

>> No.10012253

Yeah, but the user base is kind of slow
Also I love you guys, talking to strangers is scary

>> No.10012330

The last time I ever drank it took like a week before I felt normal.

>have I done any permanent damage?

I dunno, maybe. So what if you have? When you were drinking you didn't care, so what's the use caring now? No erasies here.

>> No.10012347

>have I done any permanent damage
Dunno. The body is pretty good at healing.

>> No.10012380

youre a bit late to the party

>> No.10012382

thats what happens to everyone.

>> No.10012393

this latest wd for me has taken longer than usual. about 5 days id say. they keep getting worse too.

>> No.10012403

welp. Liver's enlarged and enzyme levels are through the roof. Officially have to stop drinking before I destroy it for good.
Wish me luck.

>> No.10012406

18 days sober on keto and lost some weight.

Gonna have a few drinks at trivia tonight and see how it goes.

>> No.10012442

what should i do to occupy my time withput destroying my social life?? am drunk as fuck

>> No.10012447

Think minor alcys can ever learn moderation? AA always teaches that total sobriety thing but I'm so bored guys. Gonna try and moderate. We'll see.

>> No.10012457

Go on chatroullette. It's dumb as fuck but you can be as stupid as you want and it won't matter. I've actually had some great convos on there.

>> No.10012487

It's possible if you're not an idiot. The reason AA advocates total sobriety is because most people aren't smart enough to not fall right back into habitual binge drinking.

>> No.10012612

Have the same due to NAFLD. Haven't been checked in like a year because no insurance, so just been ignoring it

>> No.10012628

i went through benzo & alcohol withdrawals, only went to the hospital towards the end of it like day 5. Blood pressure was at 200/forgot the bottom number. I dont know how i survived. They gave me 8 .25s of atvian and sent me on my way. I aint been the same ever since, most days are good, but i get random ass anxiety and my blood pressure stays around 120-150. Went to psychiatric center and they gave me hydroxizine

>> No.10012640

Is NAFLD reversible like alcohol-induced fatty liver?

>> No.10012655

Apparently with weight loss and no alcohol use. I gained a lot of weight due to depression 2ish years ago so it was just getting worse from then on. I could be days away from liver failure, and not know it

>> No.10012689
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I'm trying to get on the straight and narrow, first step I'm trying is quitting smoking and I'm using nicotine lozenges that are kind of helping. Just wondering what's gonna help with the booze when I've been beer tapering for so goddamn long. Gonna go to the doctors ASAP for some help but any tips from people? I know hobbies help, figure I'll just start reading a lot soon but I dunno how to break what's like a decade old habit. I'm doing sort of okay with the nicotine lozenges, they taste so fucking disgusting after a while and quell the cravings so it works but what do I do with booze?

UK also so they aren't gonna give me diazepam or anything; really wondering what to do. I just feel fucked up looking for an alternative since I've been drinking and smoking since I was like 14 and now I'm 30. I want some help but I dunno what the fuck to look for. Advice?

>> No.10012697

That sucks. How come the only legal way to get fucked up is so toxic, this is bullshit

>> No.10012702

start vaping

>> No.10012740

Two weeks without a drink. I want to feel that relaxed, free feeling again after two glasses of whiskey but don't want my family bitching at me. Oh well, iv lost 5 pounds at least.

>> No.10012741
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Yeah, it's kind of scary to think about, so it makes me drink more

>> No.10012749

Yeah that does look like a decent option to stop me doing stupid shit.

Still, day one anyway. A big part of it is wanting to give up weed since I'm just tired of it and figure I can do without. Weird thing is I'm feeling as buzzed as I would with a couple of spliffs and some beers when I've just been drinking and had one nicotine lozenge.

>> No.10012758
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Thats PAWS man, i get it too. Post accute withdrawal symptoms. I'm only 25

>> No.10012778

you're probably compensating by drinking more

>> No.10012791

Every time I think about it I get that kind of all-over, cold panic. I just want to be left alone and get drunk all day, I'm only 25 I shouldn't be dealing with this shit

>> No.10012804

c'mon man, you got another 15 years in you.

>> No.10012805

26 here. I feel ya. All the shit I've been looking at is so vague on how fucked I probably am right now. I think my first diagnosis was summer 2015, so I'm assuming I'm pretty fucked in terms of possible cirrhosis after 2.5 years of not losing weight and drinking myself dead

>> No.10012816

Your booze use, if it's real alcoholism, is just a symptom of your real problems. You're probably an extremely fucked up person who needs to examine himself, and get in touch with what your motivations for drinking are. So...therapy, dealing with all those issues you've been ignoring, work on what you actually want to do with your life, etc...

>> No.10012828

look into medical weed or opiates

>> No.10012831

Your drinking is probably not as damaging as you'd suspect if you have NAFDL, since it's something else causing it. It's not good either, but it's probably not killing you.
I'd see a doctor and have them run a blood panel, maybe do an ultrasound.

>> No.10012835

I doubt it. I've heard some people claim that they have, like online and such, never actually met one. If it's possible, it's extremely rare, I wouldn't bet on you being the one who can pull it off.

Pretty much every single person in AA can tell you about how they got the bright idea to moderate about 1000 times and how it never worked. Not a huge AA guy myself, but I do go along with the total sobriety thing. You have a mental condition that doesn't allow you to moderate these things once you get a few in you, get it through your head.

>> No.10012843

>Pretty much every single person in AA can tell you about how they got the bright idea to moderate about 1000 times and how it never worked
Well, yeah, they're in AA. People who stay in AA clearly aren't capable of it.
Or people who attend AA in general, what a stupid way of quitting drinking.

>> No.10012851

>You have a mental condition that doesn't allow you to moderate these things once you get a few in you, get it through your head.

you sound like my doctor

I stopped completely for 10 months with my medical condtiion and then started to only drink for 2 days each week

then I stopped for another month just to show him I could not drink

>> No.10012855

i have a feeling if i stopped earlier i could have moderated and been a casual drinker, but that point has long since come and went

>> No.10012857

Once again, I've heard people claim it online, never actually met anyone who's done it.

>> No.10012858

How did you deal with sobriety being so fucking boring at first? I always end up breaking and getting drunk past 10pm because I completely run out of shit to do

>> No.10012860

well, no kidding. It never starts out as alcoholism, it's something that occurs after years and years of abuse, and once it takes hold it changes your body and mind permanently.

>> No.10012865
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I'm back to casual drinking now. Not having WD's is a hell of a perk. Just get a taper going and stick to it.

>> No.10012868

Well the reason most people are drunks in the first place is because they find their life boring. maybe you should be focusing on why that is, what is it you actually want your life to be like? Why isn't it that? Why aren't you doing the things you're doing? What should you do to remedy that? That should be more than enough to keep you busy.

>> No.10012878

you need to find a new hobby and get really interested in it to the point where it exhausts you and takes up all time

I never got a goood hobby but would always watch chef john vides like 4 of them before bed to get me to sleep

>> No.10012880

I'm working towards my doctorate right now, alcohol has never been about me not having focus on what I want my life to be like. It's been about entertainment and relaxing.

>> No.10012883

sure bro

>> No.10012884

>entertainment and relaxing.
this is why I drink

>> No.10012890

>functional alcoholics don't exist

>> No.10012893

You realize you live in, without peer, the most entertainment filled time in human history, and it gets better every year right?

If you can't find entertainment and ways to relax now, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.10012897

Of course they exist, I just doubt you.

>> No.10012898

We'll see after this weekend, first time I've tried not smoking in... Well ever. Drinking same amount as I have been for the past few weeks "taper". Figure if I don't go for spirits I'm at least vaguely okay and I don't feel like getting any vodka in so... Progress. Maybe.

Yeah, good luck trying to get fucking therapy in the UK. Tried to get help numerous times, doesn't happen.

I know why I drink, it's all too fucking obvious for me. Been that way for years but how do I punch an abusive father that's been dead for like 8 years?

Guess I'll work on that "mindfulness" shit they keep spinning to me.

>> No.10012899

What field?

>> No.10012908

I browse here as a deterrent from going beyond two tall boys a night. I doubt its permanent so far if you are still function and wont drink again, usually if you are good with alch youre good if you quit.

Im 6'2 and when I weighed 150 everyone thought I was dying, you must look horrible. Eat up.

>> No.10012914

You can have the biggest pile of elephant shit in the world, it's still gunna be shit.

Distributed systems, I'm researching how to create ad-hoc mesh networks using smartphones and standard wifi routers for use in emergencies, natural disasters, civil unrest, or just in general to have an othernet. So far the answer is: You don't

>> No.10012922

>Been that way for years but how do I punch an abusive father that's been dead for like 8 years?

if you're asking a ridiculous question like that, then you're obviously not where you need to be to improve in the first place. Your drinking maybe to give a middle finger to your old man, and take control of your life, not allow him to run yours, even if you want to damage yourself, you're going to do just that. Take that shit, dad.

You said it yourself dude, he's dead, there's no point to prove here anymore. The only war that's left is the one in your head.

I also imagine there's psychs in the u.k., look harder. The funny thing about people who genuinely want to get better is they find ways to get better, they don't make excuses, they go out and if ways aren't available, they find ways to make them available.

>> No.10012928

you don't understand. being high on any kind of drug is better than most things

>. It's been about entertainment and relaxing.
I know about this for the relaxing part

just get in the habit of binge watching a show or maybe play a never ending game like skyrim

I was foreced to clean up beacues of medical conditon but I don't have that anymore (sorta) and still choose to be sorta sorber cause drinking every day is SHIT

Just try drinking ONCE per day and it will blow your mind at how euphoric you feel

>> No.10012944

>you don't understand. being high on any kind of drug is better than most things

I do understand. It's not.

I used to think this. It used to be I couldn't enjoy a movie or a song if I wasn't drunk. I'd even think, "Man, I want to watch Fury Road, well, better go buy a fifth of vodka," Now I can't even imagine doing it. As gay as it sounds, everything actually is much better sober. It's just one of the dumb lies you tell yourself when you're addicted, that you need your drug in order to do anything. You wouldn't actually know otherwise seeing how you haven't actually done anything sober in years.

>> No.10012953

maybe you need to play some video games

I love those to spend some time

>> No.10013011
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Wine on an empty stomach.

>> No.10013021

I guess I've been at step 3 or 4 every day for a couple years. good to know the summit is coming

>> No.10013098

Sheeeeeiiiit that's me.right now

Good thing I'm starting early

>> No.10013115

anyone in Brisbane/Sunshine coast Australia, could really use someone to drink with for at least one or 2 days. After that, I swear I'm getting better.

>> No.10013227

thamks m8

see a doctor please m8

>> No.10013537
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drunk after nearly 20 days sober. It wasn't even that bad being sober. Getting drunk after a period of sobriety feels weird. It's not the great endorphin blasting fun it was, more like a weak hug from an uncle you really liked but haven't seen in a while.

>> No.10013694

gin and tonics while munching on digiorno
how could one be better

>> No.10013704

>1 week sober today
This feels weird, especially on a Friday

>> No.10013725
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Chugging a bottle of vinho verde with some fish tacos

>> No.10013733

got about three days sober

>> No.10013764

Chugging like 4 different kinds of alc and eating leftovers and watching youtube and talking to my fiancee on fb and then feeling fkd up and and and

>> No.10013783

nevermind, 2 hours no alcohol and heart is beyond racing, going to seriously commit to tapering or submitting myself to a hospital ward immediately.

>> No.10013792

Start drinking water, it'll give your brain something to do

>> No.10013794

Try a taper for 3-4 days first.
If It gets worse or never gets better than you need to go to the detox ward.
It took me 4-5 of tapering and I finally was able to sleep about 30-40 hours out of 3 days. I guess my body needed the sleep was all.
Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat something during your taper.
Hygiene helps during a taper

>> No.10013805

>talking to your fiancee on fb

Don't tell me you're long distance and engaged anon

>> No.10013821

don't let the boredom get you. the terror is enough to keep you sober but the boredom is enough to bring you back.

>> No.10013827

good pairing and sounds comfy anon. did you fry them?

>> No.10013834

Huh no?
I lived with her for 3 years and then I had to go take care of my grandmother with dementia, my fiancee understands so I have to make the sacrifice.
I get one day a week to go see her so thats good.
She understands that me taking care of my family comes first.
No long distance nothing, we are highschool sweethearts 7 years later.

>> No.10013843

>tfw promised mom i wouldn't drink tonigt

already broke that promise. oh well.

>> No.10013861

It feels fucking weird not having a beer in my hand on a Friday. Fuck I want one bad.

I'll ride this out till the summer.

>> No.10013878

Hope it works out for you anon, it's noble to make that sacrifice but have you considered a medical care facility? I know it's hard but it never gets better

Nah I just slapped some tilapia I baked in a warmed tortilla with onions pico etc., living that unhealthy degen lifestyle so now I'm eating a gyro with a shit pinot noir, wish I had my green holy water back :/

>> No.10013898

she is developing an appreciation for her free time, if not already fucking someone else.

>> No.10013902
File: 44 KB, 261x193, 2018-01-19 23.27.09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10013907

am i overthinking this? Just woke up after a drunken stupor to find these two absoltue gems on jewbook

>> No.10013911
File: 44 KB, 617x376, this is a load of baaaarnacles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o shit here they are
if fucked ill take two shots, if im good ill give my liqour to my friend and resign myself to marijuana use only (i know I should anyway)

>> No.10013915

I can't my great grandmother was put in a cheap facility when she got dementia.
My uncle went to visit her and she had been laying in the floor dead for 2-3 days.
My fathers side of the family has vowed to never put anyone in a nursing home due to that.
Even if it means we must make the sacrifice for a for 2-5 years till they die.
I hope my grandchildren do the same for me, although if I get to the point i am more a burden than a blessing, please put me out to pasture and just kill me.
t. gnomes

>> No.10013918

I had to quit smoking dope to get clean for career opportunities. Prior to adopting that habit, I was a fifth a day drinker. I bought one on my way home tonigh tand I'm scared bros.

>> No.10013921
File: 23 KB, 295x349, stranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really feel like crying right now
please help me guys I feel like kysing right now

>> No.10013927


>> No.10013928

Pull yourself together. The fact that you posted the same screenshot twice should be evidence of your clouded faculties.

>> No.10013930

Buy a really expensive vape

>> No.10013931

This must be some incel mad that other people can have relationships.
How's your relationship with your waifu body pillow?

>> No.10013934

>she had been laying in the floor dead for 2-3 days.
hope you got a nice settlement out of that

>> No.10013947

what did you expect from a al/ck/ thread?
what do you meme by this?

>> No.10013952

OH damn dude,
Take a nap and think before you speak
You are coming off as a creep

I'm not sure to be honest with you man
This happened in the early 90's and I am a bit too young to be coherent during those years.
I hope they did get a settlement.
I just take my elder's word and respect them and if they tell me I must take care of my nana then I have to.
Honor thy father and mother and do not disrespect your grandparents. She is the last grandparent I have left so it is my /dixie/ duty to care for her.

>> No.10013956

try kratom or nyquil. I've been not drinking due to being sick and nyquil has been nice at night, gets you groggy for an hour then puts you to sleep

>> No.10013968
File: 159 KB, 1106x797, hey!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god its getting wierder
do i really sound like a creep? which post? FUCK

>> No.10013971

As in a vapor cigarette? Forgive me, anon, but I don't see how that's a solution. I haven't smoked a cigarette since 1/01/2016

>> No.10013998

Quit memeing me for a moment.
Take a step back and look at your texts/msgs.
They are weird.
Are you posting the first reply or is she?
If you are spamming her and she feels like she has to reply that is weird.
If she isnt the one initiating the conversation than unless you are downright UBERMAN than you might come off as a creeper.
And you strike me as a creeper so far.
Go cook a meal, work out, have a drink, go work in the dirt. Get a spine, because you are coming off as weak to me, and if you are coming off weak to me, then imagine what you are doing to her?
Go put in some work with your hands, that will make you more manly and not creepy.
You have something on your property that needs fixing. Go find it , google the issue, and get dirty fixing it.
Go be a man, not a creeper.

You would not understand how manly and strong you feel after some manual labor.

>> No.10014006

Trazodone is good when you break it in fourths during meth/stim withdrawals.
It gives me horrible nightmares though.

>> No.10014008

is this quite franly the most drunk/ yet somehow coherent post of all time? Did I just compare myself to AH?
that stuff is PLACEBO
takes regular doses to actually feel the effects

>> No.10014020

JC bud

>> No.10014026

I think I once experienced sleep paralysis while taking it but I was also on a bunch of other crazy psychiatric shit

Nah it definitely helps me sleep on the spot

>> No.10014035
File: 152 KB, 490x566, zucc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not memeing thery are certainly strange - im just hoping I dont have to apologize tomorrow morning. Do i have to??

>> No.10014040

It is a harsh late-resort kind of sleep med.
Do not take it if you don't have to.
That shit is more horrible than 95% of things i've encountered.
Do you still take it?

>> No.10014048

Never apologize unless you are truly wrong.
Go to bed
Wake up and go to work/education and devote your time to being a better man.
Quit worrying you fag.

>> No.10014058

I use it exactly as you describe, a last resort to avoid withdrawal symptoms in the morning

>> No.10014068

You need to sleep, this line of conversation is beyond comprehension even to a fellow drunk boi

>> No.10014086

That last one is just a screen cap

>> No.10014144
File: 256 KB, 1004x1512, 2112444797069400610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the way of the zucc anon, my point stands

>> No.10014148

I used to have some, think one of my old roommates jacked it though. Fucking hate living with people.

>> No.10014151
File: 30 KB, 338x322, 1505147337904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish to emulate the likes of Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler.
Hahaha what the fuck mark

>> No.10014162

kinda went from one extreme to the other... I mean ol adolf was a great orator but still not someone you want to even mention.

>> No.10014173

Really starting to wonder what he's going to put on my reccomendation (the Goyim knows too much!!)
>holy fuck I'm sobering up and realizing how crazy I really am
>no memes here just stream of consciousness babby

>> No.10014188

No no I think you are the drunk one. And you might have a serious fetish for agriculture 'just sayan'

>> No.10014223

They both clearly are

Aren't you?

>> No.10014235

meg who let you back inside the house?

>> No.10014237

I've been good about it lately, but this whole week was total shit, so here I am. I'm sick too, so I can't take my meds or else I will fuck myself up worse. Holy shit. What a fucking life.

>> No.10014240

I've been thinking about making a telegram group or discord server to gather the al/ck/ anons in a cozy place
I mean, a place made entirely of drunkards should be a hell of a cool thing

>> No.10014271

do you guys ever get really rapid water retention?
as in jeans that fit loose 5 hours ago fit REALLY tight right now? This isnt just weight gain right?

>> No.10014280
File: 89 KB, 673x866, drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw so drunk you start texting your bank's automated "check balance" text line incoherent babble

Also, feel free to laugh at my savings amount

>> No.10014296

>free to laugh
Stop showing off, richfag.

>> No.10014301

Sorry Richcunt but it doesn't get drunker 4chan than this

>> No.10014310

von neunbeinuenzich looftballoons dass so wass blah blah (insert funky) techno bass ...

neunbeinuenzig luftballoon ihrem eschalften

>> No.10014320

i went on a date tonight with a girl i really like
wasted a month of sobriety drinking a few tall boys cuz it was first date, she literally said "i'm glad you drink, i don't wanna date someone i can't drink with"
also shes a few years younger than me and richer and more successful than me
we made out in the parking lot i felt great
now i feel like fucking ass, i don't know what to do
honestly fucking mad and confused right now

im 30 years old if that helps, not unsuccessful by any means but she is a rich bitch

>> No.10014325

>now i feel like fucking ass
You feel like you want to fuck her ass?

>> No.10014330

no i feel bad

>> No.10014342
File: 56 KB, 552x364, 1515650303456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just highlighting my shitty idea

>> No.10014346

did she fart shit on you when you pulled out? is that why you feel bad?

>> No.10014347

>inviting shitposters when they get their daily dose of liqour
yes anon, great idea

>> No.10014352

I know how you feel bro, I had 7 months of sobriety under my belt and then started dating again. Unless you're dating someone who's sober, or who never drank, you're always going to get the questions about why you don't drink. And first dates are always "lets just go get a drink". I just started seeing a girl, I didn't drink our first date while she had one beer, second date I had 2 beers at the bar with her and called it quits. I'm ok just drinking a couple with her socially, but I know it could eventually re-open that road if we stop seeing each other, and I feel like shit and say "fuck it" and get hammered. It's a slippery slope, and I think I'm at the top of it right now before I fall again eventually

>> No.10014354

thanks man
it's rough

>> No.10014358

damn bro no offense but you sound like a serious loser
my honest advice? drink yourself intoo a goddamned stupor-you might get fucked up enough that you forget what a faggot you are

>> No.10014366

Your only options are to either stop it now, and tell her you don't want to drink, or take the chance that you're a cured alkie who can maybe just drink socially.

>> No.10014377

nevar going to happen

>> No.10014386

Ya the second half of that post was basically sarcasm, if you're an alkie you always will be

>> No.10014388

you're fucking right, unfortunately

>> No.10014397

Pls respond
Is this liver failure? This is my 28th drink this week

>> No.10014404

could be you're dehydrated/haven't been eating
im about 30lbs under my notmal weight after a week of not really eating

>> No.10014407

great way of putting it. i always feel that way. makes me a little ashamed that so much of my life is spent obsessing over it.

>> No.10014408

Depends,are you someone who has been drinking for years? Or just went on a bender? Because I'm someone who drinks on/off every couple weeks hard. And yes, I hold a ton of water. After a bender, my face looks bloated as fuck. But after a week of drying out and working out, I go back to normal.

>> No.10014420
File: 192 KB, 768x1024, 52448583_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told my brother to lock me in my room to go cold turkey 2 days ago, have eaten like half a half a sandwich and I the only thing I have strength for is shitposting.

When is the worst part over?

>> No.10014424

When you die, desu.

>> No.10014426

Drink one gallon of water over the course of a day, no more

>> No.10014455

im sick of doing tapers, but they work. uncomfortable but you will live.

>> No.10014460

just dont overdo it

>> No.10014462

Okay I know I fucked up but am I going to have to explain myself/ admit I'm an alcoholic tomorrow?
I always fucking do this. I always text girls I like stupid things whenever I get drunk. Maybe they'll feel pity for me and want to fugg or at least cuddle?

>> No.10014465
File: 8 KB, 509x619, 8e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked it up.

I'm fucking wasted.

Just throwing it out there, obviously no judging cause i'm an alc but i wish there was a 4chan alternative to staying sober. these threads have been my home for years now, but i'm so sick of this life. I wish we had a non cultish reason to stay sober just because of our common affliction. I never met smirnoffbro or simpsonbro but i deeply hope they are living and okay. I don't care about religion at this point because if there is a hell we are probably all going there. I just don't want us to suffer anymore in this life and we can make our peace from there. This life is pain for us.

I just want everyone of us to find what we are looking for.

>> No.10014473

usually 72 hours is when you start feeling better

>> No.10014488

Do different liquors honestly make you act differently under the influence? It certainly is starting to seem that way?

>> No.10014491

this is the truth if you're not drinking a pint a day. The first day is the worst. I'm a beer alc so my WD were a little easier than others but you won't sleep well for about a week. If you're drinking more / over a long period of time consider medical treatment. You don't want to have a seizure.

>> No.10014498

No except tequila. That drink is from the devil himself.

>> No.10014509
File: 285 KB, 1500x1075, 1514552892205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pepsi or pepsi max a good substitute for coke if I'm adding bourbon whiskey to it?

>> No.10014512

who cares. just chase it with whatever you got.

>> No.10014522

you guys are fucking pathetic, go to rehab already

>> No.10014523

been there
lasted a month or so once i got out

>> No.10014524

time to go back you fucking quitter

stop shortchanging yourself, you only get one life

>> No.10014529

>you only get one life
thank fuck, i couldn't handle having to live again

>> No.10014535

>I like to deflect any serious discussion of my problems with lighthearted references to my depressive attitude
wow you're so quirky anon. normal people go to a therapist instead of needless circlejerking in misery with a bunch of fags on the internet. shit or get off the pot, being an edgy nihilistic alcoholic is a retarded self-imposed purgatory

>> No.10014538
File: 22 KB, 600x600, 1508132943531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you even in this thread

>> No.10014552

No way. Different alcohols fuck you up different way.

>> No.10014585
File: 612 KB, 1728x1227, 1516260981763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What vitamins do you take to unfuck your memory?

>> No.10014689

b12 keeps you from getting wet brain

>> No.10014774
File: 150 KB, 640x361, feels about right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do people shit blood after a night of drinking? Haven't been drinking for more than maybe a year, but started as a heavy user. Now after a heavy night, be it for trying social situations (pretend there's human decency in me) or shitty nights, I shit blood. Hope I don't shit blood tomorrow. Wonder when I'll die. Not that old, desu. Feel like an old fuck, though, which means nothing considering I've felt like I'm mentally and physically older than many people. I've treated and have had others treat my body like shit my whole life. Inb4 some super original cumcuzzler tells me to kill myself because they hate alckies but keep coming to these threads, or inb4 "I don't give a shit" as if I do. Not important and sounds gay as ultra homo tier but does anyone else try to find the willpower to type relatively correctly while shitfaced? Sometimes I don't give a shit, but most times it bugs me for some reason. It also bugs me that I can function better while shitfaced than the average person can on one of his/her good days.
>drunk rant fml shitpost over

>> No.10014808

you been drinking for a year? probably not very common to shit blood

>> No.10014818
File: 2.36 MB, 400x286, fug dis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how much does the average alckie drink? Started by chugging liquor.

>> No.10014876

>was sick with flu
>Yesterday felt okay
>decide that best course of action is to go out and get smashed
>feel like death today, stomach was burning, had diarrhea

I hate how I can't control myself. I wanted to go out and have no alcohol. Now I prolonged my illness. Doesn't help I have pretty bad acid reflux + binge drinking makes me extremely anxious for days

>> No.10014893

Found out I have pancreatitis. They're keeping my for like 3 days on a clear fluid based diet. I'm fucking starving.

>> No.10014904
File: 3.84 MB, 480x360, homerboxer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ I didn't realise how unfit I had become. I'm getting drunk and listening to music and the urge to dance come on when Jamiraqui come on.
5 minutes of dancing if that and pic related is me immediately after.
Holy fuck. I have to fix myself.

>> No.10014908

Pussy. I did a 5 day water fast follow by a 10 day water fast after a 3 day break in December.
Sorry to hear about pancreatitis though. Did you have any symptoms in the lead up to the diagnosis?

>> No.10014926

Yeah that's nice and all but I hadn't eaten for 8 days before this on top of it.

I was vomiting up blood every 5 minutes for nearly a whole day and cpuld barely stand, with bad pain in the middle of my chest. They ran a bunch of blood tests and found that out. At least they moved me to a room with a tv I guess though.

I mostly just feel weak because I wasn't eating while I was drinking vodka like a fish.

>> No.10015010

is there an /alck thread for marijuana abusers?

>> No.10015071 [DELETED] 

new mods don't understand board culture whatsoever. I've gotten banned from other boards because of this. I'ts fucking infuriating they don't even unband me when I explain how I haven't broken any rules.

>> No.10015397

Go to 420chan. You'll get dudeweeded to no end by posting that here.

>> No.10015469

These threads are for real drugs, poser

>> No.10015492
File: 1.22 MB, 2624x1476, IMG_20180120_134939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning

>> No.10015508

>when for a second you thought they were selling ardbeg in a can
Why are my dreams only dreams?

>> No.10015522

Woke up
>fuck my mouth tastes like blood and dirt
>when did I fall asleep?
>holy shit holy shit please no texts
>see this

Having an average Saturday morning I guess

>> No.10015523

fuck that'd be sweet

>> No.10015774

I call vodka crazy juice because it's the only stuff that gets me stupid when I'm drunk. Everything else is fine

>> No.10015778

Hates himself for other reasons and needs to put people down to feel slightly better about himself

>> No.10015789

I've shit blood a few times but only when I've got the whiskey shits so bad that I've wiped so much it literally tears my asshole open. It's scary but I still drink sigh. Managed to cut down from whiskey to beer and wine at least.

>> No.10015808

Doesn't seem that bad from the screenshots.
I tend to go overly complimentary with my female contacts when I'm drunk or the absolute complete opposite. I quit facebook and tinder because of it just a few weeks ago. No regrets. If I can't contact anyone and no one can contact me I can't hurt anyone. I only keep a few numbers in my phone and live "abroad" so I have become hard to reach for people that care. I'm too depressed and I don't want to bother too many about it anymore.

>> No.10015820

your body sees ethanol as ethanol
the additives and sugar and things might make you feel like you just ate some food though

>> No.10015839

these texts are more good than bad in terms of keeping a girl's attention

>> No.10015873

I don't think I could stomach scotch in the morning

>> No.10015894
File: 24 KB, 800x563, himark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She at least seems interested. Just don't be a total retard next time.

>> No.10015919

>I don't care about religion at this point because if there is a hell we are probably all going there

pretty brainlet perspective on god and death

>> No.10015937

Who here have :
friend that killed himself in the last week due to alcohol / depression

slash wish I was more there for him but whenever we hung out we would just wreck havoc.

>> No.10015938
File: 18 KB, 353x334, shrek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pro tip
it doesn't exist brainwashlet

>> No.10015943

how intoxicated are you right now?

>> No.10015950

it's technically afternoon

>> No.10015959

fairly, but I'm not making things up. Sorry if my problems aren't good enough for /alcky

>> No.10015964

he sounds more like a non-native English speaker than a drunk

>> No.10015968

meant to link

>> No.10015988
File: 10 KB, 248x186, Romeomontaigus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is at her moms house all weekend and I didn't do anything but drink cheap beer/whiskey and eat chilli.
> Shame is the only thing keeping me for drinking all day and limits it do evening/night

>> No.10016023

english is hard.

>> No.10016266

God damn it. This hangover is giving me massive anxiety. I look like a fucking freak.

>> No.10016331
File: 650 KB, 446x251, oZQXr-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10016362

Thiamin (B1) is even more important to prevent becoming retarded as well

>> No.10016374

Been weaning myself off the constant booze and cigarettes and now I'm feeling angry at the world and physically can hardly ever leave my bed. I get dead tired around 4 p.m. onward, yetI can't actually fall asleep until 2 a.m. so I'm stuck feeling like shit for most of the day. God I hope this gets better, I'm starting my last semester in three days.

>> No.10016380

Why do ya gotta be so pretentious anon? Put 'er there pal

Also you should see a gastroenterologist

>> No.10016487

I got a buddy like you, he'd drink all day if not for his wife breathing down his neck. Think about it like this, she loves you enough that she wants you to live as long as possible

>> No.10016803

Ignore the face. Is this literally the nicest female body ever? I mean holy shit

>> No.10016819

She's a cute f i t s t i c c with a nice tum but wouldn't call it the end all be all lad

God I miss my ex's skinny body

>> No.10016868


That's one thing spices and chinks do right. Most of them would never dream of putting their elderly in a nursing home to get neglected or abused by some lazy nigger nurse.

>> No.10016870


>> No.10017013
File: 137 KB, 640x640, kyawhtetaung-sophia-papawady17103669_128448807680500_610455507816925695_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether you like it or not, this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.10017020

my mind was fucking blown when i first saw this girl and her instagram
she's not QUITE as hot in most of her photos
>t. neckbeard who couldn't get her in a million years

>> No.10017030
File: 129 KB, 768x1024, 7364caceba871f2df5ba0f4ae55f0ae6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean if you're 15 or a pedo, I could see that being "the nicest female body ever".
Nekane Sweet objectively has a perfect body

>> No.10017033

You boys on that hangover/withdrawal horn innit?

>> No.10017041

Ye, my headache actually isn't that bad but my dick could hammer a nail

>> No.10017047

Yep, cranked it twice already today. Got drunk for the first time in over two weeks last night. wasn't even that fun and now I just feel like shit. Lord knows how much gin i drank.

>> No.10017049
File: 427 KB, 640x1066, 640_e369f4bb51a4db70d21102f6321b6d87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah she is definitely a 2/10 way below my standards. get a load of those split ends

>> No.10017061

nice ass but typical moonface asian. she will be an egglady in 5 years.

>> No.10017064
File: 31 KB, 600x732, Body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know this was a thing but yeah I could jackoff to pitch-black ass for days right now.

What the hell is it about post-alcohol that makes you want to slam very-dark ass?

>> No.10017080

I think that might just be a "you thing" anon

>> No.10017088

Stop blaming alcohol for your terrible choices.

>> No.10017092

same here, was sober for a while but went for a cheeky bottle of whisky

it hurts

>> No.10017094

I'm fine during the week but I can't do it on fridays man. It's so hard.

>> No.10017097

>le character is an alcoholic because he carries a hip flask meme
Anyone else just hate this? I've tried using a hip flask and I only get about two gulps worth and then I've run out. You hardly even get a buzz from one actually small enough to carry about.

>> No.10017101

To hell with your racism; the original genes need the new genes.

>> No.10017111

>"I didn't drink that much"
>go to look at handle
>it's more than half empty
>"wtf why am i not ded"

>> No.10017114

why do girls show their butts in their underwear but guys just wear boxers? except for gays?
wouldn't girls like to see a dude's butt as much as a guy likes to see a girls'?

this has been bothering me

>> No.10017117
File: 195 KB, 1600x1195, 70582556-1143-461C-AC31-E485732CA0C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im the guy who in the part has raged against /pol/ in these threads, but I’ve never once been attracted to a black girl.

>> No.10017120

it's for people that don't really drink and want to look like they do.

alcys just drink out of a water bottle.

>> No.10017123

>you don't want to put your dick in something
>das racis

>> No.10017125
File: 222 KB, 1488x1500, 7169rrjlsFL._UL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be the change you want to see in the world.

>> No.10017132
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Recently I think I've actually caught the jungle fever

Perhaps it's finally time to get over my ex, make a tinder, and find a thick baddie that has a raceplay fetish, ooga booga where the black women at

>> No.10017134

Fuck me, about ready to chuck this phone out of the window.

>> No.10017139

Because men rule the world and it's more socially acceptable to sexually objectify women, not complaining

>> No.10017145

Lucky you, no end of them because nobody else wants them. Go have some fun I guess

>> No.10017146

this is the conclusion i came to as well
i guess showing ur ass off is pretty sexually submissive and men aren't supposed to be that way

>> No.10017151
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50% of black women have genital herpes.

>> No.10017155

Tipsy at 6:24am, considering staying awake until the bottle shops open at 9 so I can get proper drunk.

>> No.10017178

Different strokes for different rug-burns. A man's penis or testicles can really cause or take some damage if they are listless at night. Or if they have quite the pair, tidy-whities might squeeze the boys or the sausage too much.

Underwear is less about ass and more about genitals. At least for me. Nothing hurts more than sitting on your twins.

You gotta find that right chunk of onyx.

>> No.10017181
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God I hope it's easy, I wouldn't say I'm a beta but I oscillate between alpha drunk and completely omega sober. I just want want to spew my seed on a beautiful black ass

Natural hair is hot

>> No.10017194


new thread is up


>> No.10017196

Truly revolting. Makes my dick repel inside my body. But have fun.

>> No.10017200


>> No.10017211

this one is dead soon. threads have a post limit. if you notice the 320 posts is in italics. it stops being bumped and gets closer and closer to disappearing from the board.

>> No.10017232

i feel like i've earned a drink then even though i did nothing

>> No.10017238

I just get bored. I went to trivia last night and there was no way I was gonna do that sober. I had like 4 double gins and soda, skyped my gf and then had two more.

>> No.10017750

Yet here this thread still is.
Whatever, I give up.