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>> No.4887678 [View]
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>sushi thread
>outlandish discussion about raw fish not having taste
jesus christos

my experience with home made sushi is that it's a bitch getting proper good salmon
also, don't make the bits too big or have too much rice
>not seasoning the rice
I don't even
just follow some online instructions

this video is abit snobbish but mostly right >4885627
But only if you go to a proper sushi joint.
It's ok to do the soy/wasabi slush to dip your sushi in since most cheap places don't add wasabi to your sushi. Do dip more than just a corner if you want but try to dip it upside down so you never ever ever dip the rice. Having bits of rice in your soy sauce bowl is very dishonorable and makes you look like a barbarian. The guy in the video actually adds wasabi directly on top of the sashimi and that is hillarious, not recommended. Try to stick the sushi upside down into your mouth so that the fish flesh comes into direct contact with your tongue. This is the proper way to savour the taste. Also clean your palate with ginger between bits as said.
>putting ginger in contact with the sushi
ahah I've seen many acts of low honor to sushi but never this

anyways, best sushi I ever had was when my dad went dwon to the harbour on our holliday, went on a fucking norwegian fishing boat, worked half a day for the promise of a big fresh rainbow salmon, brought it back, prepared the sushi and served it within an hour of it's capture

he is an asshole but man he knows how to serve sushi

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