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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10007483 No.10007483 [Reply] [Original]

>Australia doesn't have any good foo...
Meeepieez kuuuunts

>> No.10007489

What do they taste like

>> No.10007492

unseasoned mystery meat slathered wrapped in an undercooked pie crust and slathered with ketchup mmm boy

inb4 fairy bread

>> No.10007496

Which one is the four n twenty?

>> No.10007509

Grouse strayanism and facken roos m8
Best pie cunt

Even better is homemade onea
Home style mate cost me 20 bucks cenno ai

>> No.10007512

is it possible to get a meat pie that isn't a grease bomb? Around here even the crust is super buttery

>> No.10007548

Yeah these ain't greasy at all it's why I like em

>> No.10008083

The "meat" inside them reaches the bare minimum standards for human consumption. It's basically dog food.

>> No.10008249

chicken pot pie?

>> No.10008257

If you're ever in Nelson Bay, go to Red Neds. They do amazing pies. They even have a pie which is Prawn, Lobster and Barramundi in a white sauce.

>> No.10008263

So it's a pasty for straya cunts

>> No.10008264

Depends where it came from. A legit one from a good bakery will have nice light crispy pastry, chunks of tender meat, and peppery gravy so good you could drink it. Tomato sauce on top. Basically fucking delicious. But if you get a shit one from a servo or something it will have limp non-flaky pastry and dog food tier meat. Generally it'll still taste okay though desu unless you get a really bad one

>> No.10008271

I'd eat it

>> No.10008276

>tomato sauce
You mean ketchup. Tomato sauce is seasoned tomato juice. Ketchup is a tomato reduction.

>> No.10008290
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>> No.10008335

It doesn't look much but the filling is amazing

>> No.10008462
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x900, kangaroo-hopping.ngsversion.1412637457913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How much kangaroo do 'Strayans eat?

>> No.10008488

very little. It's a meme thing you do once in a while out of curiosity, although there is a handful of contrarian weirdos who swear by it.

>> No.10008490

Ironically not that much everyone tried it but beef chicken and lamb mince cheaper and frankly tastier desu

>> No.10008497

Based ausfam here is right as well

It has a weird gamey taste

>> No.10008501

Molten lava.

>> No.10008508

Australians are pretty weird.

>in SF
>at a bar with a friend
>ordering drinks
>random Aussie starts shooting the shit with us
>he offers to buy us beers for talking with him
>we turn him down and go back to our table
>30 minutes passes
>we're shooting the shit outside the bar
>somehow manage talk to another Aussie
>we're watching his also Aussie friend smash his head against a wall for some fucking reason
>laugh and keep shooting the shit
>off to the distance, we hear "'EY I KNOW THOSE CUNTS"
>it's the fucking guy from the bar

Are you guys just friendly all the time or what

>> No.10008522
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Tried it once. Very lean cut of meat. It's sold in supermarkets but I don't like the texture. Costs about the same as beef if I remember? Should be less because those jumping cunts are everywhere.

The filling is disgusting are you retarded. That is, if we're talking about the frozen packets you buy from the store. If it's made at home, then mileage will vary, as homemade meat pies seems to be alien to all the faggots in prison land.

>> No.10008539

>in SF
What is this acronym. San Fran? Secure Fisting?

>Are you guys just friendly all the time or what
No. It's a common misconception. The Australians you dealt with were most likely drunk off their tits because booze is cheaper outside Aus. Everyday Australians here are as hostile and fucking annoying as everyone else. It's a meme country.

>> No.10008612

The pastry on top of those pies is unevenly and undercooked.

Try-hards like this so desperate to eke out some form of cultural identity make me die a little on the inside.

I'd eat a hell of a lot more of it if it wasn't like $20/kilo. That being said, it's so low-fat it has very limited applications in what you can use it in. Companies try and market it like it's beef which is probably why it's not really being taken up like it should.

>> No.10008620

At least you guys have decent access to lamb. I'm pretty sure here in the U.S. we get lamb from you fuckers.

>> No.10008640

In my experience, strayans go into full caricature mode when outside of Australia.

>> No.10008658

i want so bad to have a snag
tfw 13000 miles away

>> No.10008731
File: 12 KB, 251x201, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

food of the gods op thanks for this thread, who here
>has a bakery 30m down the street and gets fat from it
anon you cant go to the local bunnings in whatever shithole youre in and pickup a snag?
remember though: the shitposting is inside you, no matter where you are

>> No.10008740

strayans might be cunts but they're good cunts

>> No.10008750

bunnings sausages are fucking vile

>> No.10009064

Yes incel we are cunt

>> No.10009067

Awww boo hoo u don't have a sense of humor

>> No.10009075

I had it once and took time to make it the 'right' way. Not at all bad really.

The problem is us Burgers wanna cook everything into pure carbon. Roo as far as I have experienced must be eaten medium rare. If you hate that level of done-ness than kangaroo isn't going to be your thing.

>> No.10009088

in the picture the packet clearly says tomato sauce, ketchup isn't even that common here

>> No.10009094

does your local bakery have chili pies? those pies remind me of the old brumby's pies before they stopped making them instore and charging 6 bucks for them

>> No.10009095

Can't you read cunt? Fuckwit

>> No.10009111

lads who here /snagsizzle/?

australian. cuisine.

>> No.10009116

I don't mind it but rarely get it. If it were cheaper I'd probably get it more often. It's extremely lean.

>> No.10009119

I swear by it.

>> No.10009234

We really do, I'm not kidding, I go full on crocodile dundee when I'm overseas

>> No.10009242

Kangaroo is pretty versatile. You could make a kangaroo mince chili and convince people it was beef.

>> No.10009385

I like the chicken and vegetable Four n Twentys more than the mince

>> No.10009394

>trying to prove Australia has good food by posting British food

>> No.10009735
File: 87 KB, 600x600, FourN-Twenty-Pies-Beef-Cheese-4-pack-700g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /cheesy/ here?

>> No.10010497

Wish the local place still made ned kellies

>> No.10010498

Australia didn't exactly invent the concept of a savory pie though.

>> No.10010502

op is false flag sad troll

>> No.10010507

I just like meat pies and wish to spread the word around