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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.10297908 [View]
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My main store rarely ever has nonwhites sans the occasional white mom with a nonwhite kid, but I've noticed kids are fucking awful when I go to the shitty part of town. Pic related is the main race I'll greentext.

>Head into a shitty storm on a stormy afternoon to pick up some shit for the next few days
>Look for a cart that isn't fucking soaked when I hear some Marshallese (pic related) kids making a scene
>(Store was across the street from their middle school so its common for them to hang out there)
>Can't understand them because their language is just fucking gibberish
>One of the girls goes at a boy and starts wailing on him
>Employee steps in and pulls them apart
>"I know you guys don't want to walk home in the rain so stop it or I'll throw you out"
>Kids end up sitting near the produce section
>Still sitting there when I leave

Another but not nearly as exciting, as if the first was.

>Walking into same store to stock up on hamburger meat or some shit
>See a group of 5 kids come in and they are stopped at the entrance
>Employee tells them to leave their backpacks at the entrance
>They stare at him like they don't speak english
>They eventually comply
>Watch them out of the corner of my eye
>All of them walk to the back of the store then walk back to the front
>Grab their backpacks and leave without buying anything
They were probably planning on shoplifting, who ever said racial profiling didn't work?

Last one isn't a greentext, but I s2g some kids just come here to play tag. Mostly the same race as above but some niggers too. The mexicans here are either too diluted to tell or they only shop at the mexican market. For real though, I've seen so many fucking kids running around and playing in the store and I don't see their parents once. Its the worst at Walmart but it happens at every store. I saw the little fuckers ruin "$400" worth of merchandise in a matter of seconds before.

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