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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.5175111 [View]
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this is cat

>> No.5116856 [View]
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>tfw hungover right now
>tfw sipping a chilly low sodium v8 with a splash of Tabasco and vodka.

are you fucking JEALOUS M8?

>> No.5002393 [View]
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Fellow /ck/ooks, its OK to curse in the kitchen, yes? Do you guys cuss at work and hear it often? My new as fuck assistant manager tripped out bigtime when I jokingly called a coworker a motherfucker earlier. It wasn't even in front of customers, it was in the kitchen. Apparently she didn't appreciate my excessive profanity one bit and planned on bringing it up with the store manager and even the district manager when she sees them. It took all I had to not burst out laughing in her face.

>mfw this girls been here a week
>mfw I've worked with store manager almost a year and am certain no fucks will be given
>mfw I've worked with district manager two years and certain no fucks will be given
>mfw this girl is so new she doesn't even know yet that the district manager has a fouler mouth than I do

I respect that she's my superior and all, but if your going to complain about foul language in a fucking kitchen then maybe this isn't your line of work. I've been in some other kitchens, she should really just be thankful I speak english and show up sober. Just saying.

>> No.4997045 [View]
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If you can understand this post.......call an ambulance quick. I don't know if you're gonna make it.

>> No.4988554 [View]
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>he doesn't use peppers

>> No.4953738 [View]
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I would really like to stop coming here. Its an addiction. But I don't know where to go. I've been spending more time on le Reddit, it really is so much better than this trash.Ban me mod faggots like you did last time. I hate all of you and I hate this website. Fuck you.

>> No.4928040 [View]
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True as fuck story.

>be in highschool
>walk into taco bell with group of five or six friends.
>30 mins til close so we eat in dining room
>we ravage the hot sauce container, which for some reason has been set up by an autist
>every sauce packet is set up in perfect lines with the front facing up
>fuck it, we need the sauce
>some obese nigress autist storms out of the kitchen and starts making a scene of how we'd destroyed her perfect sauce display
>mfw 20 minutes until close?
>she makes a huge deal of it, starts hollering and screeching
>whatever bitch
>even when we leave its five minutes until close
>shes still behind the counter aping up a hurricane
>I grab two of the cool ones, tell them lets go grab fistfulls of those precious sauce packets
>we walk to the condiment station and load up
>she starts screeching that shes calling the police
>fuck that, we walk out hands and pockets full of sauce
>we get outside and dump every sauce packet behind the back tires of my Jeep Cherokee.
>she follows out wailing and screaming about the police
>pull in reverse, its like a sauce packet popping exploding new years
>parking lot looks like an violent murder scene, sauce and aluminum everywhere.
>cracked out nigress tries to chase us out of the parking lot
>mfw she was probably arrested for crackhead when the cops showed up.

>> No.4759552 [View]
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Its like you want cancer.

>> No.4348587 [View]
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Oh. In that case, why don't you squirt them all up your fucking ass and shit-spray the results onto a neutral colored canvas. Like maybe your carpet, walls or dining table. If you aren't going to cook something then at least keep us amused. You did make a thread which may or may not be wasting our time.

Go on, OP. Make something of yourself. Entertain us, amuse us. You have our attention, now is the time to do something with your life. Shove that bottle of dill up your ass and squeeze hard for dear life.

>> No.4116848 [View]
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partially hydrogenized soybean oil, monosodium glutamate, natural and artificial flavors, natural and artificial colors, sodium benzoate, sodium hydrochloride, sodium phosphate, sodium manganese, sodium pyroxide, sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, sodium benzoate, sodium lactate, sodium carbonate, sodium tetrahydraperiolixide, sodium tinnitus, sodium angus, sodium annato coloring and pepper, sodium monixide, sodium, oxygen, sodium ethylene, sodium argon, sodium yeast, sodium calcium, sodium iron, sodium zinc, sodium photons, sodium lard, sodium ethanol, sodium mootsodium, sodium hydrogen, sodium horse, sodium beans, sodium teats, sodium coloring, sodium presley, sodium acid, sodium salt, sodium oil, sodium eggs, sodium alganate, sodium butane, sodium propane, sodium wood esther, and semen.

>> No.4038783 [View]
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i just reported this shitty fucking post, which is kind of funny, since i am a janitor. that's right ass hole. i don't need to report shit, but i thought i would in this case just so you know how bad you fucked up. in roughly two minutes i will delete this shit.

as a janitor, a user of elevated privilege, i actually have a special report interface that patches me directly to moot. so he will be here soon to ban your ass. that's right, moot and i are good friends so he regularly bans the fuckheads that i run across on 4chan. he also gave me access to the mysql database on the server so i can see every post you've ever made - and man, you posted a lot of fucking shit. i actually am going to report your ip to the feds, no joke, there is some seriously illegal shit in these log files which are currently up on my screen.

you picked the wrong board to shitpost on mother fucker. this is the end of you.

>> No.4028493 [View]
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.3960202 [View]
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You will need:
>Canned Tuna
>Lemon Juice
>Salt & Pepper
>Bell Pepper (or carrot)
>Saltine Crackers (or breadcrumbs, or anything like that.)
>Cajun Seasoning

Step One:
Chop up your celery, onion and bell pepper (or carrot) very finely and sautee it for a bit. (This'll obviously be your Mirepoix or "Holy Trinity" depending on which you decide to do. Either way, it's 1 part celery, 1 part bell pepper (or carrot) and 2 parts onion.)

Step Two:
Strain your tuna. Dump it into a bowl with the sauteed mixture and some saltines along with the Cajun seasoning, salt, pepper and lemon. Add egg. Mix it up.

Step Three:
Make patties out of the mixture. Lay them aside.

Step Four:
Cook the patties! Toss them in the same pan you sauteed the aromatics, cook them with butter until lightly browned on each side.

Step Five:
Eat. I like them in a pita with a light cream sauce or just plain. You can also try them on a fried tortilla with fresh veggies. It makes a great lunch.

Hope you enjoy!

Forgot the mayo/mustard. You need to add mayo and or mustard to the patty mixture.


>> No.3935050 [DELETED]  [View]
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Alright /ck/ I wanna make a God-tier sandwich later. What do you guys recommend I get when I go to the store? Nothing too difficult, I don't plan on baking my own bread or anything.

Any meat or cheese combination recommendations? Any awesome veggies or sauces I could get? Any sort of bread that'll really bring it over the top? I am thinking about doing turkey, salami, bacon and swiss cooked on wheat bread in a pan like grilled cheese. After the outside is toasted I'd pull it apart and add some leaf lettuce, onion, tomato, ranch dressing, salt and pepper.

This is just the best thing I can think up but I'm up for suggestions.

>> No.3925892 [View]
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LOAD dat bitch UPPP!!!!!!

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