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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.10502593 [View]
File: 85 KB, 545x483, gang violence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people will build denser where land values are high (where people actually want to live) and people will add retail/entertainment in areas that people actually use
the opposite is visible in the united states; the nice places to live are all surrounded by suburbs, and where is densly built becomes devalued because americans are deathly afraid of cities. the only place this doesn't happen are places that are trendy for other reasons like san fran and new york, but who the fuck ACTUALLY lives in Philly and Seattle and Washington? niggers. literal niggers. white flight wasn't a one time thing, it's an ongoing phenomenon, and it ruins cities since it takes all the money out of them and puts it into overpriced suburbs served exclusively by national brand chain stores.

what needs to happen is careful oversight of development so you don't end up with just more suburbia and strip malls and urban centres devoid of intelligent life because everyone wants a job there but no one wants to live there, creating unsustainable situations basically leading up to what happened to Detroit

what has to happen is a two-step thing (with many more sub-steps but whatever)

>make cities not nigger-infested hellholes by introducing better emergency services, either booting out the niggers or reforming them by providing jobs that aren't gang-related, thus lowering crime and inviting in business and residential that isn't niggers

>make suburbs that people already live in more like autonomous towns instead of satellites by re-zoning already high usage routes to have lots of commercial properties, and make them densely packed and pedestrian-safe to encourage foot traffic and thus more frivolous and local spending

>city with not enough housing has very high rent prices
a lot of the houses are empty because it's all owned by chinese holding companies who don't rent them out. over-building leads to speculation leads to high prices. development must be measured and steady

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