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>> No.10863954 [View]
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>taking public healthcare for granted
Look who only just entered the thread, everybody.

>> No.10676337 [View]
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Anyone who can afford it should be allowed to purchase healthcare.

>> No.10629146 [View]
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First of all, I want to point out that I actually "get" the joke about getting his name and claim to fame wrong. Unlike those other plebs.
Secondly, he's either paraphrasing or flat out ripping off Bukowski, who was also at best a pseudointellectual faggot.

I can't complain too much, though. I made like $800k on BTC and Eth. last year.
I just hate people who think they're so goddamn wise and above the rest because they talk shit about working a regular job. Just get one you actually enjoy. Hell, get a mediocre job with really good colleagues and you're set. If you dread going to work every day you need to quit and find something else. Go take some evening classes or something if you must.
I'm a nurse and I hate having more than two days off. Never thought I'd end up in this business and neither did anyone else. Try something new instead of being bitter about your cubicle for the next 40 years.

>> No.10624998 [View]
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Not his best book, but a good place to start. And the AnCap stuff is fun. Such a weak ending, though.

>> No.10573725 [View]
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I think he meant "It's effectively a tax on stupidity"

>> No.10242588 [View]
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>unless we lower the minimum wage.
There should not be a "minimum wage" at all. If people are willing to do the job for the wage offered they should be allowed to.

There should not be taxes and welfare leeches like this asshole either.
And the two go hand in hand of course; once you rid yourself of welfare a lot of people will suddenly be able and willing to work these cheap jobs.

Yeah, I know what you mean. It's usually either something really obvious like in the OP or a reference to Python's Holy Grail with these people.
I have not watched Battlebots but I'd be surprised if the names on that were much better, though.

>> No.10181163 [View]
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I have not had to rely on family since I was a child.
They would support me if I needed it of course because I'm a decent person in good standing with them. If I had been an entitled parasite my whole life I guess they might have turned their backs on me like yours did.
I would STILL have the option of mowing lawns and shoveling snow and I still don't see anyone posting saying they ever even tried getting a gig like that.
Because you're not willing to get your hands dirty for a meal. You think it's owed to you by those who do work.

>> No.10022937 [View]
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Who gets to decide if you can be responsible for your own life?
Obviously weighing over 350 lb. would suggest you can't control your eating, but where's the cutoff? What about drinking and smoking? What about simply not getting much exercise?
Playing videogames to excess was just classified as a mental illness I think (I only caught a headline about it), so how many hours a week is that and how many of your liberties can the State take from you if you exceed it?

There are somewhat extreme examples of course, like people with actual mental retardation, but I don't think the HAG's entire clientele is made up of Down's syndrome sufferers.

He's not an idiot but he's not doing this to save people from themselves either. He hates fat people and loves money.

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