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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.19142153 [View]
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>> No.18822225 [View]
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>'ere yew go chef a bred sandwich :)

>> No.18544006 [View]
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>> No.18384494 [View]
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>linked new thread in old thread
>linked past thread in new thread
>properly formatted
>linked pastebin

>> No.18121188 [View]
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>This board should focus on antisemitism and actual cooking threads.
Finally, a good fucking post.

>> No.17767973 [View]
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>comes to your restaurant

As invited

>shits on your food

Cause it's shit made by a delusional self important narcissist

>insults you to your face

Like you deserve

>breaks staff moral

Was already broken, cause youre an unapproachable, tyrant boomer-child, who blows his top at the slightest hint of criticism

>changes your menus

Cause it was shit you had no idea how to cook correctly.

>makes shit ton of money humiliating you in front of millions

Cause you (and your family) are a walking disaster that's easy and entertaining to make fun of

>ripping whatever is left of your establishment's reputation and thus forcing you to close weeks later

Like you deserve, and your shit "establishment" was already going to close anyway cause you dont know how to cook, manage people properly, or get your shit together.


Like the Scottish Chad he is.

>> No.17757929 [View]
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1. Tomatoes - I love tomato sauces, and bisque, but just tomatoes themselves is gross. Too watery.

2. Coffee - I've always hated coffee. Had a bad experience with it when I was a kid and that mostly put me off it. I gave it a chance a bunch of different ways as an adult, but my opinion didnt change. I just dont like coffee.

3. Raisins - I just dont like raisins.

4. Cabbage - I hate the taste and smell of cabbage. There might be one or two methods of preparing it out there that I dont hate, but im just not interested in looking for them.

5. Cauliflower - I can't get past the briny taste of cauliflower or broccoli. I just hate them both.

6. Grapes - I just dont like grapes. I dont know what it is.

7. Ketchup - I figure I'd love Ketchup, since I have a sweet tooth, but I don't. I fucking hate Ketchup, and all the shit it's supposed to go on/with is made so much worse by it.

8. Mustard - Same with Mustard. I hate that Mustard taste.

9. Eggplant - I dont hate eggplant as much as a lot of other things on this list, but I have to be in the mood for it, and i'm so rarely in the mood for it. I'd rather eat most anything else.

10. Nutella - Don't like it. Hate the taste.

11. Liver - Maybe I just haven't had it prepared right, but as with Eggplant, there's so many other things Id rather eat.

12. Oysters - Blech. I'd rather have Scallops, or crab, or shrimp, or anything besides Oysters.

13. Brussel Sprouts - Hate the smell, hate the taste. Hate it. My dad used to love Brussel Sprouts, and it always grossed me out whenever he made them.

14. Raw Fish - I just don't trust anything that isn't cooked, and I really dont care for that raw taste.

15. Broccoli - See cauliflower.

16. Pineapple - I hate the taste. Just hate it.

17. Snails - Tried em once. No thanks. Rather eat anything else.

18. Coconut - I hate coconut even more than I hate pineapple. Shavings taste like old stale mushy pasta. Just plain gross.

>> No.17440773 [View]
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the cheese is fully melted

>> No.13452732 [View]
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>thank you, wagie

>> No.12535346 [View]
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Some good fucking food

>> No.12466540 [View]
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Choca mocha and the biggest coffee milkshake they could make me. I want my head to explode

>> No.12219272 [View]
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What does /ck/ think about Kitchen Nightmares?

>> No.11938939 [View]
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>> No.11612248 [View]
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>> No.10807005 [View]
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What fast food joints would you say are good objectively speaking? Taking stuff like variety, pricing, """healthiness""", consistency between meals, taste, public image, all that and whatever else you think. And I do mean stuff like Subway or KFC (as shit as it can be), those big massive chains. What's the best ones? The worst ones?

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