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>> No.13560896 [View]
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Anon who ordered the Xeoleo Ghost burr grinder from last thread here. It arrived in only 6 days, pretty cool.

Brewed a couple times with it and wow. I don't think I can do the grinder justice. I will say say this: I used the wrong settings in my first two v60 brews and got a 2 min brew and a 4 min brew each, which you'd think would taste under/overextracted each. Nope. Both cups tasted great regardless, no acidity or bitterness whatsoever. Also no coffee grounds stuck to the filter walls at all, it becomes a flat bed like in all those brew demonstration youtube videos (my old grinder was bad with this). I think it's the sifter that does this mostly, though the grind size is very very uniform as well. It can't do espresso tier fine grind, but still produces a more than enough fine grind for things like aeropress. It grinds pretty fast and quiet, too. Honestly nothing but praise for it so far, if you want a filter grinder and don't wanna spend 2500 dollars on a EK43 Mahlkoenig, this is probably your best bet. At 130~ bucks (express shipping included) it is an absolute steal.

If you guys have any questions I will try to answer them. Done with brewing for the day but I will go for a 3:00 v60 brew tomorrow.

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