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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.17462253 [View]
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>Worked at a Carvel (ice cream place)
>We have to defrost our rollaway freezers everyday
>Boil water in big metal cylinder to pour it on freezer and melt the ice
>for some retard peanut brain reason, I grab the whole thing completely filled to the top with boiling water with bare hands
>don't notice the burn until i've been carrying it for 10 seconds
>the pain in my hands is so unbearable I drop it on my foot and the boiling water gets all over me
>couldn't feel any sensation in my hands for a month and my foot was broken and burned

>> No.12140812 [View]
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>> No.11902086 [View]
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>why did they ban us?? we never sperged out in other threads wtf.. so unfair

>> No.11372884 [View]
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>> No.11272291 [View]
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>homemade food thread
if you call that lunchable homemade food then youre a fucking retard

>> No.11246907 [View]
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>trying to find a sustainable food source from somewhere other than big game and shit means we're "devolving"
>animals eat insects
>implying humans aren't animals
>implying animals don't also eat other animals
Imagine being sub-50 IQ

>> No.11128197 [View]
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>"femanon here"
>proceeds to bitch about something to which this is completely irrelevant
Kill yourself

>> No.11095838 [View]
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>> No.11058537 [View]
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>this is fucking water.

>> No.10837530 [View]
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>anaerobic botulism producing toxins in an open can

>> No.10835785 [View]
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>"I forgot to add salt"
>Did you use unsalted butter?

Kill yourself

>> No.10807740 [View]
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>> No.10258988 [View]
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>> No.10258911 [View]
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Years and years ago my room mate and I made an epic feast. We had our girlfriends come over and wanted to make a really badass meal for them and just have a great night.

We made bbq ribs, brisket, a really great 5 cheese Mac and cheese with bits of sausage in it, a big salad, just a great comfort food meal for a cold winters night.

The girls came over and we were pulling the Mac and cheese out of the oven. We all stepped outside to smoke a blunt when we heard something explode. We came back inside and the dish we had baked the Mac in was placed on a burner that was left on. There were small glass shards in every bit of what we cooked. The meats were all laced with glass fragments. None of the meal was salvageable. We had to toss it all.

It was a great tragedy.

>> No.10077995 [View]
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>> No.9890091 [View]
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How do you go about rinsing rice?

>you can always add more water
I did this last time and it ended up tasting like baby vomit.

>> No.9805206 [View]
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>Want to learn about cooking
>Go to /ck/

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