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>> No.19728996 [View]
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That's albumEn. Keep up buddy.

>> No.19563879 [View]
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They sell lard at the grocery store, some of them anyway.
I save the bacon grease when I cook bacon. I don't filter it or anything. Use it up, then fry another pound of bacon. Usually I use it for frying eggs.

>> No.12285450 [View]
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People are too overly obsessed with the state of ketosis. Limit your carbs, especially the fast empty carbs that spike insulin and it'll reduce appetite and you'll naturally lose weight. It used to be they'd say eat 30-50 net carbs. But now they say 20 net carbs, some people say even 10 net carbs, and then theres zero carb-ers. Too many keto people are like: "omg I atea piece of fruit, now it's going to undo months of dieting!!"

On a keto diet people cut out most of the garbage they used to eat, and then they credit keto for all of the benefits.

anyway... but i do keto so I can stay ottermode. the most important pitfall is make sure you get plenty of electrolytes or else you'll feel cranky and tired.

But generally keto is great, it can clear up allergies, skin problems, tooth decay/gum disease, cure type 2 diabetes, PCOS, get bitten by mosquitos less, get fewer colds, etc.

Eating low carb is not a new fad, people have wrirting about how excess sugar and carbs will make you sickly and fat for hundreds of years, they just called low-carb dieting different labels.

>> No.12042625 [View]
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I eat 3 eggs a day, used to be four but I wanted to save money.

Avoiding eating cholesterol is ignorant and stupid. Cholesterol is like a basic building block of your body, might as well avoid protein or water. I'm surprised people don't take cholesterol supplements. Instead they take statins which block their body from creating cholesterol and then their muscles and nerves and brain rot away because cholesterol is what animal cell walls are made of. Is it some conspiracy to make the population sick and dumb? Ever notice how people say the word "cholesterol" with this tone of disgust in their voice, as if it's toxic waste? Fucking retarded NPCs that can't be bothered to glance at a wikipedia page for two seconds and learn something. Just, no.

High blood cholestrol comes from your health being total shit, mostly being fat, not exercising, stress, eating too much inflammatory foods, etc. Beleiving putting cholesterol in your mouth causes high cholesterol is like believing drinking water causes edema.

>> No.11735975 [View]
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I used to. I'd put 1/4th cup water and two cracked eggs in a mug, then microwave for 2 minutes, and get some decent poached eggs. Sometimes they exploded though making an annoying mess. I also disliked how the whites would end up undercooked.

Now I make hardboiled eggs instead in my electric water kettle, that's much more reliable.

>> No.10113412 [View]
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Egg salad tastes just as good and is 10x easier to make.

>> No.10071012 [View]
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I'll try adding it to egg salad.

>> No.10037885 [View]
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Never been fat but keto 4 life. It clears up your skin, healthy, keeps your blood sugar and moods stable, any condition linked with inflammation or allergies is improved, cures Diabetes, gum disease, fatty liver, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stay thin without exercise.

I'm not Mr. Willpower but I've learned to stick with it after a couple of years. After a while your cravings change, and sweets aren't so tempting anymore. But you can stock up on artificial sweeteners, I like erythritol and stevia. These days I just pop some meat in the oven in the morning, then eat it all day. I microwave some frozen chopped veggies like brocolli and put butter or olive oil and salt on it. On some days I'll make a green leaf avocado smoothie or protein shake. For a treat I'll have 1/3 cup of blueberries or raspberries or a square of dark chocolate.

It's hard to feel deprived when you can eat plenty of fat, salt (you need more than usual on keto), cheese, and artificial sweeteners. But the diet regulates your insulin and changes your intestinal flora so you stop being addicted to food anyway.

I recommend listening to the Gary Taubes / Joe Rogan interview on youtube for scientific discussion.

>> No.10011333 [View]
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> Crack eggs into square dish, break the yolks.
> Microwave until solid. Cut into cubes
> Mix with avocado paleo mayo,
> Add parmesan cheese and salt
> Add steamed spinach

I might try adding onions next time.

>> No.9967976 [View]
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A ketogenic diet will quickly make you lose excess weight without exercise, clear up your skin, improve your energy/mood, cure diabetes and high cholesterol, make mosquitos less attracted to you, vastly improve inflammation and allergy problems, the list goes on and on.

>> No.8935465 [View]
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I bought a jar of pickled eggs, to see what they are like.

They are way too sour! How do I eat them so they taste less sour?

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