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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.20025874 [View]
File: 170 KB, 1024x683, Frasier - Rainy Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be me, a cultured radio psychiatrist with a penchant for the finer things in life
> Hear about a rare and exquisite delicacy, raleqtambrobrét, at a wine tasting soirée
> Intrigued, I immediately begin a quest to procure this culinary rarity
> My brother, equally enamored with gourmet experiences, joins the hunt
> We scour the city's elite food emporiums and specialty stores, no stone left unturned
> Finally, a lead! A reclusive chef known for his exotic culinary creations
> After much persuasion (and a sizable donation to his culinary foundation), he agrees to prepare raleqtambrobrét for a private tasting
> The day arrives, anticipation at a fever pitch
> Seated in the chef's opulent dining room, surrounded by an air of gastronomic mystique
> The dish is presented with great ceremony: an intricate assembly of rare ingredients, flavors, and textures
> First bite, an explosion of flavors, a symphony of culinary excellence
> My brother and I exchange looks of awe, our palates transcending to new heights of epicurean ecstasy
> Post-dinner, the chef reveals the secretive and complex process behind raleqtambrobrét
> We leave, enlightened, our lives forever changed by this extraordinary culinary adventure
> The next day, on my radio show, I subtly hint at this gastronomic discovery without revealing its name
> My listeners are left intrigued, my reputation as a connoisseur of the rare and exquisite, solidified
> mfw I've experienced a taste only a few in the world ever will.

>> No.20022537 [View]
File: 170 KB, 1024x683, Frasier - Rainy Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be me, a psychiatrist and radio host with a penchant for the finer things
> New attractive colleague begins work at the radio station
> Decide to host a sophisticated dinner party, invite my brother, dad, and some esteemed colleagues (and attractive colleague)
> Spend hours preparing a gourmet meal, everything must be perfect
> Guests arrive, brother already being pretentious about wine
> Dad cracks a joke, no one laughs, awkward silence
> Start serving dinner, realize I've overcooked the duck à l'orange, it's tougher than dad's old boots
> Brother tries to save the situation by discussing his latest psychoanalytic theory
> Everyone's eyes glaze over
> Dad's dog starts barking uncontrollably at a guest, chaos ensues
> Try to calm everyone, knock over the wine, red stains on my white carpet
> My producer unexpectedly shows up, drunk, starts flirting with my colleague
> Colleague looks horrified, Niles is snickering
> Power goes out, total darkness
> Use my phone's light to find candles, trip over Dad's dog
> Finally get lights back on, half the guests have left
> Remaining guests sit in uncomfortable silence
> Dinner party officially a disaster
> Retreat to balcony with a glass of sherry, questioning my life choices
> Brother joins, reminds me our lives are a sitcom and this is par for the course
> Laugh it off, plan to never host a dinner party again
> mfw my high-class evening turns into a sitcom episode.

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