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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.13483067 [View]
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monkeys do it because its easier wtf lol just literally pinch the skin a little bit on that end and it'll come right off
yall s2pid as heck and why is this even an argument lol

>> No.7774250 [View]
File: 23 KB, 362x372, mfw I took a shit later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jalapenos. They're at that perfect level of heat and delicious that can keep me eating them all day, especially piled on a hot dog or some nachos
Ghost pepper. Tried it once because fuck it why not, just so I can say I did. I remember I got a faintly sour taste before the heat overpowered everything, killing any flavor I might've enjoyed.
I enjoy spicy things and spicy foods, but theres a threshold between heat and tastyness.

>> No.7726154 [View]
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I had some ghost pepper wings a while back that tasted like pain.
Thats all I tasted. Intense pain. It just hurt, and I couldn't enjoy the flavor, then later I had a stomach ache and I felt nauseous.
I love spicy shit, but theres a limit to it.

Its kinda like those gherdeli chocolate bars with the % of cocao in them. Once you get above 70-75% cocao, you're basically eating bakers chocolate.

>> No.7710799 [View]
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I haven't done anything drug related since 'the incident on the beach'.
I quickly learned that when an old man in his 70's passes you some shit, you better hold the fuck on to something.

>> No.7165294 [View]
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>adding oil to beef before you brown it
jesus christ
it makes its own fucking fat as it cooks you fat fuck

>> No.6835792 [View]
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that bread is triggering me

>> No.6728149 [View]
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That whole surface is so fucking greasy and dirty its triggering me

>> No.6630800 [View]
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>taking 30 hr road trip with my pals
>we decide to get fast food so we dont have to stop
>only drive thru nearby is a KFC
>in drive thru line ordering, the back door of the restaurant is ajar
>suddenly hear yelling from inside
>a MASSIVE rat darts out of the building into the dumpster enclosure thing
>we're talking a near-football sized rodent here
>stop mid order and turn to my buddies
>our faces when
>noped the fuck out of there

Haven't been to KFC since, even though it wasn't in my state. Fuck fast food.

>> No.6551284 [View]
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those pods are triggering my trypophobia

>> No.6523008 [View]
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>mfw its actually illegal to drink raw milk in some states, including mine

>> No.6373673 [View]
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OH GOD no no nonono
Half of them would be perpetually broken, and the other half would have a crowd of people giving you shitty looks in unison because the machine just froze up or jammed or didn't give them change, while 50 other self checks are going off in unison
Then behind you are all the old people and fatasses in electric carts waiting on you to scan thier shit for you, as 10 more machines fuck up at the same time
This would be my personal hell.

>> No.6362557 [View]
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>flat top
I hate cooking on that shit so much.
I feel like i'm going to scratch it or break the glass every time I cook on it, not to mention theres no flame to go by, so you're gonna burn or undercook your first few things on there until you get a feel for what the settings are
'Medium' on my stove is actually 'medium high', but I didn't figure that out till i'd scorched the fuck outta one of my pans
Gratz on the house though.

>> No.6319206 [View]
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>Riding around with my parents a long time ago
>middle of summer
>find an Arbys beef n' cheddar under some stuff on the back seat
>fuck yeaaaahhh Arbys
>sandwich is very warm and soft and smells fine
>happily munching away
>mom looks back and gives me a funny look as I finish the sandwich
>"What are you eating back there?"
>Found a sandwich from Arbys. You guys didn't want it?
>"......we haven't ate there for a week or two"
By some freak miracle of nature, I was perfectly fine afterwards, but still... holy fuck

>> No.6284585 [View]
File: 23 KB, 362x372, 1314197166827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start drinking
>1 1/2 bottles of scotch
>scene edited
>im alone in the dark in my old primary school
how the fuck?
fuck it im here
>first the music room
>grab bass, other random instroments
>back home
live just down the street
>that was easy
> lets try computer room
>score one of those old weird apples. the coloured ones with just screen and kboard
back home
>lets try av room
>2 duel dvd6head vcrs
>Wake up

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