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>> No.8984332 [View]
File: 52 KB, 640x480, thanksmichelleobama-for-the-healthy-lunch-Mystery-Mush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop glorifying obesity and coddling fat people and their right to be fat.
We as a society shouldn't be afraid to tell someone that it isn't normal when they start going off about their condishuns and how it prevents them from walking to work instead of driving or taking the stairs or why they can't diet.
Nowadays being fat is becoming more and more accepted and people are afraid to call them out on it when they start bullshitting about their medical issues or about how someone called them fat earlier.
Lost on them is that weight is one of the things about your body you can control with effort.
The way things are going fat will soon be a protected class.

Ban shit like HFCS. Unfortunately the corn industry and farmers will fight it tooth and nail and too many in office are on the take.

Better early education. Expectant mothers should be grilled on this shit.

Consider adding obesity to things a parent can be cited for for neglect/endangerment/abuse.

Part of it is lack of school funding, though. Ideally, PE should be brought back, not eliminated from the curriculum. And we should absolutely ban vending machines from schools.

Michelle Obama had the right idea with healthier food in schools. However, the options served at lunch like mystery sludge just makes kids just want to throw it away and stop at McDonalds after school. This doesn't help, even if school lunch was never "good".

However there's no easy way to solve this without thinking about a hard fucking line approach to immigration what with so many kids of illegal immigrants taking resources from the system.

I've known too many people who would trade their EBT card with $100 on it for $80 in cash on hand. Though in fairness a majority of them legitimately needed the cash for rent or gas or bus fare or whatever, not soda or alcohol. Point being restrictions on EBT don't work.

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