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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.17405649 [View]
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I'm a meal prepper too.

>> No.16522889 [View]
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>If you want quality grow your own veg/fruits and raise your own animals

I do both. I'm not eating any imported shit avocados or any imported shit "fresh" produce.

>> No.16493395 [View]
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Yes you can.

>> No.15697394 [View]
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I did a no till garden and got great results. I didn't have to worry about anything under the grass. I still have food from last years garden.

I believe the US needs to be more sovereign with their food because it will teach people to be less wasteful. They will understand what goes into their food and be more respectful of it. I know getting into producing my own food made me appreciate it more.

It's like you say shortly after, you think the time spent at a dead end job is worth more than the time you spend taking care of a living thing and nurturing it until it can nourish you.

Also composting is so easy. I'm lazy and slow about it, so I don't even turn it. It takes about as much effort as throwing away garbage and taking it outside. Except instead of putting in a larger trash bin I put it in a large compost pile. When the time comes I dig the stuff out of the bottom and lay it out. It's super easy and it's very easy to garden and work a full time job at the same time. I mean shit. If people have time to rot on vidya and hellscapes like 4chan we have time to actually live a bit in reality.

Pic is my no till garden, which I am expanding this year.

>> No.15662329 [View]
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Plant based fertilizer without the aid of unsustainable artificial fertilizer or animal fertilizers is not going to give you a good crop yeild. And when growing my own food I need as much as I can get.

My animals are a blessing to my garden. And in fact they encourage me to plant more trees. Shade and outdoor protection is crucial for the welfare of my animals.

This is not a planet of just humans and plants. It evolved based on millions of complex symbiotic relationships with plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria. In order to coax out the most fertility we MUST use all these kingdoms working in harmony. There is no way around it. We do not live on a vegan planet. Get over it.

Living in the city being a blind consumer just means you are part of the problem. You are just as bad as your meat eating counterpart. Monocrops and factory farmed livestock are both shit. Both equal shit. If you want to do the least harm, and shit, even do some good, you got to get your hands dirty, shitty, and bloody.

>> No.15592459 [View]
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The "random crops" need something called FOOD in order to grow. You can't just grow them in a paper towel medium like which is commonly used in vertical farming. You need a proper medium with nutrients. They also have something called ROOTS, their roots get INCREDBLY long and need to be long. This is why you cant grow apple trees in pots unless you are growing some stunted high maintenance bonsai shit.

I grow crops. I grow trees too. Taking away sun, rain, and soil would put me at a massive disadvantage.

What do you grow?

>> No.15543088 [View]
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Lol I was basically on a watermelon fast when my organic garden yielded too much watermelon last year.
The shit doesn't digest. The minute I would eat or drink more than 6 oz of watermelon I would have the shits. I also felt like garbage. It sucked because the watermelon was delicious.

I ended up juicing and turning most of my watermelon into wine.

But yeah, you are a retard.

>> No.15400108 [View]
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Vegetables need more than light. I mean, if you put a seed in some dirt nothing is going to happen. You need water and nutrients in the soil. Depending on the plant some will need more nutrients and water than others. A nutritious annual like squash is delicious and I love them but they are very hungry plants. My ducks create wonderful fertilizer for them. Plants don't require much land but they will damage the land they are on if not managed properly (just like livestock). We cant sit and pretend it's only animal agriculture that is mismanaged.

Also there are places where human food crop agriculture on an industrial scale is near impossible. When I was driving through Texas the only crop I ever saw growing was cotton.

If we modify plants to produce caffine then all the plants would be caffinated. So if you were eating a salad for dinner you could potentially end up wired like you had a cup of coffee or something.
There are plenty of plants that produce their own pesticides. A great thing to do is to plant different species of crops with one another. One crop will attract a pest, and another will attract something that eats the pest.

Or any faggot with a yard grows their own food. I had a wonderful garden last year without any pesticides whatsoever and very few issues with pests. You don't need to drown everything in poison. And shove your American exceptionalism up your ass. You think the whole world needs us? We are a like, 300 year old nation. And we are on the brink of a second civil war. We are quickly becoming more and more like the third world African shitholes you hate so much.

>> No.15382821 [View]
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I lived in a very large city most of my life (one of the largest in the United States), I also worked in many different peoples homes. I always looked in their fridge when they weren't looking, this was typical.

I'm incredibly proud of my freezer. And if you think I don't have any plants in there you are mistaken. I have a large and growing garden, I also forage. I am connected to my food and I know what goes into it. You have absolutely no idea what goes into your food. You believe the bullshit statistics but you won't actually go an investigate the sources of all those ingredients yourself.

Because the real solution to our environmental issues would mean more people pursuing food sovereignty and more independence form supermarkets. Right now most people rely 90-100% on supermarkets. If we could get that number down to 50% we could dramatically reduce the amount of petroleum, pesticides, and mined fertilizers we use. Humans are addicted to convenience, even though if more people homesteaded they would find that the "inconvenience" was actually a deep spiritual reward. But it's not gonna happen. People are petty consumer addicts.

>> No.15369441 [View]
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>Fucking vegans ruined veganism. For real. If it wasn't for those loud, obnoxious retarded vegans maybe more people would be accepting of us. Goddamn it.

Hey I accept you. Like a parent who has a gay son I accept you.
You know? Like I'll cook you vegan food and do my best to get the healthiest and most ethical ingredients (I'm an organic no till regenerative homesteader so I have access to the best of the best)
But I am not going to not eat animal products around you, I am not going to be vegan, and I am not going to accept being shamed for my diet and lifestyle. I will debate with you, but I will not tolerate disrespect.

Don't get frustrated at peoples diets. I don't care what you eat. I know plenty of people who eat pure garbage and if that's what they want to eat that's what they want to eat.

People in general accept or want to accept vegans. But we want the same acceptance in return. Do you understand? I have vegan relatives who will actually call me derogatory names just because of what I eat. I don't tolerate that, and I wouldn't feel comfortable with them being on my homestead. But I have vegetarian family members who are chill and laid back about their diet. I will respect and accept them.

I don't determine how I treat people by anything more than the quality than their character.

>> No.15274170 [View]
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Also I used to live in a tiny apartment in the city. I left and it was the best decision I ever made.
If you know where to look land and homes in the country are dirt cheap. You can continue working (many homesteaders have full time jobs) and you can actually make money off your crops and livestock.

As someone who is a failed vegetarian I can tell you this is a lot easier and more fulfilling than abstaining from animal products. It has also helped my relationship with people, nature, and food.
In the city humans are mostly a burden. But in the countryside people help each other out.

A step in the right direction is looking at food sovereignty instead of veganism.

You even acknowledge it yourself, the enemy is giant cooperation's. And yet those are the people who benefit the most off vegans and vegetarians. All that fake meat, fake cheese, and other processed foods you don't make at home. You are in bed with the real enemy here. Shit, even rice is almost entirely made in southeast Asia and India. And they employ the labor of thousands of ducks.

>> No.15271037 [View]
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Supermarkets and for specialty foods it's called the internet. There are some farmers markets and there are specialty stores if I really want them. Not to mention its a 3 hour drive to the big city if I really want anything that special. But desu I will trade gruyere for peace and quiet.

Another thing I get to do here is have a nice expansive garden with heritage organic crops.

Eventually I will have my own dairy animals and I will make my own cheese too.

>> No.15242952 [View]
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Dude you don't have empathy. Stop fooling yourself.
If you really cared about how your consumption habits affected other living creatures you'd grow your own food.

Also legumes give me heartburn.

>> No.15172855 [View]
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Can you stop saying "strawman" and then immediately using a strawman?
Who the fuck said I was endorsing a SAD diet? Do you really think the only 2 ways to eat is mc nuggets or vegan mc nuggets?

And you DON'T care about animal welfare, you care about animal "rights". If you cared about animal welfare then you would support people like me who raise and slaughter my own animals to a much higher standard than ANY factory farm could. Not to mention my agricultural influence on the land i started with has actually IMPROVED wildlife. I had some of the longest living flowers in the direct area, which helped pollinators immensely, compost piles for animals to live in, and plenty of manure to feed insects and heal the soil. What the fuck are you doing? Eating soy? Did you grow it?

You cant CONSUME a more ethical lifestyle, you have to PRODUCE it

Food sovereignty>veganism

>> No.15169401 [View]
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Homestead anon here:
I have a friend who is interested in raising/selling black soldier fly larvae. I am interested in getting into that business while supplementing my flock with protein goodness. One thing I noticed about chickens in particular is that they are incredible when it comes to managing cattle and horse manure. I really ultimately want a system where cattle start off on tall grass, they prune it until its short, and then after I move the cattle I put chickens out to eat all the maggots in the cow shit and also spread the manure with their scratching behavior. This will save me money on pesticides and a manure spreader, and actually make me money instead.

I currently compost all my food scraps (any homesteader with half an iq does this) as well as utilizing things like lawn clippings, fallen leaves, etc. Humanure is something I am curious about (as well as collecting and filtering rain water), but my first goal with waste management is an old fashioned outhouse, when it's full maybe planting a high value wood or a slow maturing nut tree.

It's all pretty neat. I wish people would throw away this stupid lab grown vegan shit and just look into producing their own food. Big ag does not really have any interest other than profits.

>> No.15134918 [View]
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That's my ducks and pic related is a portion of my garden from this summer (I already have expanded it x4 for next year). I guess I'm privileged but where I live you can be pretty poor and get the amount of land needed for pasture rotating ducks (about an acre). Gonna add some geese to the mix too without needing any additional land either.

Honestly, the countryside is dying. Most people are moving to the city, even though the cost of living is less in the countryside and since everyone is always leaving for the city its not too hard to find work around here.
I lived in the city most of my life. It fucking sucked. Getting out when I did was the best decision of my life.

Also got wholesale beef from an acquaintance who got the cow slaughtered at a small scale local abattoir while I get ready to raise my own beefs. I paid about 5 bucks a pound. I know I could get a better deal and give the animal a better end of life when I slaughter and process my own animal. Nothing is cheaper than buying a live animal.

A big reason factory farms are so prominent is because of consumerist non producing cityfags. 1 percent of the worlds farms grows 70% of the worlds food. That's kind of gross.

>> No.15124139 [View]
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No shit most people eat cheap shitty commodified consolidated meat.
Most people are shitty, cheap, commodified and consolidated.
Another thing you don't understand is with our hyper consolidation of meat we actually WASTE a shitton. Like, it seems like every other week millions of animals are culled and dumped in a landfill because they are so consolidated that if one animal gets sick then the whole damn barn gets sick. How many of these livestock animals that are slaughtered every year actually are consumed by humans?

People can eat plenty of meat from a high quality source if they just learned how to wholesale purchase. A single fucking cow can be the only source of beef for an entire family for a year. Poultry should be a specialty meat, it really never was meant to be eaten the way it has.

You claim you're doing your part, but you ignore such serious issues like how the government only offers financial aid to the biggest, most concentrated farms and lets the smaller farms that can afford to actually prioritize welfare to livestock go to shit.

You don't actually know anything about our current fucked up industrial agricultural system other than plant good animal bad. It is SO much deeper than that.

Its not even about the quantity of food that people eats that bugs me, it's the quality. People stuff such horrid shit into their gullets and don't give it another thought. The surrogate animal products is just going to send people deeper down the rabbit hole. More plastic, more petroleum, more processing and transport. Meanwhile I got 1/4 beef with NO plastic packaging, from the state, raised by an acquaintance. I've had it 3 months going on 4 and I still have over half of it left.

Just... just fucking think about it. Are you REALLY doing your part? Do you REALLY think there is an easy way out of this horribly complicated problem?

Leave the fucking city, produce your own food. Otherwise shut the fuck up about "doing your part".

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