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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.15369497 [View]
File: 88 KB, 515x687, 20200619_140441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I have because it was the nicest photo I had of the garden this year. Next year the garden is going to be about 4 times bigger with the addition of several large plots.

But I still don't think animal abstinence is the solution to our environmental issues. Those are mostly caused by large cooperation's with people who only care about money as the bottom line. If you keep supporting supermarkets it doesn't matter if you are eating plants or animals, they are going to fuck the environment up to high shit.

The problem is that the most effective solution to the damage we have done to the environment is so profound and would require consumer addicted people to completely change their lives. I believe it can be done, and with greater ease now that we are living in a time of industrial and educational prosperity. But people want to have an easy, consumable solution.

Personally. I am just doing my thing, and waiting in a beautiful place for the collapse of humanity. I really don't believe we are going to make out. Our species is just as mortal as we are as individuals.

>> No.14425472 [View]
File: 88 KB, 515x687, 20200619_140441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>growing food is a waste of time without mechanization

... I have a small personal garden and haven't needed to buy any produce this summer. I don't even know wtf I'm doing, this is my first time gardening. I have more food than I know what to do with, even with half my crops decimated by pests (I don't use pesticides). I spend maybe an hour on my garden a day, plenty of free time to work a full time job.

I also spent maybe 50 bucks starting my garden up, most of that money was on seeds, which I am now producing for free.

I used to live in the city (was raised urban) and it was miserable. No land and no outdoor privacy was driving me insane. Subsistence farming is fucking amazing, you just have all been brainwashed by your cooperation funded institutions to believe it sucks. It only sucks if you are oppressed by your government.

If you aren't growing your own food you are part of the problem.

>> No.14273769 [View]
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Once again, I'm glad you see where I'm coming from by reintroducing some of the urbanite consumers back to rural areas in order to produce food for local communities.

As far as ur gene editing thing, I don't think you quite understand, I am not against genetic manipulation through breeding, but making things that couldn't happen through natural breeding could have disastrous consequences.

You don't need to imagine eliminating the need for roundup and antibiotics! I am currently in the process of converting a traditional roundup based farm into one without roundup. Using regenerative ag u actually USE biodiversity to your advantage! Monocrops are inherently susceptible to pests and diseases because there is no competition for the pests and diseases.
My farming methods use the 5 principals of regenerative ag which eliminates any need for chemical pesticides.
As far as antibiotics go, the reason cattle need them is because they are not designed for a feedlot diet (something I am against anyways), and they become susceptible to acidosis and other digestive issues from a messed up gut biome. So all we need to really do is put animals on a more natural diet and give them a better quality of life. Being outdoors on clean pasture and breeding only the hardiest animals is all you really need to do to get rid of pharmaceuticals and petrochemicals.

Heres a pic of what I've started during my regenerative farming experiment. I've only been at this for less than 2 months and I dont use any chemical store bought fertilizers and no pesticides (other than occasionally releasing spiders i find in the garden) and I don't even have any fence around my crops and so far I have had minimal issues with pests. The plan is to deal with it as it comes though.
But by using bio diversity and even using weeds to my advantage, as breaking up compacted soil, thus increasing water retention. I have been able to create an incredibly fertile and resilient environment naturally!

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