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>> No.18309979 [View]
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>if you think that group is representative of an average African, you're mentally retarded.

The average african is a post-industrialist, you fucking buffoon.

>You also cherrypick shit too much.
says the retard with the completely arbitrary standards for what exemplifies good health

>I am operating on the standard dictionary definition of health.
>"the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit"
Ah yes, the average godless, depressed, obese American on a buffet of medication represents these attributes so resplendently

>he unironically linked a media clickbait article about a specific group of Africans having healthy hearts
If you actually clicked on the article and read literally the first line, you'd have seen this was a South American tribe, but I'm glad you could out yourself as a fucking moron speaking entirely out of his ass.

>as evidence that Africans are broadly healthier than Americans
But what's not what I am saying. How is anything cherrypicked about this? My point was about the health in uncontacted and indigenous peoples, who show time and time again to have superior biomarkers for health despite being ignorant of the circumstances that surround that

>We're 2-3 inches taller on average now than we were in 1950.
Taller people die sooner than shorter people on average. wouldn't this run counter to your fetishization of life expectancy? Or could it be that health is a complex and multifaceted thing that is sometimes contradictory?

>blah blah muh clickbait
shut the fuck up nerd and provide a source if you want to counter mine

>I know your brain is rotted from /pol/
Is the same dude who just went on a rant about 'brown people from third world shithole countries' lowering the average IQ of white countries? Are you legitimately schizophrenic or am I chatting with a bot?

>you think everyone is an obese McDonald's regular, but it isn't reality.
I don't know what this statement even means

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