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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 408 KB, 2000x1997, 1F9EE954-1B7F-48D1-B5EC-C49445E04C2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10002052 No.10002052 [Reply] [Original]

>Eating fries before the burger

I hope you guys don’t do this

>> No.10002075

Yes. Everyone does. Trump is a douche...but he eats his happy meals the right way.
No idea what the roll of silverware is for.

>> No.10002078

i eat either fries or the burger, i don't know how you can eat both and then gulp down your gigantic soda.

no wonder you're so fat

>> No.10002086

>full drink
>burger untouched
>no fries in box
what did he mean by this?

>> No.10002093


I regret my vote now

>> No.10002095
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>Diet Coke

>> No.10002096

Not my president.

>> No.10002113

I want to cum in his arteries.

>> No.10002132
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>> No.10002196
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What's with Trump and his eating habits? He eats like a retard

>> No.10002223

Not a bad idea at mcdonalds where the fries get cold is 2 minutes

>> No.10002285
File: 85 KB, 1200x800, https___blueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com_uploads_card_image_653553_11eee0b7-d71b-494e-a189-1d34fa42bf8b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF? Why is he so non-human?

>> No.10002290

So does secret service pick through all his fast food meals for poisons or shards of metal before he eats it how does that work

I wouldn't trust a teenager to serve food to any president, let alone trump

>> No.10002292
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>> No.10002293

the second fries go cold they're shit so you only have maybe 5 minutes to eat them. a burger has at least 15 minutes and tastes fine warm
your picture is from a pizza hut commercial back from when they first introduced stuffed crust
everyone in that commercial was eating the pizza backwards

>> No.10002304

Why do rich people do this? I know millionaires who eat at shit restaurants when they could be fine dining or hiring a personal chef every night.
Could be sour grapes but I'd rather have good taste than money. At least I can become rich one day if Im lucky - there's no hope for these white trash moneybags.

>> No.10002318

You don't have either

>> No.10002319

the only taste they crave... is that of cold hard cash...

>> No.10002325

Good food doesn't have to be expensive

>> No.10002328

sure as fuck doesn't come from McDonalds tho.

>> No.10002338

>mcdonalds doesn't taste good
LOL funny contrarian

>> No.10002341


>> No.10002342

I unironically do this with pizza, at least if I don't have anything to dip the crust in. eating dry crust after eating the flavorful topped part sucks, but treating it as an appetizer for the rest of the slice works much better

>> No.10002373

Some times you just want garbage food.

>> No.10002386

You need to get yourself a finer appreciation for the shittier things in life anon.

>> No.10002399

>paying for fine dining or personal chef

This is why they're rich and you're not.

>> No.10002404

You don't stay wealthy by spending all your money on the most expensive shit. Especially not consumables.

>> No.10002412

it doesnt you baby food addicted teenager

>> No.10002418

>eat the burger first
>then eat cold french fries
What other things do you do wrong?

>> No.10002430

Eating exclusively expensive things is a classic trait of insecure newly rich people. It's something you do when you're concerned with actively performing the role of a rich person and are self-conscious of your middle class past, as if by being seen eating fast food your lowly nature will be revealed.

Sometimes you just want to eat a burger, and duck confit or whatever would just not satisfy in the same way.

>> No.10002441

> guy who inherited all of his wealth, squandered away most of it and got what little he did get back by scamming and laundering russian mob money is rich because he eats at mcdonalds.


>> No.10002468

If you eat the crust first what do you hold on to?

>> No.10002506

the earth

>> No.10002514

Some people just enjoy fast food once in a while, even billionaires


>> No.10002532

>Buffett keeps it frugal even when treating his friends to lunch. In Bill and Melinda Gates' 2017 annual letter, which they addressed to longtime friend Buffett, Bill tells the story of a particularly economical lunch Buffett took him out for years ago.

"Remember the laugh we had when we traveled together to Hong Kong and decided to get lunch at McDonald's? You offered to pay, dug into your pocket, and pulled out … coupons!" he writes.

>> No.10002570
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>Trump is a douche..

Trump is a racist with a captial R. I hope americans impeach him.

Not like our boy Obama, he was the best dog Xi Jingping ever had.

>> No.10002599

Of course libshits would get triggered by a man who does things his own way and doesn't answer to anyone else

But guess what faggots? 7 MORE YEARS

>> No.10002606

>the second fries go cold they're shit so you only have maybe 5 minutes to eat them.

stop eating shitty fries. good fries are always fine so long as they aren't ice cold.

>> No.10002618


Fuck you. Trump's getting impeached in a year tops.

You 'merican media is so easy to manipulate, it's only a matter of time before that racist is out of office.

>> No.10002623

I can taste your salty tears from my monitor. Go jerk off to bernie you loser faggot.

>> No.10002626

What kind of faggot eats mcdonalds on a jet airplane when you could actually be having lobster or filet mignons?!?

>> No.10002632

>Trump is a racist
Yeah still haven't seen it once
>inhereted all his wealth
>laundering russian mob money
AHAHAHAHAHA I write fairytales too
>a single still frame as he's bringing the water up to his mouth
a lot of people would look the same if frozen in time and pasted to the internet

Go back to /pol/ you massive shill faggots, actually get off this website and collect your jewdollars somewhere else

>> No.10002635

eating your fries before the burger has the following effects:
>increases the dow jones to record levels
>increases economic growth
>increases consumer confidence
>falling unemployment
>removes obamacare mandate

>> No.10002636


lol. Yes. It's as if Trump actually wants Americans to benefit instead of selling the country out to you Chinks like Obama.

>> No.10002637

Trump 2020

>> No.10002649



Hillary would have gave us extra favorable trade policies if she was in office, unlike your racist, illiterate, FRUMP.

>> No.10002660

To be fair, Warren Buffett has literal autism.

>> No.10002662
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oh no no no no ohhohohohoh

>> No.10002680


Soooo.... anyone pushing for a more balanced trade policy is automatically a "racist?" Did you learn that trick from the Nigger School of Politics?

>> No.10002726

he's shitposting, lurk a little longer and you'll save time writing out frustrated replies.

>> No.10002785


You shut your mouth when you talk about Mr. Buffet.

>> No.10002789

>Not taking a bite of burger, then some fries

>> No.10002796


Not with the Russians & Chinese constant bombardment of anti-trump news in the US. Trump will last 1 term max, if he's not impeached first.

>> No.10002813

If he's eating it on a plane, it probably isn't very fresh. McDonalds burgers are inedible after the first 30 minutes. Trump confirmed shit taste.

>> No.10002831

Tastes better in every way comparied to regular sugary shit

>> No.10002866

>wanting a thin president

>> No.10002867


you people need to impeach Frump immediately. It's for your own good. not even joking.

>> No.10002890

that isn't xi jinping

>> No.10002954

>save ~300 kcal per day
>2100 kcal per week
>109,200 kcal per year
>10 years
>1,109,200 kcal saved by switching to diet coke
>1 pound of fat = 3,500 kcal
>preventing over 300 pounds of pure soda fat

These numbers are strictly from a calories in vs calories out perspective, but you get the idea, fuck head.

>> No.10003029

I would be more worried about the sharts he leaves in his bed

>> No.10003050

Because he likes to think about the looser that made it. It makes him feel like a big guy.

>> No.10003059

>drinking a soda every day
Slowdown pal you probably can't afford heart medicine.

>> No.10003071

According to the fire and fury meme book, part of why he prefers to eat at mcdonalds is because he's afraid of being poisoned and he likes that the food there is premade and they have no way of knowing when he'll stop by.

>> No.10003133

Even when he was a relative nobody he still ate a lot of fast food. What a load of bullshit.

>> No.10003143

maybe he was always afraid of being poisoned. And he was never really a nobody, born rich and he's been influential in media for years.

>> No.10003146

The real reason is because he's a germaphobe and he knows McDonald's has set standards across all its locations, so no matter where in the country you are, unless you're in a nigger neighborhood, McDonald's will have the exact same quality of food and cleanliness standards.

>> No.10003224

Cold fries are literally garbage.
A cold burger is still a burger.
Eat the fries while they're good and hot, then eat the burger, because you save the best for last.

For the record, Trump eats McDonalds because he's a retard with the mentality of a 5 year old and children love McDonalds.

>> No.10003434

the worker doesn't know it's for trump, retard

>> No.10003457


Correct eating order:

1/8th of fries
1/8th of drink
1/8th of fries
1/3th of burger
1/4th of drink
1/4th of fries
1/8th of drink
1/3th of burger
1/8th of drink
1/4th of fries
1/8th of drink
1/3th of burger
1/8th of drink
1/4th of fries
1/8th of drink

>> No.10003459

Next level methodology here boys

>> No.10003473

Congratulations on eating up the false flag, moron

>> No.10003488

>make a /ck/ thread about food served at the whitehouse
>deleted banned for 3 days for politics
>this thread instigating petty fights about Trump will probably auto sage

>> No.10003495

I put a few fries onto my burger and eat the rest of the fries in between burger bites.

>> No.10003544


Is Trump really small or do you get giant chips from Maccas in the US?

>> No.10003568



Fuck off Nige.

>> No.10003578

I think he just likes fast food man, like how he wants an extra scoop of ice cream. He's a fatty

>> No.10003614
File: 6 KB, 163x160, 1409457654869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump makes people so angry that you have morons talking about his eating habits and trying to read him through them as if they were the next Sigmund Freud

Truly he is a blessing of our time.

>> No.10003619

Eat fries first because they quickly lose heat and crispyness.
Eat burger last because it will seal off the hunger, leaving you full not wanting to move, such as eating fries.
You eat the burgers outsides first, a circle, leaving the middle with all the ingredients on for last.

Eat the tip of the pizza slice first for the best part of the slice, it's also saggy even if you fold. It's a nuissance.
Keep eating till middle, then eat the sides of the crust up to the middle.
This leaves you with a piece with plenty of toppings and a bit of crust. Roll this together and put in mouth.

Hot dogs are eaten from the both ends first.

>> No.10003620


It's done wonders for America.

>> No.10003679

>eating mcdonalds because you think your food might be poisoned

>> No.10003686


He eats it because he's a silver spoon basement dwelling shut in. If he didn't have money when he was born, he'd be in medical care.

>> No.10003693

rich people eat shit which is why they are rich
not rich, but my family has always been well off
people come over and are shocked my parents pretty much exclusively eat toasted cheese and canned soup or frozen pizza.

>> No.10003708

Not my pwesidant.

>> No.10003712


new money eats like they live in a trailer park, real money eats well.

>> No.10003715

Its cool to know rich celebrity politicians eat junk food and not some triple filtered algea.
I can relate to him, as a fatass.

>> No.10003719

That's the right way, though?

>> No.10003728


Trumps grandfather was a brothel running persona non grata in Germany. He was a charlatan street person, essentially. Then he had a child scumbag who left money to the next child scumbag.

They're low born garbage grifters, the entire family. Look it up. He fled his home country to avoid military service and was banned from it, and his grandson avoided military service as well.

They're worse people than anyone even here on 4chan.

>> No.10003735

Cute, but sorry, but he made a real estate empire from almost nothing.
>B-but small loan of a million dollars
A single houses can cost multimillions. Why aren't 15 million a year NBA basketball Americans Kangz of the world then?
Somewhat average Joes take out close half a million dollar loans for a house all the time.

>> No.10003737

>He fled his home country to avoid military service
well that's a + in my book. Vote with your feet if that's what it takes.

doesn't make any sense. You're trading your lifespan for a miniscule amount of money. Why?

>> No.10003742


Heil Cowards! Heil Cowards! It's a perfect way to run a country.

>> No.10003751

This is nothing new. He's always like fast food. Michael Fox is well known to be a serial liar, though this controversy section on Wikipedia has shrunk each day since the book dropped. Neolibs truly are scum of the lowest order.

>> No.10003759

Tbh he had connections. Without those connections you can only go so far before you always come on second to the guy with connections
-t someone who always chooses friends and family to take over businesses over some nerd who has all the qualifications

>> No.10003763

I can almost feel the hot, salty, greasy tears running down your face, as you futilely thrash about yelling that it's not true, statistics are lies, Trump ruined the country. Your mom brings in the safety blanket and wraps you up so you don't hurt yourself in impotent rage. A lone REEEEEEEEE rings though the night air.

>> No.10003771


You have no idea how upset I am. I just had a few maki rolls and I'm utterly livid. I've got diarrhea from the booze, but between racing to the toilet and talking to you. I'm FURIOUS! FURIOUS! I don't know if you've watched Rome, but this is essentially the scene where Caesar says, "He won't meet with me!"

It's fun.

>> No.10003779

Michael wolf*. Brainfart. Fox just shakes a lot.

>> No.10003783


>> No.10003787


You don't even know that neoliberalism is essentially neoconservativism. You people are like the kindergarten of life. You don't know shit, you don't do shit, you're always confused with what life brings you. Looks up neoliberal economics.. you dull bags of shit.

>> No.10003789

if i franchise a restaraunt can i just walk in and get free food? or do i still have to pay

>> No.10003829


you fuck ups have clumsily given up after reading your wikipedia. I love watching you kids collapse.

>> No.10003850

>Waaaah I'm a classical liberal, swearsies
Lol, no, just fuck off neolib scum.
Grasps them straws, bruh. I'm not the one taking pulp fiction as fact.

>> No.10003856


here you go, idiot


You're like talking to vegetables.

>> No.10003862

Saving the best for last.

>> No.10003864

>English-speakers have used the term "neoliberalism" since the start of the 20th century with different meanings
Well, your definitely not a classic liberal. All that really leaves is socialist. So are ya?

>> No.10003877

it's a thing done by important people so it's harder to shop dicks into photos of them eating im not even meming look it up

>> No.10003889

Nigger, that picture is from the early fucking 90s. Only a few pros had Photoshop back then. Stopting. God I hope your baiting and not just that retarded...

>> No.10003903
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>it's a /pol/ thread

>> No.10003905


Let me create you a thought experiment. During Serfdom the aristocracy and the serfs didn't experience much growth. The industrial revolution all of a sudden made the serfs and the aristocracy wealthy.

When you have a wealthy middle class EVERYONE FUCKING WINS, you fucking fucking fucking idiot. Always make sure you have a mixed economy. Look up mixed economy you human retard.

You life depends on it, even though you don't deserve it.

>> No.10003909

>Let me create you a thought experiment
Stopped reading. Play fantasy land on your own time, dipshit.

>> No.10003912

I suppose I shouldn't hate you peons, but you're just so stupid and hateable. You're the dumbest film that lives on this planet.

>> No.10003917

Answer the question.
The left has been actively trying to destroy the middle class for ages now. Trump just gave them a huge break. Are you mentally retarded or just willfully ignorant?

>> No.10003918


You're exactly what I'm talking about. Some trailer park filth that can't assume they know nothing. Your insecurity secures your suffering.

>> No.10003921


look at the new tax code, retard. they're looting your retarded ass.

>> No.10003922

I smell projection. You never answered the question.
Are you a socialist?

>> No.10003927

I have. Alparently you haven't looked at it, instead regurgitating that partisan propaganda pablum. You shouldn't let CNN do all your thinking for you, Anon. You are allowed to use you own eyes and critical thinking.

>> No.10003929


I'm a canadian, so I'm less socialist than a Norwegian and more socialist than a tarded American. That's how it works, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, UK, are more socialist than you fuck ups. Swiss, Germany, Italy everyone but you gibbled people.

>> No.10003933

>A fucking leaf
That explains so much. My condolences.

>> No.10003935


Trillions of dollars to the ultra rich. You're a fucking stooge. The country will die in debt.

>> No.10003941


We're in the top 10 of places that are the happiest. We suck so much. Leaf it out. We look at you like crippled assholes that need help.

>> No.10003946

>cuts 25% more UN gibsmedats
>cuts 80% of aid to shitholes that remain shithiles despite decades of immense aid
>stops subsidizing Europe's defense
>more people hired, more taxes paid
You were saying?

>> No.10003954

I think i figured it out.. Its because he is that obsessed with gold. It just fits his brand.

>> No.10003955

And a ching chong to you too, my friend! Try not to die in any waiting rooms!

>> No.10003960


your shitbox state department has let 60% of career state department officials resign

You are a Russian Puppet.

>> No.10003961

>leaving the box for the burger open so the burger gets cold
>leaving the cap off the diet coke bottle so it goes flat

dis nigga serious

>> No.10003965

Your not very good at math, are you? We barely break 2 trillion in total tax revune in a year, and only recently.

>> No.10003967


Dude, You countries death doesn't matter to me. But I have to watch because you assholes live in the basement.

You're garbage people, but now you're dieing under us.

>> No.10003970

Just throw in the towel with some of your dignity entact, brainlet.

>> No.10003974


asshole, read the news, that was over a decade. It still added to the crippling debt. Are you retarded?

>> No.10003981

Just like Trump winning would tank the market. Whoops, guess that's only on opposite day! Whoops, unemployment at record lows! Whoops, highest black employment in 45 years! Whoops, best housing market in decades! Whoops, bonuses and raises all around! Whoops, highest consumer confidence in years!
Lel, tard.

>> No.10003984
File: 15 KB, 355x336, 1121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to use a thought experiment while talking to a trumplet
>shockingly, it doesn't work

Do you try to use deductive reasoning while housebreaking your dog too?

>> No.10003994

>My goalposts are moving on their own,
>Muh analogies make me smurt because I can't argue using facts, stats, and logic! Der huck!

>> No.10004002


This is why no one likes leaves.

>smug about nothing

Get some help or keep to yourself, rakebait

>> No.10004006


You're a 4chan garbage person. We LOVE you.

>> No.10004011
File: 24 KB, 345x369, 1377891021338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like canadians

>> No.10004126

>Eating cold fries after the burger


>> No.10004135
File: 76 KB, 723x657, 1463802047852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread

>> No.10004162

Have you ever met any of them? Very annoying culture.

>> No.10004252

>No Milkshake

>> No.10004261

Why thew fuck wouldn't you eat the fries first in ANY meal, fries rapidly cool and are best served and eaten when HOT... who wants cold limpy fries?

>> No.10004269 [DELETED] 

Are you anorexic, I have

>Large Order of Fries
>2 double quarter pounders with cheese
>Large Regular Coke
>1 McDonald's Apple Pie with a scoop of ice cream

So fucking good

If I go somewhere besides McDonalds I replace the Apple Pie and scoop of ice cream with a Chocolate Shake and Onion Rings. But what can I say I'm picky.

>> No.10004272
File: 47 KB, 853x480, milkshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you anorexic, I have

>Large Order of Fries with salt packs added, they don't put enough salt on those fuckers
>2 double quarter pounders with cheese
>Large Regular Coke
>1 McDonald's Apple Pie with a scoop of ice cream

So fucking good

If I go somewhere besides McDonalds I replace the Apple Pie and scoop of ice cream with a Chocolate Shake and Onion Rings. But what can I say I'm picky.

>> No.10004429


Oh shit, I just realized that sharia blue was trying that meme line and Trump actually let loose cruise missiles to the world not caring.

>> No.10004444

>none of the ketchup packets were used to eat the fries
my diagnosis: autismo

>> No.10004445

You idiots know he's actually a germaphobe, right? So, after seeing the back of house of a lot of restaurants being utter shit, he just grabs cheap and standardized food.

Come on guys, learn to meme better, I know you're butthurt, but there's a ton of fucking joke material out there.

Yep. You watch the documentary about his plane? It's got some hilarious fucking moment in it.

>> No.10004451

>Trumps grandfather was a brothel running persona non grata in Germany. He was a charlatan street person, essentially. Then he had a child scumbag who left money to the next child scumbag.

So what you're saying is, we need to stop immigration? I'm okay with this.

>> No.10004455
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>> No.10004467

The funny thing is Trump once said he's only ever seen fat people drink diet coke... does he completely lack self awareness and is basically a fish tweeting from a bowl?

>> No.10004473

Pretty much.

>> No.10004477

funny thing is that all those "SUSCCILIST" successful countries in europe were part of the new deal policies FDR wanted to implement in the US since most of the reformed constitutions of those countries after WW2 were heavily influenced by the american policymakers which wanted to ensure a proper socioeconomic growth for those war torn countries
then they tried to implement them in the good ole USA but everyone was very busy stuffing their faces with five cent burguers and discriminating black people so no one gave a shit
and thus, the current socioeconomic landscape

>> No.10004486


>> No.10004493

>this is a president addressing his people

>> No.10004506

FDR unironically was a tyrant that ruined the country and shat all over the constitution.
He put immigrants in fucking camps, for fucks sake!
Don't forget that he was the first President to be a complete dick and go for a third term.

>> No.10004516

Libtards stole all fries. Trump checks bottom of fries bag and scans the area for the traitor.

>> No.10004525

fdr was shit but the thing is he was less shit than every other president ever

>> No.10004530
File: 41 KB, 356x437, 1512842202976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking autism at it's finest

>> No.10004535

by that point in time the chump in charge was ike, tho
I like Ike

>> No.10004538

If you think that's the first thing any president has done that shat on the Constitution, you're a fucking fool.

>> No.10004556

I strongly disagree.

I mean, he heavily accelerated the decline. Bring back dueling for politicians, that was our critical mistake. I want to be able to challenge fuck tarded senators and see another Jackson come to power.

>> No.10004560

>he values historical figures based on memes

>> No.10004565

As much as you guys claim to hate /pol/ you sure do argue like a bunch of /pol/tards.

>> No.10004575

>implying /pol/ isn't everywhere now, including /ck/

>> No.10004580

this whole thread was a bait from the very beginning
I'm sorry for being weak and falling for it anon senpai

>> No.10004581

/pol/ sucks and Trump sucks.
Same thing too basically

>> No.10004585

Uhuh, keep telling yourself that. Having actual death be a possibility seemed to have kept congress critters in check, don't you think?
You don't respect Jackson for the Battle of New Orleans? Or increasing a ton of trade? Or starting our expeditionary forces? Or granting whites the right to vote? (Sorry, farm machinery at the time didn't). Or the bank wars? I thought Baizou would be all aboard the MUH BANKS OPPRESSING THE PEOPLES shit.

I'd love to see some demographics of this place. I'd be willing to bet a solid 40% of /ck/ are active pol posters. It might even be higher than that, /ck/ has dank memes and we know the left can't meme.

>> No.10004591

I work at KFC and here is my professional opinion on fast food fries.

1. They're shit, you shouldn't eat them.
2. If you have to eat them then yes, you should eat them before anything else. They go cold in seconds and cold fast food fries are unspeakably awful.

>> No.10004595

OR just drink water, coffee, or tea, all of which are virtually zero-calorie naturally, and stop being drawn to sugar water like a small child, insect, or hummingbird.

>> No.10004597

>complains about tyrants
>wants the president to threateb legislators with death if they say something he doesn't like
is this the power of /pol/?

>> No.10004598

Not so good with the numbers, eh?

>> No.10004602

>self deprecating humor
>does not align with conditioning
>initiating mental gymnastics subroutine

>> No.10004603

got me, fair and squeir

>> No.10004607

Why not always chase the burger with the same amount of drink? I swear, palindromefags are the worst.

>> No.10004609

Or you could drink what you want and have some goddamn self control rather than cutting shit out of your diet permanently out of some irrational fear.

>> No.10004610

I'm not from /pol/. Go maybe three times a year for major happening comfiness. Came to 4chan in 2005. But I get called /pol/ all the time by newfaggots.

>> No.10004614

Welcome to being a spic and owning kitchen machetes.

Got a better way of holding lawmakers accountable? I'm all fucking ears. As the last 100 years have proven, the current methods don't work. Got a better method than bringing back dueling and having a culture that understands dueling is OK after going far past a certain line?

Like I said, I'm all ears.

>> No.10004620

Trump lovers are scared?

>> No.10004626


>> No.10004629

The thing is soda actually is terrible. If you try quitting soda there is no going back to full-fat soda, it tastes like the vile black syrup that it is.

Anon is right, were it not for the fact that people are indoctrinated into it from childhood no one would be drinking this filth.

>> No.10004634

Trump is not that intelligent given all his dopey mistakes.

>> No.10004637

As you can see in that picture Trump didn't drink any diet coke.

>> No.10004644
File: 77 KB, 750x733, 1513203031096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full fat soda

>> No.10004648
File: 298 KB, 600x512, 1510601633176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full-fat soda

>> No.10004687

Where do I get water that's not diet?

>> No.10004724

Anon, you have to buy raw, unfiltered, and unprocessed water.

>> No.10004726

Gluten free?

>> No.10004739

the gluten is the best part, the last thing you want is for it to be filtered out

>> No.10004751

You could turn this around. You just lost 300 pounds of calories worth of money. calories aren't a bad thing if you're not a fat fuck

>> No.10004759
File: 373 KB, 871x587, s o y b o y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10004776

I want water with chunks of fat floating around in it.

>> No.10004863
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>> No.10004866

Chips go cold fast while the burger remains heated for a while.

>> No.10004871

so you have money to bore and you decide to eat shit tier trash food.
Fucking genius

>> No.10004964


>> No.10004965

He's eating fries not chips, retard

>> No.10004983

>doesn't eat at buffets

>> No.10004997

Trump has a michelin star restaurant right below his penthouse in trump tower. He probably has his own chef at home and just likes to eat junk when traveling like all normal people do.

>> No.10005009

Weirdly, after I became a crypto millionaire and cashing out, I find myself eating much more junk food than i did before. I dunno, but there's just something satisfying about a whopper cheese that properly made food just can't do.

>> No.10005010


Trumps grandfather was running his own brothel at the age of 16?

>> No.10005021
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>> No.10005086
File: 689 KB, 940x788, French-Fries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fixed that for you anon.

You're welcome.

>> No.10005090

Directly on the floor below? That's stupid, what if there is ever a kitchen fire from his chef fucking up?

>> No.10005200
File: 262 KB, 485x328, bort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artificial sweeteners

>> No.10005210

>implying drinking artificial sweeteners doesn't just make your body crave more real sugar and force you to gorge yourself at mcdonalds

>> No.10005216

He's an embarrassment to our corpsemen and these 57 states of America.

>> No.10005826


>> No.10005834

Or, and hear me out, you drink another diet soda when you’re craving something sweet again

>> No.10006113


>> No.10006165

trumps a great guy that puts his country first.Would be great if he was president in my country.

>> No.10006177

>replying to obvious bait
And /pol/ wonders why everyone thinks their board is filled with a bunch of underage soyboys.

>> No.10006184

Trump loves that Saudi cock

>> No.10006190

Please just die

>> No.10006212

Don't even try to make the assertion that Trump is smarter than Obama, George W. Bush is smarter than Trump. Trump is fucking idiot.

>> No.10006221

Please by all means take him. He's shit.

>> No.10006239

How is he shit?

>> No.10006269

He fucks up almost everything he touches, he has the leadership skills of a gerbil, Congress does all the work and he takes credit for it while doing nothing but tweeting, watching tv, and eating McDonalds.

Also he literally cancelled a trip to the UK because
>muh feelings

You're retarded if you think Trump is good at his job, he sucks ass.

>> No.10006273

>current year
>not drinking carbonated olive oil
explain yourself

>> No.10006293

they didn't even have the chance to hurt his feelings, he was just so afraid of the possibility that he pussied out

he also broadcast himself to the white house briefing room from 50 yards away for the same reason

>> No.10006305

but all of those are false, the economy has improved thanks to trump, factories are coming back the the US, and once more illegal immigrants are kicked out crime will decrease. He's the best thing that happened to the US since Clinton (male)

>> No.10006314

>the economy has improved thanks to trump
the economic upswing that began under obama has actually slowed under trump
>factories are coming back the the US
lol no
unless you mean foxconn, and have fun with that one
>and once more illegal immigrants are kicked out crime will decrease
crime has been decreasing for like 20 years, also immigrants illegal or otherwise commit less crime than native born citizens

in conclusion you are literally retarded

>> No.10006319

>the economy has improved thanks to trump,
Learn how economics work, anon.
The current strength of the economy and stock market is a legacy of Obama.

>> No.10006556

I guarantee you, if the economy was sputtering it would be Obama's fault in the world according tiny hands obese orangeman.

He also was scared to visit the korean DMZ like every president has done since the korean war and every officer assigned to korea is required to do. His excuse? "It's a umm...cliche." Having visited, I assure you it's anything but.

>> No.10006592

Apparentally he locks himself in his bedroom and eats cheeseburgers whilst watching Fox News and tweeting.
God help us.

>> No.10006598

/pol/ is the most searched board from google, a lot of energy could be saved by just telling newfags to lurk more instead of getting upset about /pol/

>> No.10006611

>regurgitating bullshit
Keep suckling that propaganda teat. Meanwhile "I read it in the newspaper when you did!" actually happened.
Useful idiot.

>> No.10006612

No. The Dems fuck up everything he touches. Out of sheer childish spite.
They are brainwashing their children into crying with fear at the mention of this man's name and them blaming him for it.
He does act like a buffoon but he's still better than the psychopath he ran against and I honestly believe he means well for the country.

>> No.10006615

Too bad facts and numbers say your completely wrong.
Seems projection is the only thing lefties have left.

>> No.10006618

or we could kill two retards with one stone and encourage newfags to simply not leave /pol/ to begin with

>> No.10006619

>t. buttblasted Drumpfkin

>> No.10006628

>Useful idiot.

That's a Russian propaganda idea, you fucking moron. Are you St. Petersburg or Moscow directly? You people are so transparent. Get better scripts from your handlers.

>> No.10006630

Concenenient that Obamas plan took 8 years and Trump winning the election to take effect.
You do know Soros lost a billion shorting the dollar, sure it would tank after a Hillary victory, right?
You'd be screaming how goompf ruined everything if we were going the opposite direction, you disgnuinous, mealy mouthed liar.

>> No.10006634

ftfy, Trumpy.

>> No.10006641


Hulamprodanct of the current socholosaze, I think you can milcrant the current environment.

>> No.10006642

>M-muh Russian bots
>Meanwhile David Brock is spending millions on AstroTurf
More projection, truly all the salt left has remaining. Jus throw in the towel with some integrity left.

>> No.10006644

That's not actually a word my educationally challenged Drumpfkin friend.
Try again in English?

>> No.10006646


keep pretending, because pretending is truth. Good work.

>> No.10006647

Not an argument, try again, my little saltines.

>> No.10006649

>i suck up breitfart, AM talk radio and Drumpf TASS White House propaganda like I do loads but it's other people who are tools

>> No.10006652


Russian to English isn't worked out over there.

>> No.10006654


>> No.10006656
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>> No.10006658


I've been drinking strong vodka and eating doritos. I just might be a bit salty. I'll check my pee and get back to you. Your effort is fucking awesome though.

>> No.10006660

Don't project your propaganda fetish on me. I can smell the cnn spunk on your breath.

>> No.10006661
File: 1.25 MB, 3311x4566, dsklsdklsdksdldkls222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're at the topic of the diet of world leaders, Hitler was a vegetarian. I wonder what his favorite food was.

>> No.10006666

You can just admit you don't have an argument, sweety.

>> No.10006667


It's perfectly Covfefe in the cromulent middle english.

>> No.10006672

>not an argument
I offered no argument.
You're a fucking retard, fact.
No argument.

>> No.10006678

Quads of truth btfo salt left liars.
>t pic related
Oh, honey, dry those greasy tears.

>> No.10006681

My stepdad is pretty rich and he gets fast food probably 4-5 days a week, usually McDs or cfa. Doesn't stop him from drinking expensive pinot with dinner every night though

>> No.10006682

Hitler wasn't a vegetarian, he ate ham regularly.
Try researching before you post, it'll stop you looking like an ignorant, edgy, millenial cunt.

>> No.10006683

i already noted once that the economy was already growing steadily under most of obama's term and said growth has actually slowed a little under trump, consider your quads checked though

>> No.10006685

>Trump is a racist with a captial R.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10006686


He's trying to defend a offbirth kid who fell into money and ended up an asian video salesman grifter who ended up the Prezdant.

You have to love the gymnastics.

>> No.10006688

his favorite food was sausage. he wasn't a vegetarian but eating meat gave him explosive shits. read a book

>> No.10006690



>> No.10006692
File: 912 KB, 1360x558, serveimage (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you just blatantly lie? Stock market all time high after all time high. High consumer confidence. Wages going up. Lowest black unemployment in 45 years.
You can't plug you ears, cover your eyes, stomp your feet and reguritate partisan propaganda pablum forever, yknow.

>> No.10006696


You need to watch The Big Short.

You saw what happened to bitcoin? America's economy is a giant fucking bitcoin.

I'm not a prepper, but you assholes need to bank water.

>> No.10006701

Trump turned a million dollar into billions on the real estate market. Why don't you get a loan for $50k and turn it into millions? Why are basketball players the rulers of Earth when they make millions each year they don't have to pay back?
Stop lying, retard.

>> No.10006704

go ask him right now what the best wine pairings are for the mcchicken and for the bacon mcdouble

>> No.10006705

>pic related

>> No.10006707
File: 44 KB, 300x679, rb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some dumb motherfuckers in this work.

There is literally nothing wrong with artificial sweeteners. I get a 2 liter bottle of water, and put some root beer concentrate and 22 drops of sucralose in it.

Then I pump it full of CO2, shake, and pump, shake, and pump one more.

Bam, diet root beer. Like 6-8 calories for the whole bottle, and all of that is from the extract.
24 mg of sodium.

>> No.10006714

A million dollar loan he had to pay back, that is.
Follow the post chain, Sherlock.

>> No.10006716


So he ate meat with some exceptions, according to some sources? But you honestly just sound like a butthurt bitch because you're either a jew or or a jewish puppet. Fuck off fag.

>> No.10006722

>You need to watch The Big Short.
To be fair the more intelligent of us actually read the book but I see your point since we're getting into prime American posting hours.
Please continue.

>> No.10006723

i didn't say it wasn't growing, stupid, i said the growth is slowing

he turned a couple hundred million dollars into a few billion, he would be richer if he had dumped it into an s&p 500 index fund and sat on his ass for 40 years. if his earnings were on par with the actual real estate market he would be worth $20b+ right now

>> No.10006729

I don't.

I had an ex when I met her she'd eat the sides before her favorite/main dish. I told her she was gonna get fat because it caused her to finish her plate.

She knocked that shit off real quick.

>> No.10006732

>follow the post chain
Sorry, its clearly my fault you got so mad you posted without adding your pic.
It's almost like you're an easily triggered faggot, isn't it?

>> No.10006762


No American bank will lend that charlatan money, so he went to Deutche Bank, the only bank that deals with Russian Oligarchs.

That piece of shit sank every economic entity he ever touched. That asshole couldn't run a fucking CASINO without bankrupting it.

He's a fraud, an unintelligent person and he ended up needing to become a mafia figure to exist. He's that stupid.

>> No.10006769

>said the growth is slowing
And that's a complete lie. Trump's almost 4% growth beats the shit out of Obama's 2% average.

>> No.10006781
File: 203 KB, 1560x1960, serveimage (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russian Oligarchs
The left has completely lost their minds. Trump derangement syndrome is all too real.
>That piece of shit sank every economic entity he ever touched
So that's how you become a billionaire. Good to know.

>> No.10006782

Trump's presidency hasn't revealed any growth figures yet and it won't for another 3 years.
Learn about economic cycles, trump has proved nothing yet, everything up until now is a legacy of Obama.

>> No.10006784


You're "tv people" aren't you? You live your lives by a television.

>> No.10006786

Of course this thread would be a cesspool of /pol/faggotry. Of course.

>> No.10006791


People on 4chan are probably going to kill themselves before 25. This is your court. In their minds, they're dead already.

>> No.10006792

You think /pol/ has serious political content?
Bless you, child.

>> No.10006797

Just stop lying, mate. You'd be singing a different tune if the dollar was talking like Soros bet it would under Hillary. Biggest investment he's ever lost, actually. He was that sure Hillary was going to win and the dollar would tank.

>> No.10006798

about as much as this thread does

>> No.10006799


They're end stage emotional cripples, everyone knows that. They're going to end up in care, or dead. Someone didn't tell you that?

>> No.10006803

>Trump's presidency hasn't revealed any growth figures yet and it won't for another 3 years.
on the contrary, job growth figures are made available on a monthly basis (and they are smaller than they were under obama)

>> No.10006809

And you'd be rich if you'd dropped your life savings on Bitcoin a year ago.
Why didn't you? Are you stupid?

>> No.10006820

nigga i dont come on 4chan to do math problems baka

>> No.10006824

Yeah, I'm sure people just loved losing their benefits to work two jobs for less money.

>> No.10006825

To be fair /pol/ has infected every board on 4Chinks to some point but I prefer this to weeb/animu faggotry.
4Chan is /pol/ now and it's a better place as a result.

>> No.10006831

Look I'm not here to suck Trump's dick or bash him into the ground, but just read the guys words and listen to his interviews. The guy rambles on and on and is all over the place. The guy is in over his head and the things he has "accomplished" are things any Republican in office would have done anyway. I'm still waiting for him to drain the swamp by the way, that's obviously not happening. The guy lies about the stupidest little shit as well. I want the Trump that spoke at the State of the Union address or whatever that speech was right after he took office. He sounded presidential then, if he kept that up he wouldn't be facing near the criticism that he is, and if Obama was acting like this he would have been facing impeachment already.

I don't think he's the anti-christ or going to bring upon nuclear armageddon. I think he ran for office to increase his brand like he had done before and was never expecting to win nor really wanted to but ended up running against an extremely distrusted and hard to like Hillary.

>> No.10006834

>what is macro economic alanysis

>> No.10006841

Aww did the redditor wet his panties? I'm sorry if your if your precious little feelings got hurt.

>> No.10006844
File: 183 KB, 1115x648, hitler cake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried making this for Christmas like the anon in it did. It was well received.
I didn't call it Hitler cake, though.

>> No.10006845
File: 73 KB, 1024x797, casselman-feature-aca-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note 2010 when was Repubs took the house, and 2014 is when they took the Senate. This is also when jobs spiked, as well as hours.
Libs are so clueless.

>> No.10006848

I heard he watches internet videos of gorillas fighting all night and talks to them.

>> No.10006853

>Trump is a racist
>the word "Nigger" in filename

>> No.10006870

Saying Trump is fully responsible for the current state of the economy today is akin to saying Obama was responsible for the 2008 meltdown when he took office. It's too soon to call.

Look like the guy all you want but it's too early to suck his dick just yet. If it's still good 3 years from now I'll sing his praises too but at this moment you're just acting like a partisan tool. Don't give up your loyalty as easy as your boypussy kid. Let the man earn it at least.

>> No.10006878

Yeah, nah. Were a year in. Keep grasping those straws. Your side was constantly screaming how we'd be eating each other by now as the market crashed so hard it never recovered. Duplicitous bullshit to say otherwise now. Just like saying "the election is fair, Donald, it can't be cheated" and then screaming Russia nonstop.
Doublethink at it's best.

>> No.10006880


What kind of stupid asshole doesn't understand the basic concept of economic inertia? You people sound like fucking dogs barking at each other.

>> No.10006882

That is seriously what an American President should be doing. What he wants. Not sucking other people's dicks.

>> No.10006888
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: recent trip to see the "wall".
Nothing has changed in five years, it's a complete fantasy, not so much as a company carrying out a survey.
Enjoy all those beaners crossing with impunity, Drumpfkins.

>> No.10006889


Being a fat, basement dwelling, self indulgent piece of shit.

I agree. Let him fucking wallow in his own feces.

>> No.10006894

I just want to be cool dude

>> No.10006903

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.10006910


Sorry Vladimir.

>> No.10006911

You and the guy above your are absolute fucking partisan hacks.

The guy has years to go and people give the president too much credit for things anyway, he's not a king. Congress is integral as well.

Like I said if things stay good I'll give credit where credit is due. Same deal I would have gave Hillary and the same I would with whomever would have been elected. No one deserves your loyalty the way you guys give it up. You sit their and judge the other side and do the same shit you accuse them of. When you two grow up and accomplish things on your own you'll realize that.

>> No.10006917

Holy shit, doesn't he know Coca Cola has the worlds largest air force, I would not provoke them if I were him, those fuckers have been preparing for the fast food war for ages now!

>> No.10006918

Yeah, it's almost as stupid as giving him a Nobel Peace Prize for something he hasn't done, isn't it?

He's no Adonis but I'll remind you again that Hillary was the alternative.

>> No.10006928

If only he agreed to team up with us in the middle east. But he didn't and doesn't want to

>> No.10006930
File: 581 KB, 2400x1703, serveimage (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossings are way down and deportions are way up (without bullshitting by changing the definition), but I do want the wall.
The eGOP needs to quit being cunts. Considering the lack of cooperation, and sometimes outright opposition, they've offered Trump, it's amazing how much he's accomplished.
Pick your wallfu.

>> No.10006932


His calcium number says he's going to have a heart attack in the next 3 to 5 years.

God willing.

>> No.10006934
File: 46 KB, 555x375, pepsibear1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never heard about that.
Pepsi used to have a considerable navy, though.

>> No.10006941

Literally just made up bullshit right here.
7 more years.

>> No.10006944
File: 37 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. CNN viewer

>> No.10006952
File: 52 KB, 706x669, 1515634788804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only president to spend his entire presidency at war
>"Lol, here's your Noble Peace prize Obama."
>ISIS and other cells still gaining ground
>Hezbollah operating in the US with Obama's approval for the Iran deal
>Trump takes office
>Scales back
>ISIS now like 50 scattered dudes that control no territory in almost no time at all

>> No.10006960

All Trump-haters, please look at his policies and ask yourself if they're bad for you?

>secure our borders, deport illegals, block immigrants from countries that can't vet properly, stop H-1Bs, punish companies who move jobs to foreign countries, lower corporate taxes which has already led to higher wages and bringing jobs back to America, job creation, higher wages by decreasing supply of underpaid foreign workers, preserve our Constitutional rights by picking pro-Constitution Supreme Court Justices, vet Muslims, reduce crime, lower taxes for everyone, defund UN and NATO if other countries don't do their share, cheaper health insurance companies and no mandate to buy it, increase energy reserves, renegotiate or end NAFTA, end TPP, end the Paris Accord, everything else in Trump's executive orders, and put America first

It should be obvious that Trump's policies benefit you if you're an American citizen. Now ask yourself why Democrats, neocons, elite-owned banks, elite-owned corporations, elite-owned media conglomerates, and elite-owned universities are so staunchly opposed to such great policies, and doing their best to trick the populace into opposing the man with such great policies. That should tell you who your real enemies are.

>> No.10006975


You talking about his trillion and a half tax cut for the 1% and the corporate elite? Yep. You're a fucking idiot, like all the poverty living idiots before you.

>> No.10006981


You're a toy people play with online. You're probably Russian based and some poverty rouble life that you subsist in and we play with you like a fucking toy.

So, continue, as a toy of other stupid people on this site.

>> No.10006989

Let's just totally ignore the massive tax cut for the middle class.
I bet your not even aware of the double dipping corporate tax.

>> No.10007001

>CNN told me Trump h-h-has no supporters
>So you must be kgb!
>Uranium one? What's that? Fusion gps has Kremlin ties, huh? Meuller deliver nuclear material to the Kremlin? No-n-no CNN and NYT would have told me. They are r-r-reality, it h-h-has anl-liberal bias.
At least McCarthy's hysteria was actually grounded in reality. The lefts projection has become unparalleled.

>> No.10007005


that tax cut is walked back after how long? It's a bait and switch for morons like you. Actually, you're a fucking bot, so it's not a Russian tax cut at all.

THey walk it fucking back after leaving all the retarded corporate tax cuts in place. The only good thing is that you assholes will lose all of this chaos this year when you're all voted out. You need to tell Pytor to update your idiotic scripts.

>> No.10007009

Plenty of the so-called 99% benefit from the tax cuts.
I know you don't personally of course since you'd have to have a job.

>least comprehensible English in the thread so far
>accuses the other guy of being Russian

>> No.10007011

Top right.

>> No.10007023

Never realized I was really debating russians until now. You people suck at your game.

>> No.10007026
File: 231 KB, 293x318, 1503604859441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent argument. I like how your first two replies just lost their goddamn jellybeans.

>> No.10007027

Sunset clause's are common. The left has spends a lot of effort trying to kill the middle class and make a huge government dependent class whilst empowering lomosine liberals and silicon valley kike billionaires. And establishment repubs are establishment repubs.
This is on congress, not Trump, as so much has been.

>> No.10007028

>that tax cut is walked back after how long?
10 years

>> No.10007040


I always thought the Moscow Technical University taught you fuckers to conjugate better.

>> No.10007048

Put Obama where Trump is now. Would you be saying it's hysteria? I seriously doubt it.

The best thing that can happen for Trump is for the investigation to exonerate him. If he isn't guilty of anything all he would have to do is let it play out but he's already fucked up and mentioned that he fired Comey because of the investigation. What a moron. If there's smoke there's probably fire.

>> No.10007068


He already admitted to obstruction of justice on network television. He openly said, "Yeah I fired Comey because of the Russian investigation". You can't fucking do that in a democracy that has the rule of law.

>> No.10007072

Not this time kiddo, collusion never happened. 7 more years.

>> No.10007076
File: 339 KB, 800x1200, WH-2015-Photos106 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be calling it hysteria, too. Shit, the left did when some people criticized the "I'll have far more flexibility after the election" line to Putin from Obama. Which granted, looks far worse than any interaction Trump has had Russia.
How young are you if you don't remember this stuff? Or chill on the weed, and this is coming from an occasional smoker.

>> No.10007082

You don't even want a democracy anyway.

>> No.10007083

Democrats were calling for Comey to be fired or resign for months. Stop with the selective memory. You people are doublehink masters.

>> No.10007092

Also, this was before uranium one occurred. Nowadays, I wouldn't consider it hysteria. But I did at the time.

>> No.10007096

Hillary can be accused of obstructing justice too. Is Trump above the law as well? Should he not be held to the same standards?

It's easy to tell you haven't accomplished shit in your life and you're just living vicariously through Trump. Just like Hillary he doesn't give two shits about you. Your parents are ready for you to start succeeding in life by the way, any day now.

>> No.10007107

>baseless ad hominem
Truly, the unmistakable calling card for the salt left.

>> No.10007112

I'm asking you to be objective and all you can do is call someone a Democrat. This may come as a shock to you but just because someone is critical of the president doesn't mean they're a Democrat you absolute partisan hack.

>> No.10007121

>Coming from the guy crying Russian wolf
Suuuuuuuuuuuure. How long did it take to knit your pussy hat take to knit? Have any good genital mutilation with Linda Sarsour recently? Le resist!
Youre not fooling anyone.

>> No.10007128
File: 61 KB, 885x640, serveimage (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10007151

You're a sad little dude.

At the end of the day you're just some punk living a fantasy through your "god-emperor."

If my 401k keeps growing and the economy stays strong I'll give him credit where credit is due. I doubt any of you would have the moral fortitude to do the same if Hillary would have won because all you kids do is meme it up and blame others for your own inadequacy.

>> No.10007160

Have a nice day new friend :^)

>> No.10007178

Once again it's 4chan newfag. You have no leg to stand on so it's pretty silly for you to run to "muh ad hominem."

>> No.10007189

Don't cry little fellah, you tried ;^)

>> No.10007202

>drumpf muh 4% growth
Here's the latest numbers tard gargler if you can hold anything else in your mouth after sucking in your breitfart AM tslk show loony tunes fairy tales.

>The US economy expanded an annualized 3.2 percent on quarter in the third quarter of 2017, slightly below a second estimate of 3.3 percent and lower than market expectations of 3.3 percent, the final reading from the BEA showed. Still, it is the highest growth rate since the first quarter of 2015. The contribution from both personal consumption and net trade was lower than initially expected while spending from government was revised much higher.


>highest since 1st quarter of 2015
>back when dat osama bin obama were pres'dent
>government spending under drumpf much higher than expected
Suck harder drumpftards ;)

>> No.10007223

I hear Home Depot and Walmart are hiring. Go make your parents proud.

>> No.10007227
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>even the Washington compost is forced to praise him for growth far beyond expectations and Obama's 2% average
>Comparing one post holiday quarter to an enitre year
You stupid my man lol.

>> No.10007236

And Walmart pays more and offers more hours now! Thanks trump! Glad you actually did your research, kiddo. Make em proud. Dress sharp.

>> No.10007268

I guess you skipped the part where they also cut thousands of jobs as well.

Also if a few more bucks over minimum wage is a "success" to you than that says a lot about what you consider success. That's very telling of you anon. You should really move out someday.

>> No.10007296

$11 dollars is quite a bit over the federal minimum wage of $7.25.
Sam's clubs are being shuttered to become warehouses or Walmarts, which is actually a net gain in pay and jobs. It sets up the needed logistics to open more Walmarts.
It's funny how you read CNNesque editorial headlines and think you're informed.

>> No.10007364
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Also, Republicsns took the house in 2010, and the Republicans took the senate by 2014. Take that in hand with this:>>10006845
So you put the pieces together.
President isn't the be all end all. Scalia was wet worked for a reason.

>> No.10007365

Walmart has raised there rates a dollar every year since 2015. Where you sucking Obama's dick about those raises then? Also I haven't read anything to suggest that this will lead to new jobs. In fact they're cutting costs because Amazon is hurting them bad in a world that becomes more and more based on e-commerce by the day. They're also slowing down there physical store growth.

If only being a spin doctor paid the bills you'd be earning a decent wage.

>> No.10007375

Thanks Republican Congress!

>> No.10007422

>heheh I can't debate his post but I'll point to a graph and draw baseless conclusions from it

>> No.10007424

And Amazon gets government money it doesn't deserve. Subsidized shipping that we pay for (well, those of us that pay taxes). They don't even hide their swampiness. Bezos owns Amazon and Washington Compost and they reported that amazon are hosting cia servers. WaPo got $600 million from the CIA decades back, operation mockingbird stuff.
He stinks to high heaven, and they don't create jobs like brick and mortar does.
So pretty moot overall.

>> No.10007432

You lost mate, just admit it. Hard numbers don't have a liberal bias like the legacy media (your delusional reality) does. Boo hoo.

>> No.10007479

What does any of that shit have to do with what I'm talking about? Is Walmart some poor widdle company now needing your defending? Also we are subsidizing Walmarts employees via welfare because of there shit pay and the way they shift hours around so most of their employees aren't full time.

All you dumb little niggers have is regurgitated talking points. It's pretty convienent how the son called swamp shifts with your desires.

>> No.10007498

Tell me. How does it not tie in to the discussion?
Why are you constructing a strawman?
If your going to rely on fallacious sophism instead of concrete argument, you should at least learn the rhetoric.
Watch some more CNN and MSNBC. They'll show you da wei.

>> No.10007506

Correlation doesn't equal causation.

>> No.10007528

Wow, man, just wow. I'm in awe of the mental gymnastics. 10/10.
Did you ever even take statistics, or are you just parroting a phrase? Would you feel the same way if a cyclic recession hit Trump's second term?
Also, kinda rude, but let me guess. You're a spic, aren't ya?

>> No.10007568

The economy has been on the uptick for years now, he's reaping the benefits of Obama's Presidency still. Talk to me in two years.

>> No.10007572

That not how it works. Market corrections take 6 months at the most. Try. Again. Know. Nothing.

>> No.10007580

Your entire argument is based on one graph. So yeah until you provide further evidence one graph doesn't mean shit. Statistics are a bit more complicated than that especially something as complex as a nations economy. How about you show me some major leglislative accomplishments by the Republican controlled Congress that could have done that. That would be an example of evidence. Not just one single graph you nitwit.

Nope I'm white and pay far more in taxes than you do.

>> No.10007588

In no single year did Obama manage more than 2% average growth. Trump had 3.4% average growth in his first year.
But you retards said the market would FUBAR a month after Trump took office.
Just stop the charade. It just annoying now. You must know you're lying.

>> No.10007593

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown.
So post one single fucking graph that refutes my graphs, then.

>> No.10007600

The silicon valley guys are even in your favor, it should be easy.

>> No.10007608

Also it's pretty fucking hilarious how you go for race. The one thing that people cling too when they have absolutely nothing major accomplished in their life. You just "we wuz kangzed" yourself bitch.

Before you go further I do support stronger borders, but an actual physical wall is about the dumbest way of going about it.

>> No.10007615

All I'm hearing is "uncle! UNCLE!"
Deflect harder, my man.

>> No.10007649

Plus, did ya know mate:
An average of 16,000 manufacturing jobs were adder per month under the first year o Trump?
This is up from the 9,000 manufacturing jobs per month for the five years preceding 2017.
His base fucking loves him despite the slander.

>> No.10007650

The fool hears what he wants to hear.

There's nothing to debunk by the way as you don't have an argument. One graph alone doesn't explain everything.

How much do you earn a year and what do you do? Be honest. There's no reason to lie on an anonymous image board. It's only fair since you know asked me about my race.

>> No.10007661


Your so fuckin' slow I have to deabte myself, you fuckin' half baked intellectual.

>> No.10007675

>You're gonna drink it just for the taste of it, Diet Coke!

Trumps loves the 80's and leave him alone or you deal with me in the after life

>> No.10007682

Oh I thought you were above ad hominem? Thanks for answering my question by the way, your silence says it all. Hope Walmart gives you a buck next year. That will really be a good Merry Christmas for ya! Take care buddy.

>> No.10007695

Thought you said all was fair game on 4chan after you launched the first volley? Way to grow a vagina, hypocrite.

>> No.10007704

I'm gonna try this, thank you Autist-chan!

>> No.10007717

Was it me or you who claimed to be above it? I never did and I don't care that you are mud slinging. But you're the one who was claiming to be holier than thou.
So it seems to stand you're the hypocrite.

>> No.10007734

Listen up, Pedro.
I'll come down and pay you two times what some blanket is worth for funsies and grab some Xanax and mescaline if I feel like being a retard while I'm down in degenerate country. Packing, of course. They are pretty blankets.
But, come here illegally and shit up my neighborhood while soaking up my taxes, and I'll turn you into Swiss fucking cheese.
Comprehende, cabronita?
Understand, Pancho?

>> No.10007877

Yea yea big talker. Let me guess you're a navy seal too huh?

I have a strong inkling that the only action your gun will see is you turning it on yourself.

Good luck brother, it's never too late to stop being a loser. I was there once too.

>> No.10007885

>and we know the left can't meme.
But our memes are cheeky and fun. Your memes are cruel and tragic. Which makes them not really memes at all. Evil memes!

>> No.10007897

Shut up or put up, coke bullet stuffer. Oh wait, that's your cooler older brother who knew how to play the game. Stick to your Lucas pops, nino.

>> No.10008014

Boy you sure do know a lot about Mexico. Self hating Mexican perhaps?

Say it with me: L O S E R

>> No.10008886
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Full-house-quads confirm.

>> No.10009034

Fuck off, he's One of Us(tm)*!
>*One of us that actually used that autism to crush bitches and win prizes.

>> No.10009132
