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>> No.20029131 [View]
File: 66 KB, 360x640, CANCER in yer TENDIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact you think beef grading should be free shows you're just a retard.
First of all I think EVERYONE ITT can see that you calling me a retard for your lack of reading comprehension is rich.
that SS I posted was from the USDA's own budgetary summary. Just look at the filename.
That's hardly "Free" as you put it.
>Further, beef grading is just a small subsection of the various grading they do.
And if you could actually read, that's ALL I posted. The full 2023 budget for the USDA is estimated at ~$209.3 BILLION.
>One good thing about the US gov is you can look most of this shit up if you're willing to put in the effort.
...And JUST LIKE THAT, you're mental capacity is revealed.
Were done here.
I hope you learned something.
Take it back to Plebbit with you.

>> No.19944196 [View]
File: 66 KB, 360x640, CANCER in yer TENDIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty comprehensive list, anon.
You did leave out the American Cancer society, they've been quiet on myriad truly Carcinogenic foods, drugs and household chems.
I really think they are only in the business of getting more and more money to hold events and sell stickers and T-Shirts to make more and more money...
>INB4 that Sucralose faggot shows up.

>> No.19881053 [View]
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I doesn't HAVE to be.
Besides being potentially WAY healthier than eating at 80% of restaurants, OP said nothing about the final dish. Par cooked, seasoned chicken chunks could go in salads or any number of pasta/rice dishes to reheat.
IDK if you are confusing sloppa with something else, or are just trolling.

>> No.19769673 [View]
File: 66 KB, 360x640, CANCER in yer TENDIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly...you are right about that in at least 85% of Amerilards.
The other ~15% KNOW what good food is, what simplicity tastes like and in addition, what a lot of foods USED to taste like 20-40 years ago, but no longer do, and more than likely grow their own or trade with good farmers to get it.
This isn't as true in other countries, but it's getting there. Just about 80% of ANY population are followers and will take whatever they are given. some place may be more aware of the shafting, but nonetheless, won't rock the boat unless it poses enough of an inconvenience to then to dramatically alter their lifestyle. The slow encroachment of a globalized food supply has effected everybody, usually for the worse, and when high trust societies are shattered into low-trust diversity, everybody suffers because there is less incentive to be honest if everyone else is out for themselves.
This is a sort of Tragedy of the Global "Commons" and enough contingency plans are in place to ensure it will be a slow attrition, speed-walk to the bottom.
I was shocked to find out that France's population tested that 99% had measurable levels of glyphosate in blood tests. I thought they were the zenith of food protectionists.
I thought that Europe had banned it, but no...They are only getting around to doing that since 2017.

>> No.19758812 [View]
File: 66 KB, 360x640, CANCER in yer TENDIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full of Sucralose
Enjoy your CANCER, and/or being on pharma drugs that slow-kill you,(and need other drugs to alleviate those symptoms, which need other drugs to...)

>> No.19679475 [View]
File: 66 KB, 360x640, CANCER in yer TENDIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep in mind I'm a HVAC tech, not a science man,
Gotta disagree with you there.
HVAC does require science, and the ability to parse scientific info.
You should have the ability to read papers on the subject and understand them--or at least have the ability to look further into the aspects you don't understand...until you do.
Don't sell yourself short, anon.
Also, as pertains to meat, since the actual breaking down of nutrients is often done in tandem with your gut flora,(some of which is IN the meat,) and freezing only slows down but doesn't stop degradation of the original cells, I'd have to think that a little bit of rot,(breakdown,) would actually facilitate bio-availability of nutrients.
It's the foods that WON'T rot you should be worried about.

>> No.19635525 [View]
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It's intentional... Several different groups are attempting to make all the bigger boards unusable.
Summer was as bad as any year, but in the last 2-3 years the board quality has vacillated HARD from excellent, to downright SUB-Mong tier.
I'd also be more goncerned with the "Carmel Coloring" and some of the "injected with Up to 14% <<Insert bullshit>>" than the actual meat itself.
There's something particularly FUCKY going on with the feed these days too.
>Grind up food wastes, Packaging and all
>"WHAT could go WRONG??"

>> No.19346975 [View]
File: 66 KB, 360x640, CANCER in yer TENDIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't think Organic even matters for that anymore.
Not that I'll stop eating it.

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