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>> No.19606781 [View]
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>Unchecked, bad digits.
Fucking KEK!
Your attempts at being Avuncular are POOR.
You know fuck-all about me,Anon, and your assumptions are both wrong and incredibly retarded.
Again, the storage space flooded out while I was out of state, and it was such a loss I ended up trashing 4/5ths of it. I wasn't keeping IKEA trash, or a shit-ton of consooomer goods. These were things like a 1954 craftsman metal lathe, an 1830s kitchen table, a full library of 150+year old books, 1910 icebox, a large Victrola...all high quality antiques. they didn't even fill a 10 X 12 when I transferred them.
I understand what you mean when you say your boomer mom kept granny's dishes, Boomers assign value to shit that is either sentimental, or because they can't face that they bought overpriced JUNK and so did millions of other boomers, so theirs isn't worth ¼ of what they think it is.
>Look into your heart anon
What a strange thing to say after the previous drivel you spewed out.
>There's a reason nobody else wanted it.
Yes, because 80% people have no concept of value anymore. They all "Know" the price of things though.
>Boomer wants me to do a reno project on their bathroom
>While I'm running assessment of costs and labor, they are happily bragging about a dinner for four that cost them over $350 at a mid tier, but popular local restaurant.
>my appraisal of a reno/repair that will last the next 100 years, Certainly longer than they will be alive, Is around $600
>Immediately BALK at price and say they'll have to see some other bids
>Other bids are almost twice as much, and by local hucklebucks who are fucking hacks.
Fuck them. They can go on you tube, try to do it themselves,(because: "All you have to do...",) and fuck it all up, making the cost to fix their fuck-ups and redo it right now 3x the original cost.
This is what I mean when I say, they know the cost of everything, but the VALUE of nothing.

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