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>> No.6685895 [View]
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Be 21 about to deploy to Iraq. A few people in my unit and myself decide to go to Vegas for our week off before we leave instead of going home since fuck trying to go back home along with 2k+ other people. they actually have their GFs and wifes meet them in Vegas. and everyone does own thing.

One day get a text asking what im doing. say im seeing a show. they say have fun and leave it at that. bought ticket early so im in second row. during show something hits me in the back of my head, i look back and see the group of them all together with their girls. after show we talk and they ask if i want to play some beer pong or something. i say sure and we go to some little club that has tables for it. and this is where the night starts.

I dont like beer at all and tell them so make a deal i'll keep drinking my Vodka and play with them and my team mate will drink the beer. i win both rounds even though we swapped team mates. after the games they say fuck it lets celebrate your 21st birthday. "but that was 7 months ago" "we know you didnt do shit" "ok you got me, lets go" we go and find a club and ask how we get a private booth they say you have to put 80 dollars towards your tab for the night up front and we say fuck we are going to drink more than that (there are 7 of us total) and we get a booth they checked our IDs and saw 5 of us are army. so they let us go alittle bit more crazy cause everyone was still muh 9/11 muh freedom back then. they asked what we should start with and i said "i'll stick with my vodka im a plain guy" "wtf have you even tried anything else" "not really but i like my vodka" "fuck that you are having a new drink every glass" starts out fine they make fun of me a little as i react to new drinks, get told guy one of the guys club didnt have a RR for guests (made it up as a gauge to see how drunk i was) had to walk out one entrance and into casino 10 feet away through casino floor to RR at back to piss

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