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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10009081 No.10009081 [Reply] [Original]

>kilo of mince is 8-12 bucks at the butchers
>only 4 bucks atthe supermarkets

Is there really any point to supporting local butchers. Aside from muh honor

>> No.10009090

Fuck you buy local
The money stays in the community and not to some conglomerate doing business as an untaxable shell company in ireland

>> No.10009101

Im from ireland

>> No.10009134

potato nigger

>> No.10009136

>give butcher $10
>he spends it on 6pk at walmart

wow so worth it

>> No.10009142

dah whey

>> No.10009144

uneducated post

>> No.10009145

I can't speak for everyone but my butcher has better tasting meat than the supermarket

>> No.10009149

>Is there really any point to supporting local butchers
Seeing how sams club just up and shut its doors down, supporting your local butcher/anyone most likely.
Imagine the story of how so many mom and pop shops closed the shop doors because walmart took a bulk of the clients, which happened all over the place.
Now imagine walmart shutting its doors one day and leaving all the white trash scrambling for the deals of ramen and hamburger helper.
Walmart was warned about amd these days, which are very strange days anything is likely to happen

My real kick is actually supporting folks with real skill even hookers

>> No.10009159

Nothing to be done, the big companies will just keep moving in, undercutting prices to kill all local competition, then cranking prices back up and dropping quality. Individual consumer has no power, only way to fix it would be to break up big businesses.

>> No.10009247

Try to fucking wake up and turn your stupis boomer brain on before you word vomit onto the screen. You post like a fucking asshole.

>> No.10009271

probably the only difference is quality of the meat. I'm from aus and our supermarket ground beef is disgusting. Buy from a butcher every time so I'm not constantly picking gristle out of my food.

>> No.10009362

I don't think OP is talking about sucking dick.

>> No.10010345

I'm from norn iron. We're neighbours!!!!

>> No.10010481

Why the fuck are you buying mince at the butchers? You go to the butchers for flank steak or some other cut that you won't find 10 times cheaper at a supermarket

>> No.10010501

Because fresh mince is better than something that's been sitting around wrapped in plastic? Unless you intend to mince it yourself back at home.

>> No.10010504

>Corporate bulk vs buying from someone that gives a fuck about their work.

>> No.10010508

Taigs out


>> No.10010521

It might be ground from a single cut of higher quality meat at the butcher in which case it's probably worth it, IMO. Just regular "ground beef" is usually a mix of trimming from different cuts which doesn't taste as good and is prone to having more gristle.

>> No.10010528

It's fucking mince. What recipes are you using mice for where the quality of it is that important?

>> No.10010537

>Not supporting soulless mega corporations over small independents
What are you, a commie atheist?

>> No.10010598

There is literally no reason to support your butcher in 2018. Supporting your butcher is a fantasy for numales, the same sort of person who has a waxed mustache and wears flannel and chops wood for no reason.

>> No.10010994


>> No.10011005

shut the fuck up, Cletus

>> No.10011088
File: 119 KB, 1024x768, IFvbujl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a butcher at Publix told me when they find a cyst in the meat they cut it out and use the rest for ground beef

>> No.10011102

>cook mince from the market
>lots of water flowing out, meat becomes instantly dry as fuck and disgusting tint of grey

>> No.10011110

Yes, the butcher stuff will be considerably better.
Also butchers excel at the things you CAN'T find at the supermarket, if you're a pleb that'll never make anything beyond the most basic recipes, butchers might not be for you

>> No.10011159

so? are you angry they cut it out?

>> No.10011163

any recipe? are you an enemy of quality?

>> No.10011220

sad but true

>> No.10011240
File: 13 KB, 250x200, BnL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not supporting local businesses
Enjoy the planetary corporate takeover.

>> No.10011246

>hey excuse me do you have any caul fats? also I would like 3 pounds of bones for veal stock
>miss I don't know what those are but if you don't vacate the premises I will be forced to call the cops
Is this really the future you want? supermarkets are terrible for proper cooking

>> No.10011248

that sounds a lot like the standard process to me, what's your point?

>> No.10011546

You stupid nigger. It supports the wages of people who live in your community.

Stfu faggot.

Wages aren't keeping up with the cost of goods so people HAVE to buy at supermarkets and not the butcher.

I can get a pound of grass fed organic beef at Walmart for $5.99 vacuum packed. The butcher is $10.99. Sorry I got a budget to stick to faggot.

Fucking cunt.

>> No.10011551

The hunter who kills a deer whose bladder burst when getting butchered rinses the piss off the meat and eats it. Can you believe that.

>> No.10011554

>more people sell at butcher prices
>suddenly more butchers
>suddenly people can afford to buy at butchers because they get butcher wages
>better quality and more trained personnell
>win win win

>> No.10011568

>caul fat
You do realize you're trying to argue with a troglodyte flyover right? Those 2 items you mentioned will make his head explode.

>> No.10011577

Wouldn't the soulless mega-corps be closer to government-mandated food distribution than independents? Wouldn't food processed to be extremely uniform and affordable for the majority of the population be the more "communist" food?

>> No.10011583

ITT: Sheltered ideological retards that don’t understand that prices make all the difference to the vast majority of people

Plus supermarkets here in ireland have their own butchers so its a win fucking win.