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>> No.10980320 [View]
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Veganism is nothing more than a political ideology of sorts. It's not a diet so much as its a set of beliefs that any food based off of animals is "torture".

This would be mildly respectable if it weren't for the fact that most vegans think that stuff like bee honey, milk and diary products also qualify for abuse. (Nevermind the fact that diary cows need to be milked to be healthy.)

It's also not automatically healhy. Reese's Puffs are technically vegan but that doesn't mean you should consume them 24/7.

It's true that various legumes have enough protein to nourish somebody, but there's also some nutrients plant matter lacks that is only present in animal matter. This is why people who don't produce enough taurine on their own need supplements to achieve a vegan diet. It's also why you shouldn't force a kid into a vegan diet.

We're omnivores. We were meant to eat both plants and animals.

>"But m-muh teeth aren't similar to other omnivores!"
Because we didn't kill our food with our teeth way back then. No need for such destructive canines if the meat we chew is already dead.

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