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/ck/ - Food & Cooking


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>> No.5028089 [View]
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Crispy home made fries -

Foil up a cookie sheet or whatever pan you have shiny side down
turn the oven to 450F
cut the potatoes however, toss them around in your oil and seasonings
roast them in the oven for 20 minutes
remove them and flip them over
roast for 10 more minutes
remove them and crank the oven up to 500F
toss the fries in the oil and seasonings one more time
bake 10 minutes more (keep an eye on them at this part, if they look done around 7-8 minutes or so, pull them)

>> No.4810422 [View]
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6 double cheeseburgers
Small fries
Diet coke

Also when you grab your order, you have to say
>"Y-you too.."

>> No.4690696 [View]
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This is the thing I hate worst about working at Walmart.

I'm a people person. Its my thing. I love helping out and doing what I can to make my customers have an awesome day.
As long as you're not a dick, or start charging at me and pointing your finger, i'll do everything I can to help you with whatever.
...but a giant portion of my co-workers are just so fucking crabby and downright shitty to customers that it bugs the hell outta me.
Yea, I get it. Some customers are dicks. Some of them just 'want' to piss you off.
But you need to be a fucking professional about it and not let it carry on to your next customer.

>> No.4674279 [View]
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I have $300 left after rent every month, and I can STILL afford to pay electric, gas, internet, food and video games if I want.

I'm not swimming in the lap of luxury, but I never go hungry, i'm comfortable, and knee-deep in vidya.
If I can't afford it right now, I just save up for it.

I think some people just don't understand that its not a good idea to spend $100 on a pair of shoes every month instead of paying off thier electric bill.
Its not that hard to live on your own, even in this so-called 'terrible economy'.
Just don't live beyond your means. Its not that difficult.

>> No.4669381 [View]
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ITT - Fat guys who love to eat and skinny manchildren who can't deal with it

I just had 2 bowls of rocky road ice cream because why the fuck not.
Also sweet tea. All day long.

>> No.4628826 [View]
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It really irks me when people don't 'read' signs or notes or other things when they're in a store.
I don't consider myself 'above' anyone, or better than anyone else, but holy fuckshit I wonder how some of these people get dressed properly in the morning sometimes.
If the machine says 'OUT OF ORDER' than it probably doesn't work, and you shouldn't put money in in.
If you see another sign that says 'These doors lock after 10pm' ....they're probably gonna be locked after 10pm.

Also, sometimes I feel like i'm the only fucking person in existence who double checks to see if I have my wallet BEFORE I go into a store.

>> No.4610388 [View]
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I worked at a BK for 2 years and hardly ever washed my hands.
It wasn't that I didn't care, it was just that we were always so goddamn busy (..and I was the only one in back actually 'working' and not fucking around and talking) i'd just get sidetracked.

I don't miss that place at all. Fuck the fast food business.

...I think i'll make another thread just about that.

>> No.4579309 [View]
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I can feel my arteries clogging just looking at that goddamn thing.. but yes.
I approve.

>> No.4527415 [View]
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Oh god its too early for my sides to be hurting
i'm going to bed

>> No.4517627 [View]
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Nearly 30 years old. I've lived in america all my life and i've never tipped once. Ever.
Its one of those polite 'social' things you're supposed to learn to do just because everyone else does.
Its never required.
I don't tip the mailman. I don't tip the guy who bags my groceries. So why the fuck should I tip the guy whos JOB it is to bring me food?
Fuck off with that bullshit.

>> No.4455820 [View]
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'Chicago style' anything means overpriced, overrated, and covered in grease, like all of the shitty pleb-tier food that comes from Chicago itself.
Fuck Chicago and all of its greasy shit-tier 'pizza' and whatever the fuck they think passes as a 'cheesesteak'.

Just saying.

>> No.4441158 [View]
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Southern cook mom.
Huge poor family.

Lots of beans with ham hocks and chunks of pork and beef
Rice and chicken
Huge pots of soups and stews
Roasts and veggies
Cow tongue and noodles
pig brains and eggs
Everything was greasy and salty and there was always sweet tea in the fridge.

..I kinda miss it.

>> No.4436433 [View]
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At the Walmart where I work, we have 5-6 electric carts that 'usually' work and sometimes in various states of repair.
One day, all but 1 of them broke at once.
My current manager was a cheap bastard who didn't give a single fuck, and the carts stayed broken for about 2 weeks.

For 2 weeks, both doorways were lined up on either side with angry fatties who refused to shop without one.
They would literally sit there for HOURS waiting for that one poor little cart to make its way back up front.
Eventually, it would run out of juice, and need to be recharged.
...which usually took 3-4 hours to complete.

One really fat lady sat in the cart for a full 3 hours while it charged, just camping on it to make sure noone would get it.

>> No.4384098 [View]
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Thats awesome. I love those really nice old ladies that bring me shit.
I don't even notice i'm being 'super polite'. I'm just.. one of those people who smile easily and respect my elders.
I guess not many people are used to young folks like that.
I try to be a nice guy to 'all' my customers, though most of them either don't care, or get annoyed by my smiling and cheerfulness.

I can't help it. I... like my job. For the most part.
I like working with people, being asses to elbows with the public.

...as long as theres no screaming brats behind me.
Nearly a decade of retail later, I still can't get used to that shit.

>> No.4377093 [View]
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This. Lots and lots of water.
Also, lots of bed rest. Don't exert yourself.
Let your body rest and fight and do its thing.

Drinking lots of fluids not only helps you purge whatever shit is in your system faster, but it also gives you something to vomit when you do throw it up.
Which you will.
Don't fight it. Just puke your fucking guts up. Its your bodies way of getting that shit outta you as quickly as you can.

I had a bad encounter with some really angry, bad mayonnaise last year. Fucked me up something awful.
You'll feel better in 48 hours.

Good luck.

>> No.4195542 [View]
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I'm cool with it.
I for one am looking forward to the day I can eat a giant piece of genetically modified steak and get my entire daily percentage of vitamins A-Z plus anything else they can shove in there.

I figure we've already been 'selectively breeding' cattle every other animal we can grab since our species figured out how to walk.
Its basically the same thing.
..except now, instead of having to wait for the cattle to fuck and breed for generations to modify things (and 'hope' it turns out right), we can reach in directly and change exactly what we want on the genetic level.

Its called progress, my friends.
Don't fear the future.

>> No.4170641 [View]
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How do vegans and anyone else 'ruin' your shit?
Noones forcing you to buy organic or tofu or any of that other disgusting shit.
Noones ever held a gun to my head and threatened me unless I bought cage free eggs.

I've never gotten any shit over the mass quantities of meat I consume. Nor do I ever scoff or give anyone dirty looks if they prefer veggie burgers.

Fighting over food is retarded. Its okay to like different things.
Don't let the vocal minorities in these groups bug you.
They've been doing it for decades before any of us were even born, and they're not stopping any time soon.

>> No.4055941 [View]
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Someone uploaded a video clip that contained bits of me talking to a microphone, and I suddenly realized I sound fat. Fatty McFatFat level fat. It was a disturbing and depressing realization.

But then I realized I AM fat, after which I let out a goodly santa-claus-esque guffaw.

>> No.4036491 [View]
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So I ran out of salt for the first time in my life the other day.
I quickly noticed this odd quality salt has.
You don't notice its missing, or even if you have it at all, until you run out.
Its just one of those 'default' things. Everyone has salt.

...but for a few days, it was annoying as fuck.
Eating corn
>Mnn, just a little butter, now some sa.. DAMMIT
Making some chicken
>Garlic, pepper, *sip the broth* aww yea, now just a little sal... FUCK

Everything was just... bland.
Never again, /ck/
I will never doubt the importance of salt

>> No.3922249 [DELETED]  [View]
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So I just made up some pancake batter, and ate it.

I just sat here with the bowl and spooned that shit down because i'm too lazy to cook right now.
It wasn't that bad.
...I didn't know that if you didn't cook it, it actually starts to fizz and bubble a little on its own.
It was fizzing in my mouth as I was eating.

I can't be the only one who gets hungry for wierd shit like this

>> No.3848365 [DELETED]  [View]
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ITT: Food experiments that turned out pretty well

So I was making some ramen, and I looked at the sad little pot of boiling noodles and thought "How can I spruce this up a bit?"

I grabbed a large onion from the fridge, chopped it up and threw that shit in.
Suddenly the kitchen was bathed in the sweet aroma of chicken and cooked onions.
It was glorious.
Tastes pretty good too.

>> No.3764219 [View]
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Don't you believe in science?

>> No.3755347 [View]
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... funny how every damn veggie side dish I've been taught always come with the clause "and then add butter". Broccoli, long green beans, brussel sprouts, carrots, swedish turnips... no wonder we're getting fat.

>> No.3714907 [DELETED]  [View]
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>making coffee
>put coffee in the filter
>fill the back part with water
>close the lid
>come in here and play some vidya

>30 minutes later
>Oh yea, think i'm gonna get some of that coffee now

>forgot to turn the pot on


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