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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.13208278 [View]
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oi m8 a warm mug of pulled pork and taters is mad comfy

that looks extra creamy and way better than mine shieeet

looks good id maybe want tarter sauce cuz im a casual

that looks cozy m8 and yes i want to try your potaters

that looks dank as heck, aint gonna lie im gonna make spaggetti and meetbolz in the next few days and people gonna bitch but they are worth it

looks good is it so dry it would stay good for a decent amount of time? never made jerky

cheers frozen food brother

would rek this, probably need 2 chops tho

plan to do this soon, look in to skillet cornbread and use a bit of animal fat to grease the pan get it nice and crispy, very nice imo


i know you hate me but thats nasty af

yeah i got a list of comfy shit to cook im so excited desu

im in houston my window of comfy weather is very narrow i want to move to alaska


heated up leftovers last night

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