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>> No.17150503 [View]
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There is a middle ground between industrial cafo slop and raising an animal yourself. You can buy a years worth of pork in one single purchase from a good non consolidated farm (the term factory farm is too vague imo). Remember a hog is 250 lbs at 6 months. Buying a whole pig is 135+ lbs of just retail cuts, you get more if you're more willing to eat organs and other non conventional parts like trotters and the head.

I agree most people don't give a shit, but theres also people who do give a shit but dont want to/cant eliminate meat from their diet, and this all or nothing shame tactic of being an insufferable sickly vegan asshole just drives people away from an answer to the issues we have with animal welfare in modern meat/dairy/egg production. The best way to fight hyper consolidated farms is to support their competitors.

Eatwild.com is a great place to check to support small farms.

>> No.16982325 [View]
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I've slaughtered ducks before. You just stun them and then cut their head off. It's pretty easy with vertebrate, you are literally pulling the plug, without a brain, they cant receive pain signals.

Honestly a large animal like a hog can be pretty easy to kill painlessly as long as you arent a religious asshole about it. You shoot an animal in the right place and they just drop, then you can bleed them out while they are dead and their heart is slowing down.

I haven't slaughtered any large animals yet, but Ive seen how its done and it seems like it would be kind of nice to not have to send an animal away and they can die at home without them seeing it coming.

>> No.16682839 [View]
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Doesn't matter, your typical pig is 135 lbs of meat and easily has enough lard to last me well over a year without any other fat source. Also slaughtering a pig is relatively easy since you just give them some whey and then shoot them in the head while they are drinking it.

A meat pig is also not the same as a pet pig conditioned to be around humans. A meat pig WILL try to eat you.

>> No.16618107 [View]
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Personally I enjoy lard. Its a lot more robust (and cheaper!) than oil and seems to caramelize the stuff I cook with it (mainly vegetables) really well. Maybe get that meme jackfruit and try to replicate a sweet and sour recipe and add lard? Idk. If you have lard you render yourself from raw porkfat you might be able to find for cheap at a good butcher, you will get way more flavor and enjoy some cracklings on the side (or not). The stuff I have is non gmo fed pork that has been processed to the point where you can use it for cosmetics (I also make soap which is why I buy it)

Slaughter can be tough. I get very in the zone when the time comes and I just cant really get emotional because I wouldn't want my emotions to distract me from giving my animal a quick and painless death. I've only done small animals but with large animals I could see having nerves. Mostly because when I shoot the animal in the head I would not want to miss and have to shoot again.

I really thought I would be more squicked out from the blood and the twitching, but I guess I just see it as pulling the plug on the brain which shuts off the animals cognitive ability to feel pain. That's cool that your dad home slaughters, very based. Does he butcher at home?

>> No.16474365 [View]
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Bait image.
Slaughter is not required by law to be sloppy.

Sure, something dies, but honestly, maybe killing isn't so bad in certain contests? I mean, that dead cow could feed a man and his family for a good few years.

>> No.16092049 [View]
File: 380 KB, 572x322, perfect harvest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone slaughtered a cow on here?

>> No.16050887 [View]
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It IS miserable. Vegans, in my experience, tend to lack true empathy. So they need to put on a charade to make it seem like they do. They also desperately want to convert the world to veganisim because they CONSTANTLY have to be surrounded by the food they claim to hate so much. Imagine going to the supermarket and constantly seeing fancy flavorful cheese, yogurt, meat (both cooked and raw) pastries with eggs and honey in them, and other goods with animal products. Sure, now there is more processed dystopian mock meats catered towards vegans, but it's not the same. So they have to consume tons of animal torture porn to keep themselves from caving. It's actually become really good business to torture animals because vegans will pay big bucks to see it.

Most factory farms, especially in the west, are held to a relatively high standard and generally take better care of their livestock than your average pet owner who keeps their dogs locked up in a crate 16 hours a day, and anyone who wants to can put in the miniscule effort it takes to simply avoid livestock factory farms and just go to a local regenerative farm. If you play your cards right you can even find a farm that does at home slaughter. No abattoir necessary! The animal doesn't even see it coming.

But vegans opt to torment themselves for a bunch of animals that could give a 2 shilling shit either way. It's a sad existence.

>> No.15858780 [View]
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Is this causing suffering if the animal doesn't feel it?

>> No.15804260 [View]
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Most pigs being slaughtered like shit are being eaten by Chinese. (Only 10 percent of pigs being slaughtered are eaten in the United States) And trust me, they don't care about dogs getting hurt.

Anyone with half a brain cell is generally looking for pic rel for pork. A conscious pig who is stressed will have garbage meat.

>> No.15696987 [View]
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There is no law that humans have to eat an animal alive ass first in order to get meat.

Death and suffering are 2 different things, and no one gets out of here alive.

>> No.15660813 [View]
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My friend tried to make it once but burned it. It was like a scab.
You need to shoot those fuckers in the head. Then it's a pretty quiet affair aside from one loud pop.

>> No.15647215 [View]
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I'd use legit gun of some sort.
You have to bleed them out either way and a bolt gun can fail or the animal can wake up quickly.

I've only slaughtered ducks so far, and due to their thick necks I knock them unconscious and then decapitate. Id actually prefer to shoot rabbits if I raised them for meat since just handling them stresses them out.

>> No.15641604 [View]
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You sure are a presumptuous one.
I'm a homesteader. I raise, slaughter, and butcher my own livestock.

I buy wholesale beef from local farmers, their personal cows. And this is only for now. In not too long I'm going to have my own cows, and I'm a fan of doing all the hard work.

You on the other hand, where does your food come from?


Hunting is okay, and I do plan to hunt on my deer infested property someday, but livestock has it's advantages. For one thing, when hunting you face the very real possibility of missing your target and chase the poor thing for hours, shit, I've even heard days before you finally find and dispatch the miserable creature finally immobilized by their wounds. And by that point the meat is ruined. The great thing about livestock is that they get a quick death. Industrial agriculture of any kind is disgusting, which is why I raise and slaughter my own livestock and grow my own crops.

I don't wish suffering on any living being. A quick, near instant kill is not the same as causing suffering. You saying anyone deserves to suffer because they believe differently than you says a lot about your character and you should probably look into that.

>> No.15639549 [View]
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And fetal bovine serum.

Just let an animal get shot in the head and calm you tits.

>> No.15616442 [View]
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What the fuck are you on about? Wild boars, shit, even feral pigs look nothing like their industrial domestic counterparts.

You live so far removed from nature and think your urban consumer lifestyle is sustainable.

If someone shot you in the back of the head, you would be dead. You wouldn't have time to experience any sort of emotions because your brain would immediately shut down.
And your corpse will be eaten unless you are a shithead who wants to be cremated. And honestly its the selfless thing to do to share your Earthly flesh with other creatures. Cremation is also incredibly shit for the environment. Think about it, it's hard enough to cook a chicken long enough to turn it into ash. It uses a ton of fuel. A cheap, natural burial, or even donating to a body farm would be the right thing to do.

Stop being so afraid of death you little bitch. It's coming for you. The great nothing comes for us all.

>> No.15610458 [View]
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Thank you fellow based livestock farmer.

City consumer fags are useless and retarded.
What the fuck kind of mentality is that?
I think the term mongoloid is too sophisticated for them. Mongolians at least raise their livestock outdoors and generally free range them.

I would describe them more as a bottom tier goblin

>> No.15465722 [View]
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Hey if you were going to be executed I'm sure you'd appreciate the correct dosage and types of lethal drugs to kill you as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Which they generally don't because doctors do not work in death row. There are reports of lethal injection prisoners fully conscious experiencing their internal organs slowly paralyze for up to 2 hours before finally dying.

Death is not the same as suffering. Only the living suffer.

>> No.15356859 [View]
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There is no way that would have tasted good. The meat would have been tough and bloody. The lactic acid would also ruin the flavor of the meat.

The best meat is from an animal that experienced no stress before it died. Ideally killed instantaneously without even transporting it to the slaughterhouse. The meat would be super tender due to a lack of it tensing. There's a real art to killing an animal quickly and painlessly too. Low stress is premium shit. In fact its even been proven with fish. A fish that is killed ikejime style instead of air axphyxiation or ice bath will actually age instead of rot. A 2 week old ikejime fish meat will taste cleaner than a 2 day old conventionally slaughtered fish meat.

>> No.15301629 [View]
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Nah man. I think about life and death all the time. I think about suffering too. Including animal suffering and the role humans play in animal husbandry and what makes a human have a healthy relationship with the life around them.

My conclusions and experiments all led to the same conclusion. Livestock is incredibly important, we need livestock just as much as livestock needs us. And our relationship with them needs to be healthy since it reflects our relationship with all life.

So I raised my own. It's a bit surreal looking at a bunch of cute baby animals and knowing that you are going to slaughter a bunch of them someday. But you shed those thoughts once you get to work and you learn about them, you don't feel any guilt, you don't have time. Your entire life is devoted to caring for these creatures, you see them express joy and work hard so you get to see that expression as much as possible. When you see them distressed it distresses you and you do everything in your power to avoid said stress.
When the day comes everything is planned out so there is as little stress and pain as possible. I have envisioned myself in my animals position many times.

I was really getting ready for guilt when big harvest came. But it never came. I gave the animal a good life and a quick and painless death. A "good" death maybe some would call it. Instead of guilt, I felt a strange sense of pride.

A vegan wouldn't understand. But now I'm obsessed with it. I want livestock that live a good life and never even see their death coming. I want their last moments to be filled with joy. A good meal on an empty belly, their last thoughts being how happy they are to get such delicious food, and then the eternal nothing that awaits us all.

>> No.15244419 [View]
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Nah man. It more has to do with the fact that I've made up my mind about animals dying and killing animals for food, and I'd rather not have animal torture porn shoved in my face 24/7. I am more than aware of what goes on in industrial ag, and I have slaughtered and butchered my own animals for food. Vegans act like idk something bad is going to happen but it doesn't. I didn't go to hell, I didn't have nightmares, I don't even feel guilty. If anything, killing an animal for food makes me feel less guilty than killing a pest or accidentally squishing a spider or hitting an animal with my car. I raised the animal from when it was a baby, and it served its purpose. I don't think I can explain it to someone as closed minded and as disconnected from their food and death as you.

I don't like factory farming, and so I'm raising my own animals for food. It pisses you vegans off, and I don't understand. Don't you want a better life for domestic animals? Don't you want less people supporting factory farming? You know deep down the whole world will NEVER go vegan. So why can't you just accept it?

>> No.15166341 [View]
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This is a fucking joke. This looks like a shitstain slaughterhouse in mexico where there are no regulations or inspectors in order for this sloppy shitty slaughter to happen.

Raise your own fucking food for meat and learn how to properly slaughter an animal. My livestock die faster than a pet euthanasia. And the pet that died for the euthanasia had to go through WAY more pain before he died.

It's like showing me a video of someone beating the shit out of their pet dog and telling me not to get a dog, or someone abusing their spouse and then telling me to die alone. Take your propaganda and shove it.

>> No.15153336 [View]
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raise your own god damn food.
Chicken beaks will NOT be cut on small scale with adequate space, it is an unnecessary cost.
Also on small scale free range you will raise the male chicks as food, eating them just before they become violent and rapey (10-22 weeks old).

Small farms will also get heritage dual purpose breeds of cows, they will also try to keep the baby with the mother as the mother produces more than enough milk to share. You either breed the males or you castrate and eat them.

Dehorning makes a ton of sense. I recently heard of some dumbass farm sanctuary that had to surrender over 100 cows, 5 had to be put down, and many others had to be dehorned and had to had pregnancies terminated. People don't do this shit because they are sadists.

Of course you can also get a cow like a black angus, which is purely a meat cow but naturally does not have horns.

But idk, everyone makes a big deal about dying, but is death really so horrible? Especially when a slaughter is done correctly?

>> No.15138099 [View]
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It's best to shoot an animal in the head without them seeing what's coming. I plan to raise and slaughter my own hogs soon. As for poultry, shooting isn't an option so I stun and decapitate for the quickest kill.

>> No.15134827 [View]
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They ban educational footage of animals raised and slaughtered properly on small homesteads who don't cry out or show any signs of stress with little to no resistance because they aren't transported to an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar smells and people. But they will show animals being tortured in "documentaries".

Like its okay to show pigs screaming while they get gassed or electrocuted, but god forbid you show a pig getting shot in the head and being dead before it hits the ground? Am I the only one who is scratching my head?

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