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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.20282375 [View]
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I just checked, and this is the 34th time OP has reposted this image in just under 2 months. Nine of those were original threads. The first one listed the ingredients and was an innocuous attempt to start a discussion about Italian subs. The other 8 were,
>i made this
>rate my sandwich
>imagine eating this good
>Rate My Sammwich.
>we eating good tonight, fags.
>eating good tonight fellas
>I'm eating like a KING

OP is a literal psychopath.

>> No.19892224 [View]
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Lot's of people also say shit like, "cooking is a woman's job," and yet 99% of everyone working in professional kitchens is male. It's a difference between home cooks and professionals. Non-white people tend to come from cultures with far less convenience foods, and more traditional cooking, so they often learn from their parents how to prepare a number of dishes using whole ingredients. Many white people never learn to cook these days, and only really start when they've moved out and have no idea what they're doing. The "white people can't cook" thing refers to those individuals who never learned. On the other hand, most non-white ("ethnic") restaurants aren't typically making anything much different from what the average home cook from that country makes, while professional cooks in the West are being far more innovative and introducing ingredients and techniques to always make something better. Michelin is also based in France and has a strong bias towards their own cuisine (and they also started fetishizing Japanese cuisine in the 70's, which had a significant influence on Nouvelle cuisine).

>> No.19697003 [View]
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Can we all just take a moment, catch our breath, pour another drink, and simply recognize a few undeniable facts before continuing on with this thread?
1) OP was browsing recipes for ranch on his phone on a Monday night.
2) phone posters are universally cancer
3a) at lest once a week somebody makes a thread bitching about how every online recipe starts with a a cringy blog nobody wants to read
3b) any thread that starts with a screenshot of some literal who on social media is cancer (seriously, you could just type out the exact same shit in the OP and it would carry just as much "authority" - i.e. none)
3c) OP not only read the mom blog, on his phone, but highlighted part of it, took a screenshot, and made a thread criticizing people who eat ranch - EVEN THOUGH HE WAS THE ONE LITERALLY LOOKING UP MOM BLOG RECIPES FOR HOMEMADE RANCH
4a) Someone makes a thread at least twice a week wondering why people are scared of MSG (those threads are stupid because nobody on /ck/ is scared of MSG)
4b) the mom blog OP spent his Monday night reading continues, "I was feeling so proud of myself creating healthy snacks for my kids while teaching them how to read and follow directions—and then I read the ingredientsYikes! MSG and a number of other things I could not pronounce. I quickly decided to find a scratch-made Ranch dressing recipe"
5) OP is a gigantic fag, and like all fags who think they hate fags, he spent his entire night engaging in fag behavior only to spread his fagginess here, looking for validation that he isn't actually a fag, in spite of posting a thread that might as well have been a picture of him deepthroating another fag while complaining that having his nose so close to another man's asshole makes him think of the smell of shit.

>> No.19621294 [View]
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Teen bong who thinks he's a lot cooler than he is.
Has good taste, but is a smoker.
Preteen bong.
12 year old girl.
Mid-20's, not a big drinker, but doesn't mind doing his own thing.
Late-20's, only recently started branching out from macros.
30 something foreveralone cat lady.
Has been drinking long enough to know how to make a good troll image. Probably drinks nothing vodka these days.
19 year old who just moved into his first apartment and is still playing house.

>> No.19595096 [View]
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>bad choice of vodka
>not mexican coke (or any other, better quality soda)
>bad choice of mixed drink to begin with
>wrong type of ice cubes
>wrong type of glass (again)
>wrong type of ice cube for that glass, assuming there is a *right* type
>bad ratio, which will only be further messed up as the ice begins to melt
>buying a bottle of coke that's larger than your bottle of vodka, or vice versa
>buying that thin sliced, 100 calorie bread like a woman
>not even a garnish this time (I fucking lemon wheel would have done wonders)

>> No.19571450 [View]
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>no plastic insight
1) Literally everything in her cart is packed in plastic.
2) How do I obtain *plastic insight*?

>> No.19520491 [View]
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>if you close your eyes fucking another man in the ass feels exactly the same as what i imagine a vagina feels like
That's pretty much what I from the OP.

>> No.19364793 [View]
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Damn, this is probably the most haole post I've ever seen on the internet. At first I was going to call you an army brat, but that would mean you lived there as a kid, which obviously isn't the case. Then I was thinking you must just be a low class "joined the military by choice" tard and was stationed there for 6 months or whatever. Then I realized there's no possible way you've even seen the Pacific irl, and probably just got some random 3rd hand nonsense from a friend of a friend who has a friend in a militia who got kicked out of the Navy but definitely, totally, heard all about what Hawaii is like from some dude when he was in basic training. You're so far off base you left Kansas in a tornado, circled the entire globe while continuously puking on yourself, and then landed back in Kansas with a Fentanyl addiction.

>> No.19079396 [View]
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>you have to press buttons to get through a bunch of useless screens and type in 0.00 for the tip
>type in unlock code
Lol. What century are you living in? Those things are nice because it's literally 3 screens. One with the amount telling you to pay, one to add a tip (and there's ALWAYS buttons with suggested amounts and one that says "no tip", and then one to confirm. It takes 10 seconds at most. And who the fuck still uses a password to unlock their phone?

>> No.18356689 [View]
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Damn, the copium from smashfags in this thread is off the charts. First they went from,
>smash burgers aren't overcooked
>your burgers wouldn't be overcooked if you knew how to cook and stopped looking at your phone so much
>of course smash burgers are overcooked; that's the point
>you really should be cooking your burgers well-done anyways

>> No.18269594 [View]
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>tell me what a loser I am
Oh boy, where to start.
>bought two costco ribeyes for 19$/lb
>labeled "prime" despite the clear "choice" marbling
>fired up the grill and still for some reason decided to cook it on indirect heat
>cooked it nearly all the way through before flipping and still got a shit sear
>bought two steaks but still only cooked one for two people
>only had one fucking steak to cook and still couldn't pay enough attention to cook it properly
>even when using a probe thermometer
>wife threw some canned soup and frozen veg in a dish and called it a side dish
>spent 5 minutes sauteing some mushrooms and called it a garnish
>claims to have rested the steak and yet the plate is swimming in juices
>disgustingly overcooked
>maybe one edible bite on the entire plate, and it's only half a serving
Haha, but at least you're married. Steak night is bj night, amiright?

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