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>> No.16510291 [View]
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There are many sustainable seafood watch lists, and I think the most common can be downloaded as an app to use when out shopping where you can filter by species and do a quick search and read. It is affilated with the Monterrey Bay Aquarium.

Pro-environment most of all, is to eat things that actual filter our seas, such as mussels, scallops and oysters. Another great sustainable item is stone crabs, they regrow the claw removed and live to be harvested again.

Most people don't understand little nuances of sustainable fisheries, such as the more insider knowledge of buying Maine lobster vs Canadian. Both industries are regulated, yes, but native canadian peoples are exempt from the rules, and they can rape the oceans or hunting grounds when they wish, and sell it for profit. I[ve stood at the packing plant in Yarmouth to know 100% of that catch is immediately bought by S. Korea and shipped halfway around the world, so Canadian waters are overfished to support them.
Though conch is illegal to catch in Florida for any reason, it is NOT regulated in the Bahamas, and therefore when you buy it, somewhere else in the world is suffering the decline. No commerical fishing in pristine Caymanian waters ever, but you can import it all from Honduras who doesn't give a damn. Think you're buying inexpensive shrimp, but where was it caught? China. Was your fish farmed in the most polluted stretch of the mekong delta, it was if it's called basa, the most commonly imported fish for the all-u-can-eat fish fry menu item. Use the search in the App to get yourself a bit of a seasonal wishlist planned out so you can shop 4x/year. Think farm direct like crawfish fedex'd from LA, Stone crabs iFL. Companies that are huge online for knowing where their products come from like Key Largo Fisheries, are just a google away. Publix sources from them, so they are easy mode since their fish is labelled where it was from.

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