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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.12189350 [View]
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Gotcha, I understand where you're coming from now.

>You didn't think about this meaning because it's so ingrained in every single day of your life and you take it for granted as normal without even noticing.
Nah, I just didn't know what you meant. I don't care for most processed foods. IMO the best food is good quality ingredients prepared in a simple way. My basic rule for buying food is that if it comes in a package then I probably don't want it. Real food looks like pic related.

As for why people like highly processed foods? Tons of reasons, many of them different.
-some processed foods are methods of using technology to use up byproducts from other kinds of food production
-other processed foods are designed for convenience--they're marketed to people who are unable or unwilling to do their own cooking.
-others are engineered to appeal to a certain market, like sugar cereal for little kids, or soylent for incels.

>> No.11989296 [View]
File: 96 KB, 600x608, supermarket-refrigeration-3-meat-produce-case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's everywhere
Why do people say this? This is what food looks like. There's no HFCS here.

HFCS isn't in "everything", it's only in low-end processed foods--things which you should only be buying in very small quantities if at all.

>> No.11957423 [View]
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>>What's your usual list?
About the only thing I buy consistently is milk and oatmeal for breakfast. Everything else depends on the season.

>>What stores do you like to go to?
I do most of my shopping at HEB. I also visit the local farmer's market, butcher, Asian market, and Indian/Desi market. I also visit a "Signature" Kroger, exclusively for their cheese section but I don't buy anything else there because otherwise HEB has a better selection and better prices.

>>What are you planning on making this week?
Masaman curry, potato soup with venison sausage on the side, chicken tortilla soup, pork ribs with beans, beer can chicken with cornbread, grilled squash soup, mapo tofu. Plus misc. salads/sandwiches.

>>How are the prices?

>>Other tips, tricks, etc?
Real food looks like pic related--it doesn't have a brand name on it. Buy ingredients like this and cook from scratch wherever possible, it saves money and it's usually a lot healthier too. Also, whenever you buy meat, fish, or poultry buy the largest possible cut. E.e. whole chickens instead of breasts, whole fish instead of fillets, bone-in roasts instead of boneless, etc. That saves you money, and it gives you materials to make stock from.

>> No.11868861 [View]
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>>The massive domination and dehumanization that goes on systematically is okay if I'm rich enough not to be affected by something that affects 90% of my society.
Lolwhut? That's not even close to what I wrote, and that doesn't even make sense on any level. You don't a have to be rich to avoid buying shitty products. Far from it, in fact. This is what real food looks like. It's by far the cheapest way to eat. And there's no brand name or logo anywhere. Buying ripoff products from evil corporations is not a poor persons's problem, it's a rich person's one. A poor person can't afford to buy overpriced corporate garbage.

>>Yeah, I guess I should tell my fellow countrymen to start listening to bible-fucking preachers
Who said anything about that? Also, you didn't answer any of my questions. Please do. they were not rhetorical.

>> No.11538609 [View]
File: 96 KB, 600x608, supermarket-refrigeration-3-meat-produce-case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With the amounts of soybean oil, soy lecithin, etc in our foods it's not hard to get large doses over long periods.
The point is that the period is VERY short. Are you getting up in the middle of the night to eat more soy every single hour?

Also, it depends entirely on what kind of food you eat. I buy pic related and cook. There's zero soy in it. I suppose someone who eats nothing but processed foods which contain soy, and if that person has some kind of disorder and really does eat every hour then yeah, that person might have a problem because of the soy. But I would guess the soy would probably be the least of such a person's worries.

>>One cup of soybeans (cooked) contains somewhere between 60 and 150mg of soy isoflavonoids.
How many people are eating that much straight soy on a regular, consistent, basis for weeks on end? I don't mean eating a soy product once or twice a day. I mean every single hour. Because that's how often you must consume it for it to remain active in your body. First pass through the liver is a real bitch.....

>> No.11507227 [View]
File: 96 KB, 600x608, supermarket-refrigeration-3-meat-produce-case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything you buy at a grocery store is processed

This is what I buy at the grocery store. None of it is processed, unless you are being some kind of pedantic sperg

>>durr that carrot was pulled out of the ground and washed therefore it's processed

>> No.11387507 [View]
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>All food is processed to a degree.
Stop being pedantic, spergie.

You can easily get non-processed food at a normal supermarket. Pic related.

>> No.11374560 [View]
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The point is relying on brands at ALL being the problem.

This is what food looks like. Notice there is no brand name anywhere.

>> No.11219056 [View]
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Real food doesn't come in packages.

>> No.11165349 [View]
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I'm not that anon, but for me the logic works like this:
IT's not that maltodexterin is dangerous or there is any health-related reason for avoiding it. Rather, it showing up on an ingredient list is a red flag that you're not buying a wholesome natural product. Instead you're buying some kind of processed junk.

Real food look like this. It doesn't even have an ingredient list, let alone one with a bunch of funny business on it.

>> No.11149755 [View]
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>Any suggestions?
The foods you listed sound good to me. I'm just curious why you imply that it's difficult to avoid wheat? That seems pretty easy to do.

Pic related contains zero wheat and presents thousands of different meal options. You don't have to go Asian, you can just...you know...stop buying bread. And if you're eating out there are countless options thanks to today's low-carb or no-carb fad.

>> No.11141190 [View]
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>and stabilizers as additives in almost all of our food
This is what food looks like, anon. There's no soy here.

>> No.11056884 [View]
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forgot my pic like a moron

If this sort of thing isn't the overwhelming majority of what you are eating then you are failing hard at living.

>> No.10963311 [View]
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>Has anyone successfully gone about doing this?

Sure. It's called cooking from scratch. This pic shows what basic foods look like. there is no added sugar here.

>> No.10921941 [View]
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>I honestly didn't know that.
You never cut up a carton as a kid to use for a craft project or something?

>>possible to avoid plastic
Sure. Buy pic related and cook from scratch. for the few things that you need to buy pre-made look for glass bottles.

BTW, metal cans are also lined with plastic, otherwise the food inside could react with the metal of the can. That applies to beverage and food cans.

>> No.10746132 [View]
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Stock yes, compost no. Scraps that are not suitable for stock get thrown outside and nature takes care of it (I live out in the country)

As a general rule I try to avoid any food product that comes in boxes or bags. Pic related is what I try to buy whenever possible.

As for the white parts of peppers, it depends on what I'm making. For bell peppers I usually remove it. For spicy peppers I leave it in since that's where a lot of the heat is.

>he can't into to the holy trinity
point and laugh at this sad sack of shit

>> No.10718563 [View]
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>which I know you don't
Keep thinking that, fuckhole.

this is what food looks like.

>> No.10651440 [View]
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Hell, you don't even need to rely on only bulk slow cooker recipes or beans. You can cook a massive variety of things and still eat on the cheap. Keys are:
1) Buy food in the closest-to-natural way you can. I am not talking about a hippie organicfag. I mean buy things as whole as possible: whole fish instead of fillets. whole chickens instead of cuts. primal cuts of beef instead of steaks. first off, the ingredients are cheaper this way because the more work the market has to do the more the price will get jacked up. Second, you get bones, veggie tops, etc, that you can use to make stock from. Stock saves you money, is super nutritious, and super delicious.

2)Reduce waste. Trimmings can be used to make stock. Stock is why restaurant dishes are god tier and yours suck. Make stock.

3) Spend most of your money on pic related. Avoid box mixes, premade sauces, whenever possible. Buy ingredients and make those yourself.

>> No.10548448 [View]
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You'd have to ask an American.

My guess is that it doesn't have anything to do with so-called "gullet stuffing". People simply reject this industrial slime for what it is: unfit for human consumption. I'd rather eat fast food than this trash, and that's saying something.

Pic related is what real food looks like.

>> No.9744795 [View]
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>it's pretty much impossible, when you start reading labels you realize its everywhere
Real food doesn't have labels on it, anon. Where do you see labels here?

>> No.9543976 [View]
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>You're not eating mass market brand name foods produced by multinational food conglomerates, right /ck/?

My rule of thumb is that real food doesn't come in any kind of packing or with a brand label on it. It comes like pic related.

Of course I do buy condiments, spices, etc, canned food, etc, but I try and make the majority of all my ingredients to be fresh produce, poultry, seafood, or meat.

>> No.9533606 [View]
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>Why would this matter?
I would be kind of dumb for me to tell you to go buy Akitakomachi rice, mirin, konbu, and katsuobushi if you live in middle America. Likewise it would be stupid for me to tell you to buy hot dogs and BBQ sauce if you live in Japan. Those ingredients wouldn't be easily found in the wrong location, or if they are they will be retardedly expensive.

As for cooking skill: What if I told you to buy nothing but pic related, but you have no idea how to cook from scratch? Can you see the obvious problem?

>> No.9376546 [View]
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>Tell me; how much does it hurt knowing that your government values corporations higher than people?

I'm not OP, but that doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I rather like it. I would prefer that the government not bother wasting any more resources than it already does on something that I can easily figure out on my own.

That's a lot of "The sky is falling" bullshit right there. Hyperbole, and people fearing what they don't understand. It's fine. Given how lawsuit happy our country is you can bet your ass that there is nothing harmful in there.

To answer your question, no, I don't microwave food in the plastic it comes in because I don't buy microwave meals. Generally speaking food that comes in a package doesn't taste very good and it's overpriced. Pic related is what food looks like. There's no risk or worry about silly packaging here.

>> No.9273474 [View]
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>found in just about every other food

Where do you see "food coloring" here, anon? This is what real food looks like.

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