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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.5387417 [View]
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>be that 'gross kid who will eat anything' growing up
>hands always filthy, scabs and scrapes and bites everywhere, knees always just one giant perpetual scab
>20+ years later
>Godlike immune system
>only sick once a year, even then for just a day or two
>stomach is a cast iron chamber lined with lead and studded with diamonds that secrete pepto bismol

Demihuman master race who doesn't need no fucking hand sanitizer reporting in.

>> No.5382769 [View]
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If you live in a heavily urban area and you're still driving a car when you need to save money, you're doing it wrong.
I can understand if you live in a rural area of flyoverland nowheresville, where its 10+ miles to anywhere, but if you're in a city with buses and subways and everything else, theres no excuse 'not' to use them except plain ol' head up your ass elitism.

I'm in flyoverland here, but I just ride my bike everywhere because fuck gas prices and insurance and all that bullshit.
Why waste money on a car when theres so much computer shit and vidya and booze I could be buying?

>> No.5364804 [View]
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230-240lbs here
I'm in my 30's now and faaar past the point of giving a fuck about it.

I walk everywhere, and I don't go out of my way to eat terrible shit, so I figure thats at least a half assed effort.
When I was younger, I was obsessed with my weight. Shitty self esteem.
As I aged, and slowly lost my grip on all the fucks I was holding on to about it, I started caring less and less about what people around me thought.
I'm comfortable with myself.

>> No.5235686 [View]
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Because i'm in my 30's and way past the point of giving any fucks at all.
I looked good in my teens and early 20's, back when I worried about everything and was desperate to get laid.

But there comes a point in every mans life where he'll wake up one day and discover that he just doesn't give a shit about what anyone else thinks about him anymore.

It'll happen to you one day too, my dear anons.

>> No.5216356 [View]
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I'm in the same boat.
Living by myself in my tiny, cozy little apartment.
No debt, no stress, no worries.
I make a buck above minimum wage, but I can still afford rent, bills, internet and food without any government assistance. Constantly neck deep in vidya and the warm glow of my computer monitors.

Living on your own isn't hard at all as long as you're not retarded with your money, and spend more than you have like society says you're supposed to do.
I guess I had the advantage of growing up in a dirt poor family, where we had to really pinch our pennies and make shit stretch.

>> No.5168428 [View]
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The secret is that eggs need to be cooked in hot, but not boiling, water.
Try this.
>Put the eggs in the pan, cover with water
>Crank up the stove
>Right before the water starts boiling, take it off the burner, set it on a different one
>The water will be hot enough to keep cooking the eggs for 11-12 minutes.

Perfect, soft, yellow eggs every time.

>> No.5088883 [View]
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It'd be the same, the only thing that would change would be how much the interest is.
Banks and credit companies vary widely, but its all on a month by month basis as far as I know.
As long as you've got it payed off by the end of the month (or before that month 'closes', whatever that date is for them) you don't get charged interest.
Banks hate that. They 'want' you to keep a negative total going, to make those monthly payments as small as possible so they can keep chipping away at you for as long as possible. Thats how they make their money.
But, if its payed off, you don't get charged, and the bank still has to report it to the credit bureau.
This is how you build up your credit.

>> No.5076763 [View]
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Shitload of it in the 'mexican section' at walmart near here. Mexico cheese and pork churriziizio shit and even a shitload of dried chilis and mexican coke.
Theres a shitload of hispanics who live near here, and the store takes full advantage of that.
..which i'm cool with. Mexican coke is fucking nectar from the gods

>> No.5056258 [View]
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I love how you can tell how people are unemployed by how much they parrot this.
You can live by yourself just fine as long as you don't live in some overpriced, overpopulated, polluted shithole like most major cities in the US are.
Also it helps if you don't eat out every single day, or spend $100 on a pair of shoes or a new wardrobe every week.

I live comfortably off just a bit above minimum wage, and don't have to work myself to death or get foodstamps.
Just me on my own in my cozy little apartment, surrounded by my pc monitors and chest-deep in vidya.
Gas? Fuck that shit. I ride my bike.
Stay mad and unemployed, NEETs.

>> No.5000145 [View]
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Damn straight.

>> No.4946504 [View]
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I generally do this because I don't eat breakfast, (I'm never hungry right when I wake up) nor feel like taking a lunch to work. We've got assholes that steal shit right from the fridges in back.

So I usually have a few sips of coffee when I wake up, a coke at work, and then stuff myself on a giant pot of soup or taco salad when I get home

>> No.4855044 [View]
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>mfw I feast upon all sorts of ice cream sandwiches and cones and single hot pockets in the freezer at work without names or dates or anything

The fridge is usually a disgusting mess, but the freezer is like a hidden treasure trove where people try to hide thing.
You'd think they would learn to label their shit after the first couple years of finding shit eaten.

>> No.4820734 [View]
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I made a shitload of taco salad and ate it all out of a soup pan because I was too lazy to wash a bowl.
>weekly 'lazy as fuck' achievement get

>> No.4804228 [DELETED]  [View]
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So, does anyone on /ck/ NOT have any weird genetic diseases or allergies or some sort of diet or food belief or religion or money or social problems that dictates what and how and how much they eat?

Eating whatever the fuck you want whenever the fuck you want master race reporting in.

I know I can't be the only one.

>> No.4787700 [View]
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>feeling hungry but don't have a lot of money
>go to Olive Gayden
>order a coke
>eat breadsticks and salad till i'm full
>have an entire meal for under $3
>don't leave a tip
I did this for a couple years straight till they went out of business.

>> No.4763717 [View]
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I work at one of the huge Walmart supercenter things. I'm the guy who rings you up and takes your money.
Been there a couple years now. It gets busy as hell (especially around holidays and when foodstamps people pack the place at the start of the month) and theres a lot of management/employee drama.

..but, I like it. The pay is decent, you meet lots of weird people, and I just keep my head down and do my job.
Its wierd how much they love people who just 'show up' and do thier fucking job, instead of whining about working on weekends and being on thier phones instead of taking care of customers.
I've got 3 raises in 2 years because of it.

>> No.4750774 [View]
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I discovered the secret of perfectly boiled eggs last night.

You put the eggs into the pan, then fill it with water till its covering them about half an inch.
Crank that shit up to high and wait for the water to boil.
As soon as the waters boiling, turn off the stove and take the pan off that burner.
Let the eggs rest in the hot water for 10-11 minutes.
The water will be hot enough to finish cooking the eggs.
Cool the eggs with cold water
Crack that shit open

The secret is to cook eggs in 'hot', but not 'boiling' water.
Enjoy ~

>> No.4698602 [View]
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>> No.4690842 [View]
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I usually buy the giant plastic jug of Pace or generic whatever with the handle because i'm a fat shit with no shame.

>> No.4682720 [View]
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Because i'm too old and too lazy to worry about what i'm stuffing into my craw.

I'm too busy working, sleeping, or playing video games to stop and count the calories or read whats in that slice of pizza I just munched on.
I figure i'm dead in 40 or 50 years from heart disease, getting hit by a car, drinking the water or breathing the air anyways, so why worry about Yellow number 50 in that M&M I just found under the desk?

This isn't me being edgy. This is me being apathetic.
I'm well aware that this shit is bad. I've been hearing people sqawk and yell and wave those little picket signs around my entire life. ....I just.. don't care.

>> No.4671624 [View]
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I could eat that whole pan right now and i'm not even 'that' hungry.

pls go

>> No.4629957 [View]
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Bits and pieces. The more you work around them, the more you'll start to pick it up.

I like trying to count back change to them in spanish, (though I trip up past 10..) and they always give me this odd little look and seem a little impressed that i'm trying to communicate, and correct me when I get it wrong

>> No.4591993 [View]
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Certain meats don't need liquid, like most cuts of chicken or whatever
Things that are naturally juicy will cook in thier own juices
'Adding liquid' to the crock pot just helps make it more tender when its done, and infuses the flavor of whatever else you got in there.

You 'can' burn shit in one, but you really gotta 'try'. Dumping in a lot of rice or anything else that demands a lot of liquid will make it burn.
But just meats?
Nah. You're cool

Also, yea. The gooey brown mass is fat from the beef and starch from the taters.
You can skim it or leave it in. It'll have no effect on the end product.

>> No.4556330 [View]
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Its cool. Nothing against you personally.
As long as you're not a dick about it and tell me 'before' I start ringing up your shit, it doesn't bother me.

I've always had the belief that 98% of my customers are cool as hell.
You come in, get your shit, and leave. Awesome. Have a nice day.
Its that really shitty 1-2% that turns cashiers into sneering, cynical piles of hatred and sarcasm.
I feel like some people just 'want' me to get pissed off and say something retarded to them.
....over nearly a decade of various retail and grocery work, i've finely honed the ability to not give a single fuck.

..nice customers like you still brighten up my day just a little bit though.

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