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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.8388880 [View]
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I'll probably take some pics of it whilst it's in progress tomorrow, but there's some room for variation in the recipe depending on how sweet or chocolatey you want your cake to be.

For a generally very good chocolate sponge that's moist and holds its shape well, I use the cake from http://www.scharffenberger.com/pairings-and-recipes/recipes/cakes/that-chocolate-cake/ ignoring that it's branded cocoa and blah blah exchange as you find convenient. It should go without saying, but better ingredients yield better results.

For a more chocolatey one I use the recipe at the bottom of this: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2012/nov/21/how-to-cook-the-perfect-chocolate-cake

If you don't want your cake to look like shit, you need to buttercream it to a really smooth finish or cover it in mousse. I'd rather have something comfortable at room temperature though. I like ermine buttercream since it's not stupidly sweet, holds its shape well and it's easy to make, but you could go for swiss or french or italian, whichever you find easiest. Once it's crumb coated to within an inch of its life, stick it in the fridge and get to work on your glaze. You're gonna need a sugar thermometer for this.

For yanks:
For other bongs (ingredients in the description, ignore the shirtlessness):

Pour it over and there you go. It gets less shiny if you fridge it, and there's a day or two shelf life on them, but when you get it right you're just gonna want to eat it immediately anyway.

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