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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.18175726 [View]
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>Add last can of beans UNDRAINED
You have to be kidding, right? You know that's where both the lectins and the endocrine disruptors accumulate? You are never supposed to consume those liquids. Jesus Christ.

>> No.18032481 [View]
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Your guts microbiom, which helps you digest stuff needs to regulary get the desired food or it will reduce its colonies, making digestion harder if not painfull and impossible. Same goes for literally any kind of food, lactose being the most obvious one if you lack them. You have starved yourself for so long of proper food that the relevant bacteria barely exist anymore, making your tommy hurt when you consume them. That doesn't change the fact that your body still needs those building blocks. What you need to do is to slowly introduce easily digestible meat portions with your regular diet, while iincreasing them day after day. Notgo all retard eating a whole fatty steak, where your bile gland wants to sunset itself because it hsn't worked out like that for years.

And I seriously hope you get salt and fats somewhere else, as those are absolutely essential. Especially with Iodine. You are much more fucked if you consume too little than too much salt. Your microdose feeling comes from the fact that rice has the same glycemic index like industrial sugar in europeans, unlike asians. You're getting a quick high and similarly quick down as your blood sugar crashes.

Your diet is literally the worst you could combine together, especially if you don't soak your fucking beans in acidic medium, adding phytoxi on top of that. Your diet literally consists of fructose, more glucose in form of rice, carbs and phytoxosins in beans, with a deficide in salts and Iodine as well as any kind of fat. Jesus fucking Christ, unironically worse than just straight starving on snake juice.

>> No.17762096 [View]
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Farmed fish only looks good thanks for fucking food colouring in their food as well as dioxin ridden baltid sea fish and unironical soy, to cut costs of feeding. It is full of antibiotics, fucks up the sea around them to thpoit where actual salmon could get extinc due o their parasites and has basically no healthy omega 3, unlike the wild kind.

Plu most restaurans bus Chum salmon as "wild" which is salmon only in name and tastes nothing like actual salmon, so ordering it there is retarded in the first place. Always look for pazific wildcaught salmon.

>> No.17098279 [View]
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You guys have all the good laws EXCEPT for booze. Turns out the whole state is out of Buffalo Trace, unreal. Managed to grab the last quart of Longbranch out of the store at least.

>> No.15884875 [View]
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>he makes it even worse
YOU FULL BLOWN MONGOLOID, an infant CANNOT be allergic to his own mothers breast milk. Recommending trash formulas, non dairy one on fucking top of that, is the worst advice I've read all year. Jesus fuck, man. Get fucking help.

>> No.15558930 [View]
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Nigger, a prehistoric woman was pregnant, post partum or nursing from the age of 15 to 45. They weren't going hunting. Thos broken bones could have a multitude of reasons, falling from a cliff harvesting berries, running away from wild boar attacks or even other tribes, or god forbid getting shunned or belonging to a small and dying tribe where everyone had to help to fucking survive the winter, even if that meant a misscariage or infants death. Stop listening to retarded feminist historical revisionism. All people back than where regularly getting fucked by nature and dying by it's hands.

Not only that but putting your egg bearer in a danger zone, like a hunt, is peak retardation as it's the most important part of keping your tribe going for a next generation.

>> No.15552970 [View]
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Well, I live with my mother in law and if I don't put my stuff away in time she'll use up or fucks it up. We're currently snowed in without a possibility to go buy groceries. I forgott to store my oatmeals away out of her reach and gues what. After asking her, she told me she has used them to make bird feed for those retarded birds not able to look otherwise for food in winter. Nevermind those were fucking expansive organic oatmeals which I need to swallow my preggo pills without throwing up and that she still has a shittier box of animal feed oats lying around, because you know what, fucking sparrows and tits need organic seeds.
>but they were already open, anon!
>but it's JUST [shit in question], anon!
>I'll buy you new ones (never does), anon!

Learn to circumvent shitty people, everthing else will be a pain in the ass. Some, especially older boomers, have no respect for the stuff of other people. I don't want to even know what she would do to my Wüsthof if left without supervision. Probably cut som branches in the garden fo her fucking birds.

>> No.15402341 [View]
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Imagine stealing bottled water.

>> No.15373331 [View]
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Wrong. You can't be immun to estrogens and reproduce. It's an essential part of your rerproductive cycle. Endocrine disruptors aren't just bacteria or virus, they are your natural occurig essential building blocks in such a massive amount that your body can't work properly. There is no natural way of gettin immun and keep natural reproduction alive. The only thing possible, is for humans to go all in-vitro. Which in of itself will kill humanity due to the side effects.

Please stop spreading your retarded 6th grade understanding of the problem. The only people unaffected in studies, are those which aren't exposed. People which filter their water and go the extra steps or do not life in industrial zones.

>> No.15185418 [View]
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So much this. Moved in with MIL. Bought some top tier eggs handraised by neighboors. Next day she makes some boiled eggs, one would think, you can't fuck that up. Well, eggs go in and they boil away. She goes back watching TV. They still boil after 8 minutes. After 10 Minutes I'm sure she forgot and ask.
>"They should be fine soon"
Throw them out instantly trying to safe some.
Eggyolk is literally grey as shit, dry and crumbling. Tastes and smells absolutely disgusting.
>"why don't you eat any"

Fucking Boomers. Next day shejust throw 1kg of organic minced meat in a pot and boiled them.
>"once the water goes away they will be browned"
30 minutes later it barely boiled away.
>"Ah, it's ready and nice"
>procedes to mix them into mashed tatoes and serve that shit as a meal
No spices, no nothing. Just boiled minc and mash.

She can't even read a recipe. She will skip between different ones and fuck up most basic dishes, trying to tell me that I just made it wrong, as it works and she always does that.

>> No.14970177 [View]
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>you think you're part of the counter-culture, some kind of radical heretic
>you're just dumb and cobbling together all this pseudo bullshit
Imagine deducting such ridiculous assumptions because an anon advocates for regional and seasonal diets instead of meme fads and wishfull-thinking futurism. You sure you don't have some underlying issue to sold before bumping into a civilised conversation?

>If tomatoes were such a huge issue like you claim
Did I speak underwater taiwanese or how come you don't understand that not every bad habit or less than ideal food means certain death? Italians also have much more free time, higher pensions and earlier pension ages, as well as more multigenerational families - all factors are known to increase life and lifes quality. Going by pure life expectancy is babies first statistical mistake.

>How native is their diet, if one of the main ingredients comes from south america?
When we speak about native diets, we speak in millenia not decades or centuries. Tomatoes are modern aditives. "Traditional diets" rarely are actualy native diets as stuff like recipes and cultural norms change much quicker than our bodies. Maybe just start to read up on that topic before wasting someones time? "Nutrition and bodily generation" is a good start, when we're on the topic of reading, fren.

>Then why are you here instead of living in the woods and becoming nazi tarzan?
What does a better diet have to do with a lifestyle which is unarchivable and illegal in todays first world? Even if I wouldn't been thrown into jail for not paying taxes, I would starve because there are no woods, steppe or local flora and fauna, let alone a necessary community. We all have to do our best with what life has given us.

>That's probably why they started making yogurt in the first place.
It hasn't been started. It's just what happens to raw milk, it ferments and becomes longer consumable.

>> No.14957691 [View]
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It's under control every where. Europe is just using it to implement laws and reduce freeddoms which would be otherwise impossible. It's a tool, brainlet. Now all european countries can suddenly call out a pandemic and forbid you to meet your family, go out at all, demonstrate or use any transportation outside of pure emergencies. Thanks to the home office the big economic players can throw all the expanses onto the worker (electricity, rent etc) and globohomo giants like Amazon can swallow all local retail generating trillions and getting a de facto monopoly. You also can be forced to receive vacinnations, even untested for under new laws. Unhappy with that? You can't demonstrate, meet like minded people or even shitpost about it, as it falls under dangerous hatespeech. Once UBI is implemented you will be a slave to the state, which can get their income frozen for not wearing a mask or saying something prolematic.

Oh and if you see your last hope in God, church is also cancelled during easter and christmas because no social distance, goy.

Japan didn't meme it further because once they relised it's just chinese propaganda to destroy the west, they seen it for what it s, a fucking imply corona flu, like every fucking years.

Imagien being such a mongoloid sheep, for lake of a more suited word.

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