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>> No.16394597 [View]
File: 75 KB, 640x640, colombian hot dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I might think about burgers and hot dogs
American burgers are simply best. Hot dogs, hrm, I think Iceland has a flavorful dog with that touch of lamb in their german style frank and those crunchy onions, or a good ol' hebrew national knockworst, or a veal based brat, and that arguably the bread and toppings are pretty equally good outside the US as inside, so whether you want some flavorbomb of those packed on Colombian toppings incl potato sticks, pineapple jam and hardboiled quail eggs with that cilantro sauce drizzle, or some crisp little homemade austrian roll, or some tangy and hot Jap-a-dog from a food cart, it'll be your preference really.

>> No.14233157 [View]
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Pic is not even a real chicago top split bun with celery seed, but some kind of hoagie roll with poppy seeds. WTF *just shakes head*

I enjoy a delicious chicago dog for sure, but if I was in Chicago, I'd probably get a hot beef w/ sausage instead, 99% of the time.

I'm going to throw out a vote for an Icelandic hotdog, with those crunchy shallots sprinkled on top, mayo and ketchup and hot mustard, and maybe a hint of lamb in the hot dog meat. It's unique.

Pic is my favorite in Miami, the Colombian chiriperro, the perro caliente (LOL), that pineapple puree with crunchy potato chips, ketchup and green cilantro chili mayo, baby quail eggs on top, just perfection.

>> No.14213279 [View]
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>The local market had some quail eggs. What can i make with these?
S. Americans with their european roots love them. They're an essential little item on the table when doing a buffet spread.
They also go on top of regional loaded up hot dogs. Perros. Pic is the Colombian version.

>> No.13160143 [View]
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OP, Here's a Colombian for ya. Miami has a slew of delicious sources of overdressed various latino dogs that are phenomonal balances of sweet, smoky, crunchy, soft, herbal and hot.
Totally could mock this up at home, but the one you can't is the Icelandic dog, which has a hint of lamb in the beef link, sooooo good. But, you can in fact buy the French fried shallot vs onions now for the crunchy topping.

>> No.12952953 [View]
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>How do people call this stuff food?
It's something stupid that is a novelty. No one actually thinks it is a good idea. This kind of crap brings foot traffic to a location for people who haven't been in a while. Likely they won't come alone. They'll bring other people and buy something else, in addition to the loss leader item or crap menu item. It might draw some social media activity when people shock their friends at their poor choices, but that can lead to more foot traffic at each location, too. At a stadium or concert, where stupid novelty items of extreme size and ridiculous value for portion...well, that gets attention from people who were just fine not ordering a damn thing who then go and buy that one stupid item instead on their way back from the bathroom. Cause like if you're going to spend $9 on a hot dog, you might as well spend that money on a donut wrapped burger, or giant pretzel in the shape of a smiley face, or whatever else. It's just how sales improve.

In other words, it doesn't have to be anything but a gimmick to increase profits.

>Can't be any worse than the McGriddle. The thing is 2 pieces of bread soaked in syrup with a couple of questionable proteins between them.
Sounds like someone doesn't know the actual glory of a egg n cheese sausage mcgriddle. It's not a gimmick. Maybe you omit the egg and cheese entirely or do bacon like a big dummy.

Pic is Colombian hot dog with pineapple, potato chips and quail eggs. Not.a.gimmick.

>> No.12472458 [View]
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>I've yet to try a hotdog variant that I don't like. Chicago dogs are delicious, as are Coney's, etc. I just love dressed up hotdogs.
I love a traditional Chicago dog. The top split bun, sprinkle of celery salt with tomatoes, removing that pickle, biting into the barely edible tough skinned sport pepper, and the dog itself is a quality vienna beef of substance.

But, I adore Colombian dogs the most. I equally like Icelandic dogs with the crunchy fried onions and mayo, Jap-a-dogs, every kind of wurst, chargrilled dogs with bbq, mustard and raw onion dogs, corn dogs, grays papaya dog, chili dog with mustard and onion and cheese. At home I usually buy Hebrew National reduced fat, and they either get butterflied and pan fried, or else cooked on the gas grill. I top them with Howard's picalilli, mustard and some grilled onions.

>> No.12438100 [View]
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>>>12437920 (OP)
>Hebrew National.
This. And, not ironically, the reduced fat Hebrew National version was their national taste test winner.
Nathans and Sabretts are salt bombs in comparison. I like the snap of a natural dog, but they're just not my favorite for the taste anymore.

If I'm grilling, I get a nice char on them, more than grill marks. If I'm inside, I'll butterfly them and pan fry to get maximum crispy surface. If I'm grilling sausages, Ill go for a local deli style, some german braunwurst or special thing like that, something smoked like Kolbasa brand, or an exotic sausage, bit of lamb content, sun dried tomatoes or something like that at the butcher.

Image is one of my favorite hot dogs of the world.

>> No.12281793 [View]
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>Americans don't put mayo on their hotdogs. That's pig disgusting.
Actually quite a few Americans do add mayo, as do other cultures. Fresh mayo is tangy, not just creamy.

Icelandic hot dogs and colombian hot dogs are my favorite, just a total balance of flavors and textures. Any sausage well grilled/charred is going to be alright with me though. I like a basic hot mustard, maybe some kraut or onions and all the regional variations of them all.

>> No.10589723 [View]
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Well, best european hot dog might be the Icelandic dog with that remoulade and onion crunchies on top.
>Which regional American hot dog variation is the best?
Sonoran hot dogs are pretty good, as are Chicago hot dogs.Food trucks that do fusion dogs, like K-dogs with kimchee, or jap-a-dogs.
Those are good and all...but if you can get your hands on some South American Colombian- style perros, like in restaurants in Miami, they are very very good, with a balance for the senses: salty, pickled, sweet, savory, crunchy, soft.

Grilled smoked dog
hoagie style roll
cilantro-garlic mayo
pineapple sauce
chili ketchup
hard boiled quail eggs
potato stick crunchies or shoestring fries

I don't know how to make the green sauce, but the hot garlic and lime flavor, and chilies, is just amazing, kind of the garlic aioli meets chimichurri.

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