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>> No.11851307 [View]
File: 671 KB, 1632x1224, 3.22 red fife crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely recommend stretch and folds, it builds a lot of strength into doughs, especially when you use a higher percentage of whole wheat flour.

Can you explain to me the "start from a cold oven" technique? That sounds totally counterintuitive to everything I know about baking bread. I've always read that it's best to have the oven and baking vessel/surface as hot as possible before putting the dough into the oven.

>> No.11499530 [View]
File: 676 KB, 1632x1224, 3.22 red fife crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gotchu.

50g starter

250g bread flour

250g red fife flour

10g salt

385g-400g water

mix flours and water, autolyse however long you want (i did about an hour and a half on this one.) add salt and starter, pinch and fold to incorporate. cover, stretch and fold every 30 minutes for 3 hours (total of 6 s+f), cover and let rise in cool area 8-12 hours (depends on how active the starter is and what your dough and room temp are. this one went for the full 12 hours.)

shape, proof in a brotform on the counter until it passes the finger-dent test. when it’s getting close to proofed, preheat dutch oven to 500F. score dough, place in oven and turn oven temp down to 450F. bake covered for 30 minutes, uncovered for 12-17 min depending on how you like it.

>> No.11371372 [View]
File: 676 KB, 1632x1224, 3.22 red fife crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you!

nope, not at all. you just mix flour and water and let it sit, then dump some, mix in some more flour and water, and continue for a week or two until you've got a lil colony of yeast and bacteria. then you can pop it in the fridge and feed it once a week (if you're not baking more than once a week.)

it really doesn't take too much time. for a sourdough loaf like pic related, start to finish is like 18-24 hours BUT it's basically all hands-off. i can feed my starter in the morning on a saturday, mix up the dough that afternoon and do the bulk fermentation, then shape it and pop it in the fridge overnight and bake on sunday. it seems like a lot of work but it's really not.

i bake all my batards and boules in a dutch oven. i HIGHLY recommend baking homemade bread in a dutch oven because they get super hot, heat evenly, and capture the natural steam which gives you a better spring and crust. as far as rising — without knowing your recipe/process, make sure your yeast or starter is active and do a bunch of stretch and folds to help build tension.

damn. that crumb is lovely.

>> No.11239679 [View]
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also just google "tartine sourdough recipe" or "flour water salt yeast sourdough recipe." these are two brilliant cookbooks, they're the main popular sourdough cookbooks available (your local library probably has them.)

>> No.10643508 [View]
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but couldn't you make all of those in a dutch oven? plus, the bread you can bake in a dutch oven is gonna be way better (and requires little effort or kneading if you use the stretch and fold method).

not bad. you baking it on a tray or in a dutch oven?

>> No.10543791 [View]
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Yeah, I usually do a long bulk ferment because I don't build a leaven beforehand, and then proof in the fridge while I'm at work. Pic related is one I made more recently and proofed for about 24 hours in the fridge.

>> No.10507013 [View]
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nice. i bake most of my breads in a dutch oven for the oven spring.

>> No.10397736 [View]
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>> No.10331088 [View]
File: 676 KB, 1632x1224, 3.22 red fife crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to let it cool first. I'm very pleased with the crumb.

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