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>> No.8172168 [View]
File: 1023 KB, 300x225, parkinson's batman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oddly, I went for diagnosis a few years ago because I noticed sudden difficulties with typing where I'd always had ease.
Still, because we caught it so early and because of my high level of physical activity before diagnosis as well as believe it or not, playing video games, my shakes aren't so bad compared to many other people with early onset PD.
Because I continue to be pretty physically active (and not even just for someone with Parkinson's, either, but in general) my onset is considerably slower than that experienced by most others. Of course, there are good days and bad, some where I have relatively few tremors and others where I'm a human paint mixer. It wasn't very bad Saturday, so I was able to type that out with some efficiency, however, I do have a back-up system in place for days where buttoning a shirt becomes a Herculean task. I have speech-to-text on all of my devices, so if I can't use my fingers to tell people on the internet that Five Guys is horrible, my voice can do it for me.

A digression on shirts, actually: fuck those expensive-ass magnetic-button shirts for people with PD costing about $100 each that my insurance won't cover. Fuck'em. I don't get it. They're willing to shell out $30K for a personal assistant to help me with buttoning my shit, but won't spend $1000 for a dozen shirts I can button myself. It makes no goddamn sense. I refuse to use an assistant for something like that when I'm still capable, for the most part, of buttoning my own shirts.

Pic related. It's me at a Halloween party last year.
>tfw no matter how spot on or concealing your costume is, people will always know it's the guy with parkinson's

>> No.4649013 [View]
File: 1023 KB, 300x225, 1339216363712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm going to my club later to lift weights and swim laps, then will have bloody marys and tequila shots in the club lounge afterwards before going out for dinner.

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