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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.7018970 [View]
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It makes me wonder how hungry the very first person had to be to eat one of these fucking things
>oh look, its growing out of that rotted log next to the giant pile of shit
>better try to eat it

I'll never, ever get a taste for mushrooms.
I've tried though, don't get me wrong. I've really fucking tried.
From button cap to portobello. I just can't do it.
They just look so fucking wierd, and the texture always makes me gag.

>> No.6794312 [View]
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Why are people who live on the coasts so angry all the time?
Is it the lack of good food?
Is it the overpriced cost of living? Being surrounded by minorities all the time?

You'd think they'd be happy where they are, but it seems like every time they post they feel this pathological need to take a swipe at the heartland just to justify thier sad little lives
I don't get mad, it just makes me more sad than anything.

>> No.6668921 [View]
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A friend of mine had a little vacation there a couple years back, and his main complaint wasn't the people (who were pretty much indifferent to Americans, I guess they're just used to tourists?) but the smell.
He said it was wierd to see so many nicley dressed people walking around in literal sewage and trash.

I guess many of the larger cities haven't updated thier infrastructure for hundreds of years, so a lot of thier shit is constantly breaking down and trash and debris just piles up, sewage backs up into the streets and people just ignore it like its a normal thing.

>> No.6263429 [View]
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>servers are usually whiny bitches
I think this is sort of a given in any restaurant you work in.
They take the shittiest, most thankless, underpaid job in america and honestly expect to have a great time while serving the public.

Unless its thier first job fresh out of high school, I don't know what the fuck any sane person would have to smoke before they sign up for that shit.

>> No.6189768 [View]
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>I can't afford to keep money in an account
This is the one I can't fathom.
It literally costs nothing to set up a shitty, simple banking/checking account, and you don't get charged 'fees' for doing so, ever.
Unless you're like these people, I suppose, who over draw thier shit all the time because they never keep track of what they spend, in which case then, and only then will the bank ever charge you anything.

I'm poor as fuck, but I know where every single penny of my shit is going and when. My bank e-mails me daily statements, and I have nothing 'automatically' taken out, ever, for any service.
I've never understood people who don't know how much they have in thier accounts.
How can you fucking NOT know whats in your goddamn bank account you lazy fuck? Are you THAT irresponsible with your money?
God fucking damn these people irk me.

>> No.6154088 [View]
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I think a lot of the problem is with people trying to be 'too' clean, using gallons of hand sanitizer like everything they fucking touch is covered in flesh eating bacteria

Theres this lady at my work who comes through the line and has this giant bottle of the shit in her purse that she squirts her hands with after touching anything.
Its fucking surreal watching her put her groceries on the conveyor
>carton of eggs
>can of corn
>giant double pack of hand sanitizer
I thought I was on some sort of youtube prank thing the first time she came through my line, because I couldn't believe anyone would really be that fucking crazy.
...but no.. there really are people like this out there.

I can't help but wonder if these are the sorts of people who get sick all the time, because they're kiling both the good and the bad bacteria and shit we need.

>> No.5513060 [View]
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>eggs poached in watery chili


>> No.5469046 [View]
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>100% natural
>cinnamon flavor

>> No.5464018 [View]
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>live in the midwest
>any amount snow is forecasted
>every supermarket in town suddenly stampeded by hordes of people stocking up on milk and bread

I've never understood this.

>> No.5416730 [View]
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I work at walmart.
Seeing all the people waddling around and their giant asses spilling over the seats of the electric carts gives me daily motivation to never, ever let myself look like them.

>> No.5392016 [View]
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>pretzels and pizza
Eh.. I don't know about that.

Pretzels just don't make very good bread.

>> No.5382749 [View]
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>that moment when you're denied foodstamps because they say you 'make too much' at your shitty retail job
>as Sheniqua and her 5 little welfare checks strut up to the counter wearing brand new designer clothing

>> No.4674378 [View]
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...why are you so mad about how much other people make though?
Why do you even give a shit, or let them get you so upset?

Its not other peoples' fault that your life is shit.
You've noone to blame but yourself.
Foodstamps are there. Minimum wage jobs are there. Community colleges and grants that PAY you to educate yourself are there.
You have all this opportunity, but you're still just sitting there bitching and moaning that some guy can afford a few maids and limousines?

I just.. could never be as upset as some of the people in this thread.
I live on my own in my tiny, cozy little apartment, working a job I actually sorta like, and life couldn't be easier or more chilled out.
I think some people just ... 'like' being mad about things all the time.

>> No.4592606 [View]
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>bbq sauce

>> No.4585767 [View]
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>This guy beats me on a near daily basis, screams at me, wrecks the house and made me have 12 miscarriages...
>.....but I love him so much

I'll never understand female logic.

>> No.4438356 [View]
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It sounds like you're just an ungrateful asshole.

>> No.4390256 [View]
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I've often wondered what bees would think if they understood that we eat their buildings, enslave their queen (which often isn't even their 'real' queen to begin with) and eat their vomit by the tons each year?

Do you think the bees would be pissed off... or proud of their work?

>> No.4382499 [View]
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>an area where black people had money.

>> No.4353306 [View]
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>liquidy, sweet onion
>beef bollion paste
I've never had either, but they both sound fucking disgusting.

>> No.3885383 [View]
File: 448 KB, 500x280, lulwut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll finally look at 4chans other boards besides tech and game related...
>come to /ck/ for first time...
>this is first thread I see...
>mfw I am about to leave...

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